Back in high school, I was a raging sea of confused emotions. And to channel those feelings, I listened to music and wrote angsty, often angry poems. Even back then I knew I was meant to be some kind of writer. So instead of locking up my poetry in a diary and hiding it under my bed, I sent my poems into the Trinidad Guardian’s teen section, which was called The Zone. My poems were published under a pseudonym, but it was still SO thrilling to see my words in print and to see letters the next week that were directed to me. It was a first, heady taste of seeing the power my writing could have.
So when I was contacted, interviewed and then featured in yesterday’s Sunday Guardian in a lovely, beautifully written article by Laura Dowrich Phillips, I was so delighted and thrilled for this full circle moment.
The piece is titled Spreading the Gospel of Afrobella, and it was a delightful Easter Sunday surprise for my family back home. There were a few lines that even took me by surprise: it ends with the sentence “Appearing on Oprah is also in the cards,” and I can only say from Laura’s lips to Oprah’s ears! This bella is still dreaming of making that a reality. But I remain hard at work and ever optimistic.
Much thanks to Laura and the Trinidad Guardian for showing me love, and hello to anyone back home who I’ve lost touch with. I’m doing my own thing, and doing well! *waves*
And thanks to my friend Hinkybinks on Twitter for twitpicing the article so I could see it before it was online!
I have made no secret of the fact that I miss radio — most specifically News and Notes on NPR. Since I am now carless and a city commuter here in Chicago, I find myself listening to more internet radio. There are some brilliant programs on BlogTalkRadio, and I’m always psyched to be featured on one of them. Recently I was featured on Greenlight Project, a program that offers “diverse perspectives discussing culture on the big screen, small screen, news screen and everything in between.” The hosts Tamika and Rochelle were entertaining and informative. Thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity! Click here to listen to our program on Arts & Culture in New and Social Media, or click the embedded widget below.
I’ll be reappearing on Greenlight Project on April 30, so keep an ear out for me!

Congrats, girl! And you WILL be on Oprah one day. Just make sure I get a ticket.
Congratulations!! I can’t imagine your family getting a better treat
Regarding missing the radio, have you checked out radio podcasts? NPR podcasts a bunch of their shows as well as a “most emailed” set, and some other radio stations do the same.
This is fabulous Afrobella! You have a book deal? I’m so happy for you!
Thanks for the mention! Forget missing or listening to others on radio. You are the radio people want to be listening to. We’re gonna make that happen!
This was a nice surprise to wake up to.
congrats! and I totally see you well on your way to chilling with Big O!
Purple – that was another thing I had to ask about after it was written…where did you get the idea I have a book deal? No, I have an agent and am working on a proposal. I already asked Laura about that one.
But hey, hopefully that dream will come true this year too!
What a fantastic article!
that is really good. well done and congrats and keep doing your thing!!!
Excellent! Congrats!!
I love the article, so inspiring. You are definitely on the rise and will no doubt accomplish the book deals, radio and Oprah for sure! Thanks for the nice shout out to The Greenlight Project, as Rochelle alluded to, you’re always welcome to come back again and again! Blessings to you!
Congratulations! I hope you do get on Oprah!!!
congratulations! I love your website.I’ve started my own blog and have even featured one of your posts. Keep up the good work!!!!! <3
Congrats Trini sister! I know the family back home was as proud as can be.
Awww..nice….its great to bounce up another Trini
we enjoyed reading the article and your Mom was particularly proud. She sent out to buy several copies of the newspaper.
Recognition from the country of your birth must be very gratifying.
Well done and congratulations.
Keep working and keep enjoying what you do – that is the key to your success – you enjoy it and make all of us feel better after reading you.