Bellas! Fellas!
Remember I went to Hawaii in January? My articles and videos are finally up on Black Atlas. This is an exciting first for me, and the fulfillment of a New Year’s Resolution. I’ve faced my fear! And these are my first real on-camera YouTube videos.
I’m not loving myself on camera 100% yet, but this is a work in progress. It’s only going to get better from here, and any constructive feedback you may have would be very much appreciated.
Click here to read all my Hawaii posts, and I sincerely hope you like them as much as I liked making them. If you could be so kind as to leave a comment on Black Atlas to let them know your thoughts, that would make me the happiest bella ever!!
The best is yet to come!

Dear Bella
I have been a devoted follwer of your blog for years now, you really were the first blog i got into and from you i have discovered so much relevant to me as a young black (natural haired!) woman on the web and I thank you for it
But can I offer you some polite critisism?? Sorry but I just feel like you are not doing the things I used to love, like in depth hair reviews and short biographies on inspirational black women, living and dead. I really enjoyed these things so much! Please bring them back!
Best regards
I’ve followed you religiously for a long time (your website inspired me to go natural!!!), and I am happy to be able to give you a tip to repay all the tips I’ve gotten from your blog.
I’m an actress, and when I watched your videos I noticed that you seem to have a slight frown on sometimes. You and I have similar features — I have the same issue on camera. Right at the beginning of the Pearl Harbor video you looked into the camera and did a sort of Tyra Banks “smize”. You have to keep that face on the whole time. Just kind of smile with your eyes and put on the slightest, slightest smile. This will prevent your mouth (which is slightly downturned like mine) from looking like you are frowning, and it will keep you from knitting your eyebrows together.
I know this is long but I hope it helps. Here’s a video of me doing an interview — that is not my normal face, that is me practicing the tip I just gave you.
You look great, though, hon! It’s only gonna get better! I am happy to see you doing so well for yourself.
I’d like to echo the sentiments of Kemi’s comment above. Thanks.
Can I just add that I absolutely LOVE the hair and the jewelry in the video!
I just just discovered your blog. A breath of fresh air. I will be back.
Kemi – I appreciate your criticism and you’re correct. I don’t blog as often on the same topics I used to. Honestly I get burned out on hair writing — I still write 3 posts a week at But I will try my best to do better here. And as for the biographies, I’ve got so many plans, so much in store. Hang in there with me and I’ll get back to basics soon!
Courtie – GREAT advice and thank you SO much… I was sad in the Pearl Harbor video and my facial expressions reflect that. I think there are more videos to be posted and hopefully I’m more smiley in those! Will keep this in mind for upcoming videos.
Ensino – my earrings are by Peace Images – look her up on Etsy. Thanks!
It’s been great to see, read and share in your Hawaii experiences. The Big Island is my second home and if we are ever there at the same time, I’d be happy to show you the sites. Be well!
Awww, my bella! I think you did great. Talking on camera is tough for me too. Just pretend as if you’re shooting the breeze with a few of your girlfriends. In a sense, you are. And if all else fails, say something funny. 🙂
For a beginner in the on camera situation, the parents, aunts and I think you have done quite well.
Yes you are frowning/squinting and perhaps the camera could be held a bit back from your face.
Your SnowCone aka Hawaiiian Saved Ice looks great and if Mom was eating it – it would also have condensed milk on top!
Your colourful top and the green dress look chic and cool.
Keep working on this aspect of Afrobella – you will only get better.
Noticed that not many Caribbean Cities are listed on BlackAtlas – as a Trini, you have to do Port of Spain, Trinidad and Scarborough, Tobago some time.
We are glad to see this progression. The video thing is a new chapter that may require some profesional advice and coaching.
The responses are constructive and encouraging and should be taken in a positive light.
The potential is definitely there and will only get better.
Keep going girl, the sky’s the limit.As usual, we continue to be very proud of you.
I also agree fully with Kemi. I’m a little confused by the direction the blog is headed although I’m still a loyal follower….
Petal, Dad, thanks so much for your unwavering love and support. It means so much!!
Brittany – thanks so much for always being so awesome – I’m working on being as comfortable as you are with the camera!
Valerie – the trip was such a whirlwind, but I did think of you. Next time I’m there we have to meet!!
4BTrini – I know you’ve been a longtime reader, and I can understand where both you and Kemi are coming from. In being a full time blogger and spreading myself around to other avenues of blogging, I run the risk of burning myself out — trying to do everything and be everything. Let me know what you’d like to see more of. It isn’t easy, but with feedback and advice from readers like you, Afrobella will only get better!
Hi Bella,
It’s been a while, but I don’t think I could have come back at a better time. Like someone else said, I love seeing the progression Lady!
As you said this was a big step for you, but as a viewer, I didn’t consider turning away once. I particularly enjoyed your Fiending for Poke and Surfing Safari articles and vids.
You have every single thing it takes to conquer this new arena! If you get nervous, remember that pic you shared with us where you looked like you were conquering the world (was it the Grand Canyon pic?). Now that right there was a moment.
Much Respect & Appreciation!
Hi bella!! Loved your hair and jewelry.
Question – When the weather gets hot do you still wear make-up? I sweat easily when the weather gets warmer but I want to continue wearing make-up. What should I do?
Girl, you look good on camera!! Loving the hair and its movement!
Nice Post.
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Stay Blessed
Zuri Natural
Hey bella!
Been reading your blog for a long time and still love it. I thought you looked great on video, your hair, skin, jewelry and the shades!!! I can agree with some of the opinions posted, but on the other hand sometimes if you don’t change u can get locked into doing the same thing all the time and it can get stale (Essence anyone?)
Oh and keep the music posts!!
Yes I second the hair comments, Bella-your hair looks fantastic blowing in the wind like that!!
Yours was also the first natural hair blog i started reading but there are so many great hair blogs now-your videos, celebrity features, and your personality etc. set you apart from many of the others. I admit there are sites where I enjoy their occasional snarkiness, but yours continues to be positive and resourceful. You know your Ashley Z. post from last week?-i have you to thank for parting with $70 for one of her sweaters, thanks Bella-lol.
Keep up the great work!
Sorry so late, but who has time to be online during Carnival Season?
I love your hair in the video. I think with time you will be more comforatble on camera and thus the video will extend with the easy conversation of your blog. I am sure that you wanted to capture the backgroud in all its greatness, but it picked up alot of wind noise. It was still a good video. I also think that sometimes people can be harder on themselves than they would be to someone else, try to view it and not think about it being you.
Blah Blah I had to watch the video a third time after reading a few of these comments telling you how and what to do in order to see what they were touching on-BLAH!
A third time because i was too busy looking at how gorgeous you looked in the vid! You look great in green, my favorite color (a warmer darker hue would be nice too)and your hair, beautiful. If you don’t mind me asking, what is your current routine? And what are you using?
-your fellow islander
I am LOVING your hair!!!!! My hair inspiration you are =)
You are so cute (actually beautiful is the term I really mean)! I found your blog completely by accident while searching for a photo of the Joan Rivers leopard coat (which I’ve yet to find on your site; I got so caught up reading everything). Your site came up in the search (for the coat) and I’ve been totally distracted from my initial goal (finding a photo of the coat) by reading page after page of your blog. I’ve never written to a blog before, but I just had to comment on your wonderful site. Keep it up! Great work.
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