Loved your responses on the Whitney Houston giveaway post!
I had to chime in with my own choice for favorite Whitney Houston song — although it isn’t one that appears on her debut album, Whitney Houston.
I gotta say, my favorite Whitney song is It’s Not Right, But It’s OK.
Why? Because I love the sass and strength she exudes in this song. She is letting fools know that she isn’t here to play! Love that song. A close runner up is My Love Is Your Love, just because of the reggae-influence that creeps in there. One of my faves.
Without further ado, the winners!
#4 – David Cillo
# 23 – Nia
#28 – Rory
Congratulations to you. I’ll be in touch with everyone over the weekend to get your address details.
You know me, I’m always planning a fresh giveaway! Keep your eyes open — another one’s coming up soon!

THANK YOU! WOW! The Universe is truly favoring me today: I woke up to the sun sending its rays through my window instead of the typical pouring NorthWest rain. My best friend and deepest human connection asked me marry him (I declined). I got flowers, and another gift comig tonight! I heard great news from a friend, and NOW THIS! I feel blessed! 🙂
I pray you and your readers are abundantly blessed also today!