I continue to be amazed and impressed by my friend Luvvie. She’s co-founder of The Red Pump Project. She’s holding down one of the funniest corners of the internet at Awesomely Luvvie. She speaks her soul at Luvv Divine. She was just specially invited to be on a humor panel at BlogHer 2010 (OMG, that’s HUGE!) And she JUST started an online book club today called iRead, iLive. Someone tell me how she manages to find the time!
Luvvie is hilarious, but she is also very dedicated to the cause of AIDS awareness. Together with her equally fantawesome cofounder Karyn The Fabulous Giver, they’re trying to take The Red Pump Project to a whole ‘nother level.
And you can help!
500 in 50 is an initiative where bloggers can show recognition for March 10, National Women and Girls HIV Awareness Day.
“Leading up to March 10th, we’re asking bloggers to “Rock the Red Pump” widget on their sidebars to represent the strength and courage of women fighting HIV/AIDS or affected by the disease both directly and indirectly. Then on NWGHAAD, we would like you to embed the Red Pump Widget within a post with a short snippet of its significance, including some statistics about HIV/AIDS and its effect on women and girls.
Besides, the Red Pump will add a touch of FIERCE to your already FABULOUS blogs! We want you to join The Red Pump Project and help spread awareness of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. To sign up to participate, please send an email to rocktheredpump@theredpumpproject.com. If you sign up, we will send you instructions, statistics and the HTML code for the widget.
Also, your blog will be linked on a post that will run on the following pages: The Red Pump homepage, Awesomely Luvvie and The Fabulous Giver on that day.”
So right now I’m telling you all about 500 in 50. This weekend I’m going to post a widget myself and be part of the movement! Want to join us and help to raise awareness? Click here to read more, and then send an email to rocktheredpump@theredpumpproject.com to get a widget of your own!

You’re THE BEST, Bella!
I also Rock the Red Pump and have been a part of this organization since it began last year. I am so glad to see Luvvie doing big things and her partner Karen is a doll!
Love it. Count me in!
Thanks so much! I will definitely do this!
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