Bellas, I’ve been flat in bed with a sore throat, sniffles, and a stuffy head all weekend so far…so I haven’t had a chance to make it to the theater. BUT this is a big weekend! Disney’s The Princess and The Frog has finally been released, and I know SO many people who have planned to go (or who have already gone!)

Tiana, gazing wistfully as Disney Princesses do
So I beg of you, please no spoilers! But I gotta know. Did you see the film? What did you think? Did it live up to your expectations? Would you recommend it to others? Thumbs up, thumbs down, or thumbs sideways? I plan to see this and review it as soon as I’m better!

its absolutely incredible
My little princess,Devene, liked it a lot. She’s 7 years old and is your typical girl’s girl. I enjoyed the movie as well. We visited New Orleans this past summer, so that added to the movie’s appeal. We could even recognize a few places. The Princess and the Frog is definately a movie that I will be purchasing.
Took my daughter & her bff and we LOVED it! 2 thumbs up! I would recommend it!
GO SEE IT! typical disney fairy tale: good movie, nice storyline, engaging characters, and a touch of new orleans… and it just so happens that the princess is Black and like all princesses, she gets to live happily ever after!
i took my eight-year old daughter today, there wasn’t an open seat in the theater, they said that every showing on saturday was sold out (i bought my tickets on-line 3 days ago). the audience gave it a standing ovation when it was over.
I must say, this movie is not just for little girls. It’s for everybody! I loved it! Took my 8 year old son and HE loved it! It’s not many movies that I know in advance I’m gonna buy. But I will definitely be buying this one!
Went to go see it today. Loved it. I was happy to see so many families in the theatre to see it too. At least I was until the 1 hour mark where the younger ones lost all interest and got noisy. That, I could have done without.
We saw it!!! Loved it. Definitely a thumbs up. I made a blog post about it too (no spoilers), posted some pictures and some videos of my daughter.
When she was talking to her grandma earlier her grandma asked how it was and she started jumping up and down saying “It was great!” lol I wish I would have gotten that on camera.
My daughter (along with many other kids) were dancing to the music. It was too cute.
Me and my 7 year old son went to see it. It was Wonderful! I agree that it’s not just for little girls. The colors in the film were great, the story line and animation were amazing. I’ll be getting it when it’s released on dvd.
Just saw it! It’s really funny!!!
Like clever funny! It should be made into a Broadway musical…I’d see that too!
I had to come back and tell you I hope you feel better!!! Being sick, especially around this time, sucks! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the movie.
@Daituf, ‘Ray’ is hilarious! 🙂
I’m planning to see it on Sunday, it was sold out till then.
Hey eveyone! =]
My name is Viviane, I’m 17. i went to see the movie today and I absolutely loved it! The movie engulfed [all of my] values for success and happiness. The characters were se beautifully drawn!
I would definitely recommend this movie to all to go see!
The movie was magical, like Disney films are supposed to be. I’m in my 20s and I was so enamored with the message of the movie; wishing and hoping can only do so much for your dreams, hard work is what makes them come true. You have to see it when you feel better it’s truly amazing.
I loved it, it was the best family movie I’d seen in a long while. A lot of family movies to me are boaderline to an adult film, but this one will be a classic!
I saw it. I loved it, I went with my sorority, girls wore tiaras and dresses and I felt like it was a general appeal princess for everyone. Thumbs up I would suggest this to anyone. The city backdrop is great, but I’m a biased nolagirl.
The movie was typical disney so it was good, however I do take issue with copying for all the other fairy tales, if this the first black princess there should have been an original story line instead of a combination of an old fairy tale and the little mermaid
I loved it. My 70+ year old mom loved it. I think its the best Disney movie ever and Tiana’s definitely my favorite princess. No giving up your voice and fins like The Little Mermaid!
I know this doesn’t belong with the topic but i thought since this is a natural hair site you might want to know about this story. Some teacher in Milwaukee decided to cut a girl’s hair because she was playing with it. Granted, its a story from media takeout but you should check it out anyway.
click here to read
The movie was great too bad, so many people were so negative towards it prior to even coming out.
My boyfriend took my daughter and I for my birthday, We loved it! 4 stars and two thumbs up, it was very sweet and funny, I loved the music and the songs too! It was back to grand ole traditon of disney classic movies
i was planning on seeing the movie with just me and my little brother; but my parents wanted to tag a long, AND IM HAPPY THEY DID!!! I loved every detail of the movie; from the thick accents of the characters~to the vivid colorful pictures ~ to the incredible storyline, it was amazing. My little brother loved the wacky cajun men :-D. I would recommend everyone to go see that movie. It was beautifully made.
I took my 3 yrs old niece and we loved it. I won’t give away anything but I thought that shadowman stole the show. The actor is Keith David, AMAZING!!! It was special experience for me to take my niece and just reading the responses from other people brings back such pleasant memories when I went to see the film. Bella you have to see it when you feel better.
Saw it on Saturday and loved it!!! I went with my 16 year old daughter, my cousin and her 6 year old. I was a wonderful movie and a must see for everyone!!!!
Frog Princess, took my breathe away
BEWARE PARENTS! The voodoo theme was absolutely too overpowering, So many children in the theatre was scared half-way through the movie and several parents were considering leaving. The demon spirits from the darkside, peeling down from the walled masks who quickly went on search for the two frogs created paralyzing fear in the children. The shadow man was an evil character, who needed more of the prince frog’s blood in a vial which was strung around the neck of the imposter prince, in order to give the imposter prince more time to enchant and pursue the marriage to young Charlotte, the hieress to a fortune. The evil shadow man was going to kill Charlotte’s father with a pin pierced through the heart of a tiny doll made in the image of the rich business owner. The river journey through the bayou was terrifying for the children, however Ray (light bug) did a tremendous job in lightening up the thick and heavy drama at this point in the movie. Another light and humorous episode was the bayou trappers trying to catch the frogs. The voodoo theme was too overpowering, and I would suggest that parents be prepared to answer a lot of questions that I am certain parents were NOT prepared to discuss at this tender age with their young children. I anticipated a very light hearted, entertaining, high-morally based movie through and through….which this is not. It broadly depicts selfishness, greediness, death to those who stand in our way to wealth, deception….values that we certainly do not want to model for our impressionable young children. Parents will need to work hard to underscore positive values, and will be put to task to erase the balant negative character traits presented.
I was so excited to take my neice & nephew to see this film. In fact, I also arranged to have a group of girls ages 5-12 (50 girls) attend from my church. After seeing this movie, I was appalled by the consistent impression of voodoo that this movie placed on the viewer. Practically every scene of this movie had an emphasis on this practice. The Villian (often referred to as shadow) tells characters their future, uses tarot cards, and even sanctions demons which come from under the floor (black floating images) to go out and assist with the destruction of the prince. This character is oftentimes seen talking to an image of a scary mask that to us symbolized the devil. For the prince to remain a frog, the other character kept a small voodoo mask that contained the prince’s blood around his neck. Without this, he would turn back into himself. With it, he appeared to be the prince. For us, it was ridiculous how strong this content was throughout this movie for children. My 4 year old niece told me that she was scared that the shadow man would take her blood. My 5 year old was scared by the dark images and the music that moved throughout the scene. As devout Christians, I honestly felt that these scenes were very demonic and was saddened by the film due to this. I am not overly sensitive and can take my share of witches, spells, and potions, but this film pushed it way too close to the edge for me and my family. If you teach your children that voodoo, witchcraft, etc. are demonic forces and linked to Satan, then this is NOT the movie for them.
Iffy for younger or more sensitive viewers
My husband and I took our 4 and 6 year old daughters to see this. The voodoo theme through out the movie was too intense for them at times but what disturbed me more was that one of the characters dies in the movie. I just didn’t think it was something necessary to the plot of the story and one of my girls was almost in tears over it. If your children are sensitive, this movie may not be for them.
too scary for our 6 year olds b-day party.. two kids left cause they were scared and the birthday girl was hiding in dad!
I hadn’t read these reviews before going to see this movie today. I had a friend who had taken her child (3.5 and 1.5) to see it and thought it was great. I took my 3.5 year old and didn’t think it was very good for her. It was pretty scary for her. A couple of characters die, and we’ve been fielding those questions several times this evening. The older kids were laughing and loved it. I thought it was cute, for me.
This was a great family movie for… most of the family. Honestly, this is going to have to depend on the family and the children. The story line is fun, creative, and well-thought out, despite a few rushed moments. The songs are a lot of fun, though sometimes take away from character and plot development. But it still remains upbeat with a wonderful message and plenty of humor. Concerns? It is is scary. The villain is the classic voodoo priest who summons demons, consorts with voodoo dolls, and casts a spell involving blood. I don’t think it’s especially graphic, nor does it dwell on these, but it is a clear part of the plot. There is also a character death. Now Disney is no stranger to killing off a good guy here and there, but I it still can be upsetting. The death is handled very well and actually ends up, to me, as positive and beautiful. But that does not change the fact that someone dies. Sex… it is Disney, there is no sex. But… a girl in an effort to get herself all dolled up adjusts her breasts in her bodice. Again, nothing graphic and I actually thought it hilarious and suited the character’s personality. Also, there is another humorous scene where the frogs, whilst catching flies, get a little tongue -tangled. It’s very funny and quite the predicament and I don’t think it means to be suggestive… but some might see it that way. Overall, this was a delight, with plenty of music and slapstick humor and romance. Great for the family. Just make sure you know what might bother you and your kids.
I loved it, but there was waaaayyyy too much Randy Newman.
It’s a movie I’ll see again and again. I’ve already seen it twice.
Wow. My 4 year old (just turned 4 in October) was not scared at all. I guess it depends on the child because she told me we were going back to see the movie. lol
Terrific flick! So nice, we saw it twice!
came back to read the comments… I guess some people did not read the request for NO SPOILERS lol hope it didn’t spoil too much for you bella.
It was precious. I took my 3 year old son to see it and he loved the film. During the more intense scenes, he would just ask me if the “monster people were bad” and thought “they should stop being bad so the frogs could kiss”. My mom and I will probably see it again.
i hadn’t seen the film yet but i plan to take my daughter and some relatives on christmas day to check it out.
I have to say that my 5 year old cousin was terrified. I am extremely dissapointed that the first African American Princess had to be in a movie with so much spiritistic and Satanic influences. There is nothing precious or cute about selling your soul to the devil, voodoo, black magic….. True, Disney has always provided a very clear disctinction between the good guy (princess) and the bad guys (villains), however, they took it too far in this movie. Why do I ask, was it necessary to have henchmen of Satan in a Disney movie. I would never buy this movie and have it in my home. As a Christian I take heed to the scriptures advising to stay clear of spiritism and demonic practices. I don’t watch movies with demonic/Satanic themes. Just because it’s an animation, does not make it cute.
I have to comment on the voodoo. I thought this movie was really too scary for the little kids which is too bad because it’s adorable in every other way. I am usually the liberal in the crowd, but there was something evil feeling about it. I was really glad that I hadn’t brought my 3-yr-old nephew with us.
I didn’t think the voodoo was that bad. Have you ever seen any other Disney movies???? The villains often do some sort of witchcraft/sorcery. Its not uncommon in a Disney cartoon, especially a princess story. Personally I think Maleficent ( Sleeping Beauty) is wayyyyyy scarier then Facilier ( the voodoo guy).
I have to say – I saw it and I was very confuse because this was only princess that does not involve a fairy, music is ok but I mean where all the good song and I got only a few song, but I am a fan of Disney. Songs and music was alway da Bomb I felt like it was not well thought out.
I am a professional ballet dancer- some of the dance was very stereotyples OF AFRICAN AMERICAN.
Of course every princess involve a prince- well let say I was not sure if he was black or white.
Sadly it does involve the voodoo religion. A lot of it. Be ready to explain that.
Now my baby brother LOVE IT! He was singing but he kept saying gross everytime some girl kiss a guy so many too much kissing! I did agree too much affection in that movie. Tongue tie? Maybe the kids will miss it but us grown up know what that is.
if you pay attention- there a few racist issue still alive- be ready to see s few shocking things that Disney put in. Yes it was real where black people had to sit on the bus but do Disney need to add that?
I am deaf and hard of hearing and I tend to use my eyes a lot. Also I read caption – it will write everything they said.
There will be a few thing you will have to explain to your child in the movie.
So i did not love it but i like it. I understand the color picture and all but i felt there could be so much more than just basic line. I felt it could be so much more colorful. The should had asked Quincy Jones for help.
Oh well Hollywood did it thing. Not bad i rate it C-.
I agree there was some evil feeling about voodoo- there was even blood for that voodoo. Not even sleepy beauty show blood- dont care of it is 2009 it is Disney. rated G come on no blood please. I felt odd about the voodoo never before i had that feeling and I love scary movie but I think it was the color that made the voodoo seem more powerful-
I dont want to ruin your movie to tell you what ahppen but ouch – your kids might get scare!
I liked the heroine, Tiana, very much. However, my 5 year old son was terrified of the voodoo man and we left after an hour.
I just wanted to point out that the movie does NOT depict voodoo as a bad and evil thing — after all, Mama Odie uses voodoo for GOOD.
Is 21 and saw the movie with younger friends, was a little embarrassed but just adored growing up with the 2D styled of Disney animation. Being a young christian,loved the idea of a Voodoo artist being a villain and teaching the idea that being a Voodoo artist and following worshiping Satan is quite wrong, if you believe in it. It does have some scary moments in the movie, but what 2D movie didn’t ? In Pinocchio the main Villain throws a axe which flies past Pinocchio’s head and just barley ends up in the wood. In Hunchback of Notre Dame, the main character is tied up in ropes and is tortured. But think it’s because we were used to seeing something violent, these days 3D children movies are usually quite *cute* and careful and don’t show any violent or anything graphical at all. Where 2D Disney movies weren’t scared to add in a Drunk Elephant, or a mention towards Chip and Dale Strippers. Really, it’s a generation clash. [ Spoiler] About the Death, what about Mufasa from the Lion King ? Really that was much shocking considering you hear Simba’s loud horrifying scream as his Father falls to the ground, rather than the bug squashing. [spoiler end]Recommend training your children up and getting them used to the more violent themes of the older 2D movies, before seeing Princess and the Frog. Hire out the older 2D movies on DVD, so they can get used to what they wouldn’t see on Ice Age or Horton hears a Who. Just remembered Hercules slashing up the Hyrda’s heads, and Fantasia with the Axe chopping.. The older 2D Disney Movies WERE quite Violent, there is no denial in that.
i am going to throw away the dvd, i just feel like there is an evil attachment to it and feel very eerie about it. the real deception is that it’s packaged in such a cute show, very disarming yet so desperately wicked…parents, especially you with spiritual discernment, be warned it is not so innocent…
Not fun. Not lighthearted. Not Toy Story. Not Cars. Not Nemo. Not Incredibles. Not worth the price of admission even on a matinee! Not childlike!
why did Disney’s first African American “Princess” dream about cooking and cleaning up after for everybody, be a frog for 99% of the movie and not be shown as beautiful as all the other Disney Princesses? Even Cinderella was beautifully drawn when cleaning up, Why did Tiana have to be a frog , a hardworking frog, through out the whole movie, no sterotypes being broken here, not that it’s a big surprise