Sometimes I use them dry. Sometimes I use them wet. Depends on what look I’m going for. Doesn’t matter the method — either way Q-Tips are must-have beauty essentials.
I do have a battalion of makeup brushes, but still I reach for the familiar brand name cotton swab, when it’s time for a quick eye-makeup application (or clean-up, if I’ve managed to make a mess… which happens often).
And I’m not alone! The amazing Mally Roncal recommends using Q-tips to vamp up your office-appropriate look for an after-work cocktail party (she advises dipping a Q-tip into smimmer powder, then highlight cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, the center of your eyelids, and your brow bones. Blend, blow a kiss at your reflection and you’re out the door!) Makeup artist to the stars Troy Jensen (yeppers, Kim Kardashian’s makeup artist!) offers a helpful tip — roll with Q-Tips for those long days out when you’re just bound to wind up with raccoon eyes. Smart!
How does a brand as ubiquitous as Q-Tips update their image? By releasing the adorable and tres-chic Vanity Packs. Initially available in four trendy designs, the Vanity Packs are about to make a holidazzle debut with chic boxes to go with your Yuletide decor. AND to up the ante, the good peeps at Q-Tips are offering Afrobella readers a special giveaway!
One lucky Afrobella reader will win all four Q-tipsยฎ Vanity Packs and a chic jewelry box from West Elm (retailed at $100).
SO pretty, right??
All you have to do is tell me: how do you use Q-Tips in your beauty regimen?
I’m gonna close these comments by Thursday and choose a random winner on Friday, so let me know ASAP!
Good luck, bellas!!

I use them fairly traditionally; to clean my ears of course,and to clean up makeup applications. On the rare occasions I am being good, I will also use them to clean my car.
I use them to create all of my smoky eye looks….comes in handy for smudging the lower lid!
I use Q-tips to apply my eye makeup, clean up any nail polish run over or to try a friend’s fab new lipstick color.
definitely good for cleaning up mistakes after getting the perfect blend of eyeshadow colors. i spray one end with MAC Fix+ (or water if i’m not at home), do a quick swipe to create an even line, then use the dry end to smooth it all out.
I use Q-tips for acne spot treatments, makeup corrections, and other basic beauty care. I find that they are also good for “scratching” my itchy scalp w/o scratching and also for applying the right amount of oil onto my dry scalp around my face.
I use Q-Tips to help to keep my my nail polish neat. Also, I use Q-tips to sooth my itchy scalp. I use it to apply the grease directly on my scalp in the most irritated places.
I use Q tips a couple of ways. I dip them in makeup remover to clean my waterline. I smoke out liner with them. I also like to use them to swatch my eyeshadows and pigments on my hands so that I can come up with color combinations.
I use Q-tips to soften my eyeliner.
I use Q-tips when I’m polishing my toes! I dip them in a little bit of polish remover and clean up the edges around my nail to get rid of any polish that got on my skin or cuticles.
I use Q-tips traditionally – like cleaning out my ears. I also use them to clean up my home mani & pedis.
I use q-tips during my at-home pedicures, when putting on make-up (to wipe stray eyeshadow from under my eyes and to smudge my eyeliner), and believe it or not, q-tips work well in cleaning hair out of the shower drain
I use them instead of an eyeshadow brush. I also use them to spot treat discoloration with ambi
I love to use q-tips when cleaning up the eye area after applying a smokey eye. It also helps to get the last bit of gunk off my eyes after applying eye MU remover.
I use q-tips daily on my eyes, both to remove eyeliner and to apply night cream. Q-tips give me a gentle touch and I don’t worry about bacteria.
I also use q-tips to touch up my at home mani-pedi! They’re the best to remove polish outside the lines.
I use Q-tips to clean my ears & to remove nail polish overflow during manicures. Also, as prep to my manicures I use them to apply & massage Vaseline or olive oil into my cuticles.
I use Q-tips and a light lotion to remove excess (creme) eyeliner if I was too heavy handed.
my non-traditional use of a q-tip is using them to groom my eyebrows. i dip them in a little vaseline first, of course.
I usually use Q-tips to remove my eye makeup with my good ole Vaseline. Very basic yet very effective and it doesn’t irritate my eyes at all.
This will sound weird, but since I have short natural hair that to me doesn’t have much of a curl pattern, after 2 strand twist my wet hair in pretty small sections, I wrap each one around a qtip, securing it with a bobby pin, sit under the dryer and sleep, then the next morning, i take them out and love the wave pattern that I get!
I use them to apply my eyeshadow when I’m in a bind, and to soften my eyeliner under my eyes. Oh and to clean my ears of course
I use them to clean my ears ๐
I dip my Q-tips in a lil bit of makeup remover to create a sharp tail on my eyebrows and to clean up my winged eye-liner.
I have a few uses for q-tips. To clean up nail polish mistakes, to remove liquid eyeliner from my my lash line because it’s always so hard to remove. I also use them to remove the mascara that gets on my uppper lids when I’m putting it on, and also for eyeshadow fallout and cleanup.
I live on Q-tips, run through them like water! But my most unusual use is to use them to shape my brows. Since they’re sparse and not well defined, I shape them myself with powder and a brow pencil. Then use a damp, twisted Q-tip like an eraser to correct the shape before setting the brow with clear mascara.
I’m a mom, so Q-Tips have been a mainstay in our bathroom cabinets, used from the “rooter” to the “tooter” on those little angels for a variety of reasons.
As for me, I prefer to apply eye shadow with them. They’re perfect for precisely applying a dark color in the crease of my eyelid and blending lighter colors near the brow for a “come-hither” smoky look…perfect for those nights when the babysitter in in charge while the hubby and I go out.
I never consider them for makeup application I use them mostly for clean up under the eyes or smoothing on concealer. I know its bad but I use them in my ears. I can’t help it for some reason.
i, like Lovelee, have sparse browse. i shape and fill them with short, light strokes of 2 different color pencils. i finish by using a dry q-tip to clean up the shape.
i also use them to remove accidental mascara spots from my eyelids.
brows* ๐
I use Q-Tips to clean up mascara that was smeared to the eyelids, or clean up pigment fall out under the eyes
I am a messy marvin – so using Q-tips for my makeup regime is a must and I know your not suppose to but they keep my ears clean too ๐
I use Q-Tips to soften my brows after using my brow pencil and powder. After applying the color to fill in perfect my brow shape, I brush the color into place. Afterwards, I use a Q-Tip along the shape of the brow in a short stroke motion to soften and make the look all the more natural and pretty. Works every time! ๐
Ahh Q-Tips and not the no-name Q-Tips. I might be on a budget but Q-Tips are so worth the price. I use them to clean up stray makeup and mascara. Also, it’s a hygenic way to pop pimples. You don’t have to worry about bacteria. They are also perfect for apply Neosporin to cuts. I’ve even used them to clean electronics and keyboards!
I use them for my ears and I use them as an applicator to apply lipstick and I use them on my children to apply alcohol or whatever is needed.
I use them to clean up eyeshadow mistakes and for smudging. Also to clean up any nail polish drips from my nails when I do my mani/pedi. Thanks for the giveaway, Bella!
I love Q-Tips! I dip them in a little concealer to highlight the area up under my eyes for an instant lift!
i pretty much use it for the beauty side as most of the women here but i also use it to clean my son’s nose, lol (yes he hates it)
I use Q-Tips with a little Mario Badescu pink drying lotion. That stuff works amazing on pimples. Overnight results!
I use Q-tips, like most of you ladies, pretty old-school. I clean my ears with them, or I use them to touch up around a mani or pedi. So versatile!
My ears, my nose, my belly button, makeup smudges, temporary applicator…I use Q-Tips for everything!!
I use the fab q-tips to “erase” any eye makeup mistakes or smudges. Q-tips freshen up old makeup that has melted and faded away!
I use q-tips when I’m trying to achieve the smokey eye look.
I refuse to go outside without mascara and I also refuse to go outside with mascara smudges on my eyes. I use q-tips EVERY MORNING to clean up the mascara that gets on my eyelids when I apply it.
I like q-tips better than the cheap cotton swab version, which is what I usually end up buying since I’m a college student. But I use them when I make a mess of my eyeliner or shadow, which happens often.
I use Q-tips for eye makeup corrections, especially when the dark pigments land in places not intended.
I also use Q-tips to clean up after I’ve applied conditioner to my hair. I’ll sweep the outer part of my ear and behind my ear to make sure there is no lingering product in hard to reach places.
With a q-tip you can do the perfect SMUDGE! Draw the liner on heavy (not the thick line yet, just heavy), and then smudge perfectly with a q-tip. Smoldering perfection.
I use Q-tips in a variety of ways: cleaning up polish, smudging out liner, cleaning up makeup mistakes, defining/ cleaning up my lip line and holding my eyelid up as I apply mascara.
I use them to clean up the mess I always make with mascara – no idea how I get so much on my eyelids ๐
I use it to create a dewy glow on my face by mixing my blush and gold eyeshadow. I also use it to mix vaseline and lipstick to create a softer color.
Hi Bella! Great post!
I use at least 4 Q-tips daily when putting my “face” on! I’ve been using liquid eyeliner for years now and still manage to apply it too thick and end up with raccoon eyes! I just dampen the Q-tip in water, press the edge firm so it has a slanted edge like a paint brush and then I clean up my look! It’s the perfect tool!
I also use it to help loosen mascara that looks clumped after applied. It helps me separate my lashes without getting my fingers dirty!
Lastly, I’ve had locks for over 3 years now and Q-tips help me oil my scalp after a good wash!
I use Q-Tip for several reasons one of which to clean my ears, apply eye shadow, clean-up my lipstick, clean my nose (yup my nose).
I use the q-tips for many of things! My favorite of course is to smudge out the smoke-y eye look. I also use it to apply glitters, creams, and sometimes the regular cleaning of the ears! Using it to clean up lipstick smears is great as well.
I use q-tips to clean my ears. Cant stand dirty ears
I use q-tips to clean my ears, fix eyeliner smudges AND clean my bellybutton! It’s often a forgotten place, but q-tips are perfect for making sure that little crevice is spic and span! ๐
I use them for everything!! Mostly for clean up of nails, eyeshadow and lipstick. Another way I use them is when I get eyeshadow or eyeliner in my eye I use that to get it out. I feel it is probably cleaner than using my finger. ๐