What a way to wake up!
This morning President Barack Obama was awakened with wonderful news. He’s been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The committee explained the decision thusly:
“The first African-American to hold his country’s highest office, Obama has called for disarmament and worked to restart the stalled Middle East peace process since taking office in January.
“‘Very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future.’
It’s so early in his term, but I wholeheartedly applaud the decision. This was awarded on the basis of the hope Obama has been able to inspire, and in that regard, it’s completely deserved. Obama is doing his best to change the world’s image of America, to restore international diplomacy to what it used to be, and to ignite hope and ambition in Americans again.
But of course, there are those who are speaking out, and are angry about this decision. Which is only to be expected — just about everything the President does ignites a polarized response from the right. The response thus far today brings a certain Jill Scott song to my mind.
I agree that this award has been given at an early stage in our President’s career, but it speaks volumes of the world’s estimation of him. Of the expectations that have been placed on his shoulders. Now that Obama has been awarded such a prestigious prize, his every move forward in the two wars this country is involved in will be weighted with hope that he will live up to this honor. Obama’s prize proves that even the members of the Nobel committee in Norway have that audacity of hope. And it proves that the world is watching, and hoping, and needing him to fulfill the promises he’s made so far.
This is a tremendous honor for President Obama, and by extension, for America. Congratulations are in order. But the celebration must also be tempered with awareness of the rocky road and the hard work that lies ahead.
I’ll be monitoring these comments closely for trolls, so if you come on here spewing hatred and profanity you will be deleted with uncommon speed. I want to hear intelligent, well stated views. What do you think about President Obama’s latest accomplishment?

A few people who Twitter me now and then have expressed angst over him winning. I don’t understand personally. None of us would ever take the job of president whether we knew what to do with the country or not.
I think its a GREAT honor for My President!! Regardless of what you think of him, he has inspired people to ACT, which is something the last president failed to do. Other countries that would have nothing to do with us before are now on speaking terms with us again du to the intelligence, integrity and candor of My President. I feel that he is handling the mess he inheirited (sp?) as best he can. And the haters will always be there, that just means he’s doing something RIGHT.
I think it was great. At first I thought it was a bit premature, but when I think back to the global celebration that went down when he was elected I get it. People were crying and cheering all over the world. When’s the last time that happened? The fact that anyone can pull so many people together is amazing. I think we’ve been in a dark place for a long time, and when someone comes along bringing people together to change things it deserves global recognition. That’s what the Nobel Prize is for.
I’m glad he won this it puts the focus on what’s really important world wide and at home which is peace and dipolomacy. I hope it also shines yet another spotlight on him and forces him to make some tough decision that I personally think he must not delay any further. The first being Healthcare for all, seriously what can be more honorable more noble than making sure your people are healthy and that our mortality and morbity rates no longer are those of a “3rd world country”, secondly remove the U.S. as occupiers in the Middle East.
This is a great honor – the rest of the world has noticed and appreciates exactly what the President has been attempting to do by speaking to countries that in the past have been seen as enemies and the potential that he has to achieve some great things for this country. Unfortunately, there will be a segement of this country that will be negative – and I expect this negative talk to continue – because there are those that do not want this Black man to go down in history with a legacy that will overshadow the other 43 presidents that preceeded him.
Bella you stated exactly what I was thinking! Like Madea said, let your haters be your motivators!! It may be early, but the voices of support need to be expressed and represented. Anyway, the President has been working for peace long before his Presidency.
This makes me HAPPY! Congrats Mr. President
I feel proud that he was awarded such a important honor. And I think it came at a really great time. Unfortunately President Obama is not getting the level of support he should from America. Everyone wanted American to rally around Bush when he was in office even if we did not agree with his policies because he was “our” president. Well I think its fair to expect the same for President Obama. But like I said earlier unfortunately that is not what he is getting from America. Yet he is still able to inspire confidence from ppl in different nations. Enough to be awarded the Nobel Peach Prize. I say kudos President Obama. Keep up the hard painstaking good work!
*Peace (lol;)
WOW! All I want to do is hollar! I am excited and shocked for him. I know someone, somewhere is going to have a negative opinion. I wish I could see the haters expressions. I know that they are mad. What did he do to get this honor? I can answer that one he brought a country that is filled with racism together! That’s what he did!
When my husband & I heard the news, we screamed in shock simultaneously. The feeling was reminiscent of the way I felt on election night and at inauguration. I have seen/read the negative comments,but I think President Obama’s comments are reflective of what we know. Peace is a collective and community effort, and we need to do what we can to promote it and to support the President in his efforts.
“This is the calm before the storm.” I said this to my mother when we were talking this evening about my President’s honor. She agreed with me too. It’s amazing how the whole world over is enamoured by Barack, and in this country there is so much hatred and negativity about what he’s trying to fix (mind you, the problems were there BEFORE he took office). If the world can appreciate the potential of this great man, why can’t his own country?!?!?!?!?! (And yes, I know why… I’m not that naive). That being said, it will be interesting to see how this honor plays into the remaining years he has in office. All in all, I am so proud of him. We need to continue praying for him… the haters will not make his term any easier!!!
Blessings, Barack!!!!
The prize is indeed an honor, but I dont think the Nobel Committee did him any favors. His detractors will scrutinize his every move even more than they do already, waiting for any misstep. I just wish he had gotten it the old fashioned way – earn it UP FRONT, not on what he has the potential to do, or to give his efforts momentum, which is what the committee based their decision on. That just plays into the hands of those critics who think the rules are bent for us anyway. I guess I’ve got the classic mixed emotions.
I am a fan of The President, but I really do not see how he is deserving of such an honor. While I do believe that he can do great things for the US as well as the world, I want them to give him a chance to actually get these things done. If you really look at the world, people are suffering GREATLY and he really has not done much to stop that. People around the world may be in awe of our black president, but they are only the ones we see, the ones that are shown on CNN and MSNBC. What about the people in Darfur, they have no peace, Iraq, Afghanistan,Guinea,Somalia, Haiti, Niger Delta, world issues such as hunger and AIDS? This world is in conflict and honestly Obama simply being elected did not stop any of it. These people need more then hope, they need actions.
So, I wait with blissful anticipation for Mr. President to make his stamp on the world and bring about real change and peace where he can. At this point, hope is NOT going to save the world
Those people who are complaining that it is too early for him to be receiving this award are missing the point. The Nobel committee states that it awarded it not because of accomplishments, but for Pres. Obama’s inspiration of Hope for the entire World. He symbolizes Hope and the promise of a better future. Historically, people have been inspired to do great things when they have a symbol through which to focus their dreams and energies. The Nobel committee has the intelligence and vision to realize this and awarded their prize justly. Will Obama be successful in the health care initiative? Will he tame the demons of Wall Street and curb the corporate greed that almost crippled our nations economy? Likely not. These issues make it a struggle for many day to day, but they are not world-ending. What the Nobel committee and much of Europe sees (while we are at home hating on Barack, Europe still thinks he pretty much rocks) is that if we do not start thinking globally and get a handle on Peace initiatives, the suicide bombers of today will be the nuclear bombers of tomorrow, affecting not just a marketplace in Iraq, but our homeland as well. If this Nobel Peace Prize gives Pres. Obama even a slight advantage in peace negotiations, then I say well done Nobel Committee!
I was happy to hear that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. I looked at it as an uplifting and encouraging event. Certain people will hate whatever he does because he does him. Parents were in an uproar of him giving a speech to the kids to stay in school. A while back it was a complaint that the President doesn’t care about the kids, but when one does it’s a problem. If he didn’t win it, who would? I can’t think of one person that would be in the running or even come close to winning that prize. In my opinion I think it is more of an honor to him than a pressure prize. He will continue doing what he needs to do and use this as his encouragement to move forward. Thanks.
I agree with the few (brave) posters who feel this award came too early. I honestly don’t see what Obama has done to deserve this award. He was nominated two weeks into his presidency?! To me the award should be based on proven action, not potential or wishful hoping. I’m not giving him special points just for being Black.
I sincerely hope Obama lives up to this honor and all the expectations surrounding him as president. But my fear is that people are pinning WAY too much hope on this man and are risking severe disappointment. Many people are still blinded by the whole “Black man in office” thing and aren’t looking at him with an unbiased, critical eye.
I am proud of our President for having received one of the most honorable recognitions in the world. Do I believe that this recognition may have come a bit early? Yes and no. According to Nobel’s will for the award, it should go to an individual who, “during the preceding year […] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”
You could argue that President Obama’s diverse, incredibly mobilized coalition of Americans during his campaign constitutes “most or best work for fraternity between nations,” nations being used loosely to describe nationalities and races.
Plenty of other people could have won the Peace Prize (i.e. his fellow nominees). President Obama wasn’t the only person deservedly nominated. IMHO, it’s myopic of Americans to suggest that we because we don’t know of anyone else who could have won it, there IS no nobody else. Two weeks into his term, there was not much the President could have done to reduce standing armies or to physically effect a change in an armed conflict. And no one would expect him to–it was too soon. It is indeed thrilling to witness the change that this man’s very presence has had on the world, but you cannot quantify hope; you cannot measure hope on paper or verify its effect the way you can tally the reduction in a nation’s weapons.
But perhaps that’s why the committee chose him: hope is something so rare that it need not be weighed or tested, but applauded and praised. It’s just miracle enough that one man has inspired so many.
Also, simple/logical disagreement does not–and has never–constituted “hate” 🙂 Thanks!
The Nobel Prizes are truly international and devoid of cultural, racial, religious and political division. In being awarded the Peace Prize, Obama is not being judged on his skin colour or for being American but for what the Prize Committee strongly believes as his present and future contribution to world peace, diplomacy and order. if as the song aska that we give peace a chance – why not give Obama his?
Peace Prize? – isn’t he in like 2+ Wars right now
I think its great. I’m sick of the haters complaining about Obama this and that. It took Bush 8 years to put this country in the toilet, you cannot expect Obama to fix everything in six months.