Sugar? Or salt?
When it comes to body scrubs, there’s no debate. I generally prefer the former. If you have sensitive skin — or heaven forbid have a cut — a salt scrub can bring you to tears. Sugar makes you smell good, makes you practically edible to your significant other, and doesn’t sting at all.
I’m team sugar all the way.
I’ve had some incredible sugar scrub treatments at high end spas (Ritz Carlton Key Biscayne offers a heavenly treatment called Coco-luscious. OMG). I’ve also done some wonderful exfoliating skin treatments right in the peace and serenity of my own bathroom. And guess what – you can too! Here’s my scrubby shower ritual.
1 — Do my basic shower first. Meaning, soap and water to cleanse my essentials.
2 — If I’m doing a conditioner wash, I slather on some condish on my hair from root to tip and let it marinate.
3 — most important — turn off the water. Not only does this save water, but it helps to save your scrub! Your skin is wet enough to enjoy the decadence you’re about to unleash. Scrub a dub dub, and while you’re at it, this is a great time to wet your wide toothed comb and do a little detangling of your hair’s ends.
4 — wash it all off and finish detangling your hair, rinse well
5 — moisturize and finito!
This may all seem very elementary, but just that little tip to turn off the water while doing my sugar scrub was something that didn’t occur to me before, and I washed so many wasted granules down the drain. Be smarter than I was! Sugar scrubs can be way too pricey for that kind of excess.
Having said that, here are some of my latest faves and not-so faves.
If you read my recent feature in Essence Magazine, you saw my shout out to ME Bath Shower Sherbert. The latest installment of Beautyfix included a full size tub of goodness, but if you need your ME! Bath experience ASAP, a tub of sherbert costs $28. Let me tell you, this glycerine based sugar scrub is positively decadent. It smells so yummy you want to slurp it down instead of scrub it on. But if you do the right thing and use it on your skin, you’ll be so smooth and delicious smelling your significant other might want to eat you up instead! Wth flavors like Gotta Have It Pomegranate, and Choco-Holic, it’s an understandable mistake. The glycerine is a special added touch that really makes the texture of the scrub unusually thick. It leaves your skin feeling silky soft and moisturized. This isn’t your everyday sugar scrub, so I’d say yes – $28 is worth it. Any of the ME! Bath products would make a fabulous and unusual gift item. Click here to get yours.
Another really sexy sugar exfoliant is the Sugar Mama Honey Scrub by good-for-you skin care company Noodle & Boo. Ultra fine-milled sugar, blended with honey into a paste so thick you can practically spread it on your body. $26 and it makes your skin insanely touchable and delish. I can’t get enough Noodle and Boo! Their products are largely made for babies, so you know they’re super gentle and good for those with sensitive skin. Click here to get your Sugar Mama on.
On the other hand, there’s Lush. I sincerely love this brand, and I support their environmental friendliness. But I was disappointed by their sugar scrub. The description even warns you, “Get yourself wet in the shower or bath but don’t let the bar get under the running water or it’s lost before it’s has a chance to prove itself.” That’s certainly true. I wish the warning had continued to add, “make sure you put this in a plastic bag or container after you use it, otherwise it’ll drool green ectoplasm looking-stuff all over your shower. This was one instance where Lush’s eco-friendly packaging practices worked against me. Normally I don’t mind the fact that their products come wrapped in recycled paper… but this sugar scrub could have used a container to package it in.
One of my first sugar scrub loves was by Bath & Body Works. I loved the smell and the scrub, but the slippery oil slick left behind in the shower left something to be desired. Bath and Body Works aromatherapy line continues to deliver on scent. The jasmine vanilla is as sensual as you might imagine – a heavenly floral that lingers on the skin long after you’ve sloughed it off. The only issue is, the slick remains. This is a scrub that comes submerged under a layer of oils that feel like heaven on your skin, but can make your bathtub a danger zone if you’re a klutz like me. Proceed with caution, but know that you can expect extremely delightful, beautifully scented results. One real advantage with the Bath and Body Works products for those seeking to get more bang for their buck — it’s $16 a tub but because of all of the highly scented sunflower, safflower, sweet almond and jojoba oils in there, you can add your own coarse brown sugar after you’ve scooped out the $16 worth of sugar, and keep the goodness going for a little longer. Word to the wise for my bellas on a budget! Click here to treat yourself, my dears.
Have you tried any delicious sugar scrubs recently? Let me know your favorites!

without a doubt my favorite body scrub is the lemon sugar body scrub from c o bigelow..
i love the smell and the texture is not harsh and it leaves you feel extra soft!
This is so accurate, especially about lush. The liquid scrubs are so much better than the pumice types which seem to damage the skin. Great review.
I much prefer lush’s salt scrub. Bonus, it comes in a container lol.
Ooohhh sounds wonderful! I want to try the ME sugar scrub. How often should you use a sugar scrub? Once a week? Every other week? Once a month?
OK, this is off the subject of scrubs, but since you mentioned LUSH… I love LUSH but… have you tried their shampoos? The ones I have are really drying, I’m wondering if you’ve had better luck?
i love my B&BW scrub. Although the slick is concern, I am careful not to kill myself.
I absolutely LOVE the Brown Sugar Scrub from FRESH…it smells delicious and it makes my skin super soft. It leaves behind a sweet lemony type of scent…it’s a bit pricey but it’s def worth it!!
Hi Bella, you have to, have to I say, try St. Ives Smoothing In-Shower Exfoliating Body Polish, Mineral Therapy – I absolutely love this stuff. I pretty much agree with the Makeup Alley Reviews (at least the ones up until my post) – not harsh, holds up well – just make sure to keep water out of the jar and a little will go a long way. It may seem dried out when you open the jar, but it’s just really concentrated – yummy. Just scoop out a little bit and work in a bit of water and scrub it on and it changes into a wonderful creamy scrub. Wonderful.
I am in love with Giovanni’s Hot Chocolate sugar scrub. It smells at good as it sounds and it’s so smooth. You can find it at Target for about $14 bucks. But I held out until I found it at Nordstrom Rack here in Chicago for $11.97 and I just had to get it. Loves it!
I use the Mango Melange scrub by Carols Daughter. It’s a sea salt scrub but the mango melange fragrance makes u feel otherwise. It leaves a lot of oils behind like the bath n body one you mentioned so I’m going to take your advice and add my own brown sugar when it’s gone!
Has anyone tried Soap & Glory’s Sugar Crush body scrub. It smells just like 7-up! I am completely in love with it; I’ve also heard good things about Soap & Glory ‘Scrub Your Nose in It’ scrub although I haven’t tried it.
I, too, love the Lemon Sugar scrub from C.O. Bigalow.
I haven’t been able to find it for awhile, so I started using the one from Neutrogena. I like it a lot. Nice scent, and it has sesame seed oil in it, so I don’t have to moisturize when I get out of the shower.