The pleasure of hosting giveaways is sharing the wealth, knowing you bellas out there who continually visit and show love are getting something special in the mail that makes you smile. I love hosting giveaways! But having said that, they can also be a total pain when things go wrong.
Take for example the Sarenzo Beads giveaway. I announced winners August 7th and have sent one of the winners, Monica, at least three e mails… nada. In case the e mail address was misspelled, I tried an alternate spelling. Still nothing. So because over a week and numerous efforts have passed, I’m choosing another winner.
BK, congratulations! I’ll be in touch via e mail. Please respond ASAP so we can get these items sent out, and please please let me know when you’ve gotten your item. I hardly ever hear back from the winners who get their prizes and it’s nice to know that everything worked out and everyone’s happy!

I’m doing the happy dance.. responding to you NOW
Hi Afrobella!
I am one of those ungrateful winners who never let you know I received my prize. I won some cream of nature shampoo and conditioner last year. This was the first time I have ever won anything! Thank you so much. I enjoyed the products but had a hard time finding them in the stores. I think they are now more readily available, but you know how us product junkies are. I’m already on to the next product!
Thanks again!
I got my package today! Sent u a photo!!! Thank you!