Before I give tribute to the many, many famous and beautiful black women at the BET Awards last night, first a word to their publicists.
Where ARE you?
Holla at a blogger!
It seems that whenever a cast member of Gossip Girls sneezes, I get a press release. If Paris Hilton strolls through a boutique, I get a press release. If Speidi or Lauren Conrad, or some other former cast member of the Hills goes shopping at freakin’ Target, I get a press release. But when it comes to readily getting info about celebrities of color… *crickets*
I wish my inbox had filled up with press releases gushing about the makeup artistry and fashion choices of celebs like Taraji, Monica, or Estelle. That was NOT the case and I would sincerely like to see that change. If celeb makeup artist Ashunta Sheriff hadn’t reached out to me to detail the looks of her clients Alicia Keys and Tatyana Ali, I would have been stuck where I always am — guessing what products these fabulous women used in an effort to share the info with you, my fellow beauty loving bellas.
Here’s hoping some celeb PRs see this and get a dose of act-right when it comes to promoting their clients of color.
Off soapbox. On to the award-attending beauties!
Bellasugar did a fab job of highlighting the trends of the evening, so I’ll just shout out my faves along with some product recommendations I can vouch for. Photos are from Oh No They Didn’t.
First up, Janet. I can’t express enough admiration for her strength under such incredibly painful, difficult circumstances. She maintained her composure with grace and she looked like an angel. Cascading curls and beautiful bronze makeup gave her a restrained beauty. To recreate such a gorgeous bronze eye, I recommend Bobbi Brown. I said it already and I’ll say it again – those shimmer bricks are the business! For a more subdued glow, it’s possible Janet’s artist used the new nude collection — which includes an eye palette and a shimmer brick that includes gorgeous pearl pigments. My beauty blogging homegirl KarlaSugar swatched the whole shebang, so check her out for color details.
Let’s talk about Tocarra! The former Top Model contestant turned BET hostess with the mostess made a bold fashion choice with a black jumpsuit, but she inspired me! I might have to cop one myself! Tocarra worked the look to the fullest with a classic
smokey eye, and the look can be a bit tricky to pull off yourself but there are some DIY kits that put everything you need in one chic package. I heart the Benefit Cosmetics Smokin’ Eyes kit. Bellas on a budget should check out the Sonia Kashuk How To Create a Smokey Eye kit at Target for $20 – comes with eyeshadows, blush, lipstick, and an applicator brush. More to come from me on this line, but rest assured – it’s good stuff for less bucks.
Monica was fierce as always — can someone explain to me WHY she’s so underrated? Monica is gorgeous beyond belief and homegirl can SING. I’ve been a fan forever, and she looked fabulous at the BET Awards! Copped this photo over at Concrete Loop. Silver shadow FTW! And her lips even have a tinge of silvery-iridescent goodness. The
DuWop Mini Venom Trio has that flash and sparkle, and Urban Decay’s Julio Pocket Rocket gloss can also give you that look – sheer white with iridescent sparkle will get you noticed at the club, guaranteed.
Uhuras by two, Zoe Saldana and Nichelle Nichols showed that beauty can truly defy age. I hate to repeat the adage, but black don’t crack and Nichelle Nichols is proof — her skin looks glowing and gorgeous!
Her blush stood out to me the most, and I’m wondering if that subtle peachy-bronze shimmer is made by my beloved Prescriptives. Their blushes are shimmery gorgeousness made for every complexion. If I had to guess at a color, Brown Sugar shimmer would fit the bill.
And finally, Zoe Saldana rocked the white dress and red lip par excellence! And thanks to the good people at Black Radiance, I can confirm that Zoe’s red lip will cost you $1.99. I hear that Zoe rocked Black Radiance Perfect Tone Lip Color. Not sure which shade. Uptown Red? Reggae Red? Cherry Pie? Who cares! It’s $1.99 so you can cop a few to add to your makeup collection!
Whew. What a makeup roundup! Hope that helps some of you bellas recreate the looks of the stars, and I SINCERELY hope to hear from more celebrity makeup artists, who help our favorite famous people of color shine on the red carpet!

Bella, I hear you about the press releases…had me cracking up but very true. Aren’t there black PR firms in Chicago? I am working on my BET post tonight. Monica did look great and sounded fab now Beyonce…wait for my post.
Thanks for the shout out to Nichelle Nichols. I read you regularly, but as someone who’s not quite as young as I used to be, I like to hear about colors and products that compliment my look as I go through the aging process.
bravo, P!
Zoe had on Black radiance!! That is my lipstick brand for life and it really is a 1.99. I’m absolutely shocked and pleased a beautiful black celebrity represented it LOL.
Number 5042 in the hizouse..errr website. 🙂
I love your site. Great comments on the pr firms. I would like to send you a press release. Where should I submit it? Please advise. Thanks.
Yeah, I was wondering where the PR blasts were, too. Crickets. It was disappointing, especially because it’s not like the BET Awards don’t draw big stars. Sigh.
Agree re: Nichelle Nichols. Gorgeous. Gor. Juss.
What is the deal with Miss Hilton? Someone said someplace that she would definitely be in a Guinness World Records book for the world’s “Most Overrated Celeb.” As if! Can she act? Is she popular as a model? Double yuck! And leaving of prison early? Ms. Untalented skirting her responsibility by reason of her terrific grandfather, or was it her celebrity standing?