All over New York City last week, on the buses and in the subway stations, I kept seeing a familiar silhouette. Big fabulous natural hair, bright patterned fabric, and a full figured physique. Hey – that kinda looks like me! But no — it was Jill Scott.
That’s right — Jilly from Philly is continuing to find acting success with the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, the HBO TV series based on Alexander McCall Smith’s series of books.
Some critics love it, some critics hate it — you know what they say about opinions, everyone’s got one. I’m excited either way, to see the beautiful Jill Scott flex her acting muscles as Precious Ramotswe and Anika Noni Rose as her quirky and loyal secretary, Mma Matuksi.
Will you watch? I hope so — and if you do, leave a comment telling me what you think! I’ll still be on the road when the show debuts on Sunday night at 8 p.m. So I’ll have to catch up when I get back to Miami!
Oh, and bellas — I’ve got an amazing sweepstakes opportunity for you!
Click here to enter the Number One Lady Contest — nominate your number one lady — a woman you personally know (or knew), who has inspired, educated or empowered women at home, at work or within your community. The winner will get a trip for two to Botswana to be on the set of the show for two days. Did I mention that the trip will include a safari adventure as well? Whatcha waiting for?

I haven’t watched the show yet, but can say that if you have OnDemand (through Comcast, although others offer it as well). They have the first episode available already. It will probably be watched Saturday morning in our house.
I will watch when I can but I no longer have cable ( its okay I should have a home soon)
I was excited about the promo’s and I’ve heard her speak about the show.
I love Jill Scott and I am happy for her and her baby she seems so happy now!
Hi I live in London and saw both episodes over here already and loved them!!!
Oh – I’m going to watch :o)
Finally a show we get to seein the uk before the usa. Absolutely brilliant. check out my blog for my thoughts on it. Jill Scott is totally seperated from the singer to an acomplished actress. brilliant. loving this series
I saw the first episode online almost a year ago. The storyline is quite true to the book and I was amazed by Jill Scott. It’s a quaint little story that keeps you believing in the good in all of us.
I am also from the UK. I really enjoyed the first series. Didn’t think it would continue after the original director Antony Minghella passed away but it is back on our screens for a second series and it is brilliant. So nice to see a show with a black cast that has a mixture of comedy and drama. We have nothing else like this in England at the moment.
I look forward to watching the rest of the series.
Please stop by my blog and pick up your Splash Award!
SO glad you mentioned this. Read all the summaries of Alexander McCall Smith’s books on Wikipedia earlier this week. Even the brief summaries were intriguing. Can’t wait for Sunday night. I will be watching this one. I plan on dvr’ing all of em. Ahem, soon as i figure out how to do that.
Thanks for sharing, Bella.
Another UKer here, I saw the feature length episode at Christmas and the the first 2 epis of the series and I LOVE it.
I have read most of the books and feel that Jill,s portrayal reads as very authentic to the voice of the books.
I watched the show last night and I love it. Jill did a great job and I will continue to watch every sunday.
I watched the first show last night and really enjoyed it. I am looking forward to next weeks episode. For anyone interested I found the box set on Amazon for about $44.
I watched the show last night too and I really enjoyed it. Jill Scott did an excellent job. I am really looking forward to more episodes.
I watched it last night and I thought it was awesome!! It is a wonderful mixture of comedy and drama and it is beautiful too. It’s a break from the gritty HBO stuff….it is a pleasant show.
I happened to browse to this page and I’m glad to see you had a posting of this show here.
Honestly, this show is FUNNY!
First off, It’s hard to see Jill Scott as a singer in this cause nothing about it relates to singing. She stands on her own in this show.
I love the idea, the development, and it is packed with things to laugh about. I love the secretary in the show… quite hilarious.
I don’t have TiVo so I’m looking forward to catching it on Sundays.
Not trying to give away scenes but how is she gonna use herself as evidence for one of the cases? LOL… that’s comedy! I’m still laughing about it.
Thanks for linking to me. It is a really great show and yes she does remind me of you.
I watched the show last night….and I LOVE IT!!!!
The assistant….I forget her name….is so funny!!!
I really love that show, Jill’s character is very bright & sweet and her assistant keeps her on her toes! I enjoyed the episode thoroughly, Edris Elba was looking scrumptious lol. Can’t wait for the next episode :o)
THE SHOW WAS GREAT…. At first I thought it was going to be some cheeky movie, but it was VERY ENTERTAINING. Jill Scott’s acting was excellent and oh my there were more than a few funny scenes. I can NOT wait until the next episode and it really opens up a new view of South Africa especially for those of us in the West. I have to agree Idris Elba had my mouth watering. Being THAT FYNE SHOULD BE A CRIME!!!
I loved the one episode I saw Sunday night! Jill did an excellent job as usual. I think everything she touches is GOLDEN:)
OMG. I watched the series and I loved it. It was exactly how I imagined the book to play out. It was amazing to watch all these characters come to life. Jill was amazing as well. Can’t wait for the next episode.
I’ve watched the first episode last Sunday and immediately fell in love with the show…after watching just the first 30 minutes i knew i was a fan and would be tuning in every Sunday to watch what happens next…Jill Scott is positively brilliant in this show…and her assistant reminds me a lot of my aunt.
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