This has been a fabulous week for ya girl Afrobella. First I found out I was featured in an article on Glamour Magazine’s website, titled 10 Hair, Makeup and Skin Glam-up Tricks From VIP Beauty Bloggers. (YAY! I’m a VIP beauty blogger! Oh happy day!)
So today I bought three copies of the April issue of Glamour — the one with Katie Holmes on the cover — the “special super packed 70th anniversary issue,” and my words of wisdom are featured right there on page 83, 5 Genius Tips from Beauty Bloggers.
Thrilled is NOT the word!
If you’re a brand-new reader of Afrobella fresh from the pages of Glamour, there’s more in store. And to long-time Afrobella readers, those beauty tips are nothing new! I extolled the benefit of pre-pooing with coconut oil, I discussed using a wide-toothed comb to detangle hair as versus a brush (hat tip to Curly Girl Lorraine Massey for that knowledge), and the tip on moisturizing your neck came straight from Mama Bella.
Glamour has always been that magazine for me, the one I’ve always picked up first at the hair salon, one of the ones I fantasized about someday writing for. I still do fantasize about that, but for now this feels really incredible.
Thanks to Glamour for the opportunity!
And in other great news, just today I was featured as one of the Sun-Sentinel’s Blogs to Read in South Florida. LOL at their description of the blog as “a bit ad heavy.” A full time blogger’s gotta do what a full time blogger’s gotta do!
All this has resulted in a truly delightful feeling, like my hard work is finally paying off. I just turned 30 on Sunday, I left the safety and security of my job to blaze my own trail… and right now it all really feels right and meant to be and wonderful. 2009’s going great so far.
I have a lot to be thankful for.
Thanks to the respective journalists for reaching out and featuring me, and thank you all for reading and supporting Afrobella as much as you do. I promise to keep up my end, and keep providing you all with beauty tips, honest reviews, great interviews, and fabulous giveaways!

OMG! i am so happy 4 u Bella!!! i’m goin’ out to get my copy today! Congrats! this is the first of many more to come!
Congrats! I admire you for going after your passion with your all! Good things come to the fearless ones!
Congrats Bella, I’ve been coming to your blog since
(I think that’s right) ’07 and still plan to stop now and then.
You deserve the best.
Sorry for the typo, I plan to stop by now and then.
Congrats!!! I am looking forward to reading the new Glamour. You are definitely a VIP in my book.. Be blessed!
This post put a smile on my face – so happy for you – he world is your oyster – go for it!
Hi Bella,
I’m a longtime reader (and lurker) and I wanted to leave a comment and congratulate you on being featured in Glamour! That’s quite an accomplishment and I’m proud of you. And about those ads, all I have to say is “get money!” ๐
congrats!going to go out an buy glamor tomorrow. this is only the beginning for you!
Congrats Bella on all the good press. What a way to enter your 30’s!!!
Congrats! I’m very happy for ya, it’s always good to see someone prospering no matter what the news say…and thanks for reminding me to put coconut oil on my list! ๐
Congrats! and Happy Belated Birthday :o) I just got a subscription to Glamour today – I was hoping they send me that April issue ;o)
Hooray! I subscribe to Glamour and was hoping you’d see the mention!
Congratulations Lady!!
And Happy Belated Birthday!!
Congrats Bella….you’re an amazing force of positivity in the Blogosphere…
Congrats! What an awesome plug! I’ll check it out.
Many congrats and blessings to you. Never fear walking your own path, you followed your heart and god is blessing you for moving in his direction.
Happy for you Afrobella-ella-ella congrats.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Congratulations ๐
That’s HUGE! Congrats girly!! You are leading the way ๐
Congrats Bella….it couldn’t happen to a nicer person!
Happy Belated Birthday, I hope it was awesome.
Congratulations Bella!!!
You’ve helped spotlight so many of us, taught us a lot, your shine was bound to come in due time and brightly as well.
This is well deserved, I know bigger and better things are in store for you and Happy 30th!! You are so fabulous and an aspiration to me!
well done. you work hard at your blog and deserve it
Congratulations Bella! You deserve it. Thank you for always providing us with the best!
Oddly enough, I picked up a copy at lunch today. I’ll check it out. Congrats!!
I thought Glamour magazine hated Afros and natural hair.
Congrats! I will definitely have to pick up this issue of Glamour. You are definitely doing big things!
Congrats Bella! You deserve it:)
Congrats Bella and Happy Belated B-Day! This year has been great for me too! It is nice to know that your leap of faith is truly paying off.
Happy belated birthday and congrats on making the pages of Glamour! I do like the tips you give on makeup/hair and beauty & I will take the time to look at the links that you have attached to your stories, even though I do not buy/wear makeup myself.
Best wishes for continued success!
I was reading Glamour in the salon this morning and saw it. Congrats! Love your blog : )
I’m a long-time reader, and this is my first time commenting. I want to tell you congratulations. I’m a natural sister myself and I love your site. It’s one of my top reads everyday. I wish you continued success!
Hello fellow pisces!!! (celebrating my b day tomorrow). I am so proud of you!!! I am really glad you are living your dreams and getting such wonderful recognition.
Hey Bella,
I wanted to know if you can do a review on zoya nail polish…it is supposed to be chemical-free and healthier than the norm…Thanks.
Hey fish girl (like Ms. Badu!)
Happy birthday, and congrats on all the positive changes you’ve made. Your vow to really claim your life this year is inspiring me to do the same when my own bday rolls around in a week or so. Re-birth day, so to speak!
Ways, happy berfday, and may the blessings keep rolling in for ya!
Happy belated Birthday and congratulations on your success!
How ironic! I purchased Glamour today and saw your tip! Big smile came across my face!
Congratulations! And happy Birthday! ๐
Congrats on all that you have achieved in your young life! love you much hugs me
I relly love your site, I visit it daily, and I love it even more now that I realized you are a fellow trini!! You are doing an amazing job of representing the women of color out there!
politicallyincorrect, you are correct!!! prompted a firm-wide apology from the managing partner.
congratulations, though I won’t ever be buying this mag.
Congratulations!…This is great.
The comments were made by an intern and who was promptly fired as a result.
Right after, I sent them an email expressing my disappointment in their magazine and I received an email directly from the editor that assured me that Glamour, in no way, approved or were aware of the girlsรขโฌโข tactics and would work diligently to earn my trust again. A month later, they pretty much focused their whole issue on the incident. Since then, I’ve picked up a copy on the occasion and have seen their strong attempts rectify that error and encourage natural hair, and the acceptance of such in this society.
Congrats, Bella! YAYYYYY. ๐
That’s awesome! Love to hear about positive press.
Excellent, Bella! Congratulations!
Congratufrigginlations! That is awesome. I will be picking up a copy just for this!