Got any plans this weekend?
On Saturday I’ll be attending the Macy’s third Women of Color Makeup Event at Aventura Mall! It starts at 11 a.m., ends at 7 p.m., and there are presentations by famous makeup artists like Patrece Williams and fabulous afrofella Damone Roberts, AKA the Eyebrow King. And I’m totally getting a minifacial at the Goldfaden counter, and doing some interviews. If you see me, don’t be afraid to say hi!
And while I’m at it — another question. I have the opportunity to perhaps have my very first Afrobella event sometime in March before my big move to Chicago. So if I threw a party, and invited everyone I knew… how many of you would be down to attend? I’m thinking a fun in-store event, maybe mini-mani-pedis if possible, drinks, snacks, and just fun to meet as many bellas as possible! Who’s down? Let me know! Your feedback will determine if I do this event here, or if I wait to move to Chicago.

CHICAGO!!!! Do it here afrobella!!! We’d totally support it, it would be so nice to meet u. I personally would also really love to meet the other natural bellas here in the city. The natural scene here is still a little under the radar. If a sister here has no chemical process in the hair its still normal that she uses hit to straighten it, rather than naturally wearing it out. So for me, as a newly nappy bella myself, it would be so very awesum to meet my fellow bellas here in the chi. Plus who wouldn’t wanna party with Afrobella the loveliest bella of all!!
Sorry, that was “heat to straighten it”.
Chi, Chi, all the way Chi! Please, please have your event here. We need to meet, especially all of the natural beauties. Quick story: I was browsing the DevaCurl products at the downtown Ulta and a woman came right up and asked my opinion on the products. Having tried a travel size, I told her my thoughts. That turned into a great 15 mintues of ‘Have you tried this? Have you used that?’ When we parted by bf commented that we needed a monthly natural hair pow-wow. Build it in Chicago and we will come!
Hey Afrobella…why not the best of both…I’m a Florida bella and would love to attend your event..I do live in Orange Park..but whats a 6 hr drive for some fun!!!!I too am making some life transitions and this event would def inspire me to continue on my dream journey! dont leave the FL bellas high and dry..then Chi town can have their fun!!!
I think a “farewell” South Florida Afrobella event would be awesome. You should definitely have one here before you leave. You could always host an “introductory” Chicago one down the road!
SoFla please.
Hey there Bella….i’ve been following your post for the past several years. I love it! I’m here in Chicago. Since you’re on your health kick,check out the following link for the D3 Diva Bootcamp. You’ll love it!!!! I’ve been attending since June 2008. Here’s the the information. You won’t be sorry:
Andrea “Dre” Everett,OwnerD3:Dre’s Diesel Dome, LLCPhone: 312-276-5138 ext 10Fax:312-284-4587Email: Dre@dresdieseldome.comWebsite:
***let me know what you think.
Are you really planning to leave warm weather SFla for coollld ChiTown. If you must, you must but keep us in the loop and while you’re at it how about some styles for us curvy bodies. I do not want to see another lowrider with belly hanging out.
You HAVE to do it in South Florida! After all, it’s where was born, right?! And besides, since I missed meeting you at the SoBe Food & Wine fest last weekend, I’d like to have one more chance before you leave!
SoFla for the win!
Chi-town all the way lady!!!
DO HERE IN MIAMI! 🙂 As a college bella, who is addicted to your blog, I love the idea of that. It would be great to meet the woman who writes one of my favorite blogs and other bellas around the miami area.
Do it here in the Chi! Please put my name on the guest list too.
CHICAGO All The WAY!!!!!
ooooh… I am positively jealous – I’m in the Caribbean – chances of me making either are slim – have fun!
I would love to meet you. So yes have an event here in South Florida!! I will definately be there 🙂
I agree that you should do it down here in the magic city as a farewell event. Also I would love to meet you. I know that I will be attending
Maybe a farewell in Miami and a welcoming party here in CHICAGO?
Chicago! Chicago! Chicago! 🙂
Oh Bella you MUST have a farewll party in Miami…we will miss you dearly 🙁
Chicago! Chicago! I live an hour away and will TRAVEL to come to your party. Chicago! Chicago!
I would so come to an afrobella farewell party!
miami all the way!!! i will totally be there. you have to do an event before you leave :)!!
Miami please!! I just moved here and would love to meet you and some other bellas!
Miami all the way. I only wish I had heard about the Macy’s before today, I LOVE Damone. It would totally make up for me not having visited this site soon.
Chicago please! I live in Indianapolis but I will make the 3 hour drive!