The Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went Natural post was one of my favorites this month — so many of you have great reasons to love wearing your hair as free as you want to be! You got me thinking about some more quirky, superficial reasons, and here’s a good one.
Not just everyone can wear a fabulous headband. It can be too much look for straight haired-bellas, depending on the style. But a big, bold headband always looks striking with natural hair. Try it and see — pull back your fro, your kinks, your curls, your twists, or your locs with a wide headband and know you’re working an accessory not everyone can. Here are some of my favorites, as recently seen on my favorite source for handcrafted everything. Etsy!
When I move to a colder clime — which will be soon — I’ll need headwear to keep my hair protected and my ears warm. Angel’s Purple Pantry is full of chunky, knitted headband/ear warmers with adorable flowers on them. I love the fact that the flower is detachable — so you can be extra girly or just pulled back, elegant, and toasty.
For head wraps and scarves with true afrocentric flair, check out the beautiful hair accessories of Wasijuru. I would rock the hell out of this wide iridescent jade hair scarf, and I know I’m not the only bella who’s digging her style!
I love how she rocks the reversible poison ivy hair scarf, with a bang of pretty twists. Gorgeous and distinctive. And six dollars!
Weezawear also makes lovely wide headbands that won’t get lost in a massive fro, for eight dollars a piece. I’m especially partial to this red cherry blossom number.
It would take a bold bella to work the peacock plumage headband made by Bethany Lorelle, but it’s the kind of accessory that can make you instantly memorable. AND it’s the kind of headband that would look great on a short haircut or a TWA. Something like that with a simple dress at a wedding? Remarkable.
Do you wear headbands often? Are you a fan? Have you seen any cute ones lately, or do you have any tips for making your own headbands? Tell me!

The Peacock headband is darling. Big time headband fan.
Ever since I went natural, I wear headbands just about every day. I’m always looking for new styles, so thanks for this post. I love the jade scarf! ; )
Lately i’ve been hauling wasijuru scarves. They’re so pretty!
Love the peacock!
Yes I love love love Angels knitted head bands along with those pretty hats!! Ive been eyeballing them for a few weeks now!!! especially in this Chicago weather!!
Great article. Thanks for featuring my headband:)
ummmm i adore wasijiru’s scarves!!! they’re just what i’ve been looking for to adorn my hair for the summer (and cheer me up in this cold winter weather). thanks afrobella!!
This post is right on time! I’ve been searching for some good scarf looks.
Thats not fair…
Bella isnt shwing much love to the straight hair Afro chics..
I straighten my hair and I am running out of things to do <ith it.. The wind is not kind to me either..
So Bella , some suggestions on your upcoming posts please.
loving the headbands! thanks for the info.
I luv headbands and am always looking for interesting ones to were w/ my locs!! Luv all the headbands featured and the prices are really reasonable. Bringing out the credit card again ..that’s two days in a row Bella!
Aw man! That Art Deco one on the Bethanylorelle site…whew! That’s fierce!
I’m actually going out on a limb now and wearing my two strands withOUT an accessory and letting my hair just “be” by itself. This is going out on a limb for me b/c I’ve always perceived my hair to be in “need” of decoration. But trust…I LUBS me some scarfs! And these have given me some good ideas (and a few good small business places to spend my few dollars…)
L’afrique…the headbands can be worn with straight hair. Some of the photos on the etsy sites mentioned have straight-haired folks. It may be just the thing to wear in the winter wind…
I’m also a headband fan – I added the shops to my favs – great post :o)
The headbands featured in the post were beautiful and I would love to wear some but I worry that my edges will suffer from prolonged use. Is that a legitimate concern?
If I wasnt all about the press n curl…dang.
That wide iridescent jade hair scarf is uber cute…
I’m sorry L’afrique! It isn’t my intention to make my straight-haired bellas feel left out. I have minimal experience with heat straightening or new styles for straight hairstyles. BUT if you’ll notice, the Weezawear headbands look chic on straight hair in those photos!
Rainbow City Sweetie – it’s smart to switch up your style, don’t rock a headband every day. That will help to protect your edges. Most things aren’t great for you with prolonged daily use, so it’s important to take a break.
And make sure it’s loose enough to be comfortable! There’s no reason to scrape your hair back in a tight headband. Let your hair and head be comfortable and chic =)
THANK YOU BELLA!!!! My friends just told me I need to invest in headbands now that my hair is much longer.. I’ve been playing with styles but haven’t found a headband or scarf I could get into.. Thanks for the sites.. off to invest in a few cute pieces of headgear!
Gorgeous hair! gorgeous scarfs!
Love the Jade
Thanks for the headband sharing…love the jade and have hearted that Etsy shop for future purchases. 🙂
I have a few big around the way hoops in mind maybe we can colloborate a giveaway.
On behalf of fellow Etsians, we appreciate your love for things handmade.
Peace and Blessings,
Thank you! I’m in LOVE with all of these accessories. I’ve been looking for something to push the button on my look. Cool Beans!
These are great looks, I also make fashion forward headbands. My line is called Quoise and my website is I have 5 styles up on my page and I add new ones weekly. Please check it out. Headbands are so on trend and great for natural, crop cut, and long mained sistahs all the same!!!
That peacock headband is gorgeous!! I’m not sure if I could pull it off.
Hi there! Several people ordered from my store today, and one person/customer in particular said she found me featured on here! Thank you so much for your interest and liking my headbands! I’m honored you liked them! As for the detachable flower, I think that sometimes you might not want to commit to it all the time, so I figured how to do it without having to add hardware. Plus, I cater to the budget minded. Anyhow, thank you again, and for those who haven’t checked me out yet, I am more than happy to help you, even with custom orders:)
Have a wonderful day,
I love the headbands!! So beautiful. I have all my headbands and scarves up on my wall like artwork. I have them all out so I can use them when necessary and show them off. The peacock one I so love to have. It is beautiful. I find a place to wear it!!
damn! i thought i was the only one trying to make the head scarves come back lol. these are gorgeous. might have to pick up a few…
I love the head bands, they would look great with my fro.
I am on Etsy too by the way. I make jewelry.
I’m loving the headscarves!
I bought a kente cloth strip to help with the winter blues; it was great for covering the ears (instead of ear muffs, which I always misplace or forget), and it makes a great headband! Can’t get enough. 😀 My next “to-buy” will be other headbands. Thanks bella!!
I don’t wear my hair natural. I perm it, but I don’t heat straighten it so I have big textured curls and waves and I love head bands. I’m growing my hair really long right now and it’s at an awkward length so headbands are a alternative to clipping the top half back.
Thanks for the post. I’m going to go check out the peacock one.
Oops I meant…great alternative.
You have beautiful hair! I also like headbands, although I haven’t quite figured out how to use a scarf instead. They always fall off my head!
Hi Afrobella,
Wow! Some new customers said they found out about my line through your site. Thanks so much for showing my scarves some love in this “Headband Edition”. I really appreciate it!
I’ve been rockin Wasijiru headbands for about a month not and I LOVE them. My favorite has to been the one with the orchid. So cute.
Wow! Some new customers said they discovered my scarves through your site. Thanks so much for showing my line some love in this “Headband Edition”. I really appreciate it! ~Wasijiru~
Hey Bella! I LOVEESSSS Etsy! I need to check out these headscarf sellers ASAP.
i love all the headbands! i just got a cute one off etsy too that i can’t wait for
So glad to find you! I rock a short fro, been wearing it for fifty years. Been
Waiting forever for Afro headgear.
or Afro
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