One thing I try hard not to be, is judgmental. And when I read the story of Asha Mandala — the Trinidadian born woman who had set her sights on becoming the Guinness World Record holder for the World’s Longest Dreadlocks, I saw nothing but judgment. The Orlando Sentinel article provoked 75 comments, many of which were hateful, racist, and disheartening. Don’t click the link if you want to have a happy day.
When I blogged about Asha Mandala’s marvelous hair on Afrobella, she faced judgment from commenters for a different – more valid reason. In the accompanying YouTube video, Asha made a regrettable statement, attributing her hair growth to — quote-unquote — “good hair.”
Cue the cast of School Daze dancing in my head.
Quite a few of you took umbrage with Asha’s statement, and she came right on this here website and addressed it herself. Take it away, Asha!
“Greetings my sisters and brothers. I stand humbled at all replies and comments both positive and negative towards my locks from the “Guinness World Record Attempt” story..
I am pleased that so many people like my locks and the story….however i do want to apologize for the comment that was made about (mixed culture) helping me grow good curly hair. I meant no harm or disrespect to anyone’s hair texture and the comment/reference was taken out of context.
All hair types will lock up…some takes longer than some and others grow to a certain length and stops. Based on my own hair experience and observation on hair in general i realized that there is a bit of a difference with extra kinky hair as to softer curly hair within the Afrikan/Afrikan American culture and so the comment was made to explain what i felt contributed to my own personal hair growth. It was never meant to disrespect or upset anyone.
I have won the record and i am very grateful to have made it this far. I pray that my apology is accepted as i continuously stand in support to all my brothers and sisters…all afrobellas..
Be Blessed
I was really happy to hear from Asha, and I’m glad she addressed the issue. The truth is, terms like “good” and “bad” hair should be completely done away with. And the people who still say those things should consider – who defines what’s good or bad? Why would anyone label the hair that grows out of your head, that you were meant to have, as “bad?”
To me, the only definition of “good hair,” should be hair that is strong and healthy.
I love the sentiment of this Zazzle teeshirt — I got good hair. I got African in my family.
What say you, bellas?
Asha, thanks again for addressing the issue for Afrobella readers. And congratulations on achieving your goal!

It seems to me thought that we sacrifice honesty this days for political correctness. I don’t see anything wrong with her comments personally and more so it is true.
I agree with you Bella, good hair to me is hair that is well taken care of. You have to expect racist comments from those who don’t understand your hair texture. They are afraid and get excited to see another human being that is completely different from them. A lot of times they feel that we’re not even humans, almost like we’re on a whole different level. That’s why I don’t get offended anymore. I know who I am as a woman and as a person and that’s all that matters. Thanks for the post Bella!
I do agree with you Bella, good hair is hair that well mantained whether its styled or done simple.
I will not try to justify my comment on good/bad hair, however it is an old Caribbean thing which is no longer ok and acceptable. When i migrated to the U.S many years ago, before i even dreamed of growing locks and /or trying to embrace my culture fully…my own afrikan americans used to look at my hair and say…”girl u got some of that good stuff huh” and it seemed like it was ok. So thats why i guess i had that slip of the tongue with the good hair comment not thinking it was ok…but not realizing it would have upset and offended my brothers and sister that much.
Once again i stand humbled and corrected and i appreciate all your support Bella.
Ashazulu ****
Zenzele… you are 100% correct.
Congratulations on winning the record Ashazulu!
Asha your hair is beautiful!!!
I appreciate her response and also can appreciate where she is coming from with the “good hair” comment. It is a concept that’s pretty strongly touted in the West Indies and all across the African Diaspora. I don’t buy into it personally and agree that good hair = healthy, strong hair, period. But who (being a part of the Diaspora) hasn’t heard that sentiment around them, directed at them, etc? If she and anyone else truly believes there is such a thing as “good hair” in terms of its texture, curl pattern, etc. it’s understandable, as it’s a viewpoint inextricably tied to our dark past that still impacts us today. It’s gonna take time, patience and positivity to eradicate the notions of inferiority and the good/bad hierarchy linked to blackness.
Thank you Afrobella for bringing stories like these to your readers attention!
I have to agree with Tricia, thank you Afrobella for posting articles like this. It’s good to have intellectual conversations on your blog. It’s nice to find other people that can relate.
Although I realize that Asha meant no harm (and none was taken), I think she is still unintentionally perpetuating the erroneous belief that kinky black hair can’t grow long. That simply isn’t true. Some hair types don’t “stop growing,” they just break off easier. I agree that not everyone’s hair grows at the same pace, but hair growth rate isn’t necessarily based on race.
Otherwise, it’s wonderful that she won the award for Guiness.
Congratulations Ashazulu on your achievement; I truly marvel at your commitment. Your hair is a work of art.
I appreciate your clarification; however, the “good hair” comment is not okay with me, and I was born in the United States. In addition, the whole “good hair” notion did not start here, nor will it end here. All of us, all over the world, have to fight with our own issues of self-hatred, and not one of us is more “evolved” in this, than anyone else. It is a daily struggle, even among those of us who thought we had gotten past all this.
As for Osize, I’ve never been “politically correct” in my life, and that phrase annoys me to no end. If you believe in “good hair” vs. “bad,” so be it – perhaps you would be more comfortable reading a blog which promotes that. I’m thinking that Afrobella, as well as Afrobella’s readers, don’t follow your lead.
congrats on the award!
as for the “good hair” comment: i think there are a lot of things from back in the day that need to end and that still attach themselves onto people. a person could be mixed and their hair can’t grow to save lives but you can have a black woman and her hair grows and grows. these misconceptions, these beliefs are parts of us that we have to let die. sometimes i don’t think we intentionally know that they’re still haunting us. i personally don’t believe in good or bad hair. i have hair. it grows. it doesn’t. it’s on my head. i comb it. however if there is someone out there who truly believes in good vs bad please let it go.
and you’d be surprised. my 10. y.o. cousin started spouting off that she only wants to be “high yellow” and have “good hair” 10….my sis and i spent an hour telling her black is black no matter what the colour we’re all united and hair is hair baby. we need to release ourselves from this sickness.
i don’t think Asha meant any harm but maybe it would be good for all of us to check ourselves. just a thought.
Ugh, you said don’t click the link, don’t read the comments. Why don’t I listen?! Sometimes I think the internet is poisoning my soul. Except this site! Love it!
Peace. It takes a lot of character to apologize-and so publicly. I commend you for that.
Asha – your hair is lovely.
I think it takes a measure of strength and humility to publicly apologize. Asha handled the situation directly and with grace.
Brothers and sisters, i have taken all your comments with good heartedness and i am very grateful for the constructive and corrective criticisim. I have grown amd matured culturally, spiritualy and otherwise since i started growing my Crown 20yrs ago..and the more i think of the hair statement/comment, it should have never happened.
Thanks for the understanding and input. Once again i stand corrected.
One Luv,
my hair is good. it is not kinky, it is nappy and i love it. i shaved my head to start my locks and they are to my waist. healthy happy hair is good hair.
I’m so glad Asha won!! The whole issue of “good hair” and “bad hair” really bothers me. Like some of the other bellas have said. All hair is good hair. It is going to take time for all us to get that. I do my best in my world to correct people when they start talking mess about hair.
I really admire for Asha for apologizing, and doing so repeatedly. It can be hard to eradicate words and thoughts that have been drilled into our heads, even when we truly know differently.
As has been stated, change starts with us. My hair is kinky, nappy, whatever. And I am truly okay with that. It took a minute, because I was born in the 60s, and was LIVING School Daze, okay? Anyway, my children, who are both school age, have poofy/curly hair that can slick down to straight with some curling custard. It’s not kinky. And guess what? They have no notion that some people might consider them to have “good hair.” The reason is that I respectfully checked my mother, my aunts, and anybody else I needed to. I let them know that I’m not teaching them that mess, so please don’t say it in front of them. I check MYSELF in my thoughts if I need to (like I said, born in the 60s, old thought patterns can creep back). If it’s on your head, it’s good. When another little girl looks at my girls’ hair and says “oooh, your girls have “good hair!” — after I mentally wipe a tear, I always say — baby, your hair is good! It’s like mine, and I KNOW I’ve got good hair! And look at how pretty your mom styled it! Is your hair like your mom’s? Is her hair pretty and good? You remember, okay, if it’s on your head and combed and pretty, it’s good! And then I give them a hug.
I’m sure some of them think I’m a little crazy, but hopefully they will remember the message. It starts with us, it really does. Can you tell I feel very strongly about this issue? 😉
I make a lot of mistakes with this parenting thing, but when my girls pat my kinky fro and say “mommy your hair is so pretty” and can also look at their poofs and curls and whatever and love it, too, but not feel like it’s more of a treasure than anybody else’s hair, I feel like I did something right.
I feel like i have a whole new family reunion thing going on here and feel blessed and loving it…
I bumped into Afrobellas site by chance only yesterday after continously yahoo and google searching my name, reading all the different web sites and news papers around the world that’s been running my GWR attempt story since Oct 23rd…am i so happy i did. Every news paper or web site ran the story which was just the story..but no one had any real intelligent and constructive feed back like Afrobellas did. I am grateful for the love and support regardless as to my error wording.
I am a now a huge fan and supporter of Afrobellas and will just spread the word…this is good chatting.
I had to come back cause this topic was on my mind and I would like to add that I’m glad you could apologize Asha. For myself, i dont think you meant it in a negative way. I really think you slipped and I think this has been a learning process, not only for you but for a lot of people out there. Your locks are lovely. I really liked how you had it piled on your head like a crown because you are a queen. I wear my natural hair out in afros, twists, in whatever way I feel and I belive all hair ia good hair. No matter if it can’t gorw past an inch. You’re a beautiful woman and God bless. I hope you can hold onto those dreads another 20 years
I am a Black woman with locs – locs that are more than halfway down my back; locs that I have been growing for 7 years; locs that are weaved of hair so thick that when it was in its afro state it couldn’t fit under a rasta cap; locs that my mother turned up her nose at during their first year of existence; locs that grew from a (almost 30 yr old) scalp that had been damaged by chemicals since I was 9 yrs old b/c my mother, a woman w/”good hair”, didn’t know how to/didn’t want to take the time to do my hair; locs grown in rebellion of always hearing from my mother, “You got your daddy’s nappy hair”; locs that show 7 yrs of history (the light brown tips are from the summer I swam in the community pool almost everyday, the thin parts are from the 5 months I was on steroids for medical reasons, the super-thick parts are from my 9 months of pregnancy…you could read my locs like the rings of a 100 yr old oak tree); locs that remind me everyday that I am made in HIS image!
Today, friends, family and passers-by marvel at my locs. Random strangers in the mall or park stop to comment on how beautiful they are. Hispanic men approach me and in broken English ask if they can touch them (don’t know what it is about Latin men and locs…). Even my mom proudly tells her friends that I have locs all the way down my back; when I’m with her, she often makes me take my hair out if its usual ponytail or braid so her friends can see how long it is.
Now whether this is because locs are trendy now or because my hair actually IS beautiful is something I still haven’t settled on yet. But what I DO know is that after soooooooo many years of (affectionately by my dad; inaffectionately/negatively/despisingly by my mom) being called Nappy Head (which I now have on my license plates), I admit that I do enjoy being a gorgeous freak of nature.
Finally, I am the one with ‘good hair’. It’s like how light skinned isn’t in anymore (no offense to light skinned people, but I’m merely using that phrase as an example…I love people of all hues), suddenly ‘good hair’ ain’t in no more and the noble nappy heads are setting the trends.
It’s easy to get caught up in this and, again, I admit that I often do enjoy being the popular girl for once, especially since I never was growing up (being all brown skinned and nappy headed and what not), but we ALL must remember that beauty comes from the inside out. The truth is that I wasted all those years (pre-locs) feeling ugly only b/c somebody else was telling me I was ugly. Had I told myself I was beautiful everyday, I think I would have truly believed and lived that.
Mothers, tell your daughters they are beautiful EVERYDAY, no matter their hair texture, weight, skin color, no matter how many fingers or toes or arms or legs they have. Sisters, we MUST do a better job of communicating the beauty we see in each other. Don’t be afraid to approach another sister in the mall and tell her you like her hair or her face or her style. We NEED that. Most often, that one random, unexpected compliment can carry us the 3, 4, 5 months that may go by until we receive the next one.
Asha, congrats on winning the record. Continue to GROW!
’till next time…
I sometimes think we get offended because as a race, we’re so used to having reasons to be offended that it leads us to being overly sensitive to issues that really mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Your hair is hair. Nothing more. You have a right to like it or not. Good and bad should be relative to the person whose head it’s on. If you love your hair, you have a right to say you hair is good. If you hate your hair, you have a right to say your hair is bad.
Likewise, other people have the right to comment on their OWN hair in the same way and not have you gripe about it and even if they happen to comment negatively on YOUR hair, why do you care?
Saying we should get rid of placing a quality of good and bad on hair is just childish. Good and bad are comparisons that exist in the world, accept it. Bad/good parents, bad/good lovers, bad/good food, bad/good weather, bad/good ideas.
The words bad and good are MEANT to be relative. That’s the beauty of them. They’re ALREADY meaningless, but they at least give people a way to voice their opinion, so let them.
My hair is nappy and I hate it. It doesn’t do anything I want it to do, taking care of it is a chore, and while things like afros and locs look great on some people, they make me look terrible (with the exception of cornrows, which compliment my face well as long as I have a bang in front cuz my forehead… woo), so yes, if someone asked me to define my hair as bad or good, I’d choose bad.
So what? I WISH someone would tell me I don’t have the right to say that. They’d see just how fast I knock them off of their “I’m a better black than you are” pedestal.
I can call my hair anything I want under the sun. No one else has the right to dictate otherwise to me just because they have hair like mine and are offended by me referring to it in a negative way.
Get over it. If you love your hair and you’re happy with it, what I have to say should be of no concern to you. You worry about you, I’ll worry about me.
There’s a vast difference between someone running around saying, “Black hair is the ugliest hair ever and people with nappy hair are so hideous compared to everyone else and we’re better than you because our hair isn’t like yours” and someone saying, “I think my hair is good because it’s silky instead of nappy”.
It’s obvious that people don’t know how to pick their battles and end up wasting all of their time on ones that aren’t real battles to begin with.
Yes, I understand the whole thing about black women struggling to be acknowledged as beautiful just like everyone else and the whole European standard of beauty and the aversion to nappy hair and blah blah blah long story short, the world is ignorant. This is not news but what DOES seem to be news to my people is that there are bigger fish to fry.
If we’re still so immature as a race that even in 2008 we can even bother to get into an uproar over something as trivial and ridiculous as hair, we’re going nowhere and slowly.
If black women invested as much energy in their financial stability, business and property ownership, education, and securing positions of authority as they did on the subject of hair, our race would be ten times more advanced than it is right now.
Seriously, there are a million and one things that are more important than Asha referring to her hair as “good”.
We really need to stop acting like we can tell each other what to do, say, and think just because we all have the same skin color. We’re not the damn Borg collective and no matter how many african-inspired hairstyles you rock, we’re not all in africa anymore and we’re not a tribe.
We need to realize that the best way to uplift our people as a whole is to do more as individuals. We need to stop looking to each other for validation and support because all it does it drag us down when we don’t get it and we waste all of our time searching for and demanding it while other races are moving forward.
The poster who stated that people “sacrifice honesty these days for political correctness” pretty much sums it up. How we perceive our hair is so insignificant and the debate is a bunch of political nonsense that we have yet to realize WILL NOT change a damn thing about our social status or how others perceive our beauty.
We’ve been so trained to feel ashamed of traits we have that we obsess over them and draw attention to them and it makes us comical, not strong.
People quote India Arie’s song “I am not my hair” incorrectly stating that the point of the song is to embrace your natural hair because that’s what’s beautiful. No. The point of the song is for us to embrace ourselves AND each other no matter WHAT we choose to do to our hair because WE ARE NOT OUR HAIR.
We can be relaxed, we can be pressed, we can have weaves, we can have fros, we can have locs, we can be bald, we can do whatever we want because WE ARE NOT OUR HAIR.
REALIZING that what’s on our head does not define us and does not need to be explained or justified because it’s just hair – THAT’S what’s beautiful.
A strong black woman is the one knows her hair does not and should not in any way shape or form define her substance or her pride.
A strong black woman recognizes that hair is like clothing – something you style to reflect your personality, taste, and mood – nothing more.
A weak black woman views her hair as being a testament to her strength and treats her hair like a political statement, hypocritically judging others by the hair choices they make saying, “You aren’t a real sista because you chose not to be natural”
The sooner we learn this – the sooner we learn that we are not our hair, whether natural or not, whether nappy or silky, curly or straight, GOOD OR BAD – the sooner black women can move on to having something more lucrative to collectively harp on.
Hi Afrobella,
It’s amazing how our slave roots continue to follow us even into this new century. I womder if 100 years from now we will still be having converstaions about good vs. bad hair.
The chains aren’t around our ankles anymore, now they are in our minds.
Sorry about the typos.
I honestly feel that as a people we often get too offended by things that we shouldn’t get offended by. My hair is kinky and curly, but folks love to tell me that I have “good” hair. Do I get offended? Nope. There is too much going on in this world to have wars about when someone says, “Good/Bad Hair.”
It thoroughly irritates me. I didn’t even know that there was such discord between the natural hair community until after I made the decision to grow my hair out natural. Now I have to hear Natural vs. Naptural vs. Good vs. Bad vs. 1a/b, 2a/b, 3a/b, 4a/b, and so forth and so on. GOOD GRIEF HAIR IS HAIR.
words have power. i will continue to use positive words to describe me and mine AND you and yours. i am my brothers and sisters keeper. i will not “get over it”
my hair says exactly what i want it to say. peace and blessings to all of you. asha, good luck! i hope you keep that record for a long long (pun intended!) time.
Her hair is beautiful and I’m glad she won the record.
Ooh, she made the record. Congrats to her.
– The good hair/bad hair thing may not go away soon, but one can hope.
I tend to classify good hair as hair that’s taken care of, no matter the texture.
Genepool, your post was really long but I read it all and I agree with you on a lot of issues, particularly the part about if we stopped making our hair such a defining point in our lives, we’d move ahead a lot quicker.
Case in point, on election day, there were pictures of Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama going to vote in the morning. I heard the comment:”I sure hope they are going to go to the salon to get that hair done before tonight.” I laughed then thought, seriously? Is that what we should be focused on? Their hair? Seriously?
The truth is so many of us have deep wounds related to our hair and we continue to pick the scabs off those wounds whenever we are forced to confront how we feel about those associations.
Honestly, I still hate the words “good hair” when used in the negative context, meaning excluding kinkier, curlier textures, but personally, I know my kinky, curly texture IS good and that’s where it ends. The beautiful thing about black women is that we can be chameleons. We can add and subtract things from our looks and rock our own individual styles like no other.
I think we all just need to join hands, sing kumbaya and move past this hair thing.
“Good hair” is any hair. I don’t have any. I’ve had alopecia since I was 23 years old. But I’m still here, thank God.
You’re here Asha. You’ve read the comments. I accept your apology because of your “intent”. Intentions are powerful. That said: who am I to judge. I know people who don’t use the language you used and they sub-consciously feel that anything with a mixture is better.
Our language and lexicon is peppered with terms like: “the black sheep”, “dark ages”. Our conditioning of inferiority, unfortunately, is etched in the souls of many; and over time I pray for my own healing and words or colloquialisms I may have said to add to the perception that something is wrong with “black”. I thank the source for providing me with “time” and awareness: both essential for healing. The fact that you were willing to talk about your “intentions” is what is meaningful to me. I respect your honesty in intention.
Wow! Well, I want to congratulate Asha on the world record. Your locs are gorgeous!
I don’t know if we’ll ever be over the good hair vs. bad hair thing. My mind raced to the “ReRe’s Salon” scene in School Daze too! lol I agree with most of what GenePool said and what TT said. We really give more power to the terms than we should. To me, all hair is good hair.
Like TT, when I decided to go natural, I had no idea that there was this much division in the natural hair community. What many have called the “nappy heiarchy.” We’d all like to be “politically correct” and say that it doesn’t exist, when in reality it does. I’ve had people say that I’ve got that “juices and berries” or “good” hair b/c my texture is nappy curly/wavy. I just thought it was nappy, but then when I say my hair is “nappy” it’s offensive to other naturals with 4b/4c textures who look at me like I’m crazy when I try to offer hair tips. As if to say, you don’t understand my struggle. Sometimes I feel like I’m made to feel bad about having curly and not nappy hair. Like I’m not in tune with the struggle b/c I’m not “nappy” enough.
It really gets on my nerves. I really wish we could get beyond this terminology and this old slave mentality. A poster earlier said that it’s like we’re still enslaved in our minds, and I totally agree. We’ll never move forward if we continue to focus on this silly stuff and let other people’s ignorant comments affect our self-concept. And learn how to stop looking at each other so critically and negatively and harboring such ill feelings about each other based on what our hair looks like. We need to learn to empower and encourage each other.
I didn’t find Asha’s comment to be offensive. It was not said with malicious intent and she has graciously apologized. What more do people want?
These issues have been thousands of years in the making and won’t be solved overnight. The only thing we can all do is try in our individual lives to work on reversing that mentality through our actions and behaviors. People give words power. And you give that negative energy and racist or prejudiced people power when you constantly feed into it and argue it down to infinity. Let the world hate and continue to do you and be positive, and eventually old ways will die and we will all prosper.
MzPoetic…thanks so much for your reply…thanks to all my brothers and sisters for your love.. input and support. I hear all of you…..
I’d like to share that Clips of my award interview was run on NOV13TH on CNN and UK Sky News. It was kool (smile).Ihave my profile on
and i’d love for every one to check it out, there are some good pics of my locks on there.
I have had medical issues for the past 11yrs due to an on the job injury which includes a bi-laterial breast mastectamy and tons of surgeries (13) in all… as a matter of fact i even had surgery the day before the award last wednesday. I am grateful to be still standing in the land of the living…now that i am begining to get better health wise i look forward to finally picking up the pieces of my life and will probably accept some offers that have begun to come my way.
I will keep all of you my brothers and sisters informed of my progress while i still humbly ask for your prayers. Bella be blessed….
One luv,
congrats ashazulu =) you truly are blessed.
hi afrobella,
as evidenced in the commentary on the last two posts of yours… WE GOT ISSUES (lol) from head to toe. it would be interesting if you did a post on the beauty and self-esteem issues of natural haired women and black women as a whole so we could just air it all out because there is obviously a lot going on in our minds; rational or not. hopefully it would remind us to embrace the fact that we are ALL BEAUTIFUL. whether we choose to acknowledge that beauty or not. at the end of the day – differing opinions aside – we have to love one another to love ourselves
Other people don’t think I have good hair, but I love my hair. I am 3 years natural tomorrow and I had grown to hate the unnecessary praising of the defined curls I had when it was TWA and I hate when people say I have a good grade of hair now when I wear my Big Azz Fro. My hair hasn’t taken any tests!
The fact is hair is very significant in the lives of black women. If we wear it in an afro we might be seen as too militant. Braids, too ethnic, relaxed, too mainstream, fingerwaves & pineapples, too hood. We can’t win.
Words have power. I’ve learned to embrace the term nappy since I’ve become natural. I have also become more aware of how we celebrate certain features as a people. I pray we will learn to celebrate the diversity of our features overtime.
Like Ishtastic said we need to start complimenting each other more. You never know what kind words may do for another woman.
even though she made those
comments im glad that she learned
from her mistake and is trying to
work on it. I love that. I know
alot of people that think only
a certain type of hair is “good”
and no matter what i have told them
about why and how they should understand
that healthy hair is good hair;
they dont buy it.
nice post.
and im glad she gained
an awareness on how it
makes some feel by her
I don’t know why, but that term “good hair”, has never bothered me. To me, it’s just a term to describe someone whose hair is softer/curlier than some of the kinkier hair types that we as Black people can have. I’m guilty of using the phrase myself, from time to time & I am a “nappy Nazi”. When I say it, it doesn’t mean that I think my own 4b hair is bad or lesser than, it just means that whoever I’m referring to has a softer type hair texture. Is that so bad? I do understand where everyone else is coming from, but I only think the negative connotations come in if you’re somehow trying to make someone who has a coarser/kinkier hair type feel that they’re less than. I don’t know, maybe I need to start re-thinking using the term at all…as I type, my girl, who gets a blow out weekly, is yelling at me for not being offended by it…so guess I got some thinking/re-programming to do on this subject…
Sorry, Asha, yes your locks are long and beautiful and you’ve made an interesting contribution to Guinness. In your apology you state that its been your experience that soft curly hair grows longer than extra kinky hair and you were acknowledging that difference without any judgement. The fact that you emphasize hair texture vs. hair healthiness and most importantly, physical/human individuality gives me pause. There seems to be some internal something going on.
That picture if of my sister!
I’m sorry but after reading all the post on different websites and viewing the videos and pictures, I am too questioning the validity and credibility of her claim.