I’ve been thinking about Jennifer Hudson all weekend long. It’s one thing to lose a parent. But to lose your mother and brother under such awful, awful circumstances…. just dealing with that alone would be crushing. Add to that the fact that they don’t yet know where her 7 year old nephew is just beyond. My prayers go out to the Hudson family, and most especially to Jennifer.
Reality television is so crazy. Fame must be so bizarre. Fans watched J.Hud from season 3 of Idol — who could forget that audition? And because of the fact that we rooted for her, called and voted for her, and watched her blossom from unpolished American Idol contestant to Academy Award winning starlet honored with her own day in the city of Chicago — it’s easy to feel like we personally know her.
Jennifer Hudson has worked hard to prove herself, and has become a bankable star in blockbuster movies like Sex and the City and The Secret Life of Bees. Her latest album has produced a hit song. In the midst of all of that success, has come the most unimaginable tragedy.
I wish I could just give her a hug right now.
I’m sure many of her famous friends are coming forth to offer their support. Her film co-stars including Queen Latifah and Sarah Jessica Parker, presidential candidate Barack Obama, and even New York have already offered sincere condolences.
Fans are leaving supportive comments on her YouTube channel, and on her official website, there’s a statement that now rings even sadder.
CNN and WLS just reported that the body of a child was found this morning, in the vehicle that was missing from Jennifer Hudson’s family.
My heart breaks for the Hudson family. Jennifer, your fans around the world are praying for you right now.
** edited Sunday November 2 at 11 a.m. — In the wake of the tragic deaths of Darnell Hudson Donerson, Jason Hudson and Julian King, Julia and Jennifer Hudson have established the Hudson-King Foundation For Families of Slain Victims in honor of their family members. The specific purpose of the Foundation is to care for the needs of families who have lost relatives to a violent crime. This encompasses their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter as well as grief counseling.
Send your donations to the Hudson-King Foundation here:
c/o Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP
Attn: William L. Abrams, Esq.
237 West 35th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001.

There really are no words to describe this horrific tragedy. I believe there is a special circle of hell reserved for those who would take the life of an innocent child.
I couldn’t possibly imagine what her family is going through – my prayers go out to them.
My God. My heart is breaking for her and her family. What an awful, awful tragedy.
ohmygosh, a wave of sadness just washes over me as i read this. when i first found out her mother and brother were killed i was horrified and shocked, then yesterday i found out her nephew was missing, and now there is a possibility he’s dead? all of this senseless killing for what? i feel so so awful about this. i too just want to give jennifer a hug, i don’t know how she’s coping but i hope she gets all of the support she needs. this is such a horrendous crime. whoever did this is horrible.
This is indeed a nightmare come true. It boggles my mind, what drives someone to kill anyone, especially a child. I agree with Maria, there is a special place in hell. I just hope our justice system gets to them first.
All our prayers will go out to the family and Jennifer Hudson the Lil boy found was her nephew.
I can’t even imagine.
Is the suspect Jennifer’s brother-in-law?
I figured it probably would not end well regarding the child since they have had the suspect in custody for a couple of days now and he wouldn’t talk. This is horrible. To think, he got out of jail for attempted murder and now this.
I just read the news about little Julian. My heart aches for the entire family. The pain that Jennifer & Julia must be going through is incomprehensible.
This is very sad news.Did the police question the sister? I watched a video of the news confrence on TMZ,and I feel that something just aint right.
That whole situation is so messed up.
The husband, boyfriend what ever he is, seems really shaky to me. I feel so badly for Julia and Julian’s father. I can’t even imagine the pain that Jennifer is going through, and I hope that the little boy is found.
So sad… shedding major tears for her…
My thoughts just keep going back to Jennifer and her family. This Sunday at church, our congregation prayed for strength for the Hudson family. They have to endure the greatest tragedy in a very public way and they will need to summon all their faith to get them through.
My heart also breaks for Jennifer and her family. This is an unspeakable tragedy and a true test of faith. I am praying for her strength.
this is the most horrible thing that can happen to a person. i mostly feel anger for the person who did this. but i am reminded, and am reminding all of you that all of our energy should be used praying for Jennifer and her family during their time of need.
i couldnt imagin burying my mother, brother and possibly nephew:
“My greatest fear has already happened, my greatest hope is for having my child. I just want my son,” Julia Balfour said.
I shed some tears for Jennifer and her family today. I went from shocked, to incredibly sad to angry. Blog hug to all of you.
May God watch over The Hudson, King and Balfour families.
What kind of sick monster kills a child?
My prayers are definitely going out to all of those affected by this tragedy. I can relate to losing relatives especially a mother right before the holidays. I cannot personally think of anything worse.
My prayers and condolences to Jennifer and her family.
I am definitely keeping Jennifer and her family in my thoughts. I haven’t been able to get this off my mind since I heard about it. I didn’t know Jennifer and I grew up in the same neighborhood in Chicago until this. I pray that she and her family are granted peace and strength through this painful time.
I feel so bad for her & the entire Hudson family. I just pray that she & hers will get thru this horrible heart-shattering experience the best way they can.
I mean, I cannot even begin to wrap my head around such senseless violence & tragedy… I myself have a 10 year old nephew who lives with my mother & 2 brothers in Chicago & I know I’d have to be carried out of here if anything ever happened to them…so this has definitely hit a personal nerve with me also, in a big way.
If the “person of interest” they’re currently holding is truly the person responsible, then, he’ll get what he deserves in prison, trust, they gotta special way of dealing with baby killers on the inside…
This story sickens me to no end. I want the culprit to suffer both here on earth and in the afterlife. As for the Hudsons, God, take them under your wings.
I know booming record sales are probably the last thing on Jennifer’s mind right now but I think the closest we can get to showing support for her (aside from praying of course) is to buy her album.
This is truly awful. My heart is so pained for her.
I feel really bad for Jennifer and her sister who probably feels absolutely out of her mind right now. So sad right now.