Hola, bellas!
I just added some more social networking to an already overcrowded list. Nichelle of 55 Secret Street convinced me to join Twitter. So come follow me, or add me, or friend me, or whatever it is you call it on Twitter. I think I got a lot to learn. Click here!
** edited at 10:50 a.m. Sunday — I was hesitant to join Twitter because I didn’t want to reveal how boring my life really is. But now I realize, there is so much I can share! Newest thing, bullet reviews. As I try a product, I can tell you what I think. Of course I’ll share these reviews on Afrobella as well, but my immediate opinions will be on Twitter.
** edited at midnight on Monday morn — Here’s the gist of what I posted today, in terms of beauty tidbits and bullet reviews:
— “bullet beauty review — went to Wax On,Wax Off in Coconut Grove today. Big poster of my review in their window! Waxer informed me, always use sunscreen after waxing to avoid hyperpigmentation for women of color. Good to know. Great brow shape + mimosa!”
— head’s up for my bellas with locs — new jewelry designer has some hot jewelry for your hair …
— bullet review: African Pride’s new leave in conditioner leaves the fro shiny, happy and soft… but it’s got many tiny herbs and twigs in it
— bullet review: I like, but don’t love Calvin Klein’s Secret Obsession. I’m not a musky kinda gal, under most circumstances anyway.
So that’s the beauty of Twitter, I have no choice but to edit my expansive thoughts down to 140 characters. It makes me edit myself like crazy, which is kind of a good thing.

Yeah! On Twitter it is called “following” LOL! You’ll have a lot of fun because all kinds of folks are on Twitter.
Hi…I de-lurked to tell you I joined Twitter today, too. I figure I may as well see what all the fuss is about. I added you to “follow” after I saw your post… and I got your mini review on African Pride leave in condish in the middle of church (phone was on silent) lol…it was cool cause I was majorly fighting to stay awake!
Still trying to figure it all out, but I guess it will be fun.
not you as well. scandalous beauty mentions twitter a lot. ooooh what is a lady to do. Unless I join just to follow my favourite bloggers like you. mm still in two minds
ok i thought i will give it a go and have joined. i guess i wil just follow some folk for now and just see how it goes.
Hee hee, I started follwing you yesterday… I’m alasha78 over there.
I’m following you too!
Gotta go – lickel diva is asleep – let the mixing begin!
Also following you too, Sofro & Nichelle (love your fashion blog)
Hi, lady!
I already spotted you and clicked “follow”. 🙂 I’ve only been on twitter for a few weeks but I’m already hooked. Just what I need– another vice!
Happy to see you jumped on the twitter wagon. Lots of fun, great connecting. It also makes for better reading than tabloids standing in the grocery line.