Did you watch last night’s challenge? Click here to see who won!
I was so thrilled for him. He’s so talented and funny, and seems like a genuine sweetheart. His dress was amazing, and last night was one crazy episode. It centered around an astrological, avant garde challenge. This Pisces was pretty disappointed to not see her sign among the chosen designs. But I digress.
Both Blayne and Terri got auf’ed!
I totally saw Blayne coming (his outfit really was pooping fabric. The back was even more hideous than the front), but Terri??? NO WAY. I did dislike her outfit on last night’s show, and I did think she was really unnecessarily mean to Keith… I know these reality shows are edited up the wazoo, but she was decidedly ungracious, and it seemed like more energy and stress than it was worth in the end. But man, the judges tore into Terri’s outfit with a vengeance. I LOLed when Michael Kors described her outfit as “voodoo princess in hell,” and even her own model giggled. Despite all of that, I don’t think Terri should have been auf’ed this episode — she’s amazingly talented and I think she should have been given another chance to knock the judges out.
But maybe I’m biased, because I think Kenley is so. frickin. annoying. I cringe when she speaks. She’s outrageously defensive and entitled. And Afrobella is so over Suede’s constant third person self references. Terri Stevens, I miss you already.
Click here to rate the runway, and click here to read Tim’s Take and Michael Kors’ Blog. I love that they post their opinions directly after the show. Oh, and I got that awesome, awesome GIF of Jerell from ONTD. Love that site.
The New York Fashion Week finale takes place Friday morning, and Jennifer Lopez will be the celebrity guest judge. And if anyone in NYC sees Korto around the tents at Bryant Park, show her some love! I have a suspicion that she got to where she wanted to be.
Did any of you see that she left a comment on the post I wrote about her? She says: “thanks for the love evrybody! to answer your questions yes its a weave but its mine I paid for it…lol.
and I am an emotional nut I cry watching oprah…lol love ya’ll sistas and brothas for sticking by me…..like suede would say †korto wants to go to fashion week†so go korto!“You already know, Korto!
So are you watching? Who are you rooting for?

Okay – I am so confused. I tuned in last night and saw folks that I thought were eliminated and thought the show was a rerun!! Was it an original episode? Aaargh – can’t believe I missed it. I am/was rooting for Teri and Korto. And sometimes Leanne.
I ADORE KORTO!!! I really can’t tell you how much of a fan I am. I was so thrilled when Ladybrille did that interview and I can’t wait to see her in Bryant park. Heck, I’m already saving up to purchase one of her designs. She is fresh, innovative and downright fabulous. She has been my pick for the winner since the first challenge.
While I love Terri, she forgot she was on reality TV for a minute and let the producers take advantage of an already bad situation. It was the show’s loss to eliminate her so early, but I’m glad for the shine that she and Jerell have gotten so far. I’d be happy to see Jerell in Bryant park too, now that I think about it. I really don’t get how Blaine made it so far and I feel like more talented designers were eliminated before him because the producers saw him as entertaining. He is more annoying than Kenley (in my opinion) because I never saw him deliver any garments of quality. I’m sure he’s a sweetie, but I wanted to deck him the second time I heard a word ending in “licious” come out of his mouth.
I thought Jarell’s outfit was FUGLY. Terri’s attitude was FUGLY, and totally unnecessary. I actually felt sorry for Keith, and I don’t even like him. Blayne-licious should have been gone weeks ago, he has no talent at all. Kenley runs her red-lipped mouth too much, annoys everybody, and her designs usually suck. Korto stays in the winning group, and I really hope she wins. I love her designs, her demeanor, AND her weave, LOL.
Bella….I love Korto and Jerrell. I was also disappointed that the Poofy Sleeved Monstority stayed. Poor Terri. I was hoping for a brown folks finale. 🙂
Go Korto!
Nerd Girl – the auf’d designers came back and were paired with the designers still in the competition. It was pretty cool actually. Loving the reception at the planetarium. Very cool.
I totally loved Korto’s dress. I kind of liked Joe’s Aries dress too. Must be the Aries in me! I really didn’t like Kenley’s outfit. At all. Like Nina said its like she didn’t even listen to the requirements of the challenge, she did what she wanted to do and that was that. That thing was atrocious. I think one of the judges are gonna go off on that girl, she back talks too much. If it weren’t for the arrow in the hair I don’t think Jerell would have won, but kudos to him.
I noticed in previous episodes how the designers commented on Terri’s attitude and I never really saw it…until last night. Damn she was vicious to Keith. Karma, it’ll get you every time.
Oh yeah I also thought the dress Kenley did for the DVH challenge last week was terrible. She never really listens to what the challenge is supposed to be.
I was surprised to see Terri go as well! I’m so glad Jerell won, he’s really good and I like him. Kenley is annoying to me too…and didn’t she clap back on Nina last night?! Korto is my favorite, love all her clothes, everytime they praise her she seems so sad though in her responses, I dunno, it could just be modesty. I think she’s great! and I hope she goes all the way.
I watched last night and Suede’s thrid person references to himself were killing me. I was sitting there like who is talking? Is that Suede? lol.
The other guy who did the Leo inspired dress killed it, and Jerrell. I love him. He’s so funny and talented. That jacket that went went the ensemble was ON POINT. I was sitting there ppicturing myself n the jacket. *sigh* I love fashion, and I’m always in awe of the people who are able to create garments.
Terri was mean to Keith and I wasn’t feeling her dress, but I didn’t think she should have gone, plus I need to know what kind of curl that is in her hair. Anyone? Terri?
Korto all the way! I was sad to see Terri go because she does have talent and I really liked her dress, I thought it was elegant. I love that Jerrel stuck by his design, it turned out beautifully, the fabric he used was gorgeous and he won!
Does anyone else watch Top Design? It comes on right after Project Runway.
I heart Jerrel…he’s so funny…and I think Blayne’s outfit for DVF was hot…but last night…yea, no. Kenley & Terri both get on my nerves, and they’re both talented, but I think other ppl are better. I see Korto, Jerrel, & Leigh Anne @ Bryant Park. And Joe needs to go…three episodes ago…thanks.
The thing about Suede’s third person references that bother me the most…is that he won’t remain consistent. Sometimes he says I, and sometimes he says Suede. Yech.
And I definately agree about Korto and her melancholy responses! Sometimes I think she’s about to leap off the side of a building, or something…I’ve never seen someone take praise so solemnly.
Yay Jerell! Yay LeAnne!
AFROBELLA- I soooo agree with everything you wrote. So glad Jarell won!!! Don’t like Terri’s personality all of the time…a little conceited, but her dress wasn’t THAT awful… she should have listened to Keith more. However, that should not have been grounds for her dismissal. Don’t know why Kenley is still there? she has some serious insecurity issues AND her dress was craptastic! and unfortunatley, Blayne’s piece was just a hot mess!!
can’t wait to see who wins…it better be either Jarell or Korto– love them both.
Somebody please shove some muslin in Kenley’s mouth!!! Jerrell is a doll!!! Korto is awesome!! She would have to do something really monstrous not to make it to Bryant Park. I’d love to see Korto, Leanne & Jerrell in the final three….
Luv Korto! She is consistently bringin’ it! Every weekend I watch the PR marathon, because of my crazy work schedule and because if you see episodes back to back little things jump out at you. Like, Kenley cutting off Heidi during judging for the DVF challenge. She listened to everyone else but stepped all over Heidi. Heidi gave her the death ray look. I think it’s going to come back on her. I wouldn’t mess with any chick from Germany, lol.
Why oh why, does Korto keep coming up as the runner up. She rocked it with the black and white dress with the hint of yellow peeking out. I also loved the weaved look from the seat belts (as a motor city girl, i always thought seat belts were cool industrial material, never thought about making dresses with them though) I admit, I love everything she has created. Maybe because it’s fashionable yet very wearable. I can see myself in her clothes. I can see myself putting off paying for rent to afford her clothes. It’s a given, the girl has talent and I will be watching for her line. With or without the show, a star has been born. And it’s not bootylicious Blayne, conniving Kenley or the seriously stuck on himself, Suede. They are only there for entertainment purposes. Korto is a true designer and it shows.
Goodness, Michael Kors was fired up last night. He was slicing and dicing with those comments! I wish Kenley had gotten cut instead of Terri. I can’t stand her. She can’t take any feedback and actually talks major smack back to the judges. You can tell she thinks Heidi is stupid. And Blayne seriously needed to be gone like three episodes again. He was terrible from day one.
As for the winners, I was SO glad Jerell won! He has a good spirit but I don’t know if he’ll be top three. I think it’s going to be Joe, Leanne and Korto. By the way, if you go on the DVF website and look at the dresses, there’s a dress that looks VERY similar to Korto’s black and white dress from last week. I hope she wins!
Congratulations Jerell, j’adore Korto, and of course, much respect to AfroBella! If Korto doesn’t win this season, I give up on Project Runway. Kara Saun got straight robbed on Season 1. (Can I get a witness?) So it’s time to shine for a true African and American. Go Korto!!!
I wish they’d kept Terri, she is talented, even with pant after pant after pant. Plus, I too was hoping for “a brown folks finale.”
Korto is the bomb! And she just looks like a juicy plum. I love her talent, “her” hair, the clothes she wears, and the way she’s so quiet and serious. She’ll probably never be “Fan Favorite” personality-wise, but fashion-wise, you have to love her passion.
I’m so glad Jerell won. He is such a cutie and a sweetheart. Did you notice how he was so sweet to Stella when they did the Lipstick Jungle challenge? He seems to be a genuinely kind person. Love him!
Kara Saun definitely got ROBBED! And Michael Knight from Season ? I still want that orangey-red hotpant suit he and Nasri won that challenge with. And the white one-shoulder dress!
I thought I was the only one that cringes everytime Kenley talks. Her voice is sooooo nasally and she is ultra annoying and stubborn. She doesn’t even listen to Tim Gunn and he is about 90% right.
I love Korto first, then Jerell. Jerell is so original, but it may come to bite him in the butt,because he is a little too out there. I really hope Korto doesn’t get the “Michael syndrome”, meaning she is hot the whole season and then get to Bryant Park all weak. She has sooo much talent though and I don’t see that happening. I also like that she is mild-mannered and keep to herself and her business. No need to get in all that bantering back and forth with the other contestants.
I heard that this would be Projects Runway’s last season on Bravo. Read somewhere that it’s going to Lifetime. Is this true?
Say it ain’t so!!
ADDICTED.to.that.show. I’m happy Jerrell finally won, but Kenley needed to get kicked off the show. She is irritating me to no end and thinks too highly of her point of view. I mean, “I don’t look at runway shows [or other designers].” Are you serious?!?!? So arrogant.
I’m stanning for LeeAnn. I love her designs.
I HEART KORTO!!!!!! I heart her designs, I heart her attitude, I heart the clothes she wears, I heart that in some episodes, she’s barefoot on the runway… I heart that girl. Wanna invite her over for rice and peas. I can’t wait to see her runway show; I KNOW she made it to Fashion Week. I also think Jerell (love that boy; he should be the Jack to my Karen) and LeAnne are second and third for Fashion Week.
I always thought Terri was shady. Look at past episodes and listen to people’s comments about her. Nobody trusted her. Jerell said it best, “The bytch got 2 faces, count ’em, 2 of ’em!…Don’t trust the bytch.” (LUBZ that lil bunny.)
I don’t know WHY Suede and Joe are still there. I miss Blayne-licious already. 🙁 He sucked as a designer but he was sunshine. I was happy to see Carmen from Season 4 at the preview. I don’t think she got a fair chance. If they ever do a ‘Best of’ show, she should be included.
’till next time…
I’m not a dedicated PR fan like you guys, but whenever I have managed to catch an episode, Michael Kors is HILARIOUS! His comments are usually straightforward and on point, it’s just HOW he says them. They crack me up every time! I remember he told one contestant “Like, WHY would you even sew that together???” LOL!! My sister & I still use that one whenever we think see a fashion faux pas…
I think it’s between Korto and Leanne. Both are incredibly talented and consistently amazing. But I reallyreallyreally want Korto to win!!
Korto was my favorite from day one and I can’t imagine that she won’t be one of the finalists. Jerell has grown on me. I wasn’t so sure about him in the first couple of shows, but now I am definitely routing for him to make the final three as well. Up to this show Terri was fabulous. If I was a size 2 instead of a 10 I would love to wear her pants, but I was beginning to wonder if she could do anything other than pants and jackets. Her first time doing a dress and it was a complete disaster, she had to know that. Her attitude was funky with Keith, he wasn’t the most pleasant person to work with, but come on Terri, you’ve watched the show like the rest of us, you know what happens when the pairs don’t work it out together. I was sorry to see her go, would much rather have seed that self-important princess Kenley go, but I didn’t think Terri’d be in the finals with a whole line of pants.
I’m with Nina, I’m saving up for one of Korto’s designs. Go Korto!!
I’ve learned that I know nothing about fashion from watching PR. I didn’t dislike Terry’s design. I didn’t think it was enough to get eliminated. but this is a show, so they have to keep things interesting. I wasn’t insprired by Suede’s outfit and Kinley’s just confused me. Terry may have been a little rude toward Keith, but essentially it was her butt on the line when it came to judging, so I may have been a little controlling myself. Keith annoyed me. I laughed when he said that Terry needed to be sensitive to him b/c he just got a eliminated. I predict the final 3 to be Korto, Jerell, and Leeanne.
I won’t miss terri her attitude was awful in my opinion and she needed to make something other than a pants for once but i think kenley should have left before her kenley’s attitude stinkssssssssssss.