ExcellenTIA, you got it! I will e mail you immediately to get your digits, real name, etc so my peeps at SanDisk can make sure your tix are waiting at the WillCall window. I am so psyched for this show — and as usual, I am sorry I don’t have enough pairs of tickets to make everyone’s day. But I know for sure tickets haven’t yet sold out, and the venue has shifted to Bayfront Park, which means more seating and more shade. And I got my set list planned out, yes yes, y’all!
ExcellentTIA and the other commenters got me thinking about the performers I want to see the most… especially in light of the fact that it appears that Santogold has disappeared from the lineup, and for some reason this is only revealed on the RTB message boards. Y so secretive?
Like my bredren Jonathan Cunningham, I’m particularly psyched for The Pharcyde. The foursome disbanded in 1997, and their songs are most definitely part of my college nostalgia soundtrack. This song right here takes me back to living in the dorms and kickin it with the homies. Sublime and The Pharcyde = winning combination. Summertime, and the livin’s easy.
Man, do I miss Brad Nowell. He had so much more music to make. I know that isn’t one of Pharcyde’s best tracks in terms of the verses — some of the rhymes from the post- FatLip period got a little sloppy. But it’s such a fun, breezy track to waft you into the weekend. Enjoy, y’all!
And in EXTRA giveaway news… the folks at SanDisk noticed that quite a few of you bellas are from NYC! Well, they’re offering another sweet giveaway for those of you in that neck of the woods. Are you in New York? Do you want to see Rock the Bells at the Jones Beach Theater on this Sunday, August 3? Alright! The fifth person to leave a comment that says “I wanna see RTB in NYC,” will get TWO general admission tickets to the concert and one SanDisk Mobile Ultra microSD card. Comment away!

I wanna see RTB in NYC
Bella, I wanna see RTB in NYC
Bella, please I wanna see RTB in NYC
I wanna see RTB in NYC, please
Can’t you tell I REALLLY REALLLY wanna see RTB in NYC 😉
LOL Janelle — I can tell you REALLY wanna go. But I said the fifth PERSON, not the fifth comment!
I guess I’m the second person, not the fifth, but…
I wanna see RTB in NYC!
I wanna see RTB in NYC!
I wanna see RTB in NYC
I wanna see RTB in NYC!
1-2-3-4-5 — GHunt, it’s all you! I will e mail you for your info shortly. Again bellas, sorry I can’t spread the love to everyone. But I’ll be featuring some fresh giveaways in August, so keep reading!
Love ya bella!
Bella,Ghunt you guys are going to LOVE the concert. Be prepared to be hot sweaty and tired by the end of the day, but it’s worth it. I saw the show this past weekend in.MD. Try to check out DJ Blackstarr on the 2nd stage, he’s amazing! So is all the main artists, not 1 bad performance.
Congrats to both winner’s.I hope that you all enjoy the show.
Boo… i wanted to see RTB in NYC! Will you promise to do a review? BTW, i’m a long time reader and first time commentator!
Wow, thanks! I’d totally forgotten about that song. Takes me back to the summer before I went to college. Great tune. Nice way to ease into the week-end.
i cant believe it…a dream come true…thank you so so much…i won i won i won!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Ghunt! Enjoy the concert! I am about 6 hours late to this post!
Hey there Afrobella! {waves}
If your readers see FREE beauty items online do you want us to email you with the info or to just put in in the comments for your review?
Here’s a free offer of the new Maybelline mascara:
You may already know about it! (smiles)
I love your blog… I don’t use any beauty products though…I never wear make up or anything…because… well…. I’m somewhat fine and I don’t need any make up! *giggles* What can I say? (smiles)
Just keepin’ it real…
I wanna see RTB in NYC!!
WOW. Mad late with that one! Still love the site though. Keep it up!
I love the pharcyde…