I’m about to take a little vacation from everything including Afrobella — I’ll be back early next week with a fresh stack of beauty reviews. But this weekend’s my birthday, and I’m celebrating in an unconventional way. I’m going to hippie spring break, AKA the Langerado Music Festival! In years past I’ve seen Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, and Robert Randolph and the Family Band (who dropped out of this year’s lineup, I’m disappointed to say). This year there are a whole lotta bands I don’t know much about, but the entire reason I’m going is to see The Wailers, the Beastie Boys, the Roots, and the Funky Meters.
So while I’m off at the three-day jamboree, I wanted to leave with a big giveaway
I’ve been meaning to do since February. But first, the product review!
I know Creme of Nature is old hat to most of you all, but growing up in Trinidad, I honestly had never heard of the stuff until a once-regular commenter (where you at, coffy?) mentioned that it might make my curls happy. She was so right! Creme of Nature has been a staple in African American hair care for thirty years now, with good reason. When I first tried Creme of Nature, I discovered a supremely moisturizing shampoo that left my curls feeling deliriously soft. But the old formuation left a bit of buildup if I used it too often. Now Creme of Nature has undergone a complete makeover. Their shampoos and leave in conditioners now feature Certified Organic Ingredients (but for bellas who are truly obsessed with healthy hair ingredients, I am sad to report that there is petrolatum, alcohol, and ‘cones up in their mix).
So far, so great! The new formulation hasn’t given me any reason to complain just yet — I’ve been using the shampoo and conditioner for a month with no problems beyond occasional scalp buildup (which happens to me a lot because I try so many different products). When that crops up, I do an apple cider vinegar rinse to clarify my curls, and presto, no problemo. I love that the new Chamomile and Comfrey Healing Conditioner for Dehydrated Hair has a weight to it — it’s a great two-minute deep conditioner for weekly use.
The new leave in conditioners rock. The Lemongrass and Rosemary Leave-In makes my curls super sproingy and is fabulous if I slather it on immediately after shower when my hair is wet. I recently suggested the Red Clover & Aloe Daily Breakage Relief to my girlfriend Jessica who was freaking out recently because it appears that Garnier Soft Curl Cream and Curl N’Shine styling products are disappearing from store shelves. (WTF, Garnier?) The Creme of Nature Daily Breakage Relief is reminiscent of Soft Curl Cream to me, in that it works best when my hair’s wet. In the photo below, I slathered on the Daily Breakage Relief, then refreshed my front curls with a spritz or three of Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla Leave In. It’s clipped up with a big octopus clip in the back. You’ll notice my front curls love it, the back ones, not so much. Also, Max apparently is camera shy.
So like I said, it’s my birthday this weekend, but YOU get the presents! The peeps at Creme of Nature are offering Afrobellas a complete set of the new organic products — Each set will contain one full-size Creme of Nature shampoo, one full-size Creme of Nature conditioner and two full-size Creme of Nature treatments, the Jojoba & Olive Oil Moisture-Active Deep Conditioning Treatment for Dehydrated Hair and Red Clover & Aloe Daily Breakage Relief.
I’ve got TEN to give away! Here’s all you need to do — wish me a happy birthday and tell me if you’ve had a Creme of Nature hair experience, good, bad, whatever. I’ll pick winners as soon as I get back!
Happy weekend, bellas!

Happy Happy Happy Birthday Patrice aka Afrobella!!!!
I wish you the best of everything life has to offer
I believe I’ve tried the Creme of Nature shampoo before, it has been a long time since I tried and I wasn’t particularly anal about my hair products then so I can’t say that I paid attention to it’s effects. I am looking to switch up my shampoo and leave-in conditioner, I currently use Pantene Pro V shampoo and I haven’t found a leave-in conditioner that I’m satisfied with. I heard good things about Creme of Nature from Tia (Shake Your Beauty) so I had been meaning to give it a try…a trial sample of goodies will not be bad lol!
Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful time off. I’m jealous that you get to see all those great acts. Your cat is a cutie.
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to youuuuu! Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu, happy birt-day to you!!!!!! (LOL)
I used to use cream of nature when I was relaxed a long time ago. I like the shampoo (red and white label), but haven’t tried the new line, but have been eyeing it! I do remember the shampoo being really moisturizing and my hair would NEVER tangle when i used it!
So with that said, hook up a fellow trini naaaaaaaaaa! (*winks*)
HAAPPPYYY BIRTHDAY Patrice!!!! As an avid reader of the Afrobella website just wanted to say that I absolutely love your website. It helps sooo much in deciding what products to use in regards to my natural hair care. Just like you, I have a cabinet full of products that were either used, abused or both!…lol. I love your candor about the products and from one island girl to the next I know you understand the things we go through when trying to decide what products to use since living in the US.
Now back to the matter at hand, I would love love love the free sample of the creme of nature products because I used to use it back in the day and now can’t seem to find it anywhere or in any store in the state I live in. The experience I had with creme of nature made me a unpaid spokesperson for creme of nature so much that I got my fellow girls into it.
It does literally leave your hair soft and bouncy and the conditioner is the best for those cold winter days that sap all the moisture and life out of your hair.
So, please please please send me a free sample asap so that I can have happy bouncy curls just like you!
Happy Birthday Bella! Bonne Anniversaire
I used nothing but Creme of Nature as a little girl, strayed away in college and now use their shampoo but haven’t tried the conditioner. I love the way the shampoo leaves my hair feeling as moist as before I shampooed instead of stripping my hair. I’d love to try the new organic products, so pretty please send me a sample pack.
Bella, first Happy Birthday!
I’ve awarded your blog a “You Make My Day†award. For more info, click here:
You Make My Day
Bless up,
Happy Birthday Bella! Enjoy your wonderful sounding weekend. Peace!
Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!!! Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Also, I would love to try the new Creme of Nature Organics cause about 7 months ago I changed from Relaxed to Natural and my hair literally looks like Buckwheat if it is not mosturized properly and Creme of Nature seemed to be the only thing that worked for my hair when it was relaxed. I am so happy they came with the Organics to help my transition from relaxed to Natural and am loving it! I need something to tame my hair and stop scaring my kid and husband from Mommy with hair as large as life.
Thanks Afrobella!
happy birthday bella!
thanks for the heads-up on the new products! i’ve always like creme of nature conditioners, but i’ve found in the past that their shampoos have left my curls feeling a bit stiff. i’ve grown to prefer natural products that leave my curlies happy even before the conditioner comes to visit.
enjoy the roots for me, please, and i look forward to hearing more about (or even getting to try!) the new creme of nature products!
Have a blessed fun weekend. You deserve the break!
Happy Birthday Afrobella! I hope that your special day is everything you desired and more!
I have sworn by Creme of Nature ever since high school. Their detangling shampoo was the only one that actually delivered on promises of shiny, softer, easier-to-comb hair. After straying away to Garnier and Nexxus for a couple of months in college, my hair suffered and I encountered a substantial amount of breakage. I vowed never to switch shampoos again, and keep an industrial-sized amount at home at all times! However, this is the first I’ve heard of their new line, so I’m dying to expand my collection!
Thanks for reading,
Happy Birthday and a Feliz Cumpleanos! I have never used the Creme of Nature products and honestly it is the first time I have heard of them. I would love to receive the products but not for me but for my husband. He deceided that after he got out of the Army that he would rock his hair long and in dreads. I love his hair long because I love to play with it when we are cuddling..anywhoo. I have yet to find a shampoo for him and our son that does not leave a buildup and leave their hair soft at the same time. I feel that black men are sometimes left behind about hair products and would love to show my husband that there are some great products out there that are great for his hair (our little son has the what I think are the worlds cutest curls!) So please help me keep the men in my life looking fly. Thanks, and happy birthday!
Not trying for the giveaway, I just wanted to wish you a SPECTACULAR & FABULOUS birthday! Enjoy your concert and anytht\ing and everything you do this weekend (and all weekends to come).
Happy Birthday!!!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!!!!!!!!!! You don’t look a day over 20!! I can say that I have used Creme of Nature products. I used the Organics Lemongrass shampoo and also the detangling conditioning shampoo and I really like it!! It’s not too heavy on the hair, and the aroma is not overbearing. Another plus for this product is that it is inexpensive. I’m a college student, and well… let’s say money can be rough (I’ll throw a party if I find 5 buck-a-roos!!) I can usually go to Wal-mart, and buy some Creme of Nature, which can last me almost a whole semester! I guess where I’m from The Creme of Nature Products are rather popular because they were sold out a few days back!! I try to stick to a few products that are affordable and also reliable. Creme of Nature is definately one of them!
Thank You
Erica D
Happy, happy birthday!!!!
I have used it ….a long, long, time ago. I cant remember if it was good or bad. Mama did my hair, so I didnt have much of a choice
Happy Birthday! Enjoy the festival.
Also- if this compares to Curl Cream, that’s great! It’s the only thing that works on my daughter’s curls and they are disappearing from shelves. Hmmpf.
Happy B-Day!
Never used Cream of Nature products so I guess N/A
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA! This is a great picture of you by the way. My mother used to use Creme of Nature on me too, and all I remember is that I didn’t like it. You can keep the products, but I hope you have a fantastic B-day!
I’M SO JEALOUS! Although I just saw The Roots recently I would love to see them again! LOL and again!
Happy Birthday, Afrobella! Hope you have great time at the festival!
I also noticed that the Garnier soft curl creams are disappaering from shelves fast. So, like your frined, I am very interested in finding a replacement. I would loved to try the Creme of Nature Daily Breakage Relief on my hair. I’ve never tried Creme of Nature products, but since you reviewed it, I’m very intereseted in trying them now.
Happy Birthday Bella!!!
First I’d like to say that I love your site!! I was introduced to the site literally 2-3 days ago by one of my girls who is an avid reader of your website. Since we are both natural beauties from the Caribbean, like yourself, she suggested the site to get ideas on natural hair care and products I should use to tame dryness and frizzies.
By the way, I loved the Allison Hinds piece!
I’ve used Creme of Nature in Junior High and High School and I loved it. Like many of us do I moved on to other products as the years passed on but deciding to go back natural in 2004 was an exciting change yet a bit of a challenge. In the process I re-evaluated the products I was using and investigated products I thought my dry hair would benefit from. Creme of Nature became one of the top products I used on my hair. I absolutely love the moisturizer and conditioner, not just for the smell but for the hydration they give to my hair. I would love to receive a set of Creme of Nature’s new line because I haven’t tried all the new products yet and I’d love to share the happy curl experieince with you!!!
Happy Birthday Bella!! Have fun at the concert.
H-a-p-p-y B-i-r-t-h-d-a-y Y-o-u Bella!(in tune the song)Many gracious and beautiful ones as well.I too have experienced the Creme of Nature shampoo.
My first time was the year I did the BC(March 2006)Wow! I can’t believe its been two years.I read somewhere that it would work great on natural hair, so I excitedly used it. After shampooing I read the ingredients that included sodium hydroxide and I stopped. I’m not gonna lie I loved what it did for my newly natural kinks. I hope to win because I have been eye’n these on every trip to Walmart. I’m so glad you gave us your experience. Thanks.
I was referring to the original formula of Creme of Nature shampoo.tata
Happy Birthday Bella! I’ve watched this site blossom into such a wonderful source of all things beauty and more, and I wish you and your blog many more wonderful years!!
My cream of nature experience is very similar to yours. My friends recommended it to me due to its amazing softening qualtities. However, when I tried it on my hair, I developed a build up so thick that my scalp felt like Oscar Meyer Baloney. It was absolutely disgusting. I really didn’t like the smell of it either. However, the plus side was that it did leave my hair very soft and easy to detangle. With CON, you can detangle with the shampoo pretty easily since it gives your hair a lot of slip. That saved me a lot of conditioner. The new products look so yummy!! I’ve only tried their shampoo and would love to get the opportunity to try some of their other stuff. Now that I have found my new friend baking soda, buildup shouldn’t really be a problem for me anymore.
Happy birthday darling, and thanks for all the advice. I highlighted my hair last summer and used Creme of Nature color care products. They smelled really good. I got sick of the color and went back to black that week, so…
What you doing for your birthday?
Hey Bella,i’m saying this a little early ,but tomorrow have a Happy Birthday.Your friend Geoffrey had some really nice things to say about you,and all of your readers agree with what he said.So enjoy your time off you have truely earned it my sister ,and let us know how the Music Festival was.
Hey Afrobella!
My birthday is this weekend too! I turn 20 on March 9!!
I’ve never tried Cream of Nature but i’m always open to new things!
Love the site! Keep doing your thing!
Hello Afrobella,
First and foremost I have to tell you how much I adore your website. I have not written or commented before, but I feel I need to tell you, your dedication and passion for sharing your knowledge and expertise to us bellas is commendable. I wish I had the guts to do the same. You are truly an inspiration for Black beauty!
Now, I wish you a Happy Birthday and hope you enjoy your birthday weekend living it up at the Langerado Music Festival.
I unfortunately have not tried Creme of Nature’s products. On the other hand I have spent waaay too much money (well my boyfriend seems to think so) on buying other hair products such as Jessie’s, Carol’s Daughter, Dr. Miracle, DevaCurl and so on. After buying and experimenting with the all of the above I came to a conclusion that buying the most expensive, most popular hair care products may not be for everyone. After spending bucoo bucks on all of those products only one or two seemed to be what I was looking for.
I’ve decided to stick with simple things I can easily buy at the local drugstore, like Creme of Nature. Winning this giveaway would be soo great. I will be able to try a brand I’ve had my eyes on for awhile and I won’t have to hear my boyfriend gripe and complain about another product I’ve bought that’s only going to clutter the bathroom, more than it already is.
So, once again Happy Birthday! and have a wonderful safe trip.
Thank you,
Happy Birthday fellow BAHS chica.
I’d love to try the Cream of Nature products…hell, I’ll trade you a very slightly used bottle of SkinMD. My skin no likey!
I’ve heard such good things about Creame of Nature but I’m a little sketch when it comes to using it. I dunno, my hair hates cones!
P.S. Lmao at Max trying to make his escape. He’s a cutie!
Happy Birthday, Bella! Have a great time at your hippie spring break.
I associate creme of nature with my extra-long, soft curls of childhood days. before the disastrous perm at age 10 took my curls, my length and the ease of doing my hair. now that i’ve recovered my curls and my ease and am on the way to recovering my length, i’d LOVE to rediscover the new, improved CON.
pick me, pick me!
Happy birfday to you, Afrobella!!! I wish you many birthday blessings for this weekend and the rest of your year.
My mom used Creme of Nature products when I was a kid. She (and I) used it often. I haven’t used it since I went natural because I’ve been trying hard not to use the same product on my real hair that I used on my fried hair. It looks like it might work well based on the picture that you posted. BTW, how does your hair and skin deal with all the different products that you try out? I just wonder if using all this stuff won’t make my hair and face fall off.
Thanks Afrobella and everyone that comments….I have learned a lot about being natural from this site, and I Iove the new site format!
Happy Birthday, Afrobella! And many, many more. I’ve been natural for two years now and I was using the Creme of Nature shampoo in the beginning. It does leave you hair really soft and tangle free (especially on relaxed hair) After awhile though, I started to try more expensive shampoos in the hopes that they would encourage my curls a little more. I saw the new line in stores but was a little aprehensive about trying it because I’d just bought a new tub of Miss Jessies stuff and was all tapped out, and I did not want to spend money I didn’t have on something I wasn’t sure about.
Anyway in addition, I just want to thank you for being a positive afrobella. It is a blessing that you post about so many things that are close to my own heart, because while one can be surrounded by lots of people, one can also feel alone on some ideas and issues.
Happy Birthday Afrobella! March babies for the win!
I am yet to use the Cream of Nature line of products. Right now, I’m transitioning (have been for three months) and in the process of finding out what works best for my hair and scalp. In fact, after a two week trial I learnt for the first time that my scalp COULD survive without ghastly grease! Whod’ve thunk it. For years (including my natural days) I was using grease thinking it would relieve my “dry” scalp, when all along it was the grease causing the dryness.
Everyday, with the help of websites like this, I’m learning so much about natural afro hair. I honestly used to think relaxing hair was a rite of passage! I relaxed my hair as soon as I turned 16, thinking it was the grown up think to do, and three years later I realised what a huge mistake that was! I used to have thick african hair that everyone used to say good things about, and I also got the odd, “wow you’re hair is going to be so long when you perm it”, as if it was the thing to do. Not knowing that I would have to go through years of shedding and breakage despite regular treatments etc. what a waste of money. Could’ve spent it on booze and fags. Not really – I can’t stand either lol. I guess I didn’t know how to take care of it. I also didn’t realise how much European standards of beauty had been drilled into me – not that I thought afros were ugly, but long wavy hair was the way right? hmm. But I’m so proud to have left the “creamy crack” (love the American sayings) behind and embrace my afro hair! I can’t wait until it grows out. Yeaaaaaah
But I digress lol. Enjoy your weekend!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! God bless you and I hope you have a wonderful day!
I love cream of nature. I always come back to it. My mother has used it on me since I started getting a perm, and it always worked so well. I stopped using it when I got older, and since I’ve been natural I haven’t even thought about it. I’m excited to hear about their new line and I hope I win so I get to try it!
Enjoy the concert!
Happy Birthday, Dear One:
You make me want to blog. What an inspiration, seriously.
Here’s my funny “CON” story, Pisces:
When I was about 13, I told my friends mother– a Jamaican woman who oozed style, that she should wash her hair with Cream of Nature because…it would make her hair “unbelievably silky”. She thought my product endorsement was funny–maybe because I had a Cream of Nature relaxer. Hello, could that have contributed to my type 4A hair’s silkiness? Who knows? One things for sure, I hope to find out soon because I’ve been growing my hair out (and using a weave to keep me going)for a year. I can’t wait to unveil my natural hair. What a discovery!
Thanks for being my primary resource,
Happy Birthday Bella!
I used to use creme of nature before going natural and it worked great. But now, even their most moisturizing products tend to dry out my hair…. but if these have gotten your seal of approval, I’d seriously have to try them.
I am wishing you and myself a Happy Birthday since we share the same one. Hope you enjoy your birthday weekend as I try an enjoy mine in the midst of a snowstorm in Cleveland…Once again Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
I have been natural for 10 months and I use the Creme of Nature Rosemary leave in daily. Like you mentioned, it is great when your hair is wet. I want to say that your site and knowledge has helped me along the way. My process wasn’t as long cause I started with a short hair cut, but along with your product reviews, I’ve been able to keep my hair moisturized and condition and have been able to pass on some knowledge. Again Happy Birthday and enjoy minute of it!!!
Happy Birthday Afrobella…
Wishing you many more blessed birthdays..enjoy your weekend and give thanks for you seeing another year!!!
As far as the Creme of Nature..I recently gone natural and my hair was still in shock from the perm i had before so when I cut off the perm my natural hair was still kind of hard and dry. I was looking for something that would help to keep my curls but soften them up. I recently found the Creme of Nature Leave In Conditioner and so far It has fone a great job for me when I detangle and when it dries its not stiff however it feels a little coated. So since I just began using this line i like it but not sure how the rest of the products will work on my hair….
Once again Happy Birthday and Thank Your maker for allowing you to see another year and another day!!!!
Hello and happy birthday to you!
I haven’t tried Creme of Nature in years. I remember when I still had a relaxer way back when (been all-natural for 8 years now), I used to use the shampoo sometimes, and I remember it making my hair nice and soft. I’ve been thinking about trying it again, but I was worried about the buildup. The new line looks interesting. I love hair products with more natural ingredients, especially affordable ones.
I’ll definitely have to these out. Thanks for the review!
happy birf day girl!
you are right about the old formulation, my locks couldn’t stand the build up BUT I hope this new batch will work for me……….
PS. The Roots! you lucky thank =)
*singin like Stevie Wonder* Haappy Birthdaay 2 yaaa, Haaapy Biirrthdaaay
I’ve been using Cream of Nature for practically my whole life. The smell of the shampoo especially, reminds me of being a little girl (I know that sounds weird). I love how it soft it makes my hair feel. I haven’t seen the new line in the beauty supply store around my way. But after reading your review, I’m anxious to try. Well I hope you enjoy your special day
Although I’m not too fond of my own birthday, I have discovered that it is the perfect time for self-reflection. So I’m wishing you a “Fabulous Birthday” Afrobella!
As for Creme of Nature shampoos and conditioners, I have used them on and off for years (they were quite popular in the 90’s, for chemically treated hair). I recently discovered the new (and improved) formulas because a sample of their Kiwi & Citrus Ultra Moisturizing Shampoo and Chamomile and Comfrey Healing Conditioner is included in the Creme of Nature hair color kit. So I am definitely looking forward to trying the entire line. Thank you for your information on this product.
Peace and positive vibes
Buon compleanno Bella! I happened upon your blog about 3 months ago and i can say unequivocally that you have given me the courage to “go natural”. I chopped my formerly relaxed 20″ hair down to the 1″ of new growth I’d let come in. I’m going through the find-what-my-natural-hair-loves phase. I currently live in the-middle-of-nowhere-racially-homogeneous nowhere-Iowa where ethnic hair products are really hard to come by. Growing up like you did in the Caribbean [Jamaica] I have never used the Cream of Nature line. That said, I’d love to try out these Cream of Nature products you reviewed in hopes that my hair loves them as much as i do.
Thanks for your consideration Bella!
Okay…not sure where my first post went
I posted wayyy this morning and I don’t see it here!!
Happy Happy Birthday Bella! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
My Creme of Nature experience has been short-lived because they JUST started carrying this new line at the Wal-Mart here in Austin.
I purchased the Kiwi Shampoo and the Lemongrass Leave-In and I love them BOTH!!!!! Usually I use Herbal Essences Totally Twisted but the Creme of Nature has definitely knocked Herbal Essences out!!! The Creme of Nature products have my my curls soooo much more defined and springy!!!!! As well, my hair is not hard. I LOVE this stuff!!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! I found you by way of Blogher! I am so adding you to my blogroll. I love all the tips and info and I feel so beautiful just reading and I ain’t even picked up one product yet!
PS Creme of Nature is the best…I use it on my daughter’s hair because it is a great detangler and she has that super curly hair. It really cuts down on the “Ouches”
I’ve been reading your web site for over a year now, and love your vibe, your intelligence (Happy Birthday Pisces!); and your love of REAL and TRUE beauty and culture.
You are a such a gift to the web community.
Happy Earthday…hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Best Wishes Bella….
Happy happy birth duh duh day to youuuu Happy buh buh birthday to you…Happy birthday Afro Bella ella…Happy birthday to youuuuu!!! woooo
I have tried their shampoo and loved that it did not strip my hair. My roommate started using my shampoo and it is finished before my very eyes grrrrr. I added water to salvage what I could lol… I have yet to try any of their other products. So glad to be informed about this. I now have more items to add to my wish list. hehe
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!!!
Hey! Happy birthday! I hope it’s an awesome one.
I’ve been using creme of nature for years now, because my mom used it and before I moved to school she bought me bottles and bottles of it. I’ve tried a couple of other products, but I always ended up going back to c.o.n.- mostly because I just really like it, partially because I had a lot to use up. I’m currently transitioning, and I find that the conditioner makes my hair easier to comb through for when I’m straightening it. I’ll have to try the ACV thing, since I get buildup too.
On a sidenote, I love your cat. He reminds me of a combo of 3 of mine.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Am I the only one in the world that didn’t know what an ACV rinse was? I did my first one last week, I think I’m going to start doing them monthly.
I live on Creme of Nature, I’ve been natural for almost seven years now (yea, I know, and never did a ACV till now). I haven’t seen the newer versions of it where I shop. I stick to the standard white bottles with the yellow, green or purple caps, every now and then I stray to the Garnier leave-in conditioners and Aussie’s Three Minute Miracle.
*In the Stevie Wonder, Martin Luther King Birthday remdeition
Happy Biiiirthday to ya! Happy Biiirthday!
Well I remember having Creme of Nature used on me as a child at the salon when I had that creamy crack in my hair and I just remember the lovely smell that is still distinctive to this day. I haven’t used it since, so remind me!!! Lol Nah but I’ve always heard and seen the good reviews since I went napptural and would love to try it.
Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope that is a blessed and fun filled!!!
I used Cream of Nature back in my permie days. I even used the relaxer a few times. I had no complaints and I would love a chance to try it on my beautimus natural coils!!!!
I received my free sample in the mail via FedEx last night. I was surprised to find what was insede. I was expecting a couple of travel size bottles of their new shampoo and conditioner. Instead I was more than happy (and rather appreciative) to find standard size bottles of shampoo, deep conditioner, leave-in treatment, a relaxer kit (that I will pass down to my mommy cuz curly girls rule the world) and a satin pillow case. I guess it was a little more than a sample but prize for inquiring about the products. I have to thank you, Afrobella because I heard of the offer on this very site. So thank you, suga!
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday!! And many more…..
Happy Bday Bella! Mine’s in a week, also gonna take in some concerts to celebrate. Nothing as awesome as your line up, tho! Roots and The Beastie Boys? Damn. Saw the latter last year, great show. Have big fun!
I have been natural for a little over the year and I looove cream of nature’s shampoos. It is the only shampoo that I use and it always makes my coils, kinks and curls happy. I do have a confession to make though, even though it says detangling, I am ridiculously apprehensive about detangling my hair with a product labeled “shampoo”, is that wierd?
Enjoy your special day.
Happy Birthday!! ( March babies rock!)
I learned about Cream of Nature my freshman year of undergrad. The town that I moved to had super hard water and it seemed to dry my hair out (at the time I had a relaxer). Once I started using it, I love the soft feel of it but I hated the fact that I had to lather about 3 times to get my hair clean ( I think that it was due to the water. When I was at home, the shampoo did not behave this way).
Now that I am in the process of transitioning, I find that the new Cream of Nature works well on the relaxed areas as well as the natural areas…
Happy Birthday fellow Piscean Babe–Iam a March 6th Piscean .
I have used creme of nature all my life from childhood through now it is the only shampoo that works with my 4B natural hair. Creme Nature is the bomb!!!! In always have at least 5 bottles on me at all times.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I love celebrating birthdays big so good for you for doing it up right!!! I am new to afrobella and this is my first time posting. Love your site and am on it everyday now. I’ve been natural for 11 years and just started wearing my hair in a curly/kinky afro & I’m loving it & getting mad love from others. I’ve never used Creme of Nature so I don’t have an experience. However, I’m definitely looking out for products to use on my hair so I propose that you lace a sister off with the products so I can try them out! I’m ready to be wow’d!!!
You have been such a help and inspiration to me in my transition, and I hope your time at Langerado is a total blast! It’s not too bad down here this weekend (except for those pesky afternoon showers)!
I grew up on Creme of Nature. From the perm, to the shampoo, to the hair care products! I love them, and I find that the shampoo for dry hair works wonders for my super absorbent hair. Especially in the windy, cool winter we’ve had here in florida. It has kept my hair moist, and I haven’t had as much breakage in my transitioning hair. I haven’t gotten to the new line yet (still finishing up my old bottle), so I’m really glad you put this review up along with a chance to win a sample pack!
Happy Birthday, again! Enjoy the Music Festival!!!!
I’ve used CoN since I had a relaxer and now the conditioning shampoo is the only shampoo I use now that I’m natural. It certainly does leave your hair more moisturized and has a totally different feel post shampoo than any other shampoo I’ve used.
I meant to say Happy Birthday…
Happy Birthday, Afrobella! Hope you have a blessed one!
Happy Birthday Afrobella. May God continue to bless you with many more. Get your jam on this weekend with all the groups especially the Roots. I haven’t tried any of the Creme of Nature products that you’re giving away, but I’d love to see how they would work with my dreadlocks. I grew up using all the other Creme of Nature stuff: the shampoo, conditioner, relaxer, and hair color. I loved how the shampoo and conditioner made my hair manageable and silky (that’s when I had a relaxer) plus the price is right for those on a budget. I have used the original shampoo and conditioner for my teenage son’s. One has hair that forms into natural ringlets after it’s washed, and it helps his hair from getting tangled. My other son has a head full of thick hair that he loves to wear in an afro, braids, or comb twists. Creme of Nature keeps his hair tangle free and moist. I thought I wouldn’t have to share my hair products because I have boys, but young men like to keep their hair together too. So if you select me as one of the prize winners, it’s not only a win for me but for my boys as well. Keep up the fantastic work because I love the way you keep us Bellas informed.
Happy Born Day Bella!!
I’ve been an avid user of Creame of Nature products. It was a staple in my house as a kid. I can still remember the original smell of the conditioner my grandmother used. Back then it was the only thing that would work with the massive amounts of curls my sisters and I had on our heads. Every Saturday night, my mother would do the three of our heads back to back. She’d condition us and then sit us under the hair dryer before she even attempted to comb our hair out!
As I got older, I even started using the conditioner in other ways! As a shaving cream! It left my skin so soft and smooth!
Happy bornday Bella!!!!! Have a great weekend
I wish I could discuss my experience with Creme of Nature, but I honestly haven’t had ANY experience. I just moved to a big city from a rather small one, and it was so hard trying to find good Black hair care products, so I’ve never used CoN. I’d definitely love to try it though and see how it works on my transitioning hair. Even if I don’t win one of the gift sets, I’ll definitely go pick some products up off the strength of your review
Happy B-Day!!
I usually keep a stash of Creme of Nature, so I am surprised(pleaseantly) to see the new bottles. All of mine are the plain ones they use to have. I’m also excited by the organic ingredients. I’m becoming more concerned with what I put on my body and how it affects my health. I love the way Creme of Nature detangles, which makes it very necessary for my hair.
Happy Birthday, Afrobella!!!!
I ADORE cream-of-nature shampoo/conditioner and they also have a great detangler which works perfectly to help me minimize the amount of hair that I lose in the detangling process. This is the only product that I’ve used since I first got a relaxer and I still use it now that i wear my hair natural. I didn’t know if it would work well with my kinky coils because of its promises to get hair “silky smooth”. However, it’s worked very well and I love how it leaves my hair feeling. I have the EXTRA LARGE size of the conditioner/shampoo, but I’m so stingy with it because it’s a little expensive. I would love to try out these other products. I’m a pretty loyal user of C.O.N. products but I’m a graduate student on a budget so I’m always afraid of spending money on a new product. Anyhow, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to try out some of these products.
Thanks for listening and I hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday!
Happy birthday Afrobella! I love your blog and I’ll miss your regular entries.
I have to admit I have never heard of Creme of Nature but I’m sure it’s great! I need to find something that deep conditions and this sounds like the perfect ticket.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a blessed and beautiful day.
I’ve never tried their products but I would love to!
Happy Birthday, Bella! I’ve never had a Creme of Nature experience… but I plan to change that soon.
Happy Birthday, Chica! I must say that I’ve never tried their products but I would love to give them a try.
Have a wonderful birthday, Afrobella. Make this the best year ever.
Happy Birthday Bella! I hope you enjoyed your day!
Happy Birthday, Bella!!!
When I was a wee girl, my mom kept Creme of Nature in the house. Maybe I need to revisit an old favorite!
First and foremost Happy Birthday!! As we say in the Yoruba culture, I wish you long life and prosperity.
My first Creme of Nature experience happened last year.
At the Black Family Reunion Picnic, in DC, they had a slew of hair samples from various companies (ORS, Elastica QP, and Lustrasilk). As a self proclaimed product junkie, I made sure to take enough samples to work on my thick head of natural hair; none of the women manning the booths really seemed to care. Later on that day I was approached by the Creme of Nature rep who offered a sample of the Soothing Shampoo. I remember being impressed that their reps individually passed out product samples and took the time to mention the benefits of the product to me.
Over the course of the week, I went through most of my samples and was left with the Creme of Nature sample. Having low expecations, boy was I surprised. Not only did my head feel refreshingly clean, by shower experience was enhanced by the pleasant smell. That small product sample was sufficient in cleaning my big old head! Up until now, it never crossed my mind to try the other products within the line.
Happy Birthday Afrobello!!! I’m new to your blog and I’m loving it. And you’re on point about Creme of Nature! I LOOOVE it. When I had a relaxer, I used it and liked it, but it wasn’t until I went natural (last year) that I fully understood the wonderful-ness that it is. The conditioner and shampoos are a dream for detangling and re-moisturizing my hair. That with the Dominican conditioner Silicon Mix… DAMN!(if you don’t have it, please run to your local bodega!)
Its fabulous, perfect for every afro-bella. (that was a lil corny, huh)
Happy Birthday
I use the original shampoo in the large taupe bottles from Sally’s. The shampoo has been working well on my hair, but I think that I may be slightly allergic to the original formulation, so recently I have been pondering trying a different kind of shampoo.
Hi, I love your blog!
I was wondering if you could insert my link on your site?
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
I like Cream of Nature
and I see you do too!!
Have a blessed birthday…I love Cream of Nature. I use to wear my hair natural years ago. I do miss it. I like the condition to sleep in when I need some deep repair.
Love the blog, keep up the good work!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PISCES SISTER (MY BDAY was Monday the 3RD…I’m still celebrating! HA!) and I saw THE ROOTS for my birthday too!!!!!! Hope your birthday weekend was FUN FUN FUN!!!
Cream of Nature was the product of choice growing up after my aunt relaxed my hair as a Mother’s Day present for my mother (true story). I remember liking the fragrance and the feel of the products then. Once I’ve decided to go relaxer free I haven’t used their products. But I too am wondering WHERE THE HECK ARE THE CURL & SHINE PRODUCTS, GARNIER??? So now I am on the hunt for new affordable products that love my wild curls.
Happy Birthday!!!! I had never heard of Creme of Nature until I started cruising natural hair websites… My mother grew up in Trinidad, and I grew up on the Canadian prairies, so you can imagine how little I had access to quality products for African hair… Anyway, I would love to try these…
Happy Birthday Bella!!!
I Would love to sample the Creme of Nature products.
I have been transitioning since April 2007. But during the last two weeks, I have been having doubts about my choice to stay natural. My problem is that I feel my hair just does not look good! I would love to have some products that will help the condition and look of my hair, and therefore give me the strength to continue this journey. I WANT to continue, but I also want to look good like you!
Thanks Bella, and once again Happy Birthday. I hope it was a great one.
Hi AfroBella!
I’m new to your blog (found you on the blog roll over at Glamour.com!) so let me open by saying YAY! A Black beauty blog! I’ve read Miss Tia Williams in the past but wondered if there was anyone else out there
I’ve used many Creme of Nature Products on my hair and right now I’m using a combo of their Anti-Dandruff Shampoo and Mizani conditioner (although, the flakes have been resistant!). I’m actually contemplating going natural as most of the women in my fam have switched over from relaxed to the Miss Jessie’s products, but that unmistakable SMELL of Miss Jessie’s… hmm, don’t know if I can go there on a daily basis. I am interested in seeing how the incorporation of natural ingredients works in the new Creme of Nature line.
At any rate have a FANTASTIC Birthday! Here’s to hoping you get everything you WANT, NEED and DESIRE in 2008!
Happy BORNday you gorgeous afrobella, you!!!! =) It’s so funny that you’re advertising this product on your site because just two days ago, I went to the store to purchase some shampoo and I came upon this product. The thing is, the store only had the shampoo. There wasn’t any conditioner or anything else. I specifically remember wondering how I could get the rest of the products from this line. I just did the “Big C” (the big chop) two months ago and have been loving my hair ever since. I like to think of my hair transition as symbolic of my life transition. The older line of Cream of Nature really worked for me. I’m sure this one would be even better! PLEASE, please, puh-leeeeez pick me! =) I need this in my life (and a clarisonic brush too but that’s another story)! =)
Organically Beautiful
P.S. I’m new to the site and am hooked!!!
we’re so late but happy earthday!
and wow. it’s your birfday but you’re the one giving presents. how very lovely of you. and how apropos since really you gotta give in order to receive.
enjoy the vacay!
Happy B’day, Bella! (Awwww, Max is such a big boy!!!)
Happy Birthday Beautiful Bella and fellow Trini!!! I’m new to the blog but I’ve been very faithful after finding you a few months ago. Thank you so much for the beauty advice. I happen to love Creme of Nature products and currently use them in my hair. I’ve tried so many products in my hair over the years, but no matter what I did, I’ve always found that my hair was really healthy after using Creme of Nature shampoo and conditioner. I’ve been natural for more than 3 years now and I am still experimenting, but I really do recommend the products, and they don’t typically have a harsh smell which is reassuring. So, I hope Creme of Nature works as well for you as it has for me. Have a blessed birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
I began to use Cream of Nature regularly when I went natural in high school. I looooooooovveeeee it! It’s light, makes my hair soft and doesn’t leave me feeling as though I’m harming more than helping my hair. Now that I’m in college the line is scarce on shelves and I make regular trips home to purchase the products.
Enjoy your trip!
Happy Birthday my fellow pisces
My birthday is today, March 10!
Your hair looks great – of course it’s making me long for my curly hair again. I’m giving these sisterlocks one year!
Regarding Creme of Nature, I’ve used tons of products but I can’t recall using this one. This isn’t to say that I’ve never used it – just can’t recall. The products that you’ve reviewed sound great!