Thursday was Valentine’s Day, and it’s such an over-the-top, retail-driven celebration. You either love it or you hate it. I personally enjoy it, but this year we were too busy to even celebrate Valentine’s Day on Valentine’s Day. Today is my V-Day, so I’d like to wish a happy belated day of love to everyone! If you’ve got a significant other in your life, he or she probably got you a lil somethin’ somethin’ on Thursday. Sometimes it’s a gift you like, sometimes it leaves you scratching your head in confusion. If you feel like you deserve a lovegift to yourself (in the middle of Fall In Love With Your Heart Month, no less), no worries. I got your back! I’ve been checking out some super sexy products that will make you purr with delight. Will this review end in a giveaway? Hmmm. Come along and we’ll see!
First stop, Lush Cosmetics. I am in LOVE with Lush! Their bath bombs are the bomb.
Their soaps are spectacular — I swear, Honey I Washed the Kids is one of the sweetest, most high quality handmade soaps I’ve ever tried. Quality is key for the makers of Lush. Their stuff is hand made, organic, and they never ever do animal testing. Some of their products are so fresh, there are expiration dates on them. They’ve got a fantastic bath items, the Ocean Salt body scrub is made with real ocean water, fresh lemons and limes, avocado and coconut butters, and violet leaf. It smells like a dream and makes my skin feel incredibly smooth. It’s definitely one of the finest body scrubs I’ve ever used. A 4.2 oz tub is $18.55.
Don’t even get me started on the shampoo!!! I really had low expectations, and I was so blown away, it’ll take a separate review. Seriously, it is rare to find a company where every single item seems to be exactly what you were looking for, and that’s been my experience with Lush so far. I even love the Lush website — customer reviews posted after every product, and of course you can order online, but if you live in a major city, there’s probably a store near you. I’d definitely go armed with a list — Lush is affordable, but it’d be really easy to overspend there. Too easy. But I’d be hard pressed to suggest another store where you could get yourself a cooler after V-Day present. Actually… hang on a second. There’s always The Body Shop, which you know I adore. (fun fact… In 1978, Lush sold their first product to the Body Shop! Then they went on to have stores of their own).
This year’s Body Shop Valentine’s Day scent is Japanese cherry blossom. I am SO planning to get myself that reed diffuser. Having a pet that jumps and climbs all over everything doesn’t make me feel safe with scented candles, oil burners, or incense in the house. Have any of you tried reed diffusers? Do they really make your house smell wonderful? Please let me know before I spend unwisely.
Next up, product reviews for the grown and sexy.
OK, we’re about to enter the adult part of the review. I’ve discovered a one-stop-online-shop for all things titillating and sexy. It’s called Booty Parlor, so you already know what you’re getting into there! They’ve got every kind of pleasurable product you can imagine.. Seriously, everything. For example — this ain’t lipstick, and this ain’t nail polish!
In addition to risque toys, Booty Parlor does beauty! And they do it quite well. If you’re feeling decadent and deserving, definitely check out the Sex Bombs. It’s a gift box of three items, packaged in cool spherical containers. The Don’t Stop Solid Perfume With Pheromones is a subtle scent, blending plums, raspberries, jasmine, cedar and sandalwood. It’s great to pop in your purse for a night on the town, and the scent is so warm and low key, you need to be in close quarters to really appreciate it. The Dust Up Kissable Body Shimmer is a rosy gold body glitter powder that my friends with cleavage will love. It smells divine, and is sparkly enough for clubbing or Carnival. A little goes a long way. By FAR my favorite of the Sex Bombs is the Get Flushed Sexy Lip And Cheek Tint. That’s what I’m wearing in the photo I posted this week, as a cream blush. It’s a warm red sheer tint that you just glide on with your fingertip and rub in until it’s subtle enough (or noticeable enough). And it smells good. Color me impressed. Now explain why this product isn’t being sold individually? I’d definitely buy another Get Flushed, but I might not want to pay $45 for the whole booty box.
If you’re looking to add some yum to your love life, you will love Melt. Delicious chocolate fondue. Comes with a paint brush. Tastes awesome, and it isn’t sticky. So much fun. I’ll say no more. Tee hee.
Valentine’s Day is girlie, it’s sexy, it’s silly, it’s about being swept away by love. I bet Mariah Carey loves Valentine’s Day. She’s like the crown princess of over-the-top whimsy. Her new song “Touch My Body” was released last week — check out FourFour’s hilarious review. I don’t love the song yet, it’s kinda meh in my book. But hopefully it’ll grow on me like the hits from The Advetures of Mimi did. Shake It Off is my JAM! Whenever I listen to it, I feel a little of Mariah’s free and fabulous ‘tude wash over me.
Forgive the NYE intro on that — this was the only full-length live Shake it Off video I could find on YouTube.
So bellas, I’ve got a belated Valentine’s giveaway for you! The people shilling Mariah’s latest DVD, The Adventures Of Mimi, sent me FIVE brand spankin’ new copies. It’s a 2 DVD boxed set and comes packaged with a teeny M by Mariah Carey fragrance sample. Which you already know, I LOVE. Seriously, every time I wear it I get raves. If you’re a fool for Ms. Carey and you want this fabulous DVD, leave me a comment! Tell me what your favorite Mariah Carey song is, and why. I’ll close the comments by Wednesday and choose random winners after that!
Love, peace, and girly things to you all!

Hey Bella,
I asked my husband for perfume for V-day, I didn’t get it. At any rate, my favorite Mariah song is Vanishing from her debut album.
The products in this post sound like the hotness! Looking forward to sneaking a peek. On the reed diffuser tip, I bought one from Pier1 called Clove Zanzibar – OMG! Talk about earthy goodness, and not just a little sexy. Everyone who walked into my apartment was transported I think. The compliments were as profuse as the fragrance. I think you should go for it. It’s like the perfect welcome mat. You get used to it, until you come home and then it hits you again. It lasted for about 2 months I would say which is pretty good. Unfortunately Pier1 has discontinued that divine combo, but there are so many more to choose from. I paid $6 during a promotion. I think it is a definite tribute to the quality of the particular liquid fragrance you choose, but a worth it purchase.
Happy V Day!
Great post Bella! I have been a huge LAMB (Mariah Fan) since the early 90’s. I would have to say my favorite Mariah Carey song is ‘Prisoner’ from her first album. I love the song because halfway through the song Mariah breaks out into this 90s style sing/talk/rap and it is hilarious and cute. It is one song Mariah refuses to perform and wants to forget she ever made. But I think it is a classic and I love it because it always gets me moving.
Happy Belated V-Day!
This is my 1st time visiting your site & I’m hooked after 5 minutes. 2 thumbs way up for Afrobella. You got me w/the Sade videos. I’m a big fan of hers. But I’m also a big fan of my girl Mariah. I’ve been down w/her since the 1st album. She has so many songs that I love but I think my number 1 favorite is “Always Be My Baby” from her Daydream album.
My favorite Mariah song, hands down, is “Always Be My Baby”. That summer it came out was one of the best summers of my adolescence. Every time I hear it, it just takes me back, it’s so fun and playful and her voice sounds amazing. Loved the product review. I’m on the Booty PArlor sight right now! Another great post Bella!
Hubby and I do not “celebrate” Valentine’s day. I fall into the “hate it” category. My girlfriends giggle at me because they say they cannot believe a woman could careless about Valentine’s day, but really I think its silly. I would rather him remember our wedding anniversary than Feb. 14th. That’s just me.
LUSH is AMAZING!!! I discovered them about a year ago on accident. I was in Macy’s on State Street (Chicago) for a M.A.C. makeup trial for my wedding. While perusing around I saw this huge section of bath bombs, soap, etc. I almost broke my neck trying to get there. The lady working was nice enough to let me sample a few things; bath jellies, soap and demonstrated the bath bombs (in this huge pot). Ohhh the lather and cleansing on the jellies and soap was AMAZING!! Needless to say I have been hooked on LUSH ever since. You know what I like the most about LUSH? All products have the ingredients listed. Ingredients I am familiar with. Major plus for this gal who tries to keep it as natural as possible.
Booty Parlor… Bella why did you do this to me? 🙂 Let me “bookmark” this site and email it to my hubby. 🙂
@ Tai — OMG, Vanishing!!! I forgot all about that song. Gonna have to look it up!
Not being funny, but is Lush the same brand that puts the ugly pictures of the dudes who mix the lotions (or put the box together). My brother gives me the gift sets for Christmas every year and has the nerve to wrap it up like I don’t know what it is! LOL
I love LUSH. I visit the one in Vancouver, BC and there is one in Bellevue WA. The store always smells fantastic, and you can ask for samples of products too. They also have a newsletter/catalog. Definitely invest in a reed diffuser. It will leave your place smelling truly amazing. You have to replace it in about two months, but you can buy oil for some of them depending on the brand.
I’ve always loved Mariah Carey’s “Heartbreaker.” The video is cute and the song is so catchy. But what really got me hooked on Miss Mimi was one of her older songs, ‘Emotions’.
The reed diffusers are amazing. A friend of mine uses a lavender one in her dorm room and it covers the room in a lovely fragrance. The sent lasts for a long time too.
i absolutely love lush products! i love that they are hand made and mostly natural and they dont break out my skin. i’ve been meaning to try out honey i wahed the kids for like a year now but i always put it on the back burner. my fave mariah carey song is melt away – it reminds me of my sweetie who tgried his very best to sing it for me but hilariously failed while making me laugh all the way, lol. this was an amazing post, i will most definately be looking up the lush website to see whats new and what i have missed.
My favorite Mariah Carey song is “Fantasy” with ODB. Every time I hear that song it takes me back to my childhood. Where everything was sweet and innocent. It just makes you want to go in your car and drive somewhere and have some fun.
My favorite Mariah Carey song is Vision of Love. Besides the fact that it STILL gives me chills everytime i hear it, it just opened my ears to a whole new level of soul. Her voice is so incredible and she’s inspired me to become a singer. Mariah is gorgeous and her beauty shines through her voice. That is why I absolutely LOVE her song, ‘Vision of Love’.
I am going to get me some lush to prepair my skin for the summer.As far as my favorite Mariah song there is a tie between “Dream Lover” ,and the one with Boyz 2 Men,I think it’s called “One Sweet Day”.Thank you Bella for posting about the Booty Parlor.When I was a little younger there was no shame in my game going to the “store” to get some “treats” ,but i’m a little older ,and married now so I try to conduct myself as a married woman should ,and order my goodies on line.
Favorite Mariah Carey song? It would have to be “The Roof” with Mobb Deep. It’s got that whole hip-hop soul flavor going on and it’s really romantic. Plus it totally reminds me of a misty/rainy day in my own life.
Hi Bella!
Thank you for the Lush recommendation. There is a store in Valley Fair Mall here in San Jose! My favorite Mariah Carey song would have to be “Vision of Love” one of her first.
Thanks for the Booty Parlor link, I bookmarked it. LOL!
Hiya. I’ve been wondering about Lush’s hair products for a little while so I’d love to find out how the conditioners work. Would you mind reviewing them for us too? I have dry, natural hair and I use Oyin’s honey hemp conditioner, which I love, but I’d like to have the option to go down the road to pick up some good products rather than waiting for my Oyin order to reach me in the UK. Thanks Bella! BTW, my favourite Mariah Carey song is “Love Takes Time” followed by “Vision of Love”.
My favorite Mariah song is Vanishing, too. That song speaks to your heart!
Gotta love a site that not only gives reviews of new (and/or just plain exciting) products but gives away a few of ’em as well. What a refreshing change from the gossip blogs that usually suck me in – LOL
Anyway, I wasn’t even that big of a Mariah fan until The Emancipation of Mimi. I’m now in my 3rd year of college, and I SWEAR my whole senior year of high school was spent listening to that CD! I hadn’t considered myself a really spiritual person after the death of my beloved grandmother in 03, and I generally avoided gospel music or anything sounding remotely like it – until “Fly Like a Bird”. Man, I was driving to school one day and just stalled at a red light once it came on…I don’t know what it was, but something in that song just HIT me and never really went away. Even now I still get goosebumps from it…whoo. Definitely the song I listen to when times are getting rough, or when I’m thinkin about Grandma. Who would have thought that the girl I used to giggle at in the video riding jet skis with stilettos on could make such a profound song?
I love LUSH too, esp. the tea tree water. My fave song from mimi is Make It Happen because it’s very inspirational and lets you know that whatever you want, you too can Make It Happen!
Big fan of LUSH. The first time I went to London, I almost bought out the store. A couple years later they opened in the U.S. It’s a great store for gifts. I have never tried their shampoos, I will have to check them out.
I know people like to clown on Mariah but the girl can SING. “Vision of Love” still gives me chills.
My friends and I used to pretend that we were Mariah Carey on stage singing our little hearts out (sounding horribly of course). We would take turns singing Vision of Love and my personal favorite Love Takes Time…I can rememeber doing dedications to my first love that I had to let go…oh the memories…..
My friend sent me some novelty Lush bombs for Christmas and while I liked them, it bugged me that the scents weren’t available after the holidays. Also, the amount of glitter (def not a natural, organic ingredient) on one of them was a bit scary. It looks pretty in the water though, and didn’t stick to me afterwards as much as I thought.
As a bonafide obsessive when it comes to bath and body products, I have to recommend Bliss Soaps if you’re in the Seattle area. They have an amazing shop on Capitol Hill. They’re a local business owned by a 3rd generation soap maker, and use all natural and organic ingredients. Every product is handmade in small batches, they are less expensive than Lush, and will custom create your special request bath bombs, body washes, shampoos, body butters, and soaps in any scent combination you can dream of. So if there’s a scent you’ve been dying for (or was discontinued), take it to Bliss and see what they can do.
I’m sorry to say that their website is in dire need of a complete and total overhaul, but once I tried Bliss I never went back to store bought bath and body products. (I tried Soaptopia due to afrobella’s endorsement; the packaging was gorgeous, service was fair, and soaps are okay so far) Bliss makes sumptuous, luxurious, well made products that are a great value for bellas on a budget. (Daily specials for phone-in and in person orders!)
I could wax poetically on them forever so I’ll shut up now. But they are definitely worth a visit if you’re a Bella near Seattle. My current bath bomb favorites are Miss BeeHavin, Primadonna, and Furoshiki (based on Japanese bath culture), while I can’t live without the facial sushi scrub and Dream Cream (with retinol-A).
Oh, and my favorite Mariah is old school Mariah from Vision of Love and Emotions. I did like her Fantasy remix with ODB and Heartbreaker with Jay-Z, and Honey with Puff, Mace, etc. But mostly I love to hear her belt out those solid, hit you in the heart ballads. To this day, I sing along to Love Takes Time.
Great post, Bella. I think I need a new shade of nail polish. *ahem*
I have a few Mariah Carey faves but the one song that always gets me to reminiscing every time I hear it is “Fantasy” Bad Boy Remix with ODB. I had already graduated from Gtown but I had a few friends still in college so we’d still hang and frequently we’d find our behinds across town at Howard many a late night. One particular evening we got the munchies and would up at the infamous McDonald’s on Georgia Avenue to get some grub. Walking in we heard a car blaring that song from the drive thru and since that was our jam we acted the plum fool. I was probably the biggest fool of all because I called myself trying to rap ODB’s part! My friends actually stood there boppin’ in the middle of Mickey D’s like I was really doing something. Oh the comedy of it all. Good times I tell ya.
Good morning Bella! Growing up (and I’m still growing), Mariah’s music has been there as a pick-me-up after a bad day, or the music that I would listen to when I wanted to sing and dance in front of the mirror like every little girl loves to do. Her song “Hero” takes me back to my middle school graduation, as I played this on the piano while our chorus sang goodbye to our beloved school. She is definitely one of my all-time FAVORITE artists and I appreciate her unique range of vocals.
Hey there, Ms. Bella!
I’m 21 years old, and I definitely have grown up listening to Mariah Carey! No matter what way she’s portrayed in the media, she’ll always be one of my all-time favorite artists. Her range is out of this world! And as far as my favorite Mariah song, it’s a tie between “Vision of Love” and “I Still Believe.”
I will have to try LUSH products. They just opened a store in my town, so I will definitely have to check it out.
Now on to Mariah, how could anyone foreget about “Breakdown” with Bone Thugs N’ Harmony?! The entire “Butterfly” album was the jam–“The Roof”, “Fourth of July”…
I like her in full-out sangin’ mode the most–“Never Too Far” and “Circles” are two of my favorites.
Vanishing and Vision of Love are the best Mariah jams ever! That debut CD is my bathroom favorite! In my shower, I sound JUST LIKE Mariah (!) and afterward I stand in the mirror, with my towel wrapped around my head, in my raggedy robe, and I graciously accept my Grammy and give shout-outs to God and my mama ‘nem. 🙂
Mariah’s Vision of Love song and video stands out to me as an all time classic. She’s just standing there in a black dress with no gimmicks and her voice just spoke to you. My next favorite song is Shake It Off I’m was always in my car singing that song to the top of my lungs.
I like “One Sweet Day”– mostly because it reminds me of a simpler, happier time of my life.
Honestly, I love all of her songs, because each song is flawless. I really like “Can’t Take That Away”, because it means no matter what people say or do that you should just keep your head held up high and don’t let them bring you down.
mariah is hands down one of my favorite artists. her song ‘hero’ resonates deeply with me. the lyrics distinguish the courage and bravery within all of us. the verse’s enable one to evaluate human character, emotions and spirit in a positive light.
I love Lush products, I spent so much time their Atlantic City store testing and smelling everything. As for Mariah, I love ‘Breakdown’ because she switches her style up to flow with Bone Thugs and does it with ease. Also, gotta love ‘Vision of Love’ when she was the more mainstream Mariah. Although I lOVE the hood fabulous Mariah too…the “them chickens is ash and I’m lotion” line cracks me up every time!
I LOVE Mariah Carey ! And I honestly love everything she does.. (With the exception of Glitter, I only (kind of) liked that [I’m ashamed to admit that much]. But my top three songs by her are:
1. Underneath the Stars
2. Someday — (It’s my go-to breakup song)
3. All I Want for Christmas (as a kid I didn’t celebrate Christmas, so this was a guilty pleasure that cost me a couple of days on punishment every year)
4. [I had to add another] Clown (I love that she clowns Eminem in this song!)
Underneath the Stars is as mesmerizing to me today as when I heard it 15 yrs ago. Make It Happen changed my life, listening to it at a Duane Reade one day, the words and music gave me courage to proceed with a very important interview. I love Mariah Carey. I always have and always will. Her voice is strong and positive. The CD before this one “The Emancipation of Mimi” set a standard in CD buying for me. No more “one-hit” CDs for me. Because of Mariah, I’ve raised my standards in CD purchasing. Every song must be solid, no more throwaways (Kelis is another artist who always delivers on every song). Also Mariah is a songwriter, much like Alicia Keys. Her writing is expressive and moving. Even through her personal trials she comes out on top and even better than before. I see her as a pioneer and trailblazer. She does not follow, she does things her own and is unapologetic about it. No more Tommy Mottola molds for her! She is one of my favorite all-time artists. Give her a show in Vegas!
“When I Saw You w/Pavarotti” has to be one of the best live performances she has ever given, also another of my faves is “Music Box”, just classic Mariah, simple, and beautifully done.
“Vision of Love” is quintessential! She was just so different from everyone else who was out during that era, and we all broke our throats trying to hit those high notes (I know it wasn’t just me!).
But I gotta say that Fantasy is also one of the best. It always reminds me of the little Chinese girl from Rush Hour who was singing that song on the way to school just before she got kidnapped by Jun-Tao — that was hilarious!
I stans HARD for Mariah! I love her so tough. There are so many wonderful songs to choose from, Vision of Love, Make it Happen, etc. But I’m gonna have to go with It’s Like That. My best friend and I used to dance in my driveway late at night and that was one of our favorite tunes to boogie to. And we always played it on the way to the club or any other time that we’d be going out to get our party on. Great way to start off the night.
My favorite Mimi song? I can only pick one? Not fair Bella! I’d have to say one of my favorites is Fly Like A Bird. I love Sweetheart and Breakdown with Bone Thugs in Harmony too. Oh, and her remix of We belown Together with Jadakiss is off the hook. See why I can’t pick just one? Mimi’s songs are like Lay’s potato chips!
OH Bella! Thank you so much for the MC giveaway!!! I can’t even begin to express HOW MUCH I LOVE MARIAH! She is my ALL TIME FAVORITE ARTIST! The “70” in my email address represents Mariah’s birth year of 1970. When I was younger, my room was a shrine to her. I used to incorporate Mariah into my school writing assignments, classmates refered to me as Mariah in my memory book, and in 7th grade i remember carving “MC” into a desk! If there was such a thing as a Mariah addict, it was me!!! One of my goals was to cover every inch of wall space in my childhood room with Mariah pictures, and I was damn near close! Any mention of her, and my ears perked up! Magazines, videos and clothing–i bought them! I have been to two of her concerts, and for one of them, I spentt mad money and traveled to another state! I love her so much! AHHHHHHH! All that being said, it is almost impossible to choose just ONE song from such an incredible body of work! Since you’re making me choose—I will pick “Outside” from her Butterfly album. The song is so beauuuuutiful and REAL. Everytime I listen to the song, I feel the struggles she felt growing up as a biracial child. The bridge of the song is especially touching: “When God knows that you’re standing on your own/ blind and unguided/into a world divided/ your thrown/ when your never quite the same/ although you try and tell yourself you really are, but in your heart/uncertainty forever” I can never listen to the song without replaying this part—she really breaks it down and gets emotional. I love the passion in it.
Thank you so much for this opportunity! Pleeaasssse pick me, I adore Mariah!!!!!!! It would make my LIFE! 🙂
I just love Mariah Carey. I even loved her movie “Glitter.” I have loved her since she first came out with “Vision of Love.” I would say that I’m one of her biggest fans right from the beginning. She’s one of the few singers today that can really sing. I think she has too many songs for me to list that are my favorites, but I love her duet with the late Luther Vandross, “Endless Love.” Two great voices joined together was perfect. When I hear some of her older songs on the radio like “I Don’t Wanna Cry, Someday, Emotions, Dreamlover, Hero and Fantasy,” I think of
listening to my Sony Walkman back in the days before the iPod. I was always trying to sing along with her and hit those high notes lol. Mariah has taken me from album to casette to cd to iPod. Now my daughters sing her songs and I marvel at that.
I have to say that “Make it Happen” is my all time inspiration song. I love Mariah, but when I’m seeking inspiration and a way to just keep pushing and know that I CAN make it, that if I just hold on and dig deep, that anything is possible.
*running off to listen to “Make it Happen” on my ipod!*
Hey there ladie! My lil’ sister is the ULTIMATE Mariah Carey fan. I’d love to win this for her! Can you imagine all the love I’ll get! LOL
As for me, I’ve never really been a fan but I do have a fave, My All of her Butterfly album. Actually, I truly enjoyed that entire album.
Oh and I want that Honey I Washed the Kids Soap. I’m about to go treat myself to a couple of things on your site. Thanks for all your great info! You rock!
I have’t celebrated valentine’s day since my little brother died on that day. Never the less I keep my shoes tied and my head up staying focus on lifes loveliness. Mariahs songs has been a inspiration to my life expecially “Vision of love”. Her voice is a true gift from God that touches your soul with outstanding vocals. Her singing hit high notes which has etched memory in peoples minds that is unforgetable.She also attends my church, seeing her give god time like everyone else makes me love her even more. God bless you for making a web site that we can converse on and to everyone else live everyday like your last. From L.T
I think “Honey” is my fave Mariah Carey song…the video was the first one she did after her divorce from Tommy Motolla, and you could tell that he was the reason she was all cut-off shorts and pig tails. It was kind of interesting that she blossomed like a Butterfly, although she had her bumps along the way. My second and third favorites would have “I’ll Be There” and “Fantasy” with ODB…”…me and Mariah, go back like babies with pacifiers…” Classic!
Bella-First I just wanted to say that i’ve been lurking around for a while and I adore you and your site. Good work and congrats on the new gig.
My fave M.Carey song has probably gotta be “The Roof” followed by “Breakdown”. “Butterfly” is my favorite album to date, and I played it like it was my damn job. There was one point where I wrote all the lyrics to the roof (I was in high school okay!), and it was five college bound pages long. That chick is a lyricist for your nerves. And the Mobb Deep Sample she used was just the icing on the cake…
I love Mariah! I appreciate that she can actually sing unlike so many other artists today. My favorite song by her has to be Vision of Love . I love that one!!