Despite its brevity, February is one of my favorite months of the year. Why? Because February is Black History Month. And as an added bonus, February also includes Valentine’s Day. So I invite you to celebrate the two, Afrobella style. It’s February, and I LOVE Black History Month! This will be an extra-special month full of knowledge, music, culture, and giveaways galore, entirely dedicated to celebrating people of color like you and me. Let’s kick it off with a bang!
When people rave about Miss Jessie’s products, most of the time they’re talking about Curly Pudding. Which is a great product, don’t get me wrong. But for my particular hair texture, I love the Curly Meringue, and to be really real with you, there are days when my hair just cries out for the buttercreme. If your bad hair days are like mine — your curls are continually craving moisture and they form knotty little tumbleweeds at the ends — you could probably use some too.
But be forewarned, bellas. Curly Buttercreme isn’t a hairdress or styling product in the traditional sense. It definitely should be used in moderation. Too much will leave your sproingy spirals looking more like a half-melted jheri curl. Curly Buttercreme is a minty, tingly, supremely hydrating hair quencher. A little goes a loooooong way. Trust me.
The potent scent of the product deters many an afrobella — it’s the kind of minty tingle you can feel in your eyes, if you know what I mean. That’s why I prefer the Baby Buttercreme, to be honest with ya. Baby Buttercreme smells mild and sweet, like vanilla flavored milk. It’s been Little Afrobella’s savior on many a tangly day, and look at that hair she’s got! She needs a gentle, sweetly scented moisturizer to tame the tangles and make her hair combable. I gave her my tub o’ buttercreme last year, and I think they’ve still got quite a bit left. Like I said, you don’t need a ton of this product every time, just a quarter-size dollop will do if you’ve got a typically thick mane.
Like the large sizes of most Miss Jessie’s products, the buttercremes are prohibitively pricey for a bella on a budget — the big jar will set you back $58. But is it worth it? In my opinion, yes — I loved it the first time I tried it. And if you don’t believe me, check out the Organic Beauty Expert. Or the ladies of the Long Hair Care Forum. Or the forums at Nappturality — site was down while I was writing this. But there are bellas who believe in buttercreme on there, and some who don’t. For the most part, the reviews are favorable. And here’s a chance for you to review it yourself! Currently, Miss Jessie’s is offering a sweet deal for those of you who know and love the buttercreme — buy a 16 oz buttercreme and get a travel sized duo for FREE while supplies last from Feb 1 to 14. Those travel sizes come in VERY handy, trust me. And there’s free ground shipping for orders over $125. And here’s your giveaway, dedicated especially to bellas on a budget who haven’t been able to afford this moisturizing goodness yet.
Former Afrobella of the Week, Titi Branch is generously offering FIVE full size 16 oz buttercremes for giveaway! So to kick off I LOVE Black History Month, here’s how I’d like participants in this giveaway to let me know they’re in it to win it.
Leave a comment below telling me your favorite thing about Black History Month. I’ll close these comments by Wednesday evening, or whenever we get over 80 comments — whichever comes first. Then I’ll pick five winners by the end of the week.
Good luck and happy Monday, bellas!
** comments have officially been closed. I’ll announce a winner over the weekend, when I’ve had a chance to properly peruse the brilliant comments you all left!

Pick me, pick me! I’ve been naturally coifed for three years (and am raising a gorgeous lil’ afrobella, as well). I have been wanting to try Miss Jessie’s since the start of my journey back to natural.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is the extra opportunity to reinforce all the positive aspects of “blackness” for my kids. I strive to do that daily, but the media and community emphasis on black acheivement in February is a great help. I can’t wait for the 2nd installment of the Skip Gates documentary on black geneology on PBS this week!
My hair has been natural for ~3 years. During this time, I’ve tried Ms. Jessies Curly Pudding but haven’t yet had the opportunity to try the Curly Buttercreme. With the harsh winter weather, my hair definitely needs it. So please, pick me and give me a chance to check it out.
My favorite part of Black History Month is the singing of “Old Negro Spirituals” in Black churches. Seems that churches set aside this month to highlight songs like Steal Away, Wade in the Water, Oh Freedom, and Children Go Where I Send Thee. I LOVE IT. In fact, I’m a sporadic (at best) church goer most of the year but I am a regular during the month of February. I especially love those songs that are in no hymnals but that everyone knows by heart. Ahhh, I’m just smiling thinking about it (and humming softly at my desk).
Hi Afrobella! I have been natural for 2 years and it’s amazing how much my hair has grown. I have been on a desperate search for a moisturizer and I believe Ms. Jessie’s could be in the running to become my holy grail.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is the fact that not only African-Americans are recognized, but it opens up the door to studies about Africa itself, the Carribbean, and countries all over the world with black populations. Black history is truly world history, encompassing all different skin tones, cultures, and languages and that is so exciting.
I love your new template!
I have been using the Buttercreme for the 12 months and it is worth every single penny. A small amount goes a long way. My natural hair is not as dry anymore and is much healthy.
I don’t know what I am going to do when I get to Rome. I am packing enough for the year. I will probably wear twists for most of the year, so I might not need as much as usual.
I love Black History Month because you learn about all the things we have accomplished inspite of the obstacles like starting our own business, schools and banks. I am just amazed by it and it inspires me so much.
I love Black History Month, because it recognizes the many achievements we’ve accomplished and the achievers who paved the way for us.
I would love a tub of Baby Buttercreme. I myself recently went natural and have been looking for the right product for my hair but I also have an infant whose hair I care for. I am always looking for the right product for her hair also. It would be so nice if we both can dip in the same jar!
I love Black History Month because it never ceases to amaze me just how much my people have accomplished. It’s ashame that it takes February for us to notice the deeds of those that have come before us and those currently living. But it’s also an honor to be associated with such a proud group of people that are so intelligent, creative, innovative, and caring. I love this month because I am always learning about someone I have never heard of. Today, I learned of Charles Waddell Chestnut. Never heard of him before and looking at a picture of him, you wouldn’t be able to tell he was an African American author. But he was.
Choose me Bella!
I love your site!! I have been natural for 3 years and love all of the hair on my head. I’m so mad my mom decided to relax my hair at such a young age. However, i digress from the intent of this message.
As the mother of 2 little boys (ages 6 and 10 months), and I love black history month. It shows them that they can aspire to be strong black men. It opens their eyes to more than just the hip hop scene, soulja boy, rapping and making beats. It teaches them that eloquence in a black man is not whack, that intelligence in a black man is not played. I am fortunate that my husband shares these same values, and we are working hard to enourage our children.
When I was in school we only did black history month reports on the same 10 – 20 people, martin luther king jr, malcom x, rosa parks, eli whitney, etc. My son is doing his very first black history report on James Stewart, the first black motocross champion! Who would have thought that we’d dominate that sport as well. I want my children to not see just the upside, but to be inspired from the struggles we have gone through over time in this nation. And to understand that the hard work of our elders have given us the freedoms and opportunities available to them today.
I Love Black History month because it puts everything in prospective, It is a reminder of how far we have come, and an enticement to do greater things. Mostly however it is a great educator for those seeking a deeper glimpse into a different facet of American history.
I love black history month because as a 23 year old who was not even born during the civil rights movement I am reminded that were it not for those who died fighting for future generations we all would not have the opportunites we have today. I am very grateful for that. It shows me the impact we can have on changing our world if we all put aside our selfish and trivial differences and focus on what is important: strength and unity. Thus,I am reminded that there is always so much more to learn and that in order for us to continue to progress we must begin to bridge the gap between generations and connect with different cultures in the black community worldwide.
I love black history month because it celebrates us! Celebrates those that came before us, reminds us of how far we’ve come, and hopefully of how far we can go with determination!
I’d love to try the Buttercreme on my little bella’s hair. I’m locked, so I don’t need it, but I’d love to find something that would allow me to style her hair “out” every once in a while. She’s three and always twisted or braided up. I’m afraid she’s beginning to think that her hair isn’t “done” unless it is contained. I want her to realize the beauty of her hair at all times – afro’d out, braided, or twisted. Thanks much!
Black History for me, is the realization that change is possible. Growing up, I was always bluntly told the state of my reality. And being 21, I have so many dreams and goals. I sometimes get blind sighted with my goals by things that I think will challenge what I want to accomplish. But just by looking back at all the things that we as a people have accomplished in a short period time, in a place where all odds were against us; change is possible. Black history makes history every month, and opens my eyes, because I know that I can do anything.
Exude Pride BELLAS!
I’m on my way to Jamaica in April to celebrate my New Year’s Eve wedding to my best friend/love and life partner of 9 years! I have been on the hair transitioning journey for more than a year now and I am finally ready for “the big chop”. I am longing to be natural and fancy-free as I bask in the Caribbean Sea. I think a tub of Miss Jessie’s Buttercreme is just what I will need to keep my situation moisturized in the hot Jamaican sun.
In our day to day lives many African Americans don’t have a chance to reflect on our rich lineage. We don’t really take a moment to unravel the effects of broken bonds and muddled history caused by slavery and other disenfranchising institutions. Our February’s give us an opportunity to hold on to our history and learn more and more about it. Every year, the students in my daughter’s classroom pick an influential African American to dress as, write a report, and make a presentation about in front of the school. I love this because it allows the children to not only be interactive with our history but to also learn about someone that they had never heard about before. This year the children have chosen everyone from Barack Obama to Diana Ross. My daughter will be Janet Collins, the first African American prima ballerina/artist to dance with the Metropolitan Opera. We are both excited to learn more about this awesome lady!
Miss Jessie’s Buttercreme is the BUSINESS!!! I have a 2oz jar, almost gone, which I use on my twists and wash and go. I also use it on baby napps (he’s 23 months). I believe $58 for that jar is well worth it. Like someone else said a tiny amount goes a long way. My husband and I estimated that jar should last me for at least 6 months or more. Now that’s a bargain!! Right now its not in our budget. 🙁
Bella, I am so happy you brought up Black History month. I have fond memories of Black History month as a child. My mother was adamant when it came to educating my sisters and I about our history. She grew up in the 50’s and she wanted us to become aware of the hardships she faced because of her dark skin, even living in Chicago. I remember as a kid, each year she would get my sisters and I dressed in our nice clothes and visit the DuSable Museum. We walked through the entire museum while she read and explained each exhibit. When I was old enough to understand, I had so many questions. All of which she answered to the best of her ability.
This year will be the first year my husband & I take our twin sons (6 years old) to DuSable Museum. I am really EXCITED because I believe they are old enough to not only understand a little bit of there history, but participate in the museums interactive programs. I want to give my sons what my mother gave me awareness & understanding. Schools do not emphasize enough on Black History, so its the job of my husband and I to fill this gap.
Black History Month wasn’t important until I got older. At age 29 I have come to realize the importance of those who were part of the struggle. My grandparents grew up in the south and I have always heard stories about their experiences. With the election in mind and despite the issues concerning us, we have come a long way. Those before us serve as a reference group. Both for who we are, but also for what we should be. ALthough we have come far, we have a ways to go. There are quite a bit young people in my neighborhood. Many do not understand the importance or value of education, and they often view their right to an education as an afterthought. The change of society, at times, seems to turn its back on the past. During times like February, things can be put into perspective. Hopefully this perspective can carried along year-round.
Also important is Valentines day. I come from a long line of family members who have been married for years-on-end. Black love is a wonderful, beautiful thing.
I am in the process of returning to my natural roots again having gone natural about 5 years ago. I went back to the chemicals because I didn’t know about the many wonderful products out there, such as Miss Jessie’s (which I have not yet tried – hint, hint) and others, that could help me tame my kinks and curls. I have decided to go back to being natural because of sites like yours who provide valuable info and insight into the world of natural hair.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is that it is a time that most of the nation takes to recognize the greatness of Black people in the world. It makes me feel proud. This is when the rest of the world stops and takes notice of Black folk. I also love the fact that I get to see more positive images of Black people in the media during this month. I feel good during Black history month and I also feel proud to know that I come from such a wonderful leagcy.
I love Black History Month because it never fails that I seem to learn about some influential black person that I’d never heard of before. This is the time of year when people learn about how Black folks have influenced and impacted the world.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is that this is the month, that it is okay to be black and proud. You can shout it to the ceilings and won’t have anyone worrying that you are trying to incite a riot. We can reflect on our rich heritage. Black History is American History and we all have so much we can learn from our ancestors.
We can turn on our televisions during the month of Febuary and find positive black programming. Programs that are showing blacks for their achievements and accomplishments.
Just yesterday I watched a documentary on the four Birmingham, Al girls that were viciously murdered. They had there friends and family to reflect on these young ladies character and some of their fondess memories. With all the booty shaking rap videos and use of that god awful word maybe some of our young people will take this time to really get a hold of their black history and reflect on their lives. We have come so far but there is still so much that can be done. But I bet if Martin, Malcom, Medgar and all of the great pioneers can just come here for a day and see what there work and tears did, they will know that they didn’t die in vain. That is why I love Black History Month because America acknowledges the great black men and women that helped build this country.
OOps got caught up in Black History PLeeeeaaasse let me sample this product I am rocking a TWA and my hair is from an Afican Tribe deep in the village if you know what I mean. It needs help ASAP. I have tried everything in the hair supply store to know avail. HELPPPPPPPPPPP Afforbella and Tiki PLEASSEEEEEEEEE Love your site keep up the good work
I stumbled on to your site about a month ago and I just love it!!!! My hair has been perm free for 3 years and I’ve heard many good things about the Buttercreme.
Here’s my favorite thing about Black History Month:
In the same month that we are surrounded by all things love, we are also celebrating the accomplishments of our people. I choose to believe that it is no coincidence that the Holiday of Love is dead smack in the middle of Black History Month. When I used to teach, I would incorporate the symbols of Valentine’s Day in my Black History lessons in an effort to inspire the children to love their history and therefore love themselves more. In showcasing our history, I would always highlight positive loving images of famous and not so famous black couples to prove that we do know how to love each other. That is just as important as knowing that Garrett Morgan invented the traffic light. So I guess that my favorite thing about Black History Month is at the heart of all of the celebrating of our various accomplishments is love.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is the fact that it opens up the world to learn more about our history and our culture. There is always something new to learn not only for our community but other cultures as well. I find it amazing that every where you look there is something about Black History that no matter how much education you think you have…you find out something new. Which tells us that we are people that come from a very rich culture and we are forever revolving into history makers. Case in point, Barack Obama is making history now in 2008. If he becomes our next president (I will not state my politicial views here) it will go down in history definitely but what will follow and what he will bring to the American people as well as the world will go down in history also. I guess the best thing about it all is that Black History Month will continue to grow as our people are continuously growing and changing America and the world in which we live.
I love Black History Month………………. because i’m black, or african-american to be more politically correct (i guess).
Even though every month of every black person’s life should be black history month, Febuary is the only time with non-blacks can see what is so awesome about being black. Our hair, our many shades of brown, our culture, everyone wants it. But also so many of us are ashamed to be black for whatever reason. So Feburary is a time for those to realize the beauty that is inside them as well.
Horray for Black History Month.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Black History Month because it’s ever evolving! As a people, we are constantly making history (hello presidential election!!) so there will always be a rich and wonderful legacy to teach the generations to come.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is that We as a people have the attention of others even if it is only for one month.We can represent our race ,leaders,musicians,actors,sports figures,FirstBlack President ,and ofcourse our beautiful natural hair to the fullest in Black History Month.This is our month ,I like the way that sounds.I have a dream that all people will be treated equal regardles of there race,religious beleifs,gender,skin tone,or the texture of there hair.Please go out and vote everyone ,and represent to the fullest.
My favorite thing about Black History month is when I see my brothers and sisters walk a little taller with pride. It seems as if we have a certain quality about us that dares the majority to even question our right to own it. I like to reflect on the fact that I, as the first of two in our family to attend and complete medical school, am Black History. I also like that fact that Black History cannot be contained in one month, but spills into every month, every day of the year.
The new template is wonderful! I’ve just begun visiting your site for about a month, and I find both the columns and the dialogue refreshing.
One nice thing about Black History Month is the reminder of how much things have changed, both for better and for worse. I no longer have to wait until February to see an African-American on television speaking intelligently, dressing nicely and showing the world that there’s no “one type” of Black person. During February, I get to see even more (and maybe even a woman with my kind of hair! Hooray!)
On the other hand, I look at the old clips from the Civil Rights Movement, the images from slavery times and the Jim Crow Era and think to myself, “This was VERY recent, although I wasn’t alive at the time.” I am again reminded that the situations present in that time have ramifications that we must address. During Black History Month, I am reminded both of how strong we are as a people and how much work must go on to retain that strength over future generations.
And, of course I love the Henry Louis Gates Jr. “African American Lives” series. Fascinating!!!
I love black history month. The only designated month where all people are encouraged to learn the untold stories of African Americans.
I come from a family of teachers. My mom, now retired, and sis both taught elementary school. Back in the day, my mom searched high and low and found an exceptional series of Black History flashcards. There were black and white images of history makers on the front. On the back were summaries of their lives.
The artistic aspects intrigued my sis who would use the images to draw her own versions of famous faces. The summaries were my favorite. As an avid reader, I would read them over and over again. Some were well known, MLK Jr, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman. Others in the series were foreign to me, I read about Phyllis Wheatley and immediately decided to become a writer. Another card featured Alex Haley, I was so intrigued, I sat down one summer and read Roots. (Too young –missed the miniseries).
When I think of black history month, I think of how those flashcards were the starting point for a wealth of knowledge. Thanks, Mom.
The thing that makes me like Black History Month is the pride everyone seems to “find” in being black during February. People seem to really get into what it means to be black and look different than the normal standard of beauty. They take pride in the color of their skin, the shapes of their bodies and the kinks/coils/curls in their hair.
We celebrate our differences and accomplishments in February, and we search for the benchmarks we have overcome and the hurdles we have run over.
If only we could learn to keep that pride year round?
I have two young daughters which I have encouraged to be natural and now that they are moving into their teenage years, they have continued to be natural and I am so proud! They have websites like yours and I thank you! My favorite thing about Black History Mointh is that it reminds us all that it is American History Month. African Americans are an intricate part of the fabric of the United States and everyone needs to remember that more often. But it is especially important for our young brothas and sistas who have touble finding positive energy in their daily lives as well as for others who want to know more about the contributions we have made to this country and continue to make. Peace.
What makes me smile is watching my daughter learn about what makes her special as an African American. I live in a predominately white area and not much emphasis is put on other cultures until February {which is a shame in and of itself}. And as I’ve always been told the best way to prepare for the future is to look to the past. And we’ve got some stong past influences that will continue to teach and mold younger generations. For that I am immeasurably grateful.
What I love about Black History Month are all the movies, new & old, that networks feel fitting to show. Albeit, they may not choose the best ones to represent all that may or may not be considered Black History, but who can’t find something humorous in BAPS? I watch it & am thankful for my choice to go natural several years ago. How I got through life with shellacked hair & extra-long acrylics escapes me now. This may have been a shallow choice, but it’s love nonetheless 🙂 Movies with questionable “Black” fashions of yester-years serve as a humorous course in my own personal Black History.
I LOVE Black History Month because it gives us as a black community the opportunity to take control of our children’s education and their own grasp of their history. As a teacher, I take full advantage of this month to take my lessons into the next world. I use literature that may not normally tie in with our assigned themes and projects to encourage my students (3-4 yr olds) to find themselves. I encourage them to stand proud as black boys and girls. We as a black community have lost sight of our goals because we have forgotten our roots. Like our anthem says, now is the time to seize the “faith that the dark past has taught us” and go forth and be the strong people that we are. We must challenge ourselves to redefine what it means to be “Black”. OWN IT. BE IT. I am black and I am proud!
I love Black History month because it’s a time to reflect on how far we’ve come, yet how far we have to go. If you think it about it, it was only 2 generations ago that our families had to endure strict segregation laws, and I feel blessed everyday that they sacrificed for us so we can do the most basic things, i.e.: use public restrooms, sit where we want on the bus, eat at certain restaurants, etc…that we take for granted. I’m 24 so I was able to hear stories from my grandparents who were active in the Civil Right movement, but I’m afraid for the generation after me who really don’t have a frame of reference and may think we’ve always had these freedoms.
I really love Black History Month because it is a time of the year when the media displays large amounts of positive images about our people. Despite what may actually be known, black people have contributed greatly to our country overall. Due to the gaps in school curriculums, it is very important for the younger generations to know about the diverse achievements done by black americans. The too often negative portrayals of our people throughout the year often overshadow how far we have come and the struggles that have already been endured so that we could have the many opportunities available to us today. Black History month keeps us in check. It makes me feel good to watch specials on TV of our people united, fighting for rights and achieving great things. It helps me not to forget where I have came from so I have a guide to continue the legacy.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is that it brings attention to those who may have been forgotten. Martin Luther King Jr.’s deeds are taught in school along with a few others such as: Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, or Maya Angelou. However, others such as Percy Julien, or George Washington Carter are never mentioned (at least where I’m from). Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) this is their time to be recognized for the incredible work that they have done to benefit us all. As long as Black History Month is recognized, somewhere they will be recognized too.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is the additional pride I feel just walking down the street. Not that I don’t feel a sense of pride every day, but it’s that little extra somthing, call it a spot light if you will, that let’s the world know how amazing we are as African Americans, as people.
sleek and sexy layout Bella!! i love love love black history month because it yet ANOTHER reason to bring us all together! and i totally dig the fact that its at the top of the year! can’t beat that. what a great way to start a year 🙂
i’ve been natural for a few years now and i love it. i’ve got so much range, when i press it, there is so much body. that to me is one of the BIGGEST blessings of having a lovely head of natural hair. im attaching my youtube show, and specifically the episode where i highlight natural beauty! thanks for the being there for us Bella!
My favorite part about Black History is the fact that we look at the past to help us determine the future. My parents lived in Memphis the year that Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated and they tell me stories about that day and the days before and after. Who would have ever guessed that they would live to see a black man as a viable candidate for president? Who would have thought that they could see their children get college educations, one from a HBCU and one from a predominately white university, and go one to have good careers and now have to experience racism that is forced to be subtle? This shows me that there is more to go, but that it can be done. My generation just has to understand that the civil rights era is not over as long as wearing a natural is frowned upon in the workplace, as long as there is still a glass ceiling for black man and women in the corporate world, and as long as black millionaires are looked down upon because they made their money playing ball or making music. As the documentary says, we must continue to keep our eyes on the prize and teach our children that one day the KKK will mean nothing and their rallies will be visited by no one, black or white. Thanks Afrobella for your forum and being a voice for us…
Hey Bella!
Love the site! Love the blog! LOVE the new layout btw too.
I’m a Southern, Black college student in the urban Midwest. Personally, I love Black History Month because…
It reminds US as Black Americans how far we’ve come as a people. Especially in my generation, its easy to forget that things havent always been this way. Long before Rosa Parks was a song by Outkast, she was a real person that stood up for a real stuggle. ((her birthday is today fyi)).
It reminds the little ones, even younger than me, that back in the day, Black folk were really DOING something. Maybe they didnt get rich doing it, but they made a difference.
Then for non-Blacks, it gives much deserved attention to POSITIVE Black role models of the past and present. Its all too easy to think that all Black people are criminals, rappers, and athletes. But we were and are teachers, doctors, astronauts, inventors, scientists, lawyers, engineers, artists, writers, preachers, dreamers… finally we get to hear about THEM.
All too often, non-American cultures are the only ones considered beautiful and special. Black people always want to be “something else” because they think they’re missing something special from their own culture. But even if its only for 28 days, I love that MY people and OUR history gets the credit it deserves.
That’s why I love February.
Keep doing your thing.
((subliminal message:: pickmepickmepickmepickme!!!)))
I love Black History Month because every year I learn something new about Black History. Which is just more information I can pass down to my children, and most importantly, educate myself on our history.
Someone told me about the Miss Jessies salon in Brooklyn but they have since closed. So I was delighted to at least find the Miss Jessies products in Rickys store on West 57th Street in New York city. I bought 2 small jars the curly pudding and the meringue. I hate the pudding smell but I think it is the best for my hair. I used the Meringue this morning and there is no use telling me to use a little; there is a bit of jheri curl vibe to my afrobush today; and I thought it was the humidity!!! I will have to check out the buttercreme.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is the reflection and celebration of our ancestors, fathers, mothers, grandparents and future generations. When I look in the mirror I am so thankful that God has blessed us with a race of courage, strength, wisdom and spirituality. There are so many pioneers that have paved the way for me to stand in the mirror, get up in the morning, go to work and pursue my dreams of becoming a writer.
I always loved to write but it wasn’t until my senior year in high school that I learned that there were some wonderful talented and inspirational black writers. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison changed my life. I wanted to become a writer and inspire others as Ralph Ellison has inspired me. One thing that I love to do is expose kids to reading and literacy. I made this my responsibility. I have hosted readings in community centers and public schools so our generation can see that there are writers and a number of individuals that are making a difference.
I may not be as wise as my mother and grandmother yet, or as courageous as Rosa Parks, but I do know as an African American woman it is my duty to educate and inspire our future generation through creativity and intellect beyond Black History Month, simply because there is not enough time in 28 days to celebrate all the contributions that we have given the world. My favorite thing about Black History Month is the knowledge of how far we have come, we have a ways to go but, it gives me hope that our generation and the future generations will see the light and stand up strong and proud listening to the voices of our ancestor reshape the world into a better place.
Hey Bella!
My favorite thing about this particular Black History month is the return of Henry Louis Gates’ Series “African-American Lives.” I LOVE learning about the triumphs of ordinary folks, not just the people written in the history books. The series makes me want to learn about my own ancestors and the lives they led. I’m also excited about the Primaries tomorrow, because I feel that we are about to take Black History to a whole ‘nother level!
Peace & Blessings
My favorite thing about Black History Month, is first that no matter how hard people try to ignore it, it forces the world to see and celebrate African American’s contributions to this country, and to the world. I also love black history month because from it’s inception, it has proven that American not only knows that African Americans made huge contibutions to the country, but recognizes the need to acknowledge this. For many years, and to some extent, still today the contributions of African American have been overlooked, or down played, during this month that is not possible. I also love Black History Month beacuse not only does it give us an oppurtunity to teach others about our culture, it also gives us an oppurtunity to learn. Every year I learn something new, whether its from a poster hanging some where or a commercial on tv, new Black history facts are proudly dispalyed for ALL to see.Black History Month also provides a time for unity. It is one month a year when we all celebrate the richness of our heritage and culture. I love the events that come and the black history facts on the radio, I love Black History Month!!!
Black History Month gives America a chance to thank US for building this country. It re-reminds all Americans who so comfortably enjoy all that is wonderful and free in this country that once upon a time it was not so. It makes us remember. In the tradition of Sankofa we can’t look to our future without honoring our past. It allows us that moment of reflection, a time to give thanks to our ancestors who have paved the way for us and helps us remain humble before a history that dwarfs us.
I’ve lived my entire life naturally. I had locs since I was two and cut them about four years ago to experience what it felt like to “rock a fro”. I’m enjoying my hair tremendously and hope to win the buttercreme. Sounds like a great product.
I love Black History Month because instead of hearing about all the real (and imagined) ills plaguing the black community, we have the opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments of those who have gone before us; which hopefully motivates us to reach higher and never sell ourselves short.
I love Black History Month because it’s a month where I get a whole bunch of reasons to say I told you so to non-blacks without even having to open my mouth. In my mind I’m thinking, “I told you a black man made peanut butter, and the filament in light bulbs, and taught Elvis how to dance, and so on and so on.” In Black History Month, people are actually reminded that this world would be nothing with out us and that their lives would not be the same or even non-existent if it wasn’t for us.
Yes I want some of that Buttercreme!
I love so much about Black History month. Although it is short it is a time to recognize the positive side of being an African American. It shows us how far we have come as a people and forces the media to cast a positive light on Black America after all of the negative images and stories they spread on a normal basis. I love the way black history month seems to make us all feel better as a people. During black history month we all seem to walk a little straighter, with a little more pep and a lot more pride. Its the one time of the year when we are celebrated for being nothing more than what God made us.
I love black history month because it’s not African-American history month. It’s all inclusive. Black includes every yellow/brown/black identity.
re: the buttercreme, gimme, gimme, gimme (think Jill Scott in her Dr. Love drag). I love to try new products. So far my curls say: Kiehl’s cream of silk hair dressing can’t be beat.
being a teacher, (i see my sis posted on this already!) i love being able to talk frankly and honestly about what our ancestors overcame and accomplished. i love helping my students appreciate the freedoms they enjoy now and vow never to waste them. i love seeing the spark of possibility and inspiration in my students eyes when they realize that being black is a blessing and not a burden.
here’s my inspirational video for today:
I love Black History Month because, for me, it is a motivator. Yes, it’s a great celebration of who we are as a people, but I love it most because it’s not enough and that motivates me. We, as a people, are so vast and so capable, that one month is not enough to contain our accomplishments or tell our stories. Every year I learn of another awesome human being of African ancestry who overcame some obstacle (be it racism, sexism, poverty, or just plain old life) to realize their true potential. And then I’m reminded that we are too much for the average history book and too much to be summarized in just one month. That keeps me inspired to learn all year long and to strive all year long to leave my mark on that history and insure that we are all ways too much for one month.
What a cool way to put my hat into the ring for a chance to be chosen!!
I love black history month because it gave me blueprint on how great my life can be. I try to pass this gift to my 4 y.o. daughter and 2 y.o. son. I look at the campaign of Barack Obama as history unfolding right in front of my eyes :D. When I was growing up, my parents used the examples in black history to teach me to honor myself and those who came before me and that’s what I try to do for my children, as often as possible.
I love Black History Month because it invigorates me to carry on my studies of World History 365 days a year. I realized that Black History is WORLD History. If I have forgotten, I remember to stand up straighter and hold my head higher. We are on almost every continent and remote island. From the Papua New Guinea Islands in the South Pacific to the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal India (tribes go back 60,000 years), the Motherland Africa, North and South America. Although some of these indigenous peoples may not be called ‘black’ or ‘african’, their blackness cannot be denied in the hue of thier skin or the kink in their hair. Yes we were kings and queens, believe that when you hear it spoken. Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim ibn Sori was a Prince among Slaves.
How many times have I been mistaken for a native Nigerian and I was born in Atlanta Ga? The connection we have to each other is undeniable, our influence on the WORLD is undeniable, the debt we owe to our ancestors in never forgetting OUR WORLD HISTORY is undeniable. As a mother of young black boys who will one day be young black men, my duty to teach them THEIR world history is undeniable. I love Black History because it invigorates to carry on my studies of WORLD history 365 days a year.
Now afrobella, pass me the buttercreme, my kinks and coils are thirsty!:)
I love Black History Month for many reasons:
It was the only time in school where there was some focus on the accomplisments of Blacks. I remember being so proud of my Harlem Renaissance project.
It motivates me because I know that if my people could succeed in a time of worse oppression, then the sky is the limit.
All these unfindables come out of the woodworks. Like my library has copies of Josephine Baker’s “Jou Jou”(with subtitles! OH YEAH!)
It shows me the light at the end of the tunnel(because I know 30/40 years ago BHM wouldn’t be.
I LOVE YOU BHM! *muah*
My favorite thing about Black History Month is seeing the powers that be on my campus acknowledge the black people on campus for once. They turn black history month into a Black History Spring Semester, which I think is amazing. Great speakers, great performances, and it gets everyone, even people in the white majority, thinking and talking about how Black people transform the world.
I love black history month because for me, it is a sort of an alarm. All of the focus in February, reminds me to look back over the previous year and make a mental note of all of the black “firsts” that were accomplished just in that 12 month period. Alot of times people only reflect on our ancestors who have gone on to glory. I love to hear, read, and talk about all of our modern day heroes who are alive, well, and holding it down right now!!! I couldn’t help but think of Tony Dungy as soon as February broke. The first black ref for the Superbowl on Sunday was added to my list. I think of Lisa Price of Carol’s Daughter. So for me, black history month is a time to load up my “mental ipod”! So whenever I get discouraged, I can just hit my black history playlist.
I am all natural with 3 all natural daughters! My husband is bald, said it was too much hair in the house!!! We would love to try some Miss Jessie’s.
I love black history month, cos it makes me think of how grateful i am to God and to all the black women who did their thing to get me here!
When i go to client meetings in corporate america and i am the only BLACK person in a room full of 20 white and asian CFO’s and CEO’s and their eyes are glued to me, listening to what i have to say and make decisions based on it. I walk into the elavator smiling to myself, saying a lil prayer to God and thanking him for a black woman who really just wanted a seat on the bus and i feel good, cos i know one day , in these same elevators in this same office, a black girl who is right now in nappy curls will be thankful that i was here!!
Well, let me get in on this while I still can.
Honestly, the best thing about Black History Month is hearing all the little children I know talking about what they learned about historical black figures. The latest was my friend’s son, Zion, who believed he was blond (as opposed to black since he is so light skinned) until he learned about Martin Luther (or Luffer – as he says) King. To hear him explain how MLK was so important and fought for justice for blacks was so endearing. Even moreso because of his slight lisp.
I grew up in a black school (literally – it was called Marcus Garvey, LOL), so every month for me was Black History Month. But to hear the information that I was nursed, weaned, and grown upon come out of the mouth of babes makes this month very special to me.
Take care, Bella!
I’m a Southerner who recently relocated to cold, snowy and virtually all-white central Minnesota. Your blog serves as one of my links to the “outside” world! 😉
My favorite thing about BHM is that the public celebrations going on this month serve as a reminder to me to celebrate the special contributions black folks have made on this world constantly…not just when February rolls around.
Great blog!
What I love about black history month is that there is always something new to learn about a people who have been beaten down for so long. Each piece of history tells me that there is a strength in the African Diaspora that can withstand centuries of oppression. Black History month is a reminder of this and whenever it comes around, I’m proud to be able to witness it and to share it with my friends and family.
I live in Hawai‘i where Black people are less than 3% of the population and February is one of the few times that we have a presence here. Black history month is beautiful because for me, at least, it provides a time to reach across the diaspora and celebrate the souls of Black folk, not just our difficult histories and the outstanding individuals who have made strides against oppression, but also the quiet quotidian gorgeousness of our survival and innovation.
While it’s too brief a period, I love Black history month because it opens a space for us to reflect and dream, and to bring others into the light of Blackness.
I love Black History because I love seeing Black people come together. Since I was little I have always participated in BHM programs. It was nice to being in a room where I was no longer a minority. It always felt good and we all felt like a big family. It’s a great way to learn about our people and how much we have accomplished.
Hey Afrobella! I’ve loved your page for quite a while now, and although i am excited about the giveaway, what makes me even happier is reading through the responses of the others on this particular post.
They reflect what I find pride in during this month. More than any other month, and most other celebrations, this is the one time during the year for many where there at least 28 reasons to be proud. Each day that we can say makes up Black History Month represents another accomplishment by somebody that descended from the motherland. And in this month, more than any other, we are able to rejoice in that. Whether it may be the same breakthroughs celebrated over and over again, or even new ones that constantly amaze us at the incredible power within us as a race, packed within this month is a myriad of reasons to hold my head up high. No matter the distance from Africa, these celebrations reverbrate, and are shared all over the world, as far as our incredible influence and legacy. Afro, dreads, press, perms, Jheri curls, fades, whatever the hairstyle, during this month, the head will be held high, and the heart proud. Happy Black History Month to all!
I love Black History Month because of the public celebrations . I love teaching my children about part of their heritage and those that went before them.
I recently wet natural ( Feb 01/08 ) and my t.w.a could use a great moisturiser.
Happy Black History Month!
Hi Afrobella I’m a Ghanaian living in South Africa and I totally enjoy your site.
Although we don’t have an official Black History Month this part of the world. I love the fact that during this month all my favourite African American blogs bring to light some aspect of Black History, outside of Africa, that I probably would not have known of otherwise. It makes me proud that despite adversities, there were/ are exceptional individuals who rose up and made a contribution to the world we live in now.
It’s inspires me and reminds me that as a black woman, anything is possible.
I LOVE reading these comments! I was planning to post today, but a family emergency came up. Will post more later today. Your comments are so motivational and inspiring, bellas! This is a beautiful thing. Love to all of you!
Hi Afrobella!
When February rolls around, Black History Month is always on the forefront of my curly head. Why? Well, because it’s a time that the world becomes aware of just how much Black History Month means in celebrating our different colors and hues of blacks, browns, beiges, and cocoas. As I get older, I realize that Black History ‘Month’ is observed by many of us year round.
Just as our Black mothers and fathers before us contributed to the world (check some of them out here:, I feel as though we are actually living in history with the products that Miss Jessie provides. Tiki and Meko are the modern day Madame C. J. Walker, and their success is a testament to their worth.
To look around this site and be in the presence of so many different flavours of chocolates and caramels and vanillas is awe inspiring. Your site has definitely opened my eyes to the natural beauty that we ALL possess, and it is something that not only should be embraced, but flaunted and rejoiced.
Grace, peace and life be unto you, Afrobella. I love your new layout. It’s very bouyant, springy and vivid, much like the temperament of the readers of your blog. We are so fabulous!
Black History Month reminds me that the contributions of our people are key to the inner workings and lush fabric of our country and our world. When we see these figures from our past and consider how they struggled and pressed to achieve things against incredible odds — and they were just normal people much like ourselves who were inspired to do MORE — it compels us to be proactive. We’re called to be agents of positive change at our jobs, in school, at church, in the grocery store. We’re blessed to live in a country where we can do great things. I’m thankful to our ancestors who paved the way, as well as those of the current day and those to come.
ooooh, this excites me! in about 5 months or so (hopefully) i will be perm free for the first time since i was 12 years old (im almost 26 now). i have NO IDEA
*ahem*… i accidentally hit the ‘submit’ button too early there. sorry about that.
anyway, i have NO IDEA what to do with my hair once its not straight anymore as far as what products to use, and based on your description, this looks like a good product to start with. so im hopin for some luck here!
my favorite thing about black history month is the sense of unity that seems to arise from almost nowhere when February rolls around, and this is important to me because in my opinion, it is the main thing that the black race is truly and desperately lacking. its amazing to me that for one month of the year, black folks who seem to disagree about everything else under the sun (especially within my circle of friends, lol) all agree that even after all this time, black history month is STILL important and needed, so much so that they band together and work toward the common goal of uplifting and enlightening together. i compare it, though on a much smaller scale, to the spirit of the Civil Rights Movement–there’s definitely a ‘if we don’t, who will?’ attitude about it, and a sense of duty that we could greatly benefit from if we had it 12 months out of the year instead of just one. but since we haven’t gotten there yet, i always wait patiently for February to roll around to enjoy that, my favorite thing about it.
I love Black History Month because it’s a time when we can reflect on the positive things blacks have contributed to society. It is the one time of year we are appreciated and I love learning about our rich history. I hate when people say we don’t need it anymore because that is so far from the truth. We do need it because blacks still don’t receive the recognition that we deserve the other 11 months of the year. When I hear about another black man in jail or another young, single, black female pregnant it honestly gets my spirits down. But Black History Month is a reminder that we aren’t only drug dealers, babymommas, and welfare recipients. We are intelligent, capable, and courageous human beings who’ve accomplished amazing things.
The best thing about Black History Month is that I get to delve into the rich and storied treasure trove of what Black Americans in this country have accomplished and transcended. It’s an opportunity to educate my two young sons about their inherent nobility because truly, African-Americans are the pupil of the eye. And, it’s an extra reminder to be the best I can be so that one day my story can be told to others as a part of Black History Month!
I love Black History Month because it allows me to reflect on why I need and continue to work my butt off to be the best wife, mother, daughter, niece, aunt, etc. that I can be. I am the mother of a 3 year old daughter and an 11 day old son and the month of February will always be something special in our house because it will allow my husband and I to reinforce why we celebrate our hair, heritage, lifestyle, family traditions, work ethic, inventions, and FREEDOM!!!! Even though we get the shortest month of the year, it’s nice to see OUR people come together to celebrate a legacy that keeps evolving into something more powerful and significant everyday.
One of the things I love the most about Black History Month is the opportunity to share my history with people (of all races, including African Americans) who wouldn’t otherwise investigate it. Not that February is the only month that this should be done; most people are just more open to learning about African American culture and history during this time. I’m always amazed at how little we know about our contributions and I relish the opportunity to teach.
My favourite thing about Black History Month would have to be fact that it gives me the chance to experience so much black history at once and share it with my peers.
As a secondary school student, it is rare that I am exposed to my own history in the class room. During Black History Month however, my school adamantly displays black history and culture to the student body. This month, we are expecting a performance by Ballet Creole, (an amazing Canadian dance troope that performs a mix of contemporary and traditional African dance – you should check them out), dance workshops, excursions to performances by African companies, a workshop on hair texture (I’m sure that you’d enjoy this one!), and various lectures about the importance of black history.
To end this month right, we are planning our annual Black History Month assembly to show off the diverse talents of the students in our school and educate the school about the contributions of people of African descent to the arts.
Though I believe that black history is something that should be celebrated and acknowledged everyday instead of only in one month, the fact that I can experience it in school and share it with my friends is something that I enjoy most about Black History Month.
I love Black History Month because attending mostly white schools growing up it was one of the few times, outside of my home, where learning about my culture and history was important not just to me but to everyone else. I felt so proud learning about some of our most significant black historical figures. Now I get to pass on those feelings and knowledge to my nine year old nephew and show him what an important and magnificent culture he comes from. Hopefully the stories I tell him about his great-grandfather and other ancestors will inspire him as they have me.
Black History Month should be everyday …but that’s another subject!
It’s always a time for us to claim our place in this nation’s history since we are not ordinarily included despite all our accomplishments. It’s a time when we can not only remind our little ones that our genius greases the wheels of this country but ourselves, and the majority as well. Respect, Inspiration, and Reinforcement…that’s what black history month is all about.
My hair has been natural just over a month now. I’d thought about it for quite some time and even stopped relaxing my hair about 2 months ago. I figured I could continue to get it pressed for about six months then do the big chop. But one day I had too much time and a pair of scissors so I snipped it all off! Very Liberating.
What I Love about Black History Month
Black History Month is great because its a reminder of how hard African Americans have strived to achieve equality, and respect in country that would have denied them of both.Yes, we have come far but not far enough.When people look puzzled when they here the names Emmett Till,Charles Hamilton Houston and Tuskegee Institute and say things like “put slavery and segragation behind you”, “that’s in the past” its a hard smack of reality.Black History month is the celebration and acknowledgement of our leaders and everyday people who stood up for all of us. That’s why its the Best month of the year!
PS the site looks so different!love it
Although, I am not a fan of the fact that our contributions are only recognized in one month. I believe everyday should be Black history because Black history=American history. However, I love Black History Month because for once much needed attention is given to individuals who helped create this country and the modern world. Slaves built the beautiful structures Americans and others pay to see whiling traveling to Europe. At least our ancestors get one month instead of nothing at all.
I love Black History Month because ‘Bella, like you, I’m a Caribbean woman who was raised out of the States, however my mum made a conscious effort to teach me Black History every day, beit Nanny of the Maroons or Malcolm X. Unfortunately, with limited access to resources in Europe, i.e. diverse history books, it was always a challenge. Not to be outdone, my mum made it her mission to educate me with a historical socio-political world view of the journey of the African, so that I could understand how the lessons and struggles of yesteryear should be internalized into action in the present. My mum refused to buy Del Monte for many years because they supported apartheid in South Africa. Now that I live in the States, Black History Month is a wonderful opportunity to build upon the foundation of knowledge, self-awareness and consciousness that my mum installed in me many years ago.
My favorite thing about Black History Month is that every year, when I think there’s not one more fact that I haven’t heard, I learn a new Black History Fact!
Black History Month has been an enigma to me since childhood. I love the fact that we are able to give proper due to the forbearers that paved the way and laid the groundwork for our advancements today. However, I never understood why, for people who gave so much, so little time is allotted. I just always wished that we could recognize their trials, tribulations, and successes every hour, every day, every month, not just one measly one! We need to be bombarded with the happenings in the past in order to change and improve things in the present and future! Being a young Haitian American woman, I not only recognize the accomplishments of the great black leaders in this country, but also those of Haiti and the rest of the Caribbean. So as this month progresses, let us too progress as a culture and race of people who constantly yearn to better ourselves and keep the Dream alive!
I’ve been dying to try the Miss Jessies products, i used the curly pudding on my mom once some time ago and don’t think we used it properly. Up till now i’ve been using Garnier and Cantu leave-in conditioner but feel like the later is drying up my hair. Pick Me i would love u forever!!!! :’)
I’ve known about Black History since a child in school. Now that I’m older I’ve learned on my own ALOT that wasn’t taught in school. Still so much to read and learn. My favorite thing about Black History is seeing how all my Black People come together and enjoy each other. Also Looking at my favorite Black Movies, Black History Facts and diffrent Black programs on TV. I do however feel that Black History needs more than just one month because it’s so many stories and facts still untold.
What I’m loving this Black History Month is that, as I type, I’m watching the soon to be first Black President thank me and everyone who voted for him here in IL and elsewhere. It is the natural evolution of all of our people’s historical accomplishments. This year, the normally too short Black History Month doesn’t bother me because I’m looking forward to November as a bonus BHM. History will be made yet again. Peace All
What I love most about Black History Month is the fierce pride so many have in our culture and history – past and present. I love the focus on our progress, the celebration of our successes, and the honest recognition of the struggles towards equality. But mostly I love learning something new every day that I didn’t know before about my people, and enjoying educating others who have not been so fortunate.
Well, it looks like you got over 80 comments but I will still attempt to be picked.
I have been natural my whole life so I have never experienced the transition or put chemicals in my hair. However, it has always been a struggle to keep my hair moist and stop my ends from splitting.
What I love the most about Black History Month is that it is a month solely dedicated to my people’s history. Each year, although its only for 28 days and this year 29 days, one more person at least learns something about Black History that they did not know. It is a way to remember those who have came before us as well as those who make contributions today. I am like many Blacks who celebrate Black History EVERY month but in February, I almost become a preacher. God bless those who paved the way for me and those that will come after me.