True story.
The month before Thanksgiving, my face was a total mess. Stress, sloppy skincare, and bad eating led me towards an almost teenage state of acne. I tried everything in my skincare arsenal – clay masques, strong cleansers and scrubs. Nothing offered a lasting solution, and I was becoming extremely frustrated. Desperate times led me to a desperate measure. I signed up for a skin care research trial at the University of Miami Cosmetics Center.
At my first appointment, I filled out what seemed like a small booklet of release forms, and the friendly physician’s assistant (or medical student, not sure) counted my “lesions and pustules.” Yuck. Then they asked me what I’d been using on my skin. Do you have a few hours? I joked. As I went down the list, they noted that I was using a lot of the typical acne fighters – salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy, kaolin clay cleansers. All harsh treatments that would clash with the four-part regimen I was signing up to try.
The docs ordered me to do a two-week “wash out” period. They told me to stop popping my pustules (again, eeeww), and to only use the face wash they gave me. They handed me a big bottle of Cetaphil. I had heard of Cetaphil before, but never tried it. I must admit, I wasn’t impressed at first use. It kinda felt like I was washing my face with weak, scentless lotion. I personally prefer a face wash that leaves my skin with that fresh, clean, almost-stripped feeling. Cetaphil wasn’t it. I mean, you can use this stuff without water. It’s exceedingly gentle, and I wasn’t sure I liked the way my skin still felt internally moist after washing it, if that makes any sense. It took me a while to get used to Cetaphil’s mild-mannered ways.
To supplement the not-exactly-squeaky clean of Cetaphil and to exfoliate my skin in lieu of harsh scrubs, I used my Clarisonic brush. I’ve mentioned this before, but let me say it again – Clarisonic brushes are the bomb. No wonder they’re among Oprah’s favorite things!
The Clarisonic Skin Care System claims to remove six times more makeup than mere soap and water. Using it takes only a minute out of your day, and the brush beeps to let you know when to move on to the next section of your face. The sonic technology of this gadget cleansed and clarified my skin in its time of need. The hardest part of the wash out period was keeping my hands off my face, and leaving my zits well enough alone.
Two weeks passed and when it was time to return to the lab for the trial to begin, I didn’t have a single pustule in sight! The overall appearance of my skin had improved that significantly. The acne problems that had led me to the research trial to begin with were practically gone. Hooray for Cetaphil and Clarisonic!
I hear you, bellas, and I feel you. The Clarisonic brush sounds amazing, but at $195 for the system, it’s not exactly affordable for bellas on a budget. So allow me to kick off 2008 with a very special giveaway, one I meant to give in December. I’ve got TWO Clarisonic brushes to bestow unto you, and here’s how you can get one.
Leave me a comment below that begins with the sentence “Clear skin in 2008!” and then tell me what skin care problems you’ve been having, and what products you’ve been using that just aren’t cutting it for you. I’m gonna leave these comments open until Thursday, and take my time and sift through the many answers. Because I’ve only got TWO items to give this time, I implore any of you who won giveaways last time to let this one be for the first time giveaway contest entries. Thanks much, bellas– and good luck!
Happy Monday!
** edited at 8:35 p.m. — WOW! I did NOT expect such an overwhelming response. As of right now, it’s 70 comments and counting. That’s a lot to choose from, bellas! So I’m making an editorial decision to close these comments by noon Tuesday, not Thursday. At this point, I’ll have over 100 comments by tomorrow! I only wish I have more of these awesome brushes to give away.
This makes me happy — it truly is a joy to bring these offers to you all. My new goal is a giveaway for every month of 2008. So keep reading and keep entering, even if you don’t win this one. International readers can feel free to enter as well — I remember how it felt to live in Trinidad and see all of the cool sweepstakes and contests in “foreign” and to not be able to participate. I’ve been lucky enough to find fantastic beauty companies who have gladly sent complimentary products to places as far away as Wales, Germany, and Jamaica.
It’s a good feeling to share the love, and I want to say a big thank you to the PR peeps I’ve gotten to work with on these. You’ve all been great. If you’ve got a beauty product you’d like me to review, or you’d like to host a giveaway on Afrobella, please e mail me at!

Clear skin in 2008! I’m a thirty-something in graduate school. I made it through adolescence without a single zit but these days they’re popping out all over. It’s stress-related, I know.
I cleanse with MD Forte Daily Cleanser and moisturize with Clinique Superdefense for dry to combination skin. I don’t use a toner because I have dry skin with a mildly oily T-zone and my town has extremely hard water (like break your washing machine and dishwasher hard).
My cleanser has glycolic acid, so I don’t have to exfoliate more than once a week. When I do exfoliate and I use something grainy, it makes me break out! The funny thing is that the best exfoliator I’ve used lately was sea salt. I was at my boyfriend’s house and out of my usual stuff. So I made a paste in my hand out of a little sea salt and water in his kitchen, squirted my cleanser in my hand too and massaged it all around my face. It did the trick! Something tells me that the Clarisonic would be even more fun 😉
Clear skin in 2008! I’m a soon-to-be 32 year old and I’ve had ance since I was 11. I remember going to back to school after the summer break and one of my friends telling me, “Puberty hit you hard.” Yeah, it did. It’s not just my face, it’s my chest, back and shoulders sometimes. All of my sibs had it. My older brothers has cleared up but mine still continues. I’ve tried everything. Starting with the expensive ass Edgar Morris system (Yup Stephanie Mills was talking to me) to Proactive to Philosophy and other products in between. Nothing has worked consistantly. Getting the brush is on my ‘things to buy once I get the more important things I have to buy’ list. But I would love to have one for my birthday! (hint-hint lol)
Yea,I’ve heard Cetaphil is the best thing to use out there. I’ve also heard about this new Clarisonic brush. Too expensive, tho.
Clear skin in 2008! I’ve had skin ailments pretty much since I hit puberty. I’m now 22 going on 23 and I still break out as much as I did when I was 13 or 14. Part of it’s stress, part of it’s my combination skin. You know, dry cheeks and GREAZY (that’s right, we’re beyond regular grease at this point) nose, forehead, and chin. I’ve used all kinds of products to varying degrees of success (Biore face wash and masques, plain Dove soap, Clean & Clear wash, Noxema, etc. etc.).
Right now I’m using L’Oreal Special Care Acne Response Daily Adult Acne Regimen and I feel like my skin’s actually been breaking out MORE since I started using it a few weeks ago. I’m at the end of my rope and tired of all the “lesions and pustules” myself, ha.
I’m a grad student so I really can’t afford to get the Clarisonic brush on my own right now. But if it worked for you so well I’d love to give it the old college try. Thanks!
I love Cetaphil – it was the only thing that cleared up my acne. As I have gotten in my 30s my face looks a little dull without any moisture. For the past year I have been using Shiseido’s Purity line and it works fantastic. It gently exfoliates so my skin glows. They also have a mattifying toner and shine free moisturizer. If you are former acne suffering headed into middle age, Shiseido has the products for you.
Clear skin in 2008 rocks! When you have clear skin its like your face is fresh and your natural beauty shines through without any distractions. I’m one of those people who believe that great skin is simply inherited through the blessings of good genes. Because we all know someone who eats like crap, drinks soda and hates water, spends zero dollars on a skin care regimen, slaps on Vaseline, calls it s day and has amazing skin. Not fair!
Then there’s moi. I get the type of breakouts that leave scars if I even THINK about popping my pustule (ewww). Let’s just say that Ambi is this chocolate’s sister best friend. Some people get a pimple and it clears up in day or two leaving no scars or evidence of ever having had a zit. Myself on the contrary; I get a pimple and it just sits on my face for days on end; making it hella challenging for me to not use my two index fingers when I get bored or frustrated. Its like playing a video game with your face; I get the white stuff (ewww) but the pimple always wins in the end.
Now. I’m well aware that a skin brush is just a skin brush and that there’s so much more to a beauty regimen that supersedes making the surface look good. I believe in prayer, meditation, creating boundaries, laughing, journal writing, having healthy friendships and relationships and most importantly taking risks to live the life of your dreams. So having a pimple or three won’t rock my world the way living a life of not living in truth can.
To all my Bellas out there….love life and live it with passion.
Clear skin in 2008! My skin has gone totally haywire since I’ve stopped using birth control pills. I don’t think my skin has ever looked this bad even when I was a teenager. I drink plenty of water (at least 64 ounces a day) and I eat healthy so I really need to step up my skin care regimen. Right now I just use some Oil of Olay cleanser and moisturizer. I don’t wear makeup on a regular basis. Whenever I think about trying something new for my skin, I just get overwhelmed by all of the choices and I just stick with Olay. I will definitely give Cetaphil a try and keep hope alive for the Clarisonic! Thanks!
Clear skin in 2008. I’m 30 and have been fighting acne since I was 12. My skin goes through periods of reduced breakouts then aggravating flareups. I’ve tried pretty much every product under the sun, including prescriptions from the dermatologist. Many work for a while but I’ve yet to find that permanent solution that can be there for the long haul.
My current regiment involves washing with Cetaphil bar soap (much like the liquid cleanser, it’s cleansing but not stripping — plus the bar has the added bonus of not bumping against the TSA’s carry-on rules) and moisturizing with Kiehls Ultra Facial Moisturizer with SPF 15 (moisturizing but not greasy, creates a smooth surface for makeup application). In the evenings, I wash with Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Cleansing Pads (these are great for those full make-up days as they cleanse well and are disposable so I don’t mess up my white face designated washcloths) and apply prescription benzoyl peroxide cream, dark spot lightener, and moisturizer.
I’m not sure which of the products I’m using need to be cut. Plus, I have a ton of products in my closet that I would like to add back (namely my Kiehls Pineapple Papaya face scrub). I’ve been considering a “back to basics” approach where I just use cleanser and moisturizer each day. But I fear that removing the prescriptions may make my bad situation even worse.
Clear skin in 2008. Please.
Clear skin in 2008 would be a life long dream for me, because i have had a real battle with acne for 30 years.I have been back and forth to the dermatologist trying all kinds of prescription meds and they do not work for me.I have tried proactive ,plain unscented soap,cleansing cloths, neutrogena and so much more.My skin is so oily that i just do not know where to turn to get help ,because i feel like i have tried it all.As a man sometimes it is hard to ask for help,but i am asking you for this brush because i read your site and you are on point with a lot of things so i believe you when you say that this brush works.If you need a picture i will send it to you.Thank you so much and have a nice day.
Clear skin in 2008! I am in my 20’s and still dealing with acne and blemishes. My skin is very oily and I have tried everything. Pro-active did nothing,tea tree oil wash did nothing for me, and the doctor gave me some overpriced gel that did not work. I drink more water now. Cetaphil does give a nice gentle cleanse but my skin get so oily during the day. There was a $1 off coupon for Cetaphil in this past Sunday paper by the way. I would really appreciate that Clarisonic.
Clear skin in 2008! That’s one of my committments for this year. I’ll be turning 30 and I want to look my best by my birthday. This means clear skin, weight loss and an overall healthier way of living. I’ve currently upped my water intake and use Clinique for cleansing and moisturizing. Things are looking up and hopefully when July hits the weather won’t be the only thing that BLAZING!!!
Clear skin in 2008. My skin story is not for the faint of heart, it started back in 1992 when my smooth even skin turned on me. All of the sudden, pimples appeared, and not a few, but a lot. Their special harbor place was the center of everything — my forehead. This also started my entrance into the land of dermatologists, visits to Dr. Blackburn, THE black dermatoligist in Dallas. This included topical treatments that made me look like a a palomino (sp), but that worked.
As a woman on the other side of 25, my skin has improved, but I still have issues. My daily regimen is new, I’m using Susan Taylor’s line, which I love, but my recent move to New York has done havoc on my skin.
All in all, my skin care regimen is pretty simple, a face wash, Ambi’s moisturizer and a mask one or twice a week. Although the new face wash works a lot better, in the past my face washes, from Kiehl products to drug store products, just didn’t do it for me. Or if they did,after a while I guess my skin got used to them. Products like Aveeno’s face washes and Neutrogena washes are what I’ve used in the past. It doesn’t help that I have oily skin and when the oil comes out, people think that I’m sweating. So hopefully, with the skin brush, I can FINALLY whip my skin into shape.
Clear skin in 2008! I’ve NEVER had a single blemish on my face (knocking on wood). I have used, since about the age of 8 Cod Live Oil–not the pills put the actual oil. I have never been plagued with breakouts.
I swear by cod live oil!
Clear Skin in 2008, At 40 I have acne and wrinkles starting so one really has to go. I have always had sensitive skin so I knew about the power of Cetaphil but the brush could be the answer to my blemish problems. I also have a hard time keeping my hands off my face but it really does help.
I really enjoy this blog and its insight into Bella Culture.
Clear skin in 2008! I’ve had acne on and off for the last 20 years – I’m 35. Sometimes my skin is lovely and clear, and other times, it’s just awful. My problem is hyperpigmentation. I scar – badly. So much so that this year, I’m going back to the TriLuma fade cream to see if I can even out my complexion a bit. I’d stopped using it because it is so chock full of chemicals, but I’m desperate. I’ve been using Cetaphil – cleanser and moisturizer – for about a year and with the exception of an occasional scrub or mask, I’m sticking with that combination for life. Happy ’08 ‘Bella!
Clear skin in 2008! I have had acne since I was 11 years old and I’ve been through practically everything to get clearer skin. I used the regular acne medicines, but that never seemed to work for too long. I’ve tried the home remedies that others recommended such as toothpaste, calamine lotion(which suprisingly actually works well but didn’t last long either), and a paste made of baking soda and water(dries up pimples really fast). Then as I got into my older teens it progressively got worse. I was prescribed Retin A for a while and that never really took either.I finally was able to convince my doc to prescribe me Accutane. This was actually the first time I had clear skin in years but then once I reached my twenties, my skin started breaking out again. It was not as bad as it was in my teens though. I then got Proactive and that didn’t work either. So I started a new regimen of using Purpose soap and using witch hazel as an astringent and I moisturize with a clearasil lotion. It controls the really big flare-ups.
Clear skin in 2008! I am 35 and have oily skin that is prone to whiteheads and breakouts that leave behind nasty hyperpigmentation. I would love to have smooth even toned skin. Since I started regilously exfoliation with alpha hydroxy/glycolic acid products the breakouts have subsided but the dark spots remain. My goal is to calm my skin down to stop the breakouts that in turn leave the marks. My diet is good. I drink plenty of water and am also on my way to hitting my goal weight in the next 3 months. Yea me!
Even my own well meaning children have quoted the infomercial for Proactiv (which I have tried) to me. Last month I was acosted at a grocery store about my skin by a security guard/Mary Kay rep. I was so embarssed I spent the rest of the day indoors. Seems like I have used everything. Neutrogena, Ambi, Clean and Clear, Olay (the Regenirist line is actually pretty good)and Peter Thomas Roth (I do like the Botanical Buffing Beads).
I have noticed that the cleaner my skin is the better it acts (go figure). I really need this brush to keep my face super CLEAN which will put me on the road to never having another embarassing grocery store incident ever again. Thanks Afrobella!
I just wanted to mention that the Equate brand that says “compare to Cetaphil” of face wash they sell at Wal-Mart works as well as Cetaphil, and can save you a few dollars. Cetaphil or its equivalent is wonderful, especially if you’re in your 30s or 40s and need to have some moisture in your skin while at the same time removing the oil.
Clear skin in 2008! Well wear do I begin I am a 34 year old single womanwith 2 children. This is the year fo me. I spend so much time worrying about the kids that I just have let myself go. But not in 2008. Last summer I decided to grow my hair natural and this past saturday I did the big cut. With every permed end I cut I felt liberated. but that cut now shows my facial flaws years of using different products has my face oily in some places and dry in others.And bumps across my forehead and my beautiful high cheek bones. Please let me win this brush care system. It will help me to continue with my new makeover. One more thing love your blog read it daily to help keep me from perming my hair again so keep up the good work.
Cetaphil is awesome!! I started using it when my twin boys were about 10 months old. Both had VERY sensitive skin and eczema. My grandma recommended I try Cetaphil and after running the idea past the pediatrician he gave me the go ahead. I would use the cleansing bar for there face(2x daily) and apply the prescribed ointment afterward. 6 years later I still use Cetaphil for both boys.
Clear skin in 2008, baby! Dear Afrobella, I ve been using basically everything that I can afford (Pro activ, salycic and benzoyl acids, neutrogena, olay, natural clay mask, scrubs, etc..) since my first pustule appeared around the age of 12… My acne is kind of severe and unfortunately, I am also on a very severe budget! That s why, at the moment, I can t see any dermatologist or use expensive products!
I m now 25, a young actress in NY, people say I m pretty but I m actually hiding myself under a lot of concealer and make up. I find it sad because I would love to have a natural and beautiful skin just like you! I would love to be proud of my chocolate-a-licious skin! Glowing skin is one of my dreams and I want to achieve it in 2008: I want to represent! Thanks for the inspiration and the continuous tips, Afrobella! Have a magic new year!
miss B-fly
Clear skin in 2008, well that has been my mantra since forever but now more than every boy oh boy do it need it!. I am a 44 yer old mama to be (due in July) and I am not feeling my usual fabulous self. No matter what I do, which right now isn’t much since I have to be careful about using chemicals on my skin, nothing seems to help. My skin is tired, blotchy and frequent acne flareups are a normal part of the day. I was using Neutrogena Visibly Even but it seems as though it stopeed working for some reason. I am a working woman, wife, mother of 5 and with a new baby on the way, my finances cannot handle numerous and costly skin care regimines…I am already a fan of Cetaphil which I use daily, maybe the Clairsonic brush will help restore my skin to its God given lustre as well as help me return my former fabulousness.
Clear skin in 2008! and boy its about time. Born, raised, and now raising my own in the Chi, I usually have to abandon my old standy ProActive until April or so because of the dryness. But as i get older – or should I say better! – I’ve noticed that Proactiv is making my face so dry, its damn near flaky – and its not worth dandruff face for the absence of a few pimples. I’m down for Cetaphil, but I need the “scrubbing action” of the Clarisonic brush if this is going to work right. Love ya’ for offering this!
Clear skin for 2008 is actually one of my resolutions! I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl in July of 2007, but sadly, my face has not been the same since. Between the stress of motherhood and the dreadful Chicago weather, I don’t know if my skin will ever be back to normal! I’ve tried everything that my local Walgreens has to offer to cure my now blotchy, erratic skin. Currently, I’m using Neutrogena Face Wash followed by Clinique’s daily facial moisturizer to keep the pimples at bay, but nothing’s ever enough. Diapers, formula, doctor’s visits, and alll the other stuff my BumbleBee needs keep a steady hole in my pocket, so there’s no way I could afford this on my own. I’ve been a faithful reader for quite some time, but this is the only time that I’ve stopped everything I’m doing to enter a contest! Thanks for reading my rants lol…
Clear Skin in 2008!
I have been on a quest for clear skin for years. I’m 28 with the skin of a hormonal teenager. I scar even when I leave them alone, so even when I am granted a reprieve from the breakouts I still look speckled. My husband calls them “my freckles” in an effort to make me feel better. A recent baby and less time for myself has made it even harder to try to maintain. What do I use? Like you I am a product junkie and have tried almost everything both low and high end. Aveeno, Neutrogena, Lancome, Proactive, Burt’s Bees, Philosophy, exfoliaters, lotions, more water, less scrubbing, more scrubbing, shea butter, Mom’s tried and true cold cream…everything. If they mention it in a magazine or website 🙂 I’m clipping/bookmarking and buying. I’ve been looking at the Clarisonic since it arrived on the scene but the price has held me back. I’d love to find something that works for me.
Clear skin in 2008, I am a 26 year old woman as of today. For the past two months I have been having the worse acne. I haven’t had acne prior to this in my life which makes me think it’s due to stress. I have been using Oil of Olay facial scrub, Aveda facial mask once a week, and the few days I do wear make up I use Dior. I wash my face twice a day and use a toner after on the days I do where make up. I’m going to the store now to pick up some Cetaphil and hope that this can get me back to my usual clear and glowing skin. Thanks Afrobella.
“Clear Skin in 2008”
I am a 25 yr old state worker in TN and I have suffered with acne since the age of 11. I remember getting my first pimples then and being told by my mother that it was just a phase and that I would grow out of it. Well 14 yrs have passed and I have grown in many ways, but the acne unfortunately hasn’t gone anywhere.
I started out using what every teenager has a owned at one time or another-a blue jar of Noxzema and that didn’t do any good. Then I used the Nozema astringent pads and that didn’t help either. I tired everything that Neutrogena makes..from cleansers to creams and it made little difference.
My senior year of high school I tried Proactive with no sucess.
Finally when I got my first “real job” with real benefits at 21 I went to a dermatologists. He prescribed me many different things that really didn’t make a differene either or had severe side effects. And though my doctors visits were covered by my insurance often the meds that he presribed me were not, so I spent a lot of money on stuff that just didn’t work and in some cases made me sick.
But one good suggestion that he did give me was the usage of cetaphil as you noted in your entry.
Cetaphil has made my skin a lot better, but now I am having problems with deeply imbeded black heads in my skin.
They are hard to push out, my pores are getting larger and larger, and no matter how hard I scrub or what I use it isn’t getting any better.
I wasted a lot of money on the dermitologist stuff, so now I don’t have a lot of discretionary income lying around to try much else.
I have heard a lot of good things about the Clarisonic brushes from your site and other places and I think it could really improve this terrible blackhead situation that I have going on. (they are literally all over my face)
Thanks for the opportunity to enter and good luck to everybody.
Clear skin in 2008…. hopefully 🙂
I’ve had acne from the age of 11. I’m 26 now and have tried just about every product under the sun. I’ve tried all of you over the counter brands (neutrogena, clearasil, etc.) Retin-A, Proactiv, Murad, Clinique, benzoyl peroxide creams, differn gel, black soap, shea butter, you name it. Right now I’m seeing a dermatologist so I’m using Cetaphil with tazorac cream, clindamicin (I thik that’s what it’s called) and some pill that I don’t know the name of….
The only time that I EVER saw improvement was when I went on Accutane. However, Accutane has so many side effects that I don’t really want to go on it again.
Hopefully the creams that I’m on now will help me out. I was thinking about purchasing the cheaper version of the Clarisonic, but it would be great if I could have the real deal! Thanks!
Clear Skin in 2008! For the first time in my life I have acne and I’m 28! I’ve never worried about my skin but I think the stress of the holidays got to me and I don’t know what to do! I’ve tried washing my face more frequently, using astringent toner under my lotion, harsh apricot scrubs but nothing has worked! This acne has really made me re-evaluate my vanity and not take clear skin for granted! Now I have dark marks where I’ve popped my zits (gross but how else do you get rid of them?). Someone, please tell me of a cheap solution before I buy pro-active.
Clear Skin in 2008! Bella, ever since I had my 2nd child, my skin has tunred into a once a month challenge. My normally flawless face is now bombarded with one or two large, cysts a month. How can I be the true afrobella I long to be with a huge lump in the middle of my forehead? SO NOT SEXY.
Please have pity on this working mother of two and allow me to have a Facial Brush so that when I get my ten minutes of peace in my locked bathroom…..I can at least emerge with a flawless face!
Love you!
Clear Skin in 2008! I have been plagued with acne and oily skin since I hit adolescence. Although my acne is not as bad as my high school days contrary to what people told me, it has followed me into my adult years. I have used practically every over the counter and prescription medicine that they have for acne. These have included noxema, clearasil, purpose, neutrogena, seabreeze, alcohol, accutane, soladyn, tetracyclin, proactive, retin-A and dozens of other creams an gels I can’t remember the names of! The only thing that worked decently was Accutane, but the side effects are so dangerous I had to stop taking it. As of now I am trying natural remedies. I had a lady at work make me some homemade peppermint soap. That does ok, but she doesn’t make it regularly. So when I run out, I’m SOL.
I have never tried Cetaphil. So I will give that a try. I also had never heard of the Clarisonic brush, but it sounds excellent. I would love to try it out and see if it works. At this point, I am willing to try anything!
I’ve always wanted to know what it would be like to have blemish-free skin. I’ve been trying to accept that I just have oily skin and that acne will come with that. I used to try to hide it under layers of makeup until I realized that was making it worse. It’s hard to not dream of smooth, blemish-free, baby soft skin like Beyonce’s when you’re bombarded with those images day in and day out. Although I’m all about accepting myself in my natural form, I must admit if this will clear my skin up naturally without having to rely on antibiotic pills with unreliable results and side effects, I would love to try the Clarisonic brush!
But on a side note, I love your site Afrobella. Especially, your articles on natural hair and products :0) Happy New Year!
I’ve seen Cetaphil at the local Wal-Mart. If it works as good as you say, I may have to try it but I’m always a little sketch trying something new on my face because my skin is so sensitive.
Clear skin in 2008!
I don’t know what’s up with my skin: recently, instead of the usual occasional breakouts I get the huge painful cysts. Which then leave dark spots. Which I can’t treat or cover since I’m beyond the budget (as in, you kinda need to *have* money to make a budget, don’t you?). Right now, my regimen consists of whatever is on sale at Target, which is not working out.
CLEAR SKIN IN 2008!!!!!
My new fiance (already off to a great New Year/ life) and I have trouble with oily and combination skin… I have him on a strict schedule of cleansing and hydrating, but this would be great to try for both of us!!!
Thanks Bella!
Clear Skin in 2008! Oh geez! Where do I begin??? Well, I’m currently 21 and my problems did not begin to clear after high school. Throughout my entire highschool career I had “perfect” skin. It was clear, smooth and naturally radiant. I use to only wash my face everyday with water and then I became a college student. I do not know what happened!! Almost immediately upon my entrance into college everything began to change. I do no t know and still do not know if it was the change of environment, stress or other influences. Currently my face regime includes an Ambi face wash, Clean & Clear Sensitive Skin Astrngent and then the Ambi moisturizer to top it off. My skin looks slightly better but still has a long way to go. I suffer mostly from the marks that pimples leave behind. It can be quite discouraging but I’m trying hard to keep my confidence at it’s best. I do not want to have to be one of those people who has to wear concealer and such to feel god about themselves. I’m still feeling phenomenal about myself but clear skin would just elevate these feelings. Thank you for letting me share my story!
Clear skin in 2008! Well, I don’t have a long story about how I’ve had acne every since I was 10, but I have been dealing with it for the past 4 years. I am 27 and up until 4 years ago my skin was great, minus a few pimples here and there. I’m not sure if it’s the stress of real life adulthood but my skin has changed drastically. Sometimes it seems as if everyday anew group of pimples pop up. I tried every otc I can think of – neutrogena products, clean and clear, oil of olay, etc and even some stuff I purchased on the internet. I am currently using Purpose Face Cleanser with rx Differen Gel. That however isn’t doing the trick for my dry, sensitive, acne prone skin. From the reviews I’ve read, I think the Clarisonic brush will do wonders for my regime. At this point I willing to try anything. I also tried Cetaphil face wash a couple of years back, but my face just didn’t feel clean when using it. I also thought it caused more of my pimples then it cleared up. However, maybe my skin just needed to get used to it. So maybe I’ll give it another shot. Thanks!
Clear skin in 2008! Well, I don’t have a long story about how I’ve had acne ever since I was 10, but I have been dealing with it for the past 4 years. I am 27 and up until 4 years ago my skin was great, minus a few pimples here and there. I’m not sure if it’s the stress of real life adulthood but my skin has changed drastically. Sometimes it seems as if everyday a new group of pimples pop up. I tried every otc I can think of – neutrogena products, clean and clear, oil of olay, etc and even some stuff I purchased on the internet. I am currently using Purpose Face Cleanser with rx Differen Gel. That however isn’t doing the trick for my dry, sensitive, acne prone skin. From the reviews I’ve read, I think the Clarisonic brush will do wonders for my regime. At this point I am willing to try anything. I also tried Cetaphil face wash a couple of years back, but my face just didn’t feel clean when using it. I also thought it caused more of my pimples then it cleared up. However, maybe my skin just needed to get used to it. So maybe I’ll give it another shot. Thanks!
Clear skin in 2008! I was always one of those fortunate sistas with clear, blemish-free skin up until a couple of years ago. I don’t have pimples or acne–myproblem is discoloration. When I hit 30, I started noticing under-eye circles and a “blotchiness” to my medium brown skin. I stuck with my gentle skin cleansers (like Cetaphil) and I have started to use moisturizer with sunscreen, but I don’t know if I should be doing more about discoloration. I’m semi-scared of any “skin brighteners” on the market. What’s a bella to do?
Clear skin in 2008! I’ve had many breakouts in the past couple of months due to hormonal imbalances and have felt absolutely awful about myself. It seems that something as simple as a breakout can take a toll on the way we feel about ourselves in general. At least that’s the way I feel. I’ve been using a cleanser and toner from CVS called Vichy. It’s okay. It seems to work great at first but then it seems to fade out as far as performance. I know that stress also plays a major role in the way my skin reacts but I’m always hoping for clear, beautiful skin.
Clear Skin in 2008! I’ve always had cystic acne..more so when I’m incredibly stressed out. It seems thought that now that I’m 26, stress isn’t the only factor! My acne has gotten worse in the last couple of years and the scarring…HORRIBLE! I’ve used a host of products including Triaz cleanser, Aveeno oatmeal washes, retin-a, differin, and neutrogena products. In addition, I’ve used Clean & Clear and Adult Acumel for on-the-spot treatments. You name it…I’ve tried it! Not to mention a host of other moisturizers, alpha-hydroxy, and exfoliators! Currently, I’m using Triaz cleanser, witch hazel, and a neutrogena moisturizer in the morning, and a neutrogena foaming cleanser (to remove makeup), witch hazel, and differin at night. Once a week, I use an apricot scrub and for the occassional “normal” pimples, I use tea tree oil. I’ve realized that nothing works for my cysts other than time or a nice cortisone injection from my dermatologlist…which is an expense in itself. Afrobella, I would LOVE this giveaway. My skin thanks you in advance! Stay Fab!
Clear skin in 2008! Almost sounds like it belongs on a T-shirt. I would wear one. 2007 was a year of trials and tribulations for me. So here’s to a great 08. What better way to start the year than with healthy glowing skin.
Since my move to FL, my skin has done a number on me. I no longer know if it’s dry or oily. It’s confused and confusing me. The Clarisonic brush sounds like THE ANSWER! LOL. My pores are clogged and my blackheads seem to procreate every night. This is my first time applying for any of your contests, because this is something I know I would use every night.
Thanks so much for offering this giveaway. I read every posting but I don’t always comment. Keep ’em coming.
Hi Afrobella. I’m fairly new to your site and I love it. I’ve used just about every product out there. Clean & Clear Skin, Clearsil and old school Noxzema. Forget about when its about that time of the month. My skin is super oily and it erupts with blackheads and everything else. What a fab giveaway! Hope you can help a sista out.
Clear Skin 2008!
Clear skin in 2008! (I wish.) Boy, where should I begin. Well my skin troubles began with an ill-timed second bout of chicken pox. Yes, I know you are only supposed to get it once, but alas your girl got it twice. (My mother tells me it is because my first bout was very mild. She’s an RN, I’ll take her word for it.) To make matters worse, my second bout with the pox came when I was around 11 or 12, coinciding almost exactly with the onset of my acne. Well, I am now 27 years old and not only do I still have a few chicken pox scars but more to the point I still have acne and have also developed eczema(!). And like another bella who responded, my acne does not confine itself to my face, much to my chagrin.
I have tried everything. The only thing that ever truly worked for me was a strict dermatologist-recommended regimen of medicated cleanser and retin-A in the evenings and medicated cleanser, topical antibiotics, and a prescription skin lightener for spot treatment of my blemishes in the morning. While that worked, after about 1 year of this regimen the drawbacks began outweighing the benefits when I found myself suffering from side effects ranging from the mere annoyance of skin which was sensitive to the touch to the more serious stomach cramps and the long term potential effects on pregnancy due to the continuing antibiotic use. So, needless to say, I said screw it, I’ll just live with it. And that is what I’ve been doing. Nowadays I cleanse with a Clean and Clear facial cleanser, moisturize with Clean and Clear’s medicated moisturizer with salicylic acid (which I actually really like), and use a prescribed eye cream from my dermatologist before I put on makeup. I also make sure to drink as much water as possible and try to resist messing with my skin since it only makes matters worse. One thing I am in search of is a good lightening cream for the dark spots. I’ve tried Ambi to no avail, so I would LOVE any suggestions you may have. While I still get breakouts all the time, I have resigned myself to the fact that bad skin runs in my family so these are the breaks. Luckily I have a fantastic husband who thinks I am beautiful anyway. 🙂
Clear skin in 2008.
Well, this is my story have battled acne since I was in the fifth grade and it has not really gotten any easier. I am now eighteen and I can honestly say that
I have tried everything on the market, from prescriptions to over the counter and everything in between; my skin just does not want to clear up. The acne unfortunately, has left little black marks on my cheeks forehead and chin. I used every clean and clear product, neugzema ,etc. Today I have adopted a natural regime which includes washing my face with a vitamin E bar and then following up with St. Ives apricot scrub. The problem that I am having is that the scrub is leaving slight knicks on my nose and forehead. I works pretty well as far as removing some of the old skin but my face feels so dry and the little knicks that I have notice began to appear when I started this routine. Bella I am glad to hear that this routine is working for you as are the products. I have a feeling that the brush will help relieve some of the scaring that the acne has caused. Oh I forgot to mention, my acne has subsided drastically now I get a couple of pimples every few weeks, but the problem is the scars from the old ones are still there. Thanks for reading good luck with your decision.
Clear skin in 2008! Is exactly what I need. After having my second baby, I’ve been addicted to caffeine and fast food which is quite unhealthy but extremely convenient with a two year old and a 4 month old. I didn’t even have acne as a teenager. This would get much use out of me.
Clear skin in 2008! Hi Afrobella. Thanks for having a such a great site. I have been battling acne since I was 10 years old. When I was 13 years old, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. One of the symptoms of this disease is cystic acne among other things (infertility, inability to control weight gain, ovarian cysts to name a few). My face has always caused me to have low self esteem. I never had a little “breakout” here and there. I always had huge blackheads and whiteheads. I have been to several dermatologists and tried so many different things, like Retin-A and Proactiv, to no avail. Although I have been seeking treatment for my syndrome, my skin problems have still been a struggle. I feel like I have been using makeup to cover up for so many years and I rarely leave the house without it. I feel so ashamed of my skin covered in blemishes and scarring. I really would love to have the Clarisonic brush and see what it could do for my skin. I am about to turn 26 at the end of this month and finding a solution to my skin care woes after almost 16 years would be the greatest birthday present I can think of.
Clear skin in 2008! (hopefully!)I have been suffering from acne since my teen years and now in my mid-thirties I still suffer. I think I have tried every product that has come out and even prescriptions given to me by a dermatologist to no avail. I am so embarrassed by the state of my skin that there isn’t a day that I go without make up. I haven’t given up yet because I know that there is something out there that will help me. The products that I have used as of late are: Black Opal acne kit, this product had some pretty good results to begin with. Black Opal started to dry up the oiliness of my skin and it starts to clear up the blemishes; however after about six weeks of consistant use my face was breaking out worse than before and they hyperpigmentation acne scars that I have were darker. I also tried cetaphil as recommended by my dermatologist and I must say I was not overly impressed with the product. It had no effect on my skin at all. I have also recently tried the proactiv regimen, this was a huge disappointment. Proactiv totally dried my skin and I developed a rash all over my face so of course I threw that one out. I tried Murad and I must say it was better than Proactiv but still just as un affective on my skin. I dont know what to try next. I have been reading about RX for Brown Skin and I think that will be my next adventure. I know that beauty comes from the inside and I’m glad mine shines through my exterior. My skin is what it is and I am blessed with all that I do have.
Cosign on the commenter who brought up Walmart’s “Equate” = Cetaphil. Both their moisturizer and cleanser are super deals and just as good as the real thing. Now if they can get a “Wal-Sonic” knockoff facial brush around the $50 price point I’d be the happiest, smooth-skinned camper.
“Clear skin in 2008” Afrobella, I saw this post, and i almost cried. You dont understand. I truely believe this brush will solve my problems. I mean why not, I have tried everything. I even went on Sephora and entered the giveaway where you could win ANYONE thing from their site…i didnt win. This brush is the key to unlock the clear bright skin I have wanted since I was 13. I am now almost 19 and i HATE dealing with my skin. Some days it makes me feel unactractive, but I do not let it dictate the tone of my life and ultimately who I am. I order tons of stuff of the internet, tell my parents to take me to the dermatologist, pray, and worry relentlessly about my skin.
I have acne everywhere (thank God right now I am clear with only a few breakouts), dark marks, uneven skin tone, i mean the works! I used purity made simple cleanser, aveeno daily scrub pads, alpha hydroxy souffle, mandelic acid, retinol products, emu oil, murad complex for acne, and of course proactive (both kits did not work). So far using all these things, I am doing well right now with only a couple break outs and I thank God soo much lol. Its been a hard journey. Don’t get me wrong I don’t suffer from low self esteem (though sometimes my skin makes me sad) I know I am beautiful in Christ both outwardly and inwardly. So I hold my head up high everyday, though some make comments about my skin. I am a freshman in college helping my single mom out with my brothers. It has made me into the robust, independent Christian woman I am now. All I need is that near perfect skin, and ill be set. Make my dream come true bella. Thank you SOO much. LOVE
Clear Skin For 2008! Happy new year everyone! Acne has been one of my biggest bothers since about the age of 11. I’ve tried everything from soft-candle and toothpaste to prescription ointments and antibiotics. Nothing seems to work, and so over the years I’ve gone from sadness, to frustration, to simply accepting my less than stellar skin. At 25, I think I am learning to accept all of me (even my cysts and pustules). Currently, I use the Clinique Acne Solutions Line and Ambi Even and Clear Daily Moisturizer. I think, what really works though, is telling myself everyday, that I’m just as beautiful with or without my acne and scars. Inner beauty rocks! 🙂
P.S.- To all the bellas out there who suffer from embarrassing acne, hold your heads high! I truly want to believe that when you carry yourself with love and confidence, other people will focus on the majesty of your being, more so than the texture of your skin…
Clear Skin in 2008?! I have had lots of acne since I started puberty when I was 11 years old. At first, I would get just one pimple at a time but it was no ordinary pimple, it was a Mt. Fuji zit on my nose, chin, or forehead. By 13, I had a face full of Mt. Fujis all over my face and smaller whiteheads on my neck, shoulders, and back. I remember getting my 8th grade class picture back from the photography company and not showing it to anyone because it looked so bad. I went home and gave it to my mother and a couple weeks later, I secretly found the rest of the wallet pictures that hadn’t been given out and threw them away. From there, my body has mostly cleared up and my face has moments in time when it looks decent but not good. Now at 28, I get huge flareups where I get a huge zit surrounded by other smaller ones (like the devil and his minions) just sitting there festering for weeks…until I can’t take it anymore and pop them which leaves dark scars that last for months. I have tried everything to clear my skin like retin-a, proactive, mario badescu, murad, nutrogena, clearasil, acne-free, and various spa products by elemis and others (which don’t work one bit by the way). At the moment, I am using the last bit of my last murad shipment and plotting my next product move. I will try cetaphil and I will lust after that brush until I can save up for one (money is tight at the moment). To all the other fabulous ladies in this situation, I feel you and know what it’s like… I wish for clear skin for us all!
Clear skin in 2008! I have been at war with my skin since the day I turned 21. I went through puberty like a champ…I would freak out if I even got one bump…but things began to change as I got older. What started out as 2 bumps during my “cycle” turned into a battle that still plagues me today. I have been an avid user of Cetaphil since 2001 and I swear buy it! Though my skin has improved with the help of morning and night presciption meds and the antibiotic doxyclyne…I am always looking for ways to restore my skin to its former glory.
I must admit to you that my skin journey has done wonders for my self esteem (much like my decision to go natural). I remember days when I was too embarrassed to look others in the eye for fear that they would be gawking at acne that covered my face. I remember crying about the consistent pain that my face was in and being unable to touch it even with a soft cloth. I found it hard to look in the mirror and I refused to take pictures. Then one day I decided to just accept it and find the beauty in my eyes. It was hard…really hard, but I found that when I begin to look past my skin, so did others.
Today my skin has improved dramatically, though I wish I was not so reliant on the meds. However, I will never forget my journey and all that it took to get me where I am today.
Clear skin in 2008!
It’s funny you post this. I made this promise to myself for the new year. I didn’t have really bad acne in high school. I am now 27 and I guess it’s acne time for payback LOL. My skin has been horrible for the last year or so. Out of frustration, I set up an appointment for a dermatologist. Ironically, my appoitment was on new years eve(coincidence, I think not lol). I went and the doctor persribed me RetinA-Micro. I heard this is very rough on skin and I really would prefer not to have to use this as my skin is sensitive. The cetaphil and facial brush would be a GOD send. :~)
Clear skin in 2008 would be just great! Avoiding blemishes altogether is my goal because no matter what I do, they always leave dark marks behind for months. Then I wear make-up to cover the marks. The make-up leads to more blemishes…. it’s a vicious cycle. I have a clogging problem. Make-up, sunscreen… anything other than air clogs up my skin so I work hard to keep my pores scrupulously clean. I use Neutrogena products but I get dry patches. I would love to try something more gentle but nothing else seems to clean well enough – I even used Cetaphil for a minute. Increasing my H2O and using manual scrub brushes have helped so I know Clarisonic is the tool for me! Peace, Afrobella, and thanks!
Clear Skin in 2008! I am a 28 year old full time Engineer, part-time grad student whose life is being taken over by these large, under-the-skin painful pimples! I used to use the Kiehl’s Yerba Mate Tea collection, but stopped because a) it wasn’t working and b) it exploded in my suitcase while flying home for Christmas, so that was that! I am digging the Cetaphil idea – I’ve been using Purpose by Johnson & Johnson and wonder if it’s comparable? Either way, I just went out and dropped an arm and a leg on some Chanel preventative skincare to try to shape things up. Either way, glowing wrinkle-free skin is no good with these monster zits on my face. The Chanel counter lady stressed the benefits of cleansing and getting all that makeup off my face at night, and I’ve been secretly coveting that Clarisonic brush since seeing it in an infomercial – but the price! Alas, you, Afrobella, want to be my fairy skin-mother… Pleeeaase?!?! I just spent too much money on night cream and toner so I desperately need your help. Thank you so much, and happy new year!
Clear skin in 2008!!! I have been plagued by adult onset acne. I’ve tried everything under the sun prescrition (Differin, Erythromycin cream) and OTC (Clearasil, Neutrogena, Proactiv, philosophy), oral and topical. To top things off my skin is also very sensitive so all the harsh cleansers and scrubs make me break out even more. After the blemish is gone I’m left with splotches of hyperpimentation. I’ve heard so many good things about the Clarisonic that I’m dying to try it out, but my student budget doesn’t allow for such a high expenditure.
Clear skin in 2008!Afrobella…I have struggled with acne for at least the past 10 years. As a sophomore in college, I caught chickenpox, presumably from the close quarters of a 4-person suite and a community bathroom for the floor. Nonetheless prior to then I never had acne to speak of. Since that time I have been to several dermatologists with not much relief. My family moved to South Florida when my sister and I began college and in 1996 when I caught chickenpox the Primary Doctor I went to for treatment suggested I see this Dermatologist in Ft. Lauderdale. When I went in she told me that she didn’t have much experience in her 20 years in dermatology in working with skin of color. And, that at the time, laser acne treatments worked really well with caucasian skin because when white skin scabs from treatment, new skin is underneath and the results cause no discoloration. On the other hand she was not familiar with all of the reactions from darker skin types but knew enough to suggest more adverse reactions in addition to hyperpigmentation from our scabs, typically. Not wanting any adverse reactions because she didn’t know and I was NOT game I begrudgingly went on her product line of a topical face wash and toner at $100 for a 30-day supply along with a prescription of tetracycline with 10 refills. So, off I went armed with oral medicine and a topical wash/tone regimen. My results were mild, if any, and it was suggested to get off of oral acne medicine because the long-term effects were not known. (AARGH!) Fast forward to 2002 when my acne became systic and coincidentally my best friend graduated from medical school with similar acne issues (hers lasting all of her life). To satisfy her own curiosity and provide insight for both of our ongoing problems she decided to specialize in dermatology rather than pediatrics. What I found after living in South Florida and from speaking with numerous physicians of color, there was and still is a huge deficiency of black dermatologists in South Florida (Dade, Broward, Palm Beach). So my best friend participates in different medical forums/clinical trials on the skin and hair care topics related to people of color and recently visited UM. What she’s discovered after all of these years of personal acne issues and now with her professional training, she shared with me her thoughts on skincare for those of us afflicted with acne: 1) The cleanser does not have to be name brand or expensive, just non-drying and gentle…avoid anything with granules or scrubbing properties because they are too harsh for the face and will cause acne/hyperpigmentation to worsen. 2)Find a good toner that, also, is gentle and non-drying. She really likes the Neutrogena line because it is affordable and effective. 3)Do buy a good moisturizer according to your skin type (i.e, flaky, oily, sensitive, t-zone, etc.)also be aware of your skin’s changing needs according to the seasons depending on the climate where you live. 4)To avoid acne from recurring, wash your face as soon as you wake up and make it the last thing you do before you go to sleep. Never sleep in makeup. She also says to use a topical agent such as differin gel or retin-a micro for the rest of your life if you never want to see a pimple on your face (especially along the jaw line because those are hormonal pimples and will come back). I have tried both of these products along with tri-luma and lustra and in comparison to the latter two, differin and retin-a micro are extremely mild with for my sensitive skin means no burning, itching or peeling. I know you didn’t like your skin’s reaction to tri-luma and I understand after peeling for about a month after using it for 1 week, at night only. My best friend (the dermatologist) suggested that the reaction I had was likely due to sun exposure (even minimal) which is a warning on most prescription skin products, in addition to either using a moisturizer with a minimum of SPF 15 or wearing a separate sunscreen SPF 15. I have spent tons of money between going to the dermatologist, getting microdermabrasion and/or facials treatments,and buying products online…you name it. However, I have never tried Cetaphil, and come to think of it, she has never suggested it either. I am going to send her your link so she can take a look at your post and give you her spin on black skin care from a professional/personal perspective. By the way, she is in Cleveland, OH but is moving this summer to D.C. to work for the National Institute of Health on a project related to black skin and hair care. Thanks for all of your interesting information on how to keep beautiful black women beautiful!!!
Hi Bella,
I am 28 years old, and I live in the South. I have dry skin, although I originally thought that it was oily because my hair is oily. I have always had a pimply forehead from my teenage years. I also get really bad acne on my cheeks, nose and chin. Right now, I am taking Tretinoin (generic Retin-A), but I have gone off of it because my doctor told me that the excess Vitamin A could be harmful to a fetus. I am not pregnant now, but I am capable of becoming pregnant, and I just don’t want to take the chance. But the Tretinoin does work. My derm told me that some people stay on Tretinoin for years, and I just don’t like taking prescriptions that are not vitally necessary. I do use the CVS generic version of Cetaphil as well.
My main problem with acne is that it makes me look like a child, a lot younger than I am. I am an attorney, and in addition to the fact that I look really young, the acne makes me look even younger and therefore, not as capable to our clients. I feel like I should not be in the same situation that I was in when I was 12…
I’d be interested in trying something new. Thank you!
Oh yeah, Clear Skin in 2008!
CLEAR SKIN IN 2008!!!!!
60 comments lawdy lawdy, I really hope I get this.
Bella this isn’t actually for me, it is for my sister, she has suffered from acne for almost ten years…it never cleared up after her teens. She is light skinned and has a lot of battle scars to show for everything she has tried. Like you Bella, she has an arsenal of facial products. Some show signs of improvement but after a few weeks to a month it’s right back to square one again.
I really love my sis and I know it will lift her esteem up a few notches with CLEAR SKIN IN 2008!
Clear skin 2008- One of the areas to have a facial breakout is around the jaw areas. Not only must you deal with the humiliation of having a breakout, you also have to deal with the glares people give you because they think you breakouts is caused by facial hair. The worst things about breakouts is when you have them continuously. Completely clear skin is a mere myth.
Clear skin in 2008! Clear skin forever should be the motto. A true afrobella is as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. I strive to obtain the balance of inner and outer beauty. I use Prescriptives comfort cleanser and comfort lotion. Recently, I’ve been experiencing severe breakouts thus the Clarisonic brush would be a helpful addition to my skin care regime as I try to display my inner beauty on the outside.
Clear skin in 2008! That would be great. I sometimes wonder if i will have acne and clogged pores for the rest fo my life. i have suffered with acne since I was 11 ot 12. At that time I would get these huge, painful pimples that left scars. i still get the acne, but it is not as painful. I have tried everything. I got Retin A micro from my derm. i have tried clendamiacine. i have used the entire Nutregena acne line. I have used Clinique, Queen Helen, Mary Kay, Avon, Clean & Clear, Purpose, the list goes on and on. I would love to have this brush. I am working on improving my self, weight loss, work life balace you name it. Clear skin would be just the thing to kick start my transformation.
Clear skin in 2008! I was sure my acne would subside once puberty was over. At 13 I started breaking out month after month faithfully with my cycle (hope that’s not TMI). Now I’m 22 a soon-to-be graduate of Howard University and future fashionista business woman, but close to 10 years later I’m breaking out month after month. This year I said “I’VE HAD ENOUGH…I WILL NOT BE BOTHERED WITH ACNE AT 23†so I started operation clear skin. I have tried Proactiv, and it was not proactive in solving my acne problem; Clearasil, and it cleared nothing but the oil out of my skin leaving me with acne AND dry patches; From Neutrogena to plain water, generic to name brand, soaps to masks, spas to do it yourself; I’ve tried it all and they all failed me. Now I’m broke with acne. Please help me.
Clear skin in 2008! Wouldn’t that be a dream come true! My mom is in her early sixties and her skin STILL breaks out so I see my future coming. I’ve watched her try everything and still have pimples and blackheads. My biggest problem is that dead skin seems to build up on my face at such a rapid rate and then I use a litany of exfoliating scrubs and cleansers that just terribly irritate my skin. It seems like my skin’ll be clear and then suddenly overnight I get horrible breakouts on the sides of my cheeks and along my chin. It’s embarrassing to walk around with these concealer-spackled zits on my face when women ten years younger than me have perfectly clear skin. I eat well, drink lots of water, limit caffeine and I still feel like I’m gonna be popping pimples (or trying not to) when I’m 80. Help me stop the madness!
Clear Skin 2008! I loved reading this. My story may be a little different from the traditional story of acne. I suffer from “female condition” called PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Aside from irregular periods, and difficulties conceiving- I suffer from breakouts. I was diagnosed in 2005 and have run the gamut on the products that I’ve tried. Ambi, black soap, Retin-A, Erythomycin you name it I’ve tried it. All to know avail. So when I read about your brush I thought what would a 27y/o sister on a budget have to lose. I would love to try this since conventional medicine has left me high, dry and still acne ridden
Clear skin in 2008! Wow thats a great giveaway. I don’t have bad acne or anything but I do break out during that time of the month or just when I’m stressed. And what happens is when I get a pimple, I scar. And I mean it doesn’t matter if I pop it or not. Sometimes I leave the darn thing alone and walk around with a pimple on the verge of breaking through and guess what, I still scar! And the scars don’t go away. I swear I have scars on my face older than my socks.
Clear skin in 2008!!!! I like many of the ladies above have used or abused my share of skin products. My issue is not exactly the acne, but the blemishes that the acne leave behind. I have used neutrogena, clean and clear, Retin-A, shea butter, cocoa butter, black soap and that GOD awful pro-active solution which seems to do nothing for bellas of our complexion. None of these products did anything for my blemishes. Recently I’ve started seeing a dermatologist whose products have improved the texture of my skin but not the overall look. Will you please help me? I’m willing to try something new, especially since the dermatologist doesn’t seem to be helping.
Clear Skin in 2008!!
I grew up in a household where face wash was synonymous with whatever soap and washcloth you used to bathe the rest of you. So, needless to say, I was WAY grown before my now-husband opened my eyes: “You mean you use the same washcloth and soap you use on your armpits on your face?”
Since that not-long-ago day, I’ve tried everything under the sun to control my super oily T-zone, dry chin and jawline, the enlarged pores around my nose, and my blackhead-prone cheeks. You name it – Clean and Clear, Neutrogena, Clearasil, Aveeno, Ambi – and I’ve tried it to no avail.
To add insult to injury, I didn’t learn until too late that popping those huge, white pustules (that continue to plague me to this day) gets rid of the eyesores…but leaves huge, permanent blemishes. Couple this nasty habit with a PASSION for all things makeup and you have a pretty congested, breakout-prone mess on your hands…or rather, my face.
This is the only face I’ve got…please tell me it’s never too late to get it right Bella!?
Clear skin in 2008! I literally have a million dollar face in my quest to achieve flawless skin. I have used the birth control pill, antibiotics, prescription and over the counter oral and topical solutions. I even took the dreaded accutane which kept my acne at bay for about 3 years, but then returned. I am currently using the Jan Marini skin care line as well as going to an aesthetician for chemical peels, laser and microdermabrasion. This process cleared my skin, but then returned once I stopped going for only a few short months so here I am once again starting the process all over again. I want to stop this maddening and expensive cycle. I long to find something I can use at home so I can start investing my money. I just turned 42 on Jan 3rd, and I would love to have a Clarisonic brush as a late birthday gift. Please help me get my clear skin back before I turn 43.
Clear skin in 2008! Help! I’m 30 currently dealing with the skin of a 13 y/o! Or a pepperoni pizza! LOL! I have been through so many different regimens and products. I’ve consulted a dermatologist, had facials, used expensive and not so expensive products. Nothing worked. The latest line I tried was Proactive. I’ve been using it for a while and recently stopped because it wasn’t working for me either. My skin is going bananas! Ironically, I was about to “dig in your crates” so to speak and look for your recommendations. When I saw the pic of Cetaphil, I got excited because I had been wondering about Cetaphil. So perhaps the Cetaphil in combination with this system and loads of water can get me back to my fabulous, “vivrant” self. I’ve got my body in order by losing over 100lbs. Now I’ve got to get my skin in line!
Clear skin in 2008 would be a dream. I’m a 30 yo woman lving in the PNW, oily and acne prone my entire life. I just went through a disastrous regime w/ the Obagi Nu-Derm system and it destroyed my skin and now I seem to be even more acne prone, in addition to having a lot of hyperpigmentation… I keep seeing Cetaphil pop up more and more, at this point it can’t hurt…..
p.s. vivrant thang .wow. mucho congrats on your accomplishment!!
Clean skin in 2008! Let me start off by saying that my skin hasn’t been clear since I was 13. I have used every system and skincare regimen to be known to woman. I’m a 27 year old college student who just broke up with her boyfriend of 3 1/2 years and I’m ready for a fresh start in 2008. Fresh outlook on life and fresh clean&clear skin. You are an inspiration and even if I don’t win thank you for your insight and positive influence.
Clear Skin in 2008! Like many of my fellow bellas, I’ve been struggling with acne since the onset of puberty. I’ve tried everything from Retnin-A to Accuntane. I’m now 27 and although my skin is considerably better than it was when I was 13, I still suffer from pretty consistent breakouts. I also have a TON of unsightly acne scarring on my cheeks and chin. I currently use the face wash and the cooling mask from Aveda’s Outer Peace line. They work fairly well, but I’m definitely going to try Cetaphil since you had such great results. I want clear skin!!!!
Clear skin in 2008! I just recently developed acne inversa, which is also known as hidradentitis supparativa, a rare skin disorder. It is essentially acne that occurs over your body. I am turning 30 on the 16th and have been quite depressed due to my skin condition. I used to have clear skin, but now I take several drugs and use creams that need to be reapplied three times a day. I really want to feel more confident and not regress to a life as a recluse. I would love to try the Clarisonic brush, but it is out of my budget. Thanks so much! Love the site!
Clear skin in 2008! I’m a 21 year old girl living in California, and I have serious complexion problems. I’ve pretty much always had breakouts since I was about 12 years old and nothing I’ve tried has worked. Lately I’ve been trying the Body shop Tea Tree oil line, and it seemed to work ok at first, but now my skin is dry, dull, and still full of pimples, in fact it seems worse.
I’ve pretty much tried everything and nothing works, to top it off I scar really easily so every time I get pimples my face just gets worse and worse. I would be so happy to win this brush simply because I’m desperate for something to work, it’s embarrassing alway having to wear concealer and foundation, I feel totally self conscious if people see me when I first wake up, or after I work out because my face is so bad. I would be so thrilled to some day be able to go out in public without tons of makeup on.
I’ve tried it all. I need a dermatologist.
Clear skin in 2008! I am 21 years old. I always hear my dad claim that I look wonderful because of my youth, but after 2007 I beg to differ. All of my hair has fallen out and my skin is pasty, dull, and gray looking. ’07 kicked my butt and it that affected my health and well-being. 2008 is now here, I cut all my hair off, and I am sporting and ‘mini-afro’ (that I love!) Next, I would like to work on my skin. So many people swear by department store greats like Clinique and Origins, but that’s just too much to keep up with on my budget. The winter is here and I am terrified as to what it will do to me. Cetaphil sounds like it might really work for me, along with this brush.
I am so glad you found a skin regime that works for you. Flaunt it and Enjoy it!
Clear Skin for 2008
I’m trying to moisturize my situation for the ’08. I’m in the midst of a divorce from a husband who thinks the next girl will be the next girl. Hmph! I plan on dropping 15 lbs off this 5’3, get a tone body on lock, and have a face that’s blemish free. When he sees what he gave up (along with three beautiful children) it’s going to be worth it. I’m claiming 2008 as MY year. Nothing but success baby!
I’ve tried the drugstore stuff like Neutrogena and Oil of Olay to the department store cleansers- Clinique. All with varying degrees of success.
Every so often I go to the Clarisonic website (got it bookmarked) and gaze longingly at the brush. In my mind I’m saying “When I get my tax return…”
I want beauiful, evenly toned, blemish-free skin to go with my best feature… my smile. This year, I have LOTS to smile about.
Clear skin in 2008! I’m here to tell ya that apparently we’re never too old for acne. I am in my late 50s and looked in the mirror this morning and saw the same face I had at 15 y/o (if you block out the grey hair around my face) What the heck?! I change my pillow case every other day, use pure castille soap on face and body and a mild moisturizer, eat lots of salads and veggies, drink nothing but water, and get more sleep now than I ever have. One thing I haven’t tried is daily exfoliaton, so I’d love to try the Clarisonic brush, Bella. Thank you. I may be older but I am hopeful that it’s not too late for me to finally get a clear complexion.
Clear skin in 2008!!! I’m 19 and have tried everything and I do mean EVERYTHING on this skin of mine. Clearasil black-head scrub, neutrogena, clean and clear…and PROACTIVE, which messed me up big time…I’m talking red rashes all over this brown skin. And its hard for me to turn red!
I tried just cleaning with white alcohol, too much fire, and then just wiping it down with baby wipes (for sensitive skin) and still…no luck! Right now, I’m about to run out for this Cetaphil!
Girl, you didn’t know about cetaphyll? Stop usinging that formaldehyde on your face!
i never had serious acne, but my skin reeeeaaallly cleared up when i completely stopped touching my face. popping pimples is a killer.
Clear skin in 2008…I have sebhorric dermatitis and it causes these huge flaky spots on my skin and on my scalp (one of the reasons I went natural). The dermatologist told me there’s not really anything that could be done and to wash face with salacylic acid, so I use neutrogena acne wash and palmer’s cocoa butter formula for moisturizer. The acne wash doesn’t really help with the flakiness, but the lotion keeps the patches hidden. Anyone have other suggestions? I wonder if the Clarisonic will help….
Clear Skin in 2008!!!! And clear goals, clear vision, clear relationships, a clear sense of order…clarity in all things. Yes, this is the year of new beginnings. And what better way to start than by going ahead and hooking ya girl up with the Clearsonic. LOL!
Anyway, to the matter at hand…I am 31 years old, and my skin is very “sometimey” – sometimes it’s great, and sometimes it’s just plain awful – nothing inbetween! And this post is right on time for me, because lately it’s been really bad. Last week I had yet another breakout of horrible bumps around my jawline and hairline. (It’s due to stress…I lost my Mother and Grandfather just a few months ago, they passed within 3 months of each other.) So, I have currently switched back to Cetaphil and my daily fix of Neosporin. (Oh yes, ladies, it’s the truth for pimples and breakouts, even for dark spots. I’ve been using it overnight for years.) The Neosporin gradually clears everything up, but it takes a while, and I’m thinking that I should be doing something more proactive on a daily basis. I was also using Neutrogena Deep Cleanser, which is a great product (I stopped using it so that I could isolate the source of my problem). Anyway, everyone have a great year, and be blessed!
“Clear Skin in 2008!” I’ve been through the gambit, Proactiv 🙁 a costly mistake…it worked for about 2 weeks and then stopped. Then the trip to whole foods for the “organic variety”…Jason Naturals, Aztec Masks, Juice Beauty :::sigh::: and that’s just on the outside, I’ve given up diary and a lot of processed I’ve just given up…I do have a coupon for some Cetaphil, so I think I’m going to expend a few more bucks for something that works.
Clear skin in 2008. Oooh, i wish that i could do this anonymously so that i would not have to out myself just for a $195 gadget that i had never heard of until reading about it on your blog. but then how would you know that it was me. so here goes. i USED to have relatively clear skin until i crossed over yet another aging threshold and it ALL started to go downhill. thank God that I have lots of freckles and moles so that the acne scars kind of blend in…or so i tell myself. i have been using neutrogena acne wash but am willing to try anything at the point. in fact, since i can afford a bottle of cetaphyll i intend to try it. i would really apreciate the gadget. regardless, thanks much bella.
Clear Skin in 2008! I just turned 30 am in my last year of law school and stressed out! My face breaks out constantly and with the bar exam coming up I can only image what my face will look like. I have never really had clear skin but I never thought it could get as bad as it did. Clear skin in 2008 would be a great gift. Hope you enjoy reading all of these comments Bella. I did.
“Clear skin in 2008!”
I have oily skin and wonderful breakout acne. Sometimes, I’ll get a pimple that seems relatively small and I’ll end up either picking it or accidentally scratching and the next thing I know, it’s a bit red dot on my face.
I don’t believe that salicylic acid works for me anymore, or ever did for that matter, so I’ve moved onto BP instead. I’ve tried ProActiv and found that it works, even if I just use the cleanser so instead of paying quite a bit for the entire system, I figured that I’d go out and buy some products that contain BP in them. Right now, I’m using Neutrogena and it seems to work, but sometimes, when stressed or near that time of the month, I’ll break out.
Anyway, thanks for having this giveaway and it’s great (for you anyway) that you’ve gotten so many responses!
Clear skin in 2008! I hope that makes it to God’s ears. I have had acne since I was a teenager, and now that I’m in my late twenties I’m wondering if it will ever go away. My acne really flares up when “Aunt Flo” comes to visit and when I get sinus infections. I am particularly concerned about the dark marks left behind and keloiding, which I normally did not get on my face. I can’t begin to tell you all of the products I’ve tried (including prescriptions), but right now my regimen consists of washing my face twice a day with Neutrogena’s facial clensing bar and following up with Clean&Clear deep clensing astringent and some aloe vera gel. At night, I apply Clean&Clear acne spot treatment. In the morning, I use MaMa lotion and Oil of Olay “oil free” mosturizer which also has sunscreen.
Clear skin 2008 is the gift I would love for my fiance Gary to have. He has tried every every every thing on the market. Some work, then all of a sudden it stops and we have boils, pimples, and white heads. We recently discovered he was allergic to any aluminums. Proactive has it and so do many other skin products. They produce boils. Never tried Cetaphil, we will add it to the shelf, hope it works. All things begin anew with the number 8.
Clear skin in 2008! eeeks I am 40…and my skin has been hit & miss most of my life. But it has been in a bad way since last April (yes I know the month it really went down I’ve spent and returned too much trying to find the right product…Dr. Brandt trial size (no change), Rx for brown skin (way too harsh), Nuxe (a spa line that smells nice but..), Philosophy (ok), Arbonne, Origins, and went back to Witch Hazel. Did I mention I am 40? I mean goddesses please, should I still be dealing w/ my oily/normal/combination skin at 40? So, hmmm a “wash out” period? No touching the “pustules”? I’ll try it…and winning the Clarisonic brush? Would be such a prize because the wash out sounds really hard…how sad is that?
Clear skin in 2008! I’m a huge fan of Cetaphil. I’ve been using it for the past three years and it great on my combination skin… combined with scrubbing.
I have a problem with my skin in changing climates. In the winter months, my skin can get really dry, so I need to find a really GOOD moisturizer – but it has to be oil free, as moisturizers with oil in them break me out. I’ve tried lots of different moisturizers, but have not been able to find “the one.”
Clear skin in 2008! Afrobella, I have struggled with my skin since i was ten years old & just about to enter puberty. Since then i have literally TRIED every cleanser, scrub, mask, toner, cream, gel, (you get the point!) on the market! I have tried high end AND low end products, but never found anything i was really satisfied with. My skin is a constant source of embarrassment to me – i am the only child out of 5 with blotchy, uneven skin. I have a problem with pustules, big pores, & uneven skin tone, & years of acne have left my face scarred. Although i love my skin color, I hate seeing my face & worry others see my terrible skin and not me. Currently I am trying Dr. Susan Taylor’s “Bright and Clear” face wash for women of color along with Neutrogena’s Visibly even exfoliating cleanser but i’m not convinced they are making a difference. I am a 19 year old broke student & i would really appreciate winning the brush, but even if i don’t, I must thank you because this post inspired me to give Cetaphil another try!
Clear skin in 2008! My skin is the bane of my existence,LOL.Since the age of 12, I’ve tried almost everything to get my skin into good shape: oral and topical prescription antibiotics,clay masks, garlic-parsley juices,Retin-A, proactive, serious skin care, natural “juice & berries” type scrubs, you name it!
All of these things would work for a short time, then the results would either wane, or I would suffer some kind of wierd side effect. So I just basically got used to my acne, it’s become part of my identity ever since high school.
So, here I am, 25 going on 26 with discouraging face of adult acne. Sometimes I even find myslelf longing for the skin I had as a teenager, because compared to what I have now, that was the minor leagues baby!
Well, despite it all, I am committed to making 2008 a great year, and I don’t want my skin issues to keep me back from all the great things I want to do anymore. Just tired of it. So far I’ve been working on the nutritional approach with supplements and the like, and keeping up on my water, and burdock tea for balance, etc. So hopefully my consistency will make a difference! The rest of my regimen is black soap & ambi face srub alternately, witch hazel/rose/tee tree toner, oil of olay complete moisturizer, C&C salicylic acid spot treatment. I should probably give the cetaphil a try again…I used it when I was on Retin-a.
Since my acne has really gone haywire within the past year, I’ve only just recently started seeing real scarring, and that is what has really gotten to me. I always tried to see the bright side, because at least i didn’t have any perm scarring yet. In any event, I have faith that I will see a turnaround this year!
Clear skin in 2008! Wow! Who would have thought that 30-plus would leave my skin in the worst shape ever? Not me. Well, it has. The Proactiv Solution used by Puffy, Vanessa, Jessica, etc., used to work for me. But something happened…. A trip to the dermatologist a couple of years ago turned up a prescription for dioxicycline(-?-) and Retin-A. That didn’t work and I wasn’t too crazy about taking antiobiotics regularly. On top of that, the Retin-A was peeling off layers upon layers of skin. At some point, my skin cleared up–temporarily. I don’t know why or how, but it did. Then, after a few lazy, not-washing-my-face-soon-enough-after-workouts, icky skin was back, apparently to stay. Now, I’ve got acne below my cheekbones and along my jawline. To think, I used to be a t-zone girl. I’ve tried drugstore acne , creams, kits and peels, but to no avail. I’ve started using Proactiv again because I had had success with it in the past. New twist. Aging. Whereas the Proactiv never dried me out before, now, in addition to making my skin peel, it’s contributing to the fine lines that have begun to appear beneath my eyes. And, the scars just aren’t fading. For the first time in my life I feel like I have to wear make-up just to leave the house. I am a distant memory at the gym where I used to get sweaty and not wash my face soon enough because I am too embarrassed to let other people see me after I’ve sweated off my make-up. (And, trust me, it shows.) Enough!
Clear Skin in ’08!! I’ve used it all. Accutane, Differin, ProActive, Murad….I seriously could go on. As far as the over the counter stuff, I’ve tried Keihls blue lotion the herbal cleanser from Aveda. They both have helped a little. I have been struggling with acne for a long time and am constantly searching for new ways to treat it. I even have a blog dedicated to helping other fight acne. Grrr. It’s so frustrating at time. I believe the Clairisonic brush is exactly what I need especially living in the North East during the winter, my skin is in need of a good exfoliant and moisturizer and I think the Clarisonic brush combined with the Cetaphil could really help my skin go a long way and if it works for me I would definitely write about it on my blog with the hope of inspiring someone the way you have inspired me to regain my natural beauty in this new year. Even if I don’t win it thank you for sharing this info with us.Cheers!
Clear skin in 2008? yea right. I have always had kinda bad skin. Im 23 and it’s not nearly as bad as it was when I was a teenager. But I’M 23! Nightly I wash with a generic cleaners (because the expensive stuff doesnt work either, so why buy it?). Then I put some vaseline on my face because the wash usually dries my face out sooo bad. I drink a ton of water all day everyday, but it doesn’t do anything for my face. I really really hate the state of my skin. I think I’m so pretty, but the black marks that appear on my face after the zits subside is not something that I like. Its time for these things to go away.
Clear skin in 2008! I see a lot of your readers are younger. I’m 41 and I’ve been reading this blog for a while. I especially love the hair stories. When it comes to skin care, I’m a drug store junkie. I use whatever they have that says it is for oily skin. I’ve tried everything, (except Cetaphil!!) some of them probably too harsh. My skin is still oily.
Clear skin in 2008!
My biggest problem is dry skin. I had skin that looked like braille & was prescribed a ton of meds, but now, while my skin has cleared up drastically, I’m still left with crazy, dry, flaky skin. Quite frankly it disgusts me. What to do? As well, on the occassion that I get the monthly hormonal breakouts, I’m left with unsightly dark spots. I haven’t a clue how to speed up their removal!
Clear skin in 2008! I am a 21 year old soon to be first time mommy and let me say that my skin is paying for it! I found out on September 11, 2007 that I was going to be a mommy and I couldnt wait to experience all of the goods and bads of pregnancy. i mean- to prove that i was actually pregnant, I actually used to smell coffee just so i can get that “im about to puke” feeling . I knew about morning sickness, headaches, backaches, feet swelling and all the horrors of pregnancy- but no one tells you about the hair falling out, nails not growing (as fast as you’d think), icky taste in your mouth or… ACNE. Now, i’ve always had yucky skin but, let me tell you, this by far is the worse. My skin has always been oily but now you could squeeze my cheek and cook a chicken dinner with the residue that comes out of my face. Im beginning to believe that the “glow” everyone is telling me i have is a nice way of telling me I need Pro-Activ. Im a pimple popper and although i know its bad and it’ll leave a mark that even Ambi couldnt clear, I still do it. Now, I have Vegetable oil skin and pimples, blackheads and dark marks sketched across my face. As far as products that I’ve used… Black Soap, Shea Butter Soap, Pro-activ, Clean & Clear, Biore pore strips, Ambi foaming cleanser, St Ive’s peach scrub… i could go on and on but my son is kicking my bladder and i dont need to tell you what will happen if i wait any longer.
“The Twenty Year War” that’s what I’ll call my battle against acne. I can’t tell you how many lotions and potions I’ve used trying my damnedest (if that a word) to have skin like Jada Pickett-Smith. At the top of the list is Pro-activ. Honey that stuff provided me with amazing results for a total of 2 hours then I was right back at square one. Differin was the bomb until I got pregnant. Most recently I’ve tried Skin Ceuticals now let me tell you this stuff is great but I would have to take out a small business loan in order to afford just one of their product. That stuff is not cheap. The C+AHA is like $110 a bottle.
***Shh, listen. Is that a violin playing? Just in time for me start begging****
My skin had been “showing out” for way to long. Mrs. Afrobella please give me the Clarisonic brush. I’m begging. Please, please, please……Okay let me get off my knees someone just walked into my office and I had to pretend I was down here praying instead of begging shamelessly for a beauty product.
Clear Skin in 2008.
“The Twenty Year War†that’s what I’ll call my battle against acne. I can’t tell you how many lotions and potions I’ve used trying my damnedest (if that a word) to have skin like Jada Pickett-Smith. At the top of the list is Pro-activ. Honey that stuff provided me with amazing results for a total of 2 hours then I was right back at square one. Differin was the bomb until I got pregnant. Most recently I’ve tried Skin Ceuticals now let me tell you this stuff is great but I would have to take out a small business loan in order to afford just one of their product. That stuff is not cheap. The C+AHA is like $110 a bottle.
***Shh, listen. Is that a violin playing? Just in time for me start begging****
My skin had been “showing out†for way to long. Mrs. Afrobella please give me the Clarisonic brush. I’m begging. Please, please, please……Okay let me get off my knees someone just walked into my office and I had to pretend I was down here praying instead of begging shamelessly for a beauty product.
Clear skin in 2008!!! Woo hoo! At 31 y/o I’ve tried every lotion and potion known to woman. As a little girl in the islands I had the most gorgeous clear reddish brown skin. My pre-teen years in S. Florida left me ravaged by sun, oncoming acne, and American processed food. I never got treatment and I never grew out of it. So, I’ve been on a two decade quest to find a simplied, organic skincare routine. I’ve even gone so far as to get a skincare license so I could just learn about what was going on with my skin (and treat others). To date I’ve used benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, peels(even strong ones that cause a complete necrosis of the top layer of the skin), HQ, kojic acid, AHA/BHA, ultrasound, hi-frequency, retin a, tri-luma. Anyone remember, Edgar Morris? Yep, I used that, Pro-Active of course. I’ve had ‘acne surgery’, all day clay masks(while I do household chores). I know it’s a emotional topic for many women at the core. Every bella on this board deserves a Clairisonic. Two years I worked for an evil dermatologist in Manhattan who bilked her patients of thousands and before I quit, I heard about the Clairisonic. I spoke to a sales rep on the phone who wanted us to try the product. This was only available in fancy schmancy derm offices before. Evil doctor lady would not let me try the product which I deemed to be a stellar and innovative. It’s been on my wishlist since. It’s truly remarkable. Today I use the simplest non-chem products possible. Basically essential oil and such. I have discovered proper cleansing and gentle, gentle exfoliation and cleansing are key. I’m going back to Jamaica this year, I want to look and feel beautiful in 2008. Clear skin is central to good health and good self esteem. Please please let me get what I want this time! Thanks Bella! Best wishes and happy exfoliation to the winner. I’m done, I promise. 🙂
“Clear skin in 2008!†I am so happy that I read this post just before I went to lunch. I am 24 and desperately want to get rid of this acne! It is so difficult to find products because I am trying to be more conscious about what I take into my body as well as what I use on my skin and hair. Everything natural seems to be so expensive (entry level positions sure don’t pay enough for expensive trial and error) so I have tried homemade recipes. They work sometimes but the need to exfoliate is leaving me at a loss. Not only am I excited about trying the CETAPHIL I am excited about possibly winning the first thing I have ever won! Help me get beautiful and confident PLEASE!!!
PS: It is 11:54 am my time but my post is reading 12:54. I hope that my entry counts!
Clear Skin 2008!!- I have hit 2008 with a set mission to clear my acne fied skin and other bit and was soooo happy to read this section- I am 29 and have a bad case of acne – it crept up on me beginning of 2006 and did not see it coming to full effect until the end of last year (did not know acne can effect you at this stage??) –when they became HIGHLY visible I did what any normal human being does I stated to pop!! BIG MISTAKE I had no idea it would spread like wild fire!! not only than I have caused some real scaring to my skin I have tried everything under the sun from Aveda products, pure green clay to massage loads of oily concoction on my face- Most of the products or accessory for good skin care are not available in the UK and would love to have a The Clarisonic brush and be one of the first in London to say HIP HIP HORRAHHH free at last ………..
Clear Skin 2008!! Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser got an average 4.8/5 stars by people who have purchased and tried it out:
I have heard of the Clarasonic brush as well, but there are at-home solutions you can use if you don’t want to throw down the $200. Mixing a bit of baking soda with Cetaphil makes one of the best and gentlest exfoliants out there! And I’m definitely not the only one that thinks so: