I normally leave the celebrity gossip to the experts, but I spotted this photo of the one and only Miss Diana Ross over at DListed (photo courtesy of Wenn), and I felt compelled to comment.
The hilarious dude at DListed declares, “Diana Ross needs to behead whatever queen did her make-up.”
So harsh! Of course I can see the flaws – don’t get me started on the unblended streaks of blush, y’all know how I feel. But I think the slightly-gray paleness of her face (which really becomes apparent when you look at her neck and shoulders) can be attributed to too much mineral makeup. There but for the grace of God, go I.
There’s been many a time where I’ve gone too far in the “I need to be matte” direction, and it took a particular photo of me to make me realize how much I was overdoing it with my beloved Philosophy. The makeup I wore made me look so washed out, and I thought I looked amazing. Too much foundation can do that to a girl. I’ve actually been searching for a new mineral foundation – I love the coverage and ease of it, but too much can definitely make for an unfortunate Kabuki look.
I’ve learned somewhat from my experience — to avoid taking photos like Diana’s, make sure you have the RIGHT shade of foundation, apply your makeup in lots of natural light and blend, blend, blend. And as always, less is more. These days, I often just use foundation to cover my blemishes.
Other than the makeup excess, I think Diana looks gorgeous. Her hair is glossy and pretty, and I adore that shade of purple. And please let the record show, I personally love over-the-top drag queen makeup when it’s done right. I found this video of Diana looking stunning, alongside a towering icon of drag fabulousity, RuPaul. The song? I Will Survive, honey.
Diana looks fly, Ru looks fierce, and the crowd is drinking it all up. Love it!
What’s been your mineral makeup experience, bellas? I’m still liking the Philosophy for now, but my inner product junkie thinks I need something that’s a better match for my skin tone. Any recommendations for me and Miss Ross?

Her makeup artist should be ashamed. But on the other hand Miss Ross looks damn good. She’s in her 60’s and has I don’t know how many kids and can still rock a form fitting dress. I aint mad at her.
Bella,Your skin always looks radiant and glowing in the pictures here. I have been meaning to try CrushGroove Cosmetics or Valana Cosmetics mineral makeup. Torn between the two…
Ms. Diana rocks for 60 or so.
actually that doesn’t occur because of mineral makeup. It occurs due to the amount of titanium dioxide in the makeup.. it can be mineral or liquid form.
Applying mineral makeup can also be impacted by the type of brush you use. I use Bare Escentuals and apply it with a flawless app brush instead of a Kabuki brush. You need to use a brush that has looser hairs.
Her makeup is way off but we can’t hate on her, she looks damn fierce for her age. And what happened to her hair, did she cut it or something it looks so tame? I personally prefer the wild hair.
I noticed that I get the ghostly or too matte look when I apply my powder with a puff or sponge, versus a brush. I am hooked on Trish McEvoy makeup brushes.
I’ve been curious about mineral makeup, but do they make it for darker shades? I’d hate to end up with a ‘casket sharp’ kind of look, ya know? And aside from Ms. Ross’ makeup, I hope I look that good when I’m her age!
I have been using Bare Escentuals Bare Minerals makeup for nearly 8 years and I love it. I use a minimal amount and apply with the kabuki brush. Blend, blend, blend. Many ladies who wear mineral makeup tend not to blend it well enough, then it just looks like it’s sitting on top of the skin. Whatever brand you choose, please blend well. Take *at least* 60 seconds to blend it over the entire face.
Bare Escentuals has a product called Warmth and another called Warm Radiance. You can use a small sprinkle either (or both) to warm up the complexion if you feel you look to ashy or washed out. Warmth goes only on the high points of the face (nose, forehead, cheeks), and Warm Radiance can be used all over. Apply them with a fluffy loose-bristled brush, not a compact one. Both give a sun-kissed glow.
Ta ta for now!
Mona, I can’t speak for the other brands, but Bare Escentuals makes shades for every color under the sun. Check it out!
she is a legend and everyone needs to recognize..
This post made my day!! I don’t know a thing about foundation but will read to learn. Word to Allison. Watching this clip, I was really digging her whole thing, especially the lessons in teh the beginning. Remember her appearance on Good Morning America, around the Dreamgirls release? Her nails were painted lapis blue (or some exotic, fly cobalty blue that no normal woman could wear in the daytime) and god help me, her eyelids were the same color! She looked great. In this picture, she looks like a silent film star. But that’s just a slip up–Diana Ross ain’t no D-List. So then I love the fabulosity just like all of you. But I also like her in twisted ways–like seeing her next to RuPaul is bizarre because his version of her type of femininity is so macho. But then she’s so over the top that I get confused in who is costuming whose version of attitude and womanhood. She’s so whispery and slight, especially in her voice (because there’s no real vocal range but that’s ok with me because she does so much else), which made me think of Halle Berry, who has all kinds of range and depth but keeps something of a girl about her. Watching Ross I realized what’s so intriguing about Berry–she’s whispery and slight but like Diana probably, like those characters Berry plays, she’s got grit, ugly demons; let us not be fooled. But they just float and fly with it. Saw HB on Bravo last night. And then I saw flashes of the many Michaels in Ross’ face–the pasty gray one. Shudder — but he’s another one who can rock it up on stage.
Miss Ross is still the Boss proving that women of color will always be envied because we age gracefully.
Before applying makeup make sure you’re taking good care of your skin by eating properly,excercising, getting enough rest, etc….blah, blah, blah. Ladies we know the drill…start with a great canvas before enhancing the beauty you already possess.
Don’t be afraid to seek professional help through a medically trained aesthetician, and or a dermatologist if you need some assistance with achieving healthier skin. Make sure you deal with professionals knowledgable in ethnic skin care. There’s many procedures out there that can add that glow without makeup in various price ranges to fit any budget.
I use Jane Iredale mineral makeup, but the line is pricier than Bare Escentuals. They have a good range of colors, and supposedly celebrities from Paris Hilton to Angela Bassett have used this line. The key to a flawless application is using only what is required for the coverage you’re trying to achieve, and good makeup brushes. Less is more. Another thing that may help for a better shade match for your skin tone is blending more than one shade as well as having summer makeup when your skin has been kissed by the sun, and winter makeup when you need to add that extra glow to your skin.
With or without makeup let the Beautiful Bella that you already are shine through.
I loved it when you said “her hair is glossy and pretty” LOL! The “nap nazis’ will get you for that one!
You’re cool for embracing Ms. Ross’s extensions, wigs and weaves. She’s still the Boss!
I’m ready for em, nearandfar! Diana’s “assisted hair” game has always been tight. What I DO appreciate is, she’s consistently kept it curly. At least she isn’t part of the long, sleek, and blond weave brigade, y’know? I’ve always loved her style. In fact, my very first post was about her!
Hi Bella!
I am a no-nonsense, no fuss type of makeup girl. I hardly even wear mascara. Which is why I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Bare Escentuals. It’s easy, simple, quick, and extra efficent. Also, it does not give you the caked-on look if you happen to reapply during the day/evening.
Miss Ross IS the Boss.
I use Prescriptives compact powder that I put on with a brush. I don’t use liquid foundation often but when I do I use Prescriptives as well. I’m a dark brown sister and they work for my complexion. I hope will be able to find that brand when I move to Italy. It’s hard to find the right shade.
You are soooo right! I remember being a little kid and loving that wild mass of hers! Great point you made!
Bellas, if you are looking for mineral make-up, you have to try Valana Minerals Luxury Stardust Foundation (valanaminerals.com). I, too, had been looking for a new mineral make-up. My primary concern was not the ashy look, but rather harsh chemical additives found in many cosmetics. Valana Minerals showed up as a relatively safe cosmetic line in the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep cosmetics safety database (cosmeticdatabase.com), so I visited the website. I was blown away when I read: “Valana Minerals–Natuaral Mineral Make-up Formulated for Women of Color.” I wrote about my experience with the products at BlackFlowerPower.blogspot.com.
I have had an excellent experience with the products and, Valerie Reed, the owner, has personally responded to e-mails both in-kind and by telephone. I’ve never felt more appreciated by a company.
I can’t find a foundation that matches me correctly. I was told that the mineral foundations create an ashy look on women of color. I’m very olive and previous attempts always had me looking like I’m wearing a mask so I just gave up. I just try to take really good care of my skin. I only wear lipstick and sometimes eyeliner, now.
I would love a foundation that matched me properly, though.
Oh, are we sure that that’s not Diana’s real hair? Her daughter (Tracy) has the same type of hair. Is hers a weave too?
WildMagnolia —
My friend had the same problem and olive-toned skin, so I took her into Sephora a few weeks ago and had one of my favorite associates help her find her color. I have yet to see a woman of color who uses B.E. not have the right color.
I have tried several mineral make-up lines, seeking the perfect shades/textures. In my search, I have decided that of all I’ve tried, BareEscentuals in Warm Tan is the best shade match for me. However, I’ve also had great results from Jane Iredale (I love that they make their foundation in a pressed powder) and Monave (which has a great shade selection).
Hi I’ve said before that me and makeup don’t mix. I can’t even pretend to have time to apply it.
However, recently, I let someone at Sephora apply a nice natural look and actually loved it. She used the Cargo line on me. I found it to be very light, not at all irritating and oh so natural looking. So maybe you can give that a try.
Hey Bella! I’m a diva on a budget (right now at least) and I tried a drugstore brand mineral makeup in their darkest shade. It’s Milani’s mineral makeup and when CVS had a bogo, I got the loose and the pressed. I’m between your complexion and maybe Holly Robinson Peete’s. Everytime I wear it, people I don’t know stop and tell me I have “such pretty skin” and if I add a little concealer for my dark circles and hyperpigmentation (damn menstrual pimples), LOOK OUT! They don’t have a great range of shades but I’m trying L’Oreal’s version too since they have blush to go with their line. I’ll keep you posted. Good luck!
Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I don’t use the brush in the jar. It’s too rough but for $8 what can you expect? I use my Sonia Kashuk big powder brush (swirl, tap and blend) and am purchasing her travel Kabuki ($18) this weekend. Sable hair and available at my neighborhood Target.
Mac’s new mineral makeup is amazing, I love the pressed powder. It doesn’t come in a hige assortment of shades but it’s worth it!
Diana is my girl! Always!!!She looks fabulous and always has. She has a style unique to her and is a 100% class act. thanks for the “I Will Survive” video. It got me up and dancing and as a 56 year old Momma I want to move all the time so I can stay in shape and remain flexible. Even my toy poodle got in on the act. Bless your heart for taking me back to the past but showing how relevant the past is to the present. I am also happy to know others love Miss Ross as much as I do! Peace
I just ran up on Laura Geller this weekend while I was at Sephora. The bronzer and apricot blush is amazing. The products are so new she hasn’t even added them to her webpage yet. It is on the sephora page though: http://www.sephora.com/browse/brand_hierarchy.jhtml?brandId=5843&searchString=laura%20geller
I love it!
I used to use only Bare Escentuals, until I noticed that ashy look…I was all about the swirl-tap-blend, but their color range didn’t work for my skintone, and I needed to change it up.
After a little experimenting with products, I opted for a custom blend liquid foundation from Prescriptives. I love it! It was a little pricey, about $60 a bottle, but it’s worth it, especially when applied with a foundation brush. I have acne-prone skin, and my breakouts have lessened with the new foundation. I do use a little bit of BE Warmth to give dimension.
Hello bellas-Diana is beautiful! I am currently using Valana Minerals. The founder of this MU line is a woman of color, and believe me she left no stones unturned when it comes to foundation colors, and undertones for ethnic skins. It’s all natural, and it’s all good. I too have been responded to personally from Valerie Reed, the co-founder of Valana Mineral Makeup. She seems to be a very down to earth person. I use to use BE mineral makeup until it started itching upon application-the tone was off also.
i bet her make up looks fine but for the flashbulb. like most performers, Diana seems to go out with theatrical make-up and that stuff is not flashbulb friendly. i bought some iman make-up which if you look at it on my skin, it blends just fine, but take a flash photo and i look like i have scurvy.
now those cheeks…hoo-boy…
My mother sold me on the wonders of Prescriptives Custom Blend many years ago. Not only do I get the perfect match for my skintone, but they also add in the extras to keep me shine free and beautifully bronzed (I always opt for oil-control and “radiance” add-ins to my foundation and powder). Plus, with my sensitive skin, I’m too chicken to experiment with other brands or to hop on the minerals train. Once my face finds something it likes, I tend to stick with it, and Prescriptives has yet to let me down.
Well, I don’t like MS. ROSS’ makeup, I do love her style and agree she looks great for a woman of her age…I tend to disagree with the posters who don’t think it is her hair. I was emailed this site last year on Diana Ross’ sister who is a doctor…well at the bottom of the page is a picture gallery and shows a pic of them as little girls with LOTS and LOTS of hair…check it out for yourself:
I LOVE my Milan Minerals!!!! And I mist my lightly loaded kabuki brush with my facial mist beofre applying the mineral makeup for more moderate coverage, then do a light mist to my entire face after eyes, cheeks and lips are done to set it. Mineral makeup is the best thing that ever happened to my skin.
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