You know, the name “worth a click” is pretty damn lame. I couldn’t think of an alternative when I decided to do a super random post of everything that’s swirling around my brain at the moment. Got a better suggestion? Help me come up with something and if I pick your choice, I’ll mail ya something fabulous!
It’s Halloween weekend, y’all – and Miami’s about to go crazy. If I make it out to South Beach this weekend (and that’s a big IF), I expect to see more slutty outfits than usual. And it’s already difficult enough to tell the club goers from the working girls, if you catch my drift. Have you all noticed the sluttification of Halloween? I’m not a prude, but I personally prefer costumes with originality, rather than the “sexy cat/librarian/devil/angel” costumes I tend to see ladies squeezing themselves into around these parts. It’s so done to death, you know? But I really loathe the trend in children’s costumes.
How do you celebrate All Hallows Eve? Are you dressing up this year? Taking your little darlings trick-or-treating? If you’re a plus size bella looking for costumes, I found a decent selection of costumes over here (um… what does it say about me that I already own an outfit similar to the Dashiki costume shirt)?
Or you could always take Soulbounce’s suggestion and go as Erykah Badu. Hee hee! That collection of images is just hilarious to me. Butta – you a fool for that one, LOL. If y’all haven’t checked out Soulbounce, you really need to treat yourselves today.
AND – before I forget, my girl Dede from Clutch Magazine is going to be interviewed on the one and only Cocoa Mode on XM radio (channel 169) tomorrow at 1:45 p.m. EST. They’ll be discussing fall/winter fashion and all things Clutch. Cocoa Mode is the bomb, so if you haven’t checked THAT out yet, clicky click here.
Yay!! It’s Friday! One of my favorite recent Friday rituals, is to choose the perfect song to drive away from work to. Sometimes it’s a song that just rocks, like Hypnotize by the White Stripes, or something funky, like So What the Fuss by Stevie Wonder (and En Vogue on the hook!). But this week, I already know what it’s gonna be. I’ve been rocking this song all week.
I Shall Be Released was written by Bob Dylan in 1967, and the most known version of the anthem is definitely by The Band, as featured in The Last Waltz. (on a side note, big thanks and respect to our friend Forrest for making me watch The Last Waltz. Great stuff there). Dylan’s version of the song is great, natch… but it’s so not my favorite. Call me biased, but I think Nina Simone’s is far superior. Here’s her versions of Dylan’s classics, Just Like a Woman, and I Shall Be Released. But I want to feel uplifted and bright on a Friday evening, so the version I’ll be rocking to at 6:00 on the nose today is by Jacob Miller. Here – listen, have it, let it wash over your weary spirit here.
I love-love-love-LOVE Jacob Miller. Bob Marley called him his favorite singer. He had so much more to give, but tragically, he died at age 27 in a car accident. 27 is incredibly young, and he did so much with his time. There’s something so touching about his version of I Shall Be Released, to me. And here’s a bonus shout-out to the spirit of Jacob Miller that goes with my earlier Rastabella post. I’m a Natty!
See my natty dread? I just let it grow. Grow, and grow, and grow. It feels so good. Hope you love it as much as I do, bellas and fellas. If you do, you should treat yourself to Chapter A Day: The Jacob Miller Songbook. Two CD’s of pure Jamdown goodness.
Happy weekend!

how about clicked? or click it or clickin it
oh well, i tried…you really think worth a click is lame?
okay, is the dashiki “costume” some backhanded joke by that site?? anyway, you’re so right about simone’s version of i shall be released. your site is really awesome, by the way. as for your “labeling” issue, i’ve always been partial to “for your consideration”. have a great weekend…
Bella, are just to “FLY” and I mean that. I am always learning something new from your site and that’s a wonderful thing. I never thought worth a click, was lame….well let me give it a shot. What about: Funky Randomness, Cappuccino Time, Fountain Of Randomness or Thoughts Of A Bella….well my suggestions may all be lame….lol. I just wanted to give it a shot! Have a wonderful weekend….Bella.
Hey bellas! Yeah, sometimes when I am typing Worth a Click, it feels kinda lame to me. But you made me feel a bit better about it, so maybe I’ll hang on a little longer until I get the perfect suggestion. I kinda like “Thoughts Of A Bella”, though! Hmmm.
Hey lady! Thank you so much for the link love. Now if you go dressed up as Erykah Badu per my suggestion, I better see a photo in my inbox. LOL Have a fantastic weekend!
Awwwwwwwwwww…thanks Patrice! You are too much! I really appreciate the love – you know I love you 🙂
I completely agree with you…the slutty character is so done…you can be cute without being naked! why must women feel that they must show breast,thigh, etc to feel sexy? I am going to be a SUPERFLY woman from the 70s and all my parts will be covered!
I just don’t feel Ms. Badu. Psuedo-deep to me, more of an image than a deep soul. However, I think she is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. When she went bald, my heart just melted.
I have a very close friend who looks just like her.
You can’t help but smile watching that video…he’s just so happy to be natty! 😉 I rather like the title worth a click, myself. But then I’ve never been known to be on the cutting edge. Still, I think it’s cute and accurate.
Hello, This is my first time to your website and I found you though Coco Mode and I love your site. I thought I would give your contest a shot. Here are my suggestion is ” Free Minding, Flowing of AfroBella, The Extradordinare, Bella Freshness, The Words of Bella.
bella clicks ?
I don’t care about the contest. All I know, is that it is 2:30 in the A.M. and I just got home from partying and I am digging the hell out of that Jacob Miller youtube. THANK YOU!!!!!!
I love Erykah Badu. I don’t understand these sites that make fun of her (not you, but soul bounce.) Thank god there is one black woman out there that isn’t doing generic sex kitten mall rat or generic, asexual, earth mama. Erykah is proof that you don’t have to be a mall rat, clone of wrongness. You can be sexy, awesome, a good singer and unique. Erykah is the bomb. There isn’t a singer songwriter that comes close to Erykay, maybe Liz Phair back in the 1990s, but recently all of these women singers are just generic cardboard boxes of wrongness, even the vast majority of the “neo-soul” with their fake dreadlocks and fake perfect “natural” hair trying to front…yeah Erykay may have a wig, but at least she’s not trying to front like it’s all about mother earth. It’s about art with her and I dig that realness and artsiness about her. Jane
How about Bella’s Bitz or maybe Bella’s Biz or Secret or Eye Candy.
A La Carte
Hi from Miami Shores!
I adore Jacob Miller, Have his heavy dub albums, early stuff, and you must check out the reggae Rockers movie, 1978, he’s great in it. I cried when he died in 1980, so young, so much left to give to the world. A great loss. Thanks for making me smile in memory of him, out to dig out some of the old vinyl and CDs.
Anya aka RastaPoodle
I have a suggestion for the title, how about “From one Bella, to Another”
Thanks for all your suggestions! But after two months of thinking about it… I’m gonna stick with Worth a Click. It feels right.