Wednesday = pressure, so I can’t stay long this morning. Like Vanessa Williams, I got work to do!
But I just wanted to take a moment to thank you ladies who comment and help to create this wonderful community we’ve got going here. And I’m not the only one who wants to say thank you!
First, I got a lovely e mail from Oretta of the last Ask Afrobella question. I’ll quote part of what she said here.
“This has been a great but kinda lonely journey and that is why I was so happy to read your response. I was beginning to fall into despair. Before I was laid off I was listening to The Secret and I was reminded of The Oprah Show. There was a young lady on the show that was fired and Oprah said to her that the only response that she should have told her boss is “Thank You”. Though I was not fired I will still say “Thank You†because this is a truly character building experience.
I love your blog because look at how many wonderful people commented on this topic. I know that there are many people that are out there and they are in jobs that they profusely dislike. And for a long time that was me until I found the job that I really liked and was laid off. This experience has taught me that you can’t put all of your eggs in one basket… I think that this is a great forum for intellectual women of color to get our points across and doing it in a way that we help one another.”
Oretta also let me know that she will start substitute teaching soon, and she’s already into journaling. And she is so right — your comments were so helpful and smart and nourishing. I swear, I learn something new from you bellas every day.
I also spoke to my relative last night, she had just listened to my NPR interview and was so excited about that. (me too!!! I got phone calls from people I work with who don’t even read Afrobella. It was truly awesome). She was absolutely amazed by your feedback, and awed by the range of responses — in terms of age, geography, and experience. She said to tell you all thank you so much for your kind words.
Last night she was in great spirits, and declared that life is a gift. And she wants to keep her gift, thank you very much! So she’s feeling a lot stronger and more confident. And you have something to do with that. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for your response and prayers for my family. It really means a lot to me.
I gotta go right now, but I’ll be back later with lots of fabulous breast cancer awareness products, and the follow-up to yesterday’s post on locks!

we love you to Bella! Thank you for creating a friendly atmosphere for women of all shades and hair types!
A great blog you’ve got going on here and I do agree that it is an excellent forum for intellectual minds and a nourishment of body and spirit. Keep it up.
Your posts are like a mini-retreat for me from the huge pile of work at my desk…..I feel like a I “walk” away with so much new information everyday. So many days my mood has changed positively because of the friendly debates that we have on this forum….I couldn’t live without AFROBELLA…keep it going…I am so glad to hear that your aunt is in good spirts.
NPR Interview?!?! Woah, that’s HUGE!! (and hopefully just a taste of what’s to come for you!) CONGRATS! I am so proud and happy to say that Afrobella is a daily MUST read for me! It must feel good to have a blog where many people come to read what you have to say…the internet is wonderful for reasons such as that. You have so much to proud of! So I’d like to thank you for providing a place to get beauty tips and advice and for providing a forum for intelligent discussion of important issues!
We thank you for providing this wonderful community. Blogging is hard work and you put a lot into each post to keep us informed and enriched. I’m a new reader and so glad I found my way over here.
Oprah is right. Although I can’t imagine what I would do if I was fired (from a financial standpoint) I would know deep down it was because there is another plan for my life and I should thank my boss for pushing me off that ledge.
Hi Bella! Thank you for this place to share, hear, be taught, and express! Its been so edifying to read and learn as well as benefit from the support of your blogger family. I can’t say enough about your site. Congrats on the interview. I know that you will experience many many blessings because your voice is going to help many. Peace unto to you and many blessings!
Hey Bella! I’m a long time reader of yours, and I comment once in a while, but just know that I’m always here, and I take something with me everytime I come to Afrobella. I love the intelligent discourse and insightful comments provided by some of the most intelligent and motivated women I have ever had the pleasure of learning from. I’m only 19, but I feel a lot more knowledgable now because of everything I have learned over the past year or so of reading your posts and the comments. I thank you for this forum and for the opportunity you give women like us to learn about life and share our life experiences. Give your relative my best, and I wish you the best for Afrobella!
Afrobella is a daily must read for me as well. I love the range of topics and comments.
i just found this website, and I love it…