Ever since I did that Pat McGrath Afrobella of the Week post, I’ve been day dreaming about Soul II Soul. I’m probably going to date myself by saying this, but whatevs — that’s the kind of music I remember being on BET when I was growing up. Back then, it wasn’t necessarily uncommon to see an afrocentric, full figured sista like Caron Wheeler in the top five videos of the week. Keep On Movin’ has been swirling around my skull all week. It’s such a great song. Always loved this woman’s voice.
I found this little nugget of info to be interesting — as was the trend at the time with other dance groups like Milli Vanilli, C&C Music Factory and Black Box, Caron Wheeler’s voice was mixed with that of a mystery background vocalist. Who was this golden toned songstress? None other than Mariah Carey. That’s why I love Wikipedia. Random facts like that keep me coming back for more.
Enjoy the jam, bellas! Happy weekend!

Bella…that was my jam back around ’92! I can’t believe I am at the age where I can say, “Now THAT was music!! LOL! It is a shame that the kids of today listen to songs like “Hey Bay Bay” and “Same Girl”….
They will have no understanding of what REAL music is….
thank u thank u thank u~ yellow is the color of sunrays~ is JUST what i needed 2 smooth out my friday morning. although i cant see the video at my new office(no flash, no streaming), that refrain is playing in my head & it’s OH so lovely!
bella, have you heard her version of stevie wonder’s another star? BRILLIANT!
happy friday!
Wow…I just watch this video on youtube last night! Soul II Soul…their sound was smooth. Music has changed so drastically is crazy.
Mariah Carey…that’s one talented sista.
Thanks bella…I will be looking for this cd! I find myself buying a lot of old music (80’s-90’s).
Hi Bellas,
Caron Wheeler recently performed with American jazz/R&B singer Maysa (who used to be in the British group, Incognito) and N’Dea Davenport of the Brand New Heavies under the banner “Revenge of the Underground Divas – The Divas of British Jazz, Funk and Soul.” They performed for a private corporate function in June in Atlanta. I was at a Maysa concert on 29 June 2007 and according to Maysa they received such a positive reception they are planning to do some public dates! Stay tuned…these bellas are BAD!!!!
I love this song, I’m listening to it in my head and thinking-damn that sounds like Mariah.
Caron is back with Soul II Soul for a forthcoming album. Can you say HALLELUJAH?
I just finished reading the Wikipedia article Afrobella referred to. I noticed there are no citations to substantiate this Mariah/Caron Wheeler singing “controversy” as the Wikipedia author describes it.
I honestly don’t hear Mariah in the song myself. I think the process was used where Caron’s own voice has been layered in different ranges. Mariah and many other artists use this technique as well in the studio.
I am a HUGE music fan and I really like Mariah too but as an “old school” music fan I get annoyed that Caron Wheeler who is already an UNDERRATED artist is being furthered overshadowed by an unsubstantiated claim.
The Wikipedia article also mentions the Martha Wash/C&C Music Factory controversy. I think it’s an “apples and oranges” thing as it wasn’t about two great singers like Caron and Mariah, it was about a non-singing model lip-synching to Martha’s incredible voice.
If anyone knows of a verified quote and/or story out there somewhere about Mariah backing up Caron Wheeler, I will certainly stand corrected.
Soul II Soul are from my neck of the woods in London!
Back in the 90’s you would always hear Soul II Soul coming out of Jazzy’s shop in Camden and couldn’t help but bounce on in just to tune in to the vibe.
Aaww, those were the days..
See what you’ve done now Bella, you’ve got that beautiful tune playing in my head..
I’m sure you know it – it goes….back to life, back to reality..
Thank you Bella for reviving the smooth tranquil rhythms from back in the day..
Much love to you, Sis!
Found it -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=qvC1ijiyv1c
Back to Life..
Soul II Soul is the bomb & My favorite songs are Move me no Mountain (remake), Missing You, Back to Life, & Dreams A Dream.
I love Caron Wheeler & Living in the Light will forever be may jam (http://tinyurl.com/35cytk)!
I think through the years, they had some great lead vocalists but next to Caron, Victoria Wilson James is the bomb (http://tinyurl.com/2wovkp).
You can’t take everything you read on that site as gospel.
I’ll believe that story about Mariah Carey when I hear it from a better source than Wikipedia 😉
Best wishes and have a great weekend!
wikipedia is my secret addiction…lol.
thanks for the memories…
“yellow is the color of sunrays” = one of the most emotive moments in music. EVER!
Thank you so much. I have been searchin’ and searchin’for this song. It’s like an anthem!
Yellow is the color of sun rays…