Summertime, and and your hair roots are sweaty;
Scalp feels itchy, and your split ends are dry.
Your curls are knotted and your pockets are empty;
But hush, little bellas – don’t you cry
A little badly misappropriated music to kick off a new weekly feature, miladies!
I’ve lived all my life in climates that offer a kind of perpetual summer, and believe me, I’ve experienced and seen it all. The heat can damage your hair and burn your skin, and the humidity brings out the frizz and breakouts. Hot weather calls for a different kind of beauty regimen. Over the next few weeks, I’ll feature special summertime beauty reviews, giveaways, jams, and Ask Afrobella questions.
The heat in Trinidad feels like you’re baking, but at least there’s occasional breeze to keep the air moving. Here in Miami, summer’s a whole ‘nother story, and it’s about sweat, humidity, and hurricanes. You walk outside in the morning and it’s like you’ve entered a steam room — your hair wilts and your makeup instantly starts melting. Not a leaf stirrs in the trees. And depending on how hot it is and how much time I’ve spent outside, my hair turns a completely different texture. Knotty, gnarly, extra coarse, sweaty, and frizzled. It rains just about every day, which can break the heat, but just makes for a soggy, heavy feeling in the air. It’s hard to keep my curls looking fresh and springy with weather like that trying to battle my flyness.
Recently I was sent an amazing package of items from Elasta QP, and I must say, I was very pleasantly surprised. I always had the impression that these products were for women with relaxed or chemically treated hair. And while not all of the products worked well for my hair texture (the Intense Conditioner left my hair looking like a frizzy mop), some of them rocked my world. So far, two Elasta QP items are proving to be my summer salvation.
Allow me to introduce you to the DPR-11 Remoisturizer. It’s that heavy, super-thick, slather-it-on hair conditioner I’ve been craving. When I was at my busiest last week – driving the fam to and fro, going to work and meeting deadlines – I didn’t have the time to really take care of my hair the way I love to. Around this time a week ago, I hadn’t even passed a comb through my hair in over a week, and the undergrowth was almost impenetrable. Your girl was starting to look like Phil Spector, pre courtroom makeover. So I took a long, rejuvenating shower and slathered on some DPR-11 at the beginning, as a conditioner wash. It’s got a mild, pleasant, vaguely floral smell. After five minutes or so, I was able to easily comb through my curls (working from the bottom up, don’t forget), and restore my hair’s sanity. I haven’t had the downtime to sit under my old-fashioned steam cap with DPR-11, but I know it’d be great for lengthy deep conditioning treatments. It left my curls weighted down to perfection, soft, and springy.
My sister Petal has relaxed, colored hair, and she adores the Recovery Oil Moisturizer. “It’s definitely a cut above the other products I used to use, like that nasty Pink Oil. The Elasta QP is like on a good, salon level quality of product,” she said, after I called and woke her up this morning. (ha ha, love you Petal!)
My favorite, favorite Elasta QP product, and I’ve been using it daily for almost two weeks now so I can say this without hesitation — is the Mango Butter Moisturizer. Oh, it’s amazing. First of all, it smells like heaven. Like fruity perfume. I really, really dig the smell. I slick it on my hair when I’ve just come out of the shower, and it makes my curls so happy! If your summertime hair issues involve frizz, limp curls, or dry hair, this could be the product you’ve been looking for. It’s brilliant for wash-and-go natural hairstyles. Plus, did I mention that it smells like heaven? Oh yeah!
So all of this reviewing leads me to my biggest giveaway yet!
The good people at Elasta QP will be sending THREE of my lucky readers the amazing gift basket you see before you. It contains the following items:
Scalp Stimulating Shampoo 10 oz
Scalp Stimulating Conditioner 10 oz
Breakage Control Serum 6 oz
Mango Butter Moisturizer 4.6 oz
Design Foam 7.5 oz
Reflect 10 oz
Glaze 4 oz
DPR-11 16 oz
Recovery Oil Moisturizer Bonus 12 oz
Elasta QP for men Soft Hair .75 oz
Elasta QP for Men Glaze .4 oz foil package
Elasta QP for Men Wave + Styling Gel .75 oz foil package
QP logo Black Hat
QP logo V-neck T-shirt
QP logo Air Freshener
QP mini brochure
Altogether, the package is worth about $50! So you can try out all of their amazing products, hand some over to the afrofella in your life, and rock the hat for the days when you couldn’t reach for the Mango Butter Moisturizer (or are protecting your locks from the heat on the beach).
So how do you get in it to win it, you ask? In the comments, please tell me your biggest hot weather hair dilemma. At the end of the day on Monday, I’ll pick the three best questions to send over to Elasta QP’s hair experts, who will provide detailed answers next week. What are you waiting for? Get crackin’, bellas!

I have issues with keeping my hair moisturized and soft for an extended period of time. I wear my hair natural in a curly kinky fro. I love how my hair looks and feels after I’m out of the shower and I’ve put a cream moisturizer in it and it’s still a little wet. But I find that as soon as I step out outside into the sun, the moisture stimultaneously leaves my hair. I find myself wetting or lightly misting my hair throughout the day to combat the dryness. How do I properly moisturize my hair, especially during the hot summer months, and with what products so I can sustain that soft, moisturized look throughout the day?
Guess I am already out of the race since I am not realy stressing about the hair anymore. Sigh…gotta love locks.
But I LOVED Elasta QP products on my hair when I was relaxed. I guess I am like you and never thought I could transition the products with me as I left the chemicals behind. Hmmm…
My hair is a dilemma. I have fine curly hair. Not tight enough to spiral but that curl bordering on Frizz.
I am a Trini with a mixture of Black, Chinese, Indian and Spanish. Hair produst tend to weigh my hair down, leave it greasy. I need a light product that will control frizz, enhance my natural curl without weighing it down.
The summer intensifies the frizz!!!!!! Help.
Keeping my hair moistured during the summer can be difficult. Especially being I have color in my hair even if I use products for moisture, it tends to look dry and ashy for lack of a better word LOL.
Also due to prespiration it’s harder to keep a style that’ll last throughout the day rather it’s simply coming out my fro and going or doing a two strand twist set, especially being that I exercise, so keeping my hair most and looking good during the summer months would be my biggest dilemma’s.
I have relaxed and colored (celophane) hair. In the summer months here in Houston, I find, not only does my hair become really dry and brittle (even frizzy toward the ends in the humidity), which I can sometimes manage, but my hair color seems to go dull quickly. I suspect the two are related, but is there aything that I can do to manage both?
Fed up of the dull hair.
I like to wear my hair wet and curly in the summer — either as a curly fro or pulled back into a tight, wavy chignon. The problem is that it is so hot and humid here that my hair never dries. Combined that with the sweat that accumulates and I wind up with a sour head. So not sexxxy. My only other options are braids and pressing. I find that even with the braids I wind up with the same situation and it is simply too hot to be pressed. This is my summer hair dilemma.
Since I have only been natural for a year and 4 months, I am still fairly obsessed with my hair (And anyone else’s natural hair, for that matter). My biggest hot weather hair dilemma is definitely retaining moisture AND curl definition. If I co-wash, use a little extra deep conditioner, spritz on some leave-in conditioner, and use some curl activator gel, my hair is good while it’s still wet but once it starts to dry it’s limp, frizzes out and loses any resemblance to a hair style. If I go easy on the conditioners, and heavier on the gel for more curl definition, it dries too hard and gets super tight and ends up looking a mess by the end of the day anyway! I’ve been trying to wear my hair loose on most days because I have noticed some breakage around my hairline from having my hair pulled back into a puff really tight every day. I love being able to co-wash most days in the summer and let my hair dry naturally on the commute to work. How can I wear my hair loose, have moisture and curl definition (which is very important to me), and still look good by the end of the day in hot weather?? Is that asking too much?
I’v had natural hair forever because my mom never let me relax it. When I became a teenager I learned all about the hot comb. My hair was natural but always straightened with a hot comb or in braids or twists. I never knew how to wear it out, I thought it was too bushy. So, when I was about 17 years old on my first trip to Trinidad since I was a baby, I really wanted to look nice for my Grandma. I had my hair hot combed straight. It was bouncy, and I felt great. I was swinging it all around. I made sure to put on my nice skirt and shoes and we headed for the airport. The flight was an easy 6 hrs. THE moment I stepped off the plane, I could feel some thing around my face kinda light and fluffy. By the time I got out the airport and was driving home home I realized my hair was getting lighter fluffier and bigger! It was REVERTING! Girl, I panicked. As soon as I got to the house, my mom tried pressing it with the hot comb again but as the comb went thru, that hair reverted. I tried putting rollers in it, I tried everything. The Trinidad heat took no prisoners. BUT this was a blessing in disguise. It was this trip that made me realize that my hair was beautiful. I stopped fighting it and let it be who it was. Instead of fighting the moisture of the Trinidad air, I embraced it. Instead of fighting the kinks and the curls, I embraced it. I learned different styles and all about moisturizing. This trip to Trinidad was a turning point in many ways as I also got to spend alot of time with my grandma who was an amazing Afrobella herself. She would always have me comb and braid her hair, or plait as they say. She’s no longer here but I learned alot about beauty, hair and life from her and Trinidad.
Oh so my question is, what is the best product to use for shine. My hair tends to get very dry in the summer because of wetting it alot. It gets very dry and dull. What product can I use to retain moisture and shine?
My hair question is, what is the best shampoo/conditioner to protect hair from the salt water of the beach and chlorine of the pool and also protect my hair from sun damage? Thanks!
Hi Ms Bella! First off I must say I LOVE your site. But back to the topic at hand. Last summer before I BC’d I was suppose to go on a date and Houston summers (oh yeah that was spring just felt like August) are REALLY harsh on a baby bella’s crown and glory. And that bad boy no matter what I did puffed back up as SOON as I hit the threshold. So I learned to embrace the fro.
So even though this isn’t a question here’s a tip for other baby bellas. Try putting some distilled water and olive oil or any light oil of your choice and maybe a dab of spearmint EO. Keep it in the frig before it’s time to leave. The water will moisturize it, the olive oil will seal the moisture and the spearmint EO will give you that cool sensation. Plus the added boost from your refresher being in the frig. 🙂 Hope that tip help other bellas!
Hi Bella,
My hair is straight w/a touch of kink. I’m trying really hard not to go back to the relaxer, but it is so hard. The left side of my hair is fine (no fuss), the right side on the other hand is a frizzy mess. No matter what I do, if it’s humid outside I don’t stand a chance. I’ve tried many products and nothing seems to work. Before I jump back to the other side(due to the frizz)…I want to give my hair a fighting chance…some products claim to reduce frizz, but I have yet to find that product. My quesiton is, what can I do to control my hair “frizz” issue?
Hi Bella,
I will admit, because of my fashionista ways, I change up my look and my hair quite a bit. About 4 years ago I grew my relaxer out and have since rocked my natural curls, braids on the occasion, and from time to time I’ll blow dry and chi iron it out. My delima for years has been moisture, or lack there of in my ends. This was one of the main reasons I discontinued the relaxers. My hair would get to a certain point, then break off. I get my hair trimmed pretty regularly and haven’t been successful finding a moisturizer to sustain my ends. I’ve tried a number of products, including good old olive oil. No cupcake! Still dry broken ends. I hate to keep it braided, but when in the braids, my ends aren’t exposed to the elements and I don’t have to worry about the breakage caused when I go natural. I have a beautiful curl pattern, people often assume I’m wearing a lacefront or weave, but it’s disappointing that I haven’t been able to go natural without consequence. It’s summertime and I want to keep my hair in all of it’s glory out for the world to see. I love the elasta QP glaze, and I’m hoping the DPR-11 you so eloquently described will be a savior for my mane!
Hey Bella,
I have a few questions. I recently took at a weave and relaxed my hair for the first time in a year and a half. I have it cut into a cute bob ala Rihanna. It l looked so pretty when I left the salon. I live on the west coast and the humidity is killer. I washed my hair this weak and itr feels and looks totally different. How do I get my hair to swing like it did after the salon. What products should I use? How can I stop my ends from looking frizzy? And how often if at all should I be moisturizing my scalp a.k.a. greasing my hair?
Hey Bella,
I hope that all is well with you and yur fam! I’m a bella that hails from NYC – Midtown Manhattan – however I am in the Midwest for grad school. The decision to go natural has been liberating and it has been ‘a getting to know me time.”
I just finished up my first year – however I work full time, have research obligations and go to the gym 6 nights a week- on top of that the Midwest has inclimate weather (rain, hail, intense dry heat and humidity – all of which as you put it, is ‘ trying to battle my flyness’ 😉 especially my curly coily crown that I am so overprotective of!
I am wearing a protective style this summer – however my scalp and hair absorbs my product within a matter of hours! Not to down the products that I use – but I believe that if Elasta can help keep you fly in Miami – I may have a chance in Iowa! lol
My question is : how to keep my transitioning hair and scalp moisturized, while living an *active lifestyle* in the often *inclimate* Midwest (and East Coast when I go back in August)?
Thanks Bella!
Hi Bella:
Love your site! I started panicking when there wasnt a post last week (though i did read you were spending time with the fam.) I am in the process of transitioning and on the constant hunt for suitable hair products. Do you know if the packet is available for purchase? I would GLADLY spend for great products.
My Summer hair. WOw. Let’s just say, I’ve given up. I’m sick and tired of my relaxer and on top of it, I cut these darn bangs that are rebellious to the summer humidity and refuse to lay flat. I attempted to lighten my style with an auburn rinse which seemed to make matters dry. In an attempt to grow out the relaxer, I’ve vowed to boycott the salon. Yet, my new growth is overwhelming and difficult to straighten with my flat iron so a straight look is simply out of the question. My solution is to keep it wet, and pull it back into a tight bun. I wear it like this during the day and even sleep like this at night. Ihope this isn’t damaging. I really wish I could achieve a curly, kinky look that’s full of volume and life, but instead the permed areas just look like wet perm:( If my hair does curl, the ends are left straight and hanging. What should I do? Can you help? Please?!!!!
Well Afrobella,
Myself, mom, and sisters have been relaxing sisters for a very long time. We all have pretty long hair and are the type of girls who can’t even stand to see a little bit of nappy edge. HOWEVER, I have come to a place where not only am I tired of conforming to other peoples standards of beauty, but I would just like to see what my natural hair looks like again. (and I’ve been dying to rock a big curly fro) So, it has been about 6 months since I have relaxed my hair. Now the humid summer that I know so well in Chicago is here, and so is my new growth. I’m not the type to chop off all my hair and start over. So my main issue has been coming up with styles where I’m not forced to straighten my new growth to death over and over in this humid weather to match the ends. I have been tempted to relax so many times, but I’m holding strong hoping to make it through a sweaty summer in the Chi.
My biggest hot weather hair dilemma is retaining moisture in my hair and scalp while also having great curl definition. With products I’ve tried, it seems either I have good definition but my hair is hard and dry or my hair is soft and moisturized but the definition isn’t there. I live in sunny, dry Los Angeles and the environment can be harsh if your skin tends to run dry like mine. I have 4a hair and wear a kinky/curly fro.
I have thick 4a tight curled hair and I hate it when my hair gets tangled and matted and when it is hot it becomes a big ball of jello. I go through either tons of water on the hair or some type of gel to slick it back. i need a happy medium for moisture to stop breakage and tangles and ease and most of all not to look like a big eraser head or hide under a hat. I never tried these products but I would love a chance to.
My biggest summertime hair issue is dry hair. I have very dry hair to start and I love color so I am in constant search for a product that will keep my coily curls soft, moist and defined.
Well a hearty hello to Ms. Bella, and I’ve finally gotten the courage to leave a comment after visiting your site religiously every evening when I come home from work. Anyway back to the business at hand, now I live in good Ole Trini and I recently did the big chop after how many years of the chemical abuse. I am mixed (chinese and negro) but unlike my sisters my hair is more to the negro side (you know how we trinis talk), and since the big chop, I need to place emphasis on the word frustration most of the products in Pennywise and other places cater to relaxed tresses and weave wearers, no real info for the naturals (and you know how much money I have wasted thus far trying new products claiming to do wonders for natural hair). On the net I read on Miss Jessie’s was tempted to order of course you know frustration, currently my hair is in the Afro Kinky braids since little twists are not appropriate in the Corporate World of Work and did I mention the stares I get on my way to work in Central Trinidad (yes you get the picture of the sometimes closed minded people who still exist back home – let’s look at our local politians for examples). My hair is now a hot mess after three weeks in these braids and boy after almost six months chemical free I’m starting to wonder what to do. So some definite help is required.
Didn’t intend for this to be soooo long but Blessed Love to all the Empresses and keep up the great work Miss Bella.
I am a recent convert back to my natural hair. I never thought the day would come when I would end the torture of getting a relaxer and maintaining it. That being said, I have no idea how to care for my hair. Sad isn’t it. I’ve been scouring the market place and asking any friends that will listen about natural hair products. No that summer is here, I am starting to notice a change daily in the texture of my hair. Generic oils that I onced use with my relaxer do not work. I don’t know what shampoo or conditioner to use. Please help me!!
This will be my first summer living in a southern state (I’m from Michigan). Now most people think that Atlanta is more humid than Michigan but I beg to differ. I find Atlanta to be more of a dry heat so not only is my skin dry and flaky my hair is going through issues as well. On top of that Atlanta is overpopulated so the water has more chemicals and I’m trying to combat the hard water factor. Oh and my hair is of course a lot longer than it was last summer which is an entirely different struggle lol. My once always shiny and moisturized curls appear dull and feel dry once I’ve been outside for awhile. I already use the Mango Butter which has helped when I wear ponytails but what other products will help. So, how do I help my hair adjust to the new dry heat and hard water that I’m experiencing? I’m natural with 3c/4a type hair that I wear natural more often than not.
Hi from Hollywood! I live in Southern California and the weather here for all four seasons is predictible: dry, dry, dry all year round. Now it’s summer and it’s heating up outside and once again my hair is reaching the cracking, crispy state due to the heat, low air moisture, smog and the increased use of air conditioning in the car, office and random buildings. I’ve been natural for five (5) years and every year around this time I have to deep condition all the time and yet every year around late summer I have to cut off 1-2 inches of breakage and split ends to even out the damage brought on by the dry summer. It’s frizzy, unmanageable and the springy curl is limp and sad.
Oh! and did I mention I have to go through this during the dry winter season as well?
I’d really like for my hair to grow longer than 7 inches and hold the curl as it grows, but I am dismayed that the SoCal dry doesn’t allow for this happen because I have to keep. Cutting. It. Short. 🙁 What system can I implement that allows for curly, soft, moisturized summer hair that doesn’t become fried, hard, crunchy and split-endy by fall?
Yes sis thanks for the wake up call *grin*…bet you didn’t know that Mamabella has the styling gel in this brand?
I condition my hair for about 2 hours because its so dry, and the Arizona heat dosen’t help and the dry air. When I go to press out my hair I have to do it like 3 times that week just to get it even a bit straight. I hate dealing with it, but I don’t want to perm it and everytime I get a trim, the ends seem to dry up and break. I would really love your advice on how to manage my unmanagable hair. Thanks
Hello, my dying trial is:
My hair has just recovered from the Toronto dry air/ cold as **** winter. This summer, with a new baby in tow, I want to swim/ enjoy the upcoming water activities with him. However between the sweat, chlorine, smog, heat, blazing Toronto sun and keeping up with baby – how am I to keep my hair (permed) healthy and the breakage to a minimum? It’s already a battle royale maintaining it now.
pick me, pick me PLEASE ‘bella! my hair, like my face poses the dilemma of being overly dry AND prone to oiliness at the same time during the summer. if i undermoisturize to prevent sad, limp greasiness my hair and skin become so dry i can’t get a comb through and my skin will develop dry patches! if i moisturize enough to make my hair happy, i can’t do anything with it but pull it back.
I went relaxer-free almost two years ago and am thinking of rocking two stranded twists this summer. Last summer I wore flat twists. I want to use the summer to my advantage and cut down on the hot comb and flat irons (I wear my hair straight during the cooler months). I live in NJ and the humidity is my enemy. I want my hair to be moisturied, glossy and shiny without feel greasy. I want to be able to accentuate the curl definition of the twists. I also want to find a product that I can use so I can learn how to twist my own hair (I’d also like a break form teh salon bills).
Ok here is a big hair dilemma. (And I do mean “big hair”.)I ride a bicycle all over New York City. On the driest days my shiny black curly fro quickly loses its cuteness. I don’t have lots of time or interest in stopping to groom all throughout the day, and I won’t give up “riding in the wind”. I need a great moisturizer/frizz-buster/shine enhancer to apply in the morning and to last all day. Can you help?
Thank you Bella!
I just did the big chop and living with the dry Georgia air (and those damn wildfires) has certainly done a number on my hair AND my skin. One foot out into the sun and HELLO Brill-o pad and snake skin! Please help!
Hi Afrobella, Hope the time with the Fam was Fabulous.
Glad to see you are back giving us the 411 we look forward to. Summertime hair issues–I wish to simplify, define and shine in my hair routine.
You see here in the heart of Texas, it’s very hot and dry. A great formula for poof on my 8 inch 4a-b fro.
At best, I would like to narrow down my routine to atleast 4 fantastic products instead of like 8-10 which include, 1 shampoo, 2 conditioners, 3 leave-ins,
1 mix of several essential oils, and 2 styling products. Sigh. so exhausting. After all that still no glisten of shine.So I’m guessing I really need more moisturization, definition, and illumination for these kinks.
Bella & Elasta can you help a sista out? If so, I will showcase your products everyday!
Right now, when the weather is starting to heat up a bit, my biggest problem is when I’m “workin’ up a black sweat” (props to Prince). When I am exercising or just have my hair pulled pack in a ponytail, the sweat that gathers at the roots of my hair makes my hair so frizzy. I usually just rinse with water or do a conditioner wash in between shampoos, but it dries out my hair so much. Another problem I have is scalp build-up–my scalp gets as flaky as some Hungry Jack biscuits (TMI) when it’s gets hot. I am confused–do I ‘oil’ my scalp/not ‘oil’ my scalp? I have tried the T-Gel shampoos, Nizoral, etc., and they clear up my scalp, but leave my hair parched. Any help would be appreciated.
I’ve been natural for seven years. I always have trouble transitioning from pressing my hair in the fall, winter and spring – to just letting my hair go wild during the summer. When I stop pressing my hair, the hair closest to my scalp is tight an kinky, but the ends are straight. It takes forever to get rid of the straight ends. Inevitably I end up with breakage at the transition point. I need something to prevent the breakage and keep it healthy.
I love this Afrobella site and the Elasta QP 11. With relaxed somewhat fine hair, what combination of products should I use that will moisturize and maintain health but not weigh down?
During the summer I like to run outside. I am a heavy sweater, and my hair gets sweaty. I end up having to wash it more often, and it gets extremely dry.
oh wow, that sounds so amazing
good luck everyone
i know my hair certainly refuses to cooperate these days
I have been reading your site for a couple of weeks and just wanted to say I Love It!! My hair is very long and even when relaxed it doesn’t work. I live in Alabama and the summers are just ugghhh. I try to wear it natural (no pressing) during the summer and it is so hard the longer it gets. I wash my hair every other morning and by the time I get out and make it to work it is dry and brittle looking already. No one believes it’s even my hair and my response is why would I pay for a bushy weave :-(? I need some product and style ideas that may help me maintain a healthy vibrant look. I have naturally curly hair and I finally grew to appreciate my God given gift, but now I am stuck. My sister even calls me her pet poodle….was funny @ 12 but at age 26 I still haven’t outgrown her nickname for me, which is “fluffy”. Please help. Keep up the GREAT WORK
I have worn my hair naturally for over ten years (8 years close to my scalp and 3 years growing it out)I began my locs last August. The problem that I am running into isn’t so much dry hair…it is dry scalp. I try not to wash my hair more than once every two weeks because I my locs are still in the “adolescent” phase and I would like to keep the twist in for as long as possible. When I wore my hair natural I could wash it daily when it was short and alot more often while it was growing and so dry scalp wasn’t too much of a problem. My hair is really thick too so I find that when my hair is looking the way I want it too…my scalp is too dry and flakey to be on display! I love head wraps but the sweat just makes my scalp itch worse!!!
I also love to swim and as the weather gets warmer (I live in Oregon so I like to take advantage of the heat!!!)I will be doing laps. Any and all tips for keeping my hair from suffering the effects of chlorine would be lovely!
I travel for work too. I am writing this from El Paso, TX but I will be in Houston and Red Bank, NJ next week. All of the climate changes are a little tricky.
All this to say i would love to give those products a try!
I love your blog! Keep doing what you are doing because you do it truly well!!!
The sun makes my hair dry causing it to look like it is fried. Therefore, I have to condition my hair more.
My biggest summertime dilemma is finding products that actually protect the hair from the sun itself outside of a hat or scarf. Do any products provide protection from the sun say like facial moisturizer products (UV/SPF)?
My biggest hair delimma during the summer is finding enough time to keep my scalp fresh an clean. During the summer months we constantly sweat and with my time squeezed to start my senior year in high school (i’m 17), get my college preparations done and trying to squeeze in extra credit with summer school, Trying to keep my hair clean moisturized and soft are the hardest thing to deal with during the summer. (wow….i just gave you an essay) ^-^
Hello to all,
I love this site. I have so many hot weather hair dilemmas that it isn’t funny. I have been natural for about 6 years and most of the time I wear my hair in a ponytail. Occasionally I will use leave in conditioner and wear a curly fro and leave it out but I don’t like how it tends to dry and shrivel up. I am starting to notice that I have different textures in the front and back of my hair as well. So when I do wear it out the front is curly whilst the back can be a tad matted and thick.
I have gotten into the bad habit of washing my hair everyday and using brown gel to slick it down for my boring ponytail. I feel like I need an intervention.
I would love the opportunity to try something new.
I love the summer months but like a lot of females rocking their natural tresses frizz and dryness are a problem. Day 3 after a wash and my hair is dry no matter how much mosturizing i do, and we don’t even want to talk about a humid night. What products will help with mositure and fighting frizz? I need that magic elixir.
The hot weather has been really damaging to my hair, but the air inside my home isn’t much of a relief!What can I do to my hair to help combat the harsh air conditioned air inside my house? Its sucking the moisture out of my hair!
Hi Bella,
I’m in Miami , too… the constant humidity and heat can really do a number on your hair. Just this morning, I tried to go the natural, wash-n-go route, but the damp air turned my wavy hair into something reminiscent of my poor tattered dolls in childhood. As of two weeks ago, unless I devote time styling my hair, I end up with a brittle, poofy mess… this morning I literally looked like I was struck by lightning!
Hope you can help!
hey bella! Like many of the others, moisture or the lack thereof is always an issue w/ my hair in the scorching texas heat. However, my question is slightly different. I find that whenever i co-wash my hair & apply a leave in it looks fab. . .for that one day. I work full time & am very busy however, & do not always have time in the mornings to spend combing out my mane of hair in the shower w/ a heavy leave-in conditioner, so my day 2 or 3 hair ends up being pulled back in a no fuss but no flair bun which i hate. How can i make my hair last for several days, & is there a product i can use which will help me retain moisture & shine for more than the first day? thanks so much!
*SIGHING* I have what my family loves to call in between hair… It’s in between naturally curly and straight, so imagine my horror when I leave the gym after an intense workout… One side of my hair is laying down on the verge of curling up and the other side is a mess of something like curl… I really feel like all eyes are on me and I’m in a Dr. Miracle’s ad which by the way is not the happening thing for my hair… My scalp is ridiculous I have to wash it daily because of the dry scalp and the humidity in New Orleans leaves it looking like a dried up Jehri Curl… HELP!!!
I love color on my hair cause it gives me a different look. I recently put a light brown color on my hair, something that compliments the summer. We know colored hair has to stay moisturized not only to keep your hair’s shine but to manage breakage. Problem is my hair has to suffer this hot Texas sun. What can I do or use to insure my hair is recieving proper treatment even if it has to bare summer rays with my color?
Where do we began? It all started the day I decided to lighten my hair. Just lil ol me tryin to experiment again. Bought a streaking kit and went to town. It looked nice, I actually took care of it for a few weeks. Then all of a sudden the excitement wore and the usual ponytail took over! Damage, split ends, and breakage is the only thing that came out of lightening my hair. My curly locks were naturally dark brown and had a beautiful bounce. I dont know if it is a coincidence but my product of choice happens to be the Elasta QP Feels Like Silk. This is the only thing that will control my curlies in the humidity. Until my true hair color grows back or I chop off the damaged hair, I wont have that beautiful bounce, sheen , and feel I had before. My biggest hot weather dilemma is needing to moisturize my situation moreso because of the streaking :/
I recommend the Feels Like Silk. For some reason if I dont use this and a cream based product (cant wait to try the Mango Butter, I was using Organic Olive Oil Cream), my hair dries up and will knot up! My true hair plus the product equals awesome curly Qs
To all those young girls be aware..color changes texture and that is a BIG hot weather dilemma
I’m a huge fan of this blog. I found it through Nappturality and read religiously.
I’m also a huge fan of summertime, but I hate what it means for my hair. I hate for my hair to be on my neck in the TN humidity and heat so I pull it up, I also swim, workout, lounge outside, and cycle on an almost daily basis. This means my hair is getting super damaged. I don’t know what to do to protect it from the pool chemicals, sweat, and sun that I know are so damaging. Outside of chopping it all off how can I deal with what is becoming my dry tanglely mess (once my gorgeous curly/nappy glory)?
a ps to my other comment: My scalp hates oil and I have a major dandruff issue so this problematizes the other issues even more…. Please Help Bella!
Well…(smiling), I’m locked with a super oily scalp. I wash my hair 3 times a month in the summer and get steam infusion treatments with peppermint. Since locking my hair the only problem I have year around is keeping my white office-mates from pulling, touching, and grabbing my hair. LOL!
Just want to say, love the poem!
I’m swimming every day at the pool. I’ve got natural hair, So, my hair gets EXTRA DRY. I do rinse with water and add Miss Jessie conditioner in it. (A product, I found out about on this website).
However, I’m a product JUNKIE. I’m always looking for something new! Do you have a product that can help my hair? A product that would be great to use after one goes to the pool? HELP! …. Remember, I’ve got natural hair NOT relaxed. So, I need a good moisturizer/conditioner.
My biggest hot-weather hair dilemma is actually two-fold:
1. I travel a lot, it seems more so in the summer months, and I go through extreme climate changes. Sometimes from the dry desert heat to the balmy, heavy swelter of the east coast, to the temperate but deceptively arid west coast. I’m even traveling this year to Kaua’i, the wettest place on earth (over 400†of rainfall a year!!!). Climate shifts wreaked havoc on my hair when I used to use the creamy crack. In DC, 100% humidity = Drop that curl like it’s hot! Cuz it would, usually in 2 minutes!!! Now that I’m a natural lady (did the BC in late August 2006), I fear that my hair care arsenal will not withstand the torture. I’m thinking I have to pile on the conditioner, which leads me to my other concern…
2. When I pile on the product, I have another dilemma: skin breakouts!!! In an effort to just tolerate my hair schizophrenia, I notice that product sits on my skin as it travels down in lovely glistening rivers of summer glow (a/k/a sweat). Like many other things in life, I’ve accepted that sweating is a part of being a woman. But summer for me invariably brings those sad little patches of adult acne on my temples and the nape of my neck. Ick.
OMG…where do I begin…my hair gets a MAJOR attitude problem in the summer!! I have a HUGE fro, thick and curly…and although I love my hair most of the time, we’ve almost had to part ways on a few occasions out of frustration of it getting tangled so easily. Its to the point where I don’t wash it as often as I should because it takes a good 2 hours or more just for me to comb it out (yep, I have that much hair). I get discouraged from styling it so most of the time I just throw a scarf around it and tie into a big puff. I know my scalp is thirsty as I don’t know what because it doesn’t see sun, water, or oil like it should (shame on me, I know). As for the curls…poor things…I normally put a moisturizer oil on it but its like my hair has multiple personalities…half of the curls respond and the other half just lies there…lifeless. I twist it every now and then (which takes an eternity) then do a twist out hoping that it will at least get me through a week or two…but even that is unsuccessful.
Even if I don’t win (although I seriously hope I do), could you do a blog (or point me in the direction) for afrobellas that have a massive amount of hair but is a little clueless when it comes to styling and nurturing the hair. My sister told me I have hair type “cantchadontcha”…meaning cantcha comb it, dontcha wanna. 😐
Mz. Cleo,
Your hair sounds really amazing. Do you have a hair journal or something? I’d love to see your fro.
Btw, I’m going to have to start using cantchadontcha. haha!
My big summer dilemma is dryness. Yes, I do have a relaxer, but my hair is fairly normal till the weather gets hot. Then it gets super dry and loses all of its shine. Can I get some TLC from the Elasta QP?
I live in Texas. Our summers are notorious for the dry HEAT!! It is Very difficult for me to keep my hair moisturized. I have recently started working out and this has only added to my hair woes. My hair is colored and I now have developed a bald spot due to breakage. PLEASE HELP!! I need to win this package!!!
My biggest hair dilemma in the hot weather is dealing with the wonderful pasttime of summer: SWIMMING. I haven’t been swimming in a pool in 3+ years. Back in 2002, I cut my relaxed hair short and learned to swim. I was 26, and so proud of myself. One of most fun summers of my adult life. Unfortunately, since then, my hair has grown out and I’ve returned to hiding from the pool. The summertime makes me hate my relaxed hair and envy my natural sisters who no longer run from water.
And this summer is really rough. I’m transitioning! (Last relaxer – mid-February) That’s right, Bella, you folks have finally got me. So until I get my hair braided, these two textures upon my head are not coming withing 10 feet of any water that doesn’t involve suds and conditioner!
So pass those products on. They work for natural and relaxed? Well, I’ve got both!! 🙂
I live in So Cal and my challenge is protection and maintenance, over the summer my hair and scalp tends to burn (yes sun burnt hair !). I like wash and go styles, and in the heat my hair styles morph (sometimes good sometimes bad) as my hair transitions from wet to dry. I have been natural all my life and have yet to find a summer moisturizer that will maintain my styles while protecting my mane from the sun.
My biggest hot weather hair dilemma is frizz and shrinkage in high humidity. I just spent a week in Isla Vieques, Puerto Rico and the industrial strength humidity there just laughed at every hair product I threw at it — and I threw quite a few! The weather would let me have maybe an hour of good looking hair, then it would giggle and my hair would shrink and poof. In that weather, there is no moisture barrier strong enough to withstand the air’s humidity. What do you have to do to have a good hair day down there?
@ Cluziel (comment 2) I also used Elasta QP when my hair was relaxed. Back then I though they had the best relaxer on the market. From time to time I still by their oil sheen, I love the way it smells.
I’ve been natural for a while but I can’t seem to find any products that leaves my hair soft and managable. Everyday I have to wet it just to be able to pick it. I’m excited to see this product can be used for natural hair I used to use it when I was relaxing my hair.
Help! I really do not know what I am doing. It has been more than 2 months since I’ve had a relaxer and now I am trying to decide if I want to keep the relaxer or jump ship and come over to the natural side. Right now I am stuck with a half afro/ half straight hairdo that is a full mess! (Don’t even mention the challenges that humidity add to it). I may not be able to decide what I want to do with my hair dilemma, but one thing I know is that I want HEALTHY hair. Can Elasta QP help me maintain healthy beautiful hair even in this in- between state?
Lordy somebody help me. I wear my hair natural during the summer months because of DC hot and humid weather. My main concern has been the smell of my hair after a day or two of washing it. It no longer smells fresh and then I want to wash my hair again but it just makes my poor scalp dry. Any suggestions?
Bella, it’s me again. I hope this doesn’t disqualify me. I noticed that you have products for guys!
I would love to give these to my teenage son. He take care of his hair and skin now and at times my items have been lifted because he has them.LOL. Good luck to everyone.
Bellas, Bellas, Bellas!
My biggest hot weather hair dilemma is developing (again) right now. I am desperately trying to let my relaxer grow out. I did fine all winter but now, with the weather temperature rising, so does the “Poof” in my hair. I find it very hard to hide the Poofs and it gets harder everyday. I am fine indoors and with hats,headbands, scarves, etc. but when it’s time to go to work, that all comes off. As soon as it’s time to head out to work (3p-11p phelbotomist) my roots start to do their thing, which would be fine if I did not have this straight stuff at the ends of it. I have not come to the point where I personally feel comfortable for the big chop yet so… off I go looking like I stuck my fingers in a socket. To top it off, my hair is so dry, it is breaking and I have patients handing me hair off of my uniform or strands that have fallen on them when I lean over them. : (
I went natural two years ago and have yet to find a leave in conditioner or serum that makes my hair easier to comb through/blow dry…I have tried conditioners, home made concoctions (banana, mayonaise, olive oil) and even baby oil to make the process easier and nothing is working….Bella, QP please help!!!
I’ve been using the mango butter moisturizer for about four years. And I love it! Some African American women in the south are some what closed minded when it comes to hair products. I’ve been trying to convert my friends and family members to Elasta QP. We all have permed hair and work in industrial jobs. My question is what product is best for permed hair when it’s time for a new perm and you just don’t have the time to go to the salon.
My biggest summertime dilemma is that this is my first summer with natural hair. So I don’t yet know if my hair has become damaged somehow or if the crazy dryness, and the stripped yet coated, tangly feeling of my hair strands is just a natural reaction to the weather change. My hair never did this when I was relaxed. Season to season was pretty much the same.
I went natural about a year and a half ago, and my hair is a summertime DISASTER!! This is the first time that I’ve tried to manage my fine, super-dry hair in its natural, kinky state. It dries hard and it doesn’t react well to several different products– I think it actually scoffs at them. I’ve tried to do different styles (braid-outs, twist outs, roller sets), but the dryness just makes it look like a mess. How can I moisturize my hair and lock it in, long term? And what can I use to make my styles look better?
May 25th was my 2 yr. mark and I have yet to find anything to work on my hair! Nothing that I’ve bought or tried to make seems to work. I am super tender-headed and it seems to have gotten worse the older I get. LOL If one more friend of family member ask me “why’d you do this to yourself?” or “how long are you gonna do this until you perm?” I’m gonna scream. I don’t know if it’s this hot, humid, Houston weather or if it’s just my hair, but I’m tired of looking like Miss Ceily’s hair stunt double!! Please help!!
My hair delimma is that I have naturally curly hair, when I wash it my friends say I look like Ice Cube when he had a jerry curl, when I let it air dry I look like a curly buckwheat. It always looks dry no matter what kind of moisturizer I put in it, and I’ve noticed recently I’ve had more dandruff the last few months than I’ve had my entire life.
Well, I know I’m not the only person here from Texas, but I’m sure I’m the only one in Midland..a.k.a. The Beginning of the Desert….
I started on my natural journey when I moved out here on Nov. 3, 2006. Since then, my hair has been giving me attitude. While I have 3c hair, the dry, hot, mositure-sucking air has left my natural hair extremely thirsty! My natural hair under the top layer is shiny and curly, but the outer layer and my edges are a dry, frizzy half-relaxed/have natural mess! My transitioning hairstyle right now is to slick my hair back into a curly ponytail (with the help of gel and a leave-in conditioner), but I’m thinking that is what is hurting my edges so much. I’ve tried olive oil cream with and without minderal oil, but it just leaves my hair either super greasy and tough or just dry… Any suggestions on moisturizing styling products?
Hi, I just went natural last summer… My dilemma is that I have eczema all over, so it causes not only my skin to be dry but also my scalp… I do have products to control the eczema on my skin, but not for my hair… My hair is extremely dry and brittle no matter what I try… I would like to know if you have ever dealt with anyone who has eczema and what can such a person do to get and keep their hair moisturized?
I just cut off my locs of 12 years last weekend. I an turning 40 soon and I wanted a change. After 12 years of not having to do much with my hair I had forgotten what my hair was like and now I don’t know what to do with my 4B hair that is now a short afro. I am overwhelmed with the all the products that are now out there and even more overwhelemed at the cost and I can’t justify to myself spending a lot of money on my hair. So not only do I not know how I am going to manage my hair this summer, I don’t know how I am going to manage my hair, except look crazy, tomorrow on my 40th birthday.
That Mango Butter Moisturizer DOES smell Oh-so-good!!!!!! It’s the best smelling hair product i’ve ever used!
ONe of my biggest problems regarding the summer is of course the heat! My question is: I have very light hair naturally (sandy brown), due to its color it retains heat, lightens my hair even more and of course dries it out. NOt only Does my hair color and its moisture factor change, it seems that there is just no definition left in my curl pattern. HOw do I retain moisture and retain the curl pattern in my hair?
My biggest problem is dryness, when my hair is wet, it’s thick and coily. Once it drys, it’s frizzy and extremely dry. I am trying to transistion to twist
styles or even rodding every now and then. Help!
My biggest summer hair dilmma? Keeping the sun from baking my scalp. I just about killed my hair ten years ago when the combination of sun and chlorine an entire summer bleached my hair and gave me the dry scalp and hair issues I still deal with today!
Well! Do I have a story for you. Let me start off by saying that I am currently suffering through that awkward time know as adolescence. Last year I decided to go natural. Since then I’ve been searching for the perfect products and rituals to ensure definition and moisture for my tight natural curls. Well, recently I thought that I had achieved this. After a shampoo, condition, deep conditioning, leave-in process that seemed to last all night, I was left with the natural curls of my dreams. What sucks is that the next day, the mercury was flowing high and the Toronto air was thick, humid, and smoggy. But I went to school anyways, anxious to show off my new coif. It was a nightmare! Since my school isn’t air conditioned, my hair went through hell! The whole day I could feel my divine curls transforming into a ball of frizz. I could feel the sweat dripping onto the back of my neck. By the time I got home, my beautiful do had become a terrible don’t. The constant sweating had stripped my hair of any of its original moisture! Crushed, I stepped into the shower for another swing at the perfect curls. Not by fondest memory, but hopefully a pretty good story!
Hey Bella…
I went natural and did the “big chop” for the 3rd time back in 2005. My hair is thick (combo of tight curls and waves) and like so many other sistas, I am looking for the right products that will keep my hair moist so that I don’t have to keep my hair in braids all of the time. I love my natural hair and rocking my puffs but I am having a hard time finding products that will allow me to do so.
Can a sista not put her health to the side (not going to the gym because I don’t want my natural hair looking a hot mess) and rock my natural hair?
Please help!
I’ve had hot weather dilemmas for almost 30 years now. I have yet to figure out how to style and moisturize my hair in hot and humid climates. I’ve moved from FL to TX and now to CA. FL and TX summers were brutal on my hair because of the intense heat and humidity. By the end of the day, my hair is one big curly afro. I don’t know how the CA summer will be. I love to wear my hair in its natural state but sometimes want to straighten it just for a little change. I usually do that during winter because the weather is easier to deal with. How can I wear different styles in summer also?
I love Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo and H-Two Leave-In Conditioner. I don’t worry about humidity. I wear my have in two-strand twists. No worries there.
I love summer. The warm weather, summer clothes, and most important, my birthday :-). But sadly, my hair doesn’t feel the same. It seems to like to double in size as soon as I step outside. Not only does it get bigger, it feels like hay. I use to try to combat the both issues by putting as much product as I could. I would come outside looking like I poured a whole can of crisco in my hair. I recently did the BC and have about 5-6 inches of hair so maintaining moisture and cutting the frizzies is crucial.
I started transitioning from relaxed hair to natural almost two years ago but have yet to figure out how to handle my hair in the summer. Last summer was the first time my hair was natural and I didn’t know how to control it. I would wash it every other day and wear it pulled back in a wet bun. I would also sleep in that hair style and the back of my hair broke off. So, I’ve learned from that experience but have not yet come up with a manageable way to maintain my hair in the summer. My hair is extremely dry and frizzy and thick. Is there anyway I could define the curls as well as control the volume without drying out my hair? For me controlling the volume is key, is there a way?
My biggest summer delimmas is that I can’t stop sweating. How can I keep my natural hair fresh and free of frizz during the humid summer weather. Which products can I use to tame the frizzies.
Dear Afrobellas,
My Hair Stats: I have 4b, fine stranded, but very densely packed coils, curls, and penspring spirals that are colored with a semipermanent and texlaxed to make my life easier. This constant double-processing forces me to pamper my head on a regular basis to keep damage at bay. So far so good – It has taken me six years of being natural to finally learn how to keep hair on my head and not the bathroom floor! Now, on to the next step of maintaining a healthy and beautiful curly fro that I can rock in a global corporate office environment as I grow professionally into a higher profile role! At 38 years old I am a late bloomer in many ways…
My biggest summer dilemma is working my curly fro in the humidity of the DC area combined with indoor dryness thanks to office air conditioning set to refrigerator levels. Although I’ve learned to accept shrinkage I am determined to conquer the frizzies and dryness. In the morning after spritzing, gel, and finger styling my wash’n’ go is on point. By the time I leave the office at the end of the day I am afraid to look in the mirror to see my nice curly fro transformed into a dry, straw-like, and frizzy ball of hair that is just crying for TLC!
I am afraid to count how much I have spent searching for my holy grail products. I want to minimize my products down a few fabulous brand lines rather than the smorgasboard of products that I put on my head right now. What’s a professional-minded lady to do! I believe this calls for Elasta QP to the rescue@! Help and thanks Afrobella for a wonderful blog !
Since I’m from the VI, summer has always been one of my favorite seasons. And since moving to the States, I’ve really learned to appreciate it when it’s single digits in mid January. However, suprisingly the summer is also the season in which I have the most problems with my hair. Although I regularly wash, condition, and mositurize, my hair still manages to be extremely dry, especially at the roots and the ends. I have random attacks of frizz and when I try to switch up from using cream moisturizers to say oils, I literally melt and end up with Crisco face. And to top that off my hair sheds more in the summer than it does in the winter!
While living on the coast of South Carolina, I can say I share the same hair woes. I’m also transitioning my type 4a hair in hopes of a new look and healthier hair for college(congrats class of 2007!) and I understand that the two textures of hair need more maintaining than usual, so I want to nurture my hair the correct way. My issue is that my hair is really thick but tends to frizz up in the humidity, and I’d like to be able to soften my roots as well. Although my hair is currently braided, I’d love to show it off with Elasta QP’s products and enjoy my summer. Hopefully I can create a regimen from the products and embark on my journey to healthy, soft, natural hair!