Say it with me: awwwwwwww… The littlest afrobella in my family is growing up so fast! I’m so excited, I get to see her this week! My whole entire family is coming to Miami to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary with us. I’m psyched to see everyone, and super duper psyched to see little Dominique. She’s grown up so much, and I hear she’s saying lots of new words, getting into all kinds of mischief, and learning lots of new and wonderful things.
One of the new things she likes to do is come up to Mama Bella when she’s at her dresser, with her hands outstretched. “Keem?” she asks. And Mama Bella gives her some body cream in her hand, which she then proceeds to rub on her arms and face with great enthusiasm. Hey, she’s moisturizing early! I didn’t start until my late teens!
I want to reinforce her self-esteem with positive images she can identify with. I’ve been looking for all sorts of products for her for a while now. For one, I want to get her a beautiful doll that looks like her — someone PLEASE tell me where to start looking. She’s not even two yet, and most dolls are for babies three and up. The only little black doll she has is a Bratz doll who’s dressed to work by the motels on Biscayne Boulevard. My sister tells me that she loves Poko, but I can’t find a Poko doll.
I had just about given up on my search for the perfect gift for my favorite little afrobella when I made an amazing discovery. Bellas, I’d like to introduce you to J.Blossom, a brilliant new line of children’s bath and beauty products created by Jamila White.
j.blossom all began when Jamila started experimenting with at home body products, whipping up lotions, lip balms, and body scrubs in her kitchen as gifts for her friends and family. When she made some super-cute personalized lip balms for her goddaughter’s fifth birthday party, she discovered a demand. When she designed her products, Jamila wanted to make a statement.
“I was getting pretty disgusted with all the images of Black girls and women that were being portrayed in the media. I had always been aware of it, but it was really starting to bother me more. And going into major retail stores and seeing “hoochie-wear” for eight-year-olds wasn’t helping. I felt like little girls’ self-esteem was under an all-out assault. Every message was telling them that something was wrong with them; that they needed to have long, straight hair; that their skin wasn’t the right shade; that their noses were too big; that their body wasn’t the right shape; that they weren’t “sexy” enough; that their goal in life should be to be cute enough to catch a baller who can buy them lots of bling. Even the popular dolls on the market seemed to look like hoochies. What ever happened to innocence? Seems like that window of being young and carefree kept getting smaller and smaller,” she explains.
Preach on, Jamila! She’s articulating feelings that I’ve had for a while now. These are the image issues at the root of the doll test, and the social issues that help to lead otherwise good little girls down the road to nowhere uplifting, like a certain fifteen year old Trini girl I don’t even have the energy to defend anymore.
As the Chief Joy Officer of her beauty product company, Jamila is doing her part to give little afrobellas positive reinforcement from the outside in. All of j.blossom’s packaging features an adorable, smiling brown girl and every product has a fun little saying on the bottle.
“I decided I wanted not just to use aromatherapy and flower essences in the ingredients and affirm little brown girls with the images on the packaging, but to have different positive affirmations on every product. I wanted the girls to know that they were perfect just as they were, but I didn’t want to sound “preachy”. So I made it fun, like Short or tall, thick or thin — I love the skin that I am in! which is on the strawberry-banana body lotion,” says Jamila. Other little sayings on the bottles include “I am perfect just the way I am, because God doesn’t make any junk!” “I love my beautiful brown skin, especially when it’s fresh and clean!” “I am somebody special!” and “Girls can do anything!” Love that idea.
So you’re probably wondering about the ingredients. Jamila is very particular about what she’s using, because these products are targeted for little ones. She’s also very upfront about her ingredients, and everything’s proudly posted on each package. The lip balms are made with beeswax, shea butter, olive and jojoba oil, honey, stevia extract, and flower essences. The body wash includes lavendar, rose, coconut, aloe vera, jojoba oil, and vitamin E. The lotion is comprised of shea butter, olive oil, apricot kernel oil, and sweet almond oil among other things. And Jamila makes sure that three essential ingredients are used in every j.blossom product. “Patrice, I’m really serious about maintaining the positive energy in the products. On the label under ingredients it even lists “music, laughter, and lots of love” because all three are a crucial part of the product. Listening to positive music when I’m mixing up a batch really does make the products better! Once I was listening to the radio and some songs with some not-so-positive messages were on, and for the first time a batch came out all messed up. I’m telling you, that negative vibe got all up into the product. So now I make sure I have a bunch of positive, make-you-sing-out-loud kind of music on when I’m making product. Stevie Wonder, Jill Scott, Bob Marley. You know, happy music. Happy music makes happy products. Happy products make happy girls. And happy girls grow up to be strong, healthy women,” she says.
Because little Dominique won’t be here till Friday, I’ve been trying j.blossom’s products out myself. First of all, I love the Great Big Grape bubble bath and shower gel. It has a bubblicious type of grape scent that the kids will go crazy for, but it isn’t overpowering at all. The body lotion is awesome, emollient, and the perfect balance of thick and thin. Dominique’s gonna love her “keem!” The lip gloss is super smooth and moisturizing, and as a lip gloss junkie, I gotta tell you that it feels pretty cool to be able to use a product with the slogan “I have a beautiful smile” on it. It gives me a little joy every time I use it! The one complaint a kid might have is, the gloss doesn’t taste like grape. The smell’s there, but it pretty much just tastes like lip gloss. But I think she’s gonna love it anyway, and she can put it in the purse I gave her for Christmas and be the little diva that she is.
So far, j.blossom’s been getting great response from afrobellas of all ages. “We just launched in December, and so far the reaction by both children and adults has been incredibly positive. The little girls just light up when they see the bottles. They want to touch them and play with them. For most of them, it’s the first time they’ve ever seen themselves on a product. One of my emailed to tell me her daughter sleeps with j.blossom stuff under her pillow every night, and another told me his niece won’t throw away the empty bottles. Hearing that kind of feedback really does my heart good!”
Awww. Yay for j.blossom! Jamila says that hair products are coming up next, and she’s got a lot more in store. I’m ready for a j.blossom line of dolls, teeshirts, a Saturday morning cartoon… bring it on, Jamila! I’m supporting you all the way. The products are high quality, the message is needed and positive, and the prices are excellent — an 8 oz bubble bath and shower gel costs $12, and lip balms are just $3. And as a special little incentive, you can enter promo code AFROB for a 10% discount off your purchase!
If you’ve got a little afrobella in your life, I’ve got a special giveaway for you and her today! Jamila was good enough to send me THREE j.blossom mini fun packs, which contain a 2 oz. bubble bath and shower gel, body lotion, a .15 oz lip balm, and a mesh bath sponge. I also have TWO lip balm packs, which contain both Great Big Grape and Strawberry Banana Smoothie flavors. Leave a comment and tell me about the little afrobellas in your life. What’s her name? What are her favorite toys to play with, or books to read? Have you found any other positive products for your little afrobella? Share with me. At the end of the day on Friday, I will pick five lucky numbers and e mail the winners!

aawwww little afrobella is just so cute. I love the idea of those products can’t wait to see them in the UK. j blossom dolls would be fab.
Hey MochaChoc, I can ship j.blossom products to the UK! Please email me for a shipping quote. Jamila (j.blossom and co.)
Little Afrobella is such a cutie! My own little cutie is my three and a half year old daughter, Jaymes. She loves to read so I make sure she has plenty of books with brown faces! One of her favorites is a book called “For you are a Kenyan Child” by:Kelly Cunnane and Ana Juan. I also found a wonderful book at Target called “African-American Children’s Stories” by:various authors. This collection has stories with positive messages and has a song that relates to each one. Jaymes also loves Dora the Explorer. But most importantly, I teach her to make her own things. We go to Michael’s Craft Store almost weekly and I let her pick out items and then we go home and create!
I just heard about these products a couple of weeks ago. Someone handed my 7 year old daughter a flyer in the store (in MD). I’d love to be entered in the contest. My daughter’s name is Kayla, and she loves to read; anything from Cam Jansen (preteen girl detective series) to Christian themed children’s books. She also loves to sport her t-shirt that says “I love my hair” with a little black girl sporting an afro puff. I don’t want to make this post too long, but of course she love’s playing with barbie dolls and she loves mothering her baby dolls. Well, that’s all for now. Great topic, thanks Afrobella.
the smallest “afrobella” of the family is just tooo cute! I wanted to tell you about my daughter, however she is nine (I’m an only child and my daughter just happens to be.. the youngest bella in the house). Katelyn, loves her gameboy and Saturday morning cartoons. Before bed, she wants me to read to her…it doesn’t matter what I read. We are having issues with her hair at this time and major ones. She’s nine and wants a relaxer, however I refuse to relax her hair. It’s hard on me because most of my cousins, have relaxed their children’s hair. The reason I don’t choose to is because… little cousins hair is so damaged…she has no edges at all. When Katelyn, was a baby/tot I didn’t have these issues. Her hair was really curly and I could just shampoo and go, but not now. Now, I shampoo and condition and make an afro puff or two braids. I know she’s getting older, so what do I do? She wants to look like her cousins(the ones who still have their edges for now) or one of the kids in her class. I make it a point to tell her how beautiful her hair is and why I choose not to relax it…that doesn’t always work. I’ve used…Just 4 me and African Pride products on her hair. I now use Motions (s&c). What other products are out there, Bella? What can I do besides two braids and an afro puff…anyone? I know she’s a child and I don’t want her to grow up to fast, but I need some more hair styles as well…..something that doesn’t require lots of gel either….thanks and keep up the good work…Bella.
Dominique is a doll! I have two baby nieces (Trinidy, 5 months old and her cousin Jayda, 2 months old) who are way too young for product right now, but they have loads of personality. Trinidy has been laughing and smiling since the day she was born. She hardly ever cries and she wakes up from naps cooing and laughing. My mom calls her ‘the life of the party’. Jayda is a mini-diva in training. She’s a little more demanding and you have to ‘earn’ a smile from her, but she is such a cute little butterball, you can’t be too mad. I do have a 2 year old nierce, DaMaya, who already likes to look ‘pretty’ and she sits patiently when her hair is done, and she likes to play dress up. Her favorite is Dora the Explorer and anything she can get into with her big brother.There isthis book called “I Love My Hair” (I think that was the title) that has cute illustrations about a little bella who embraces her hair.
How cute! Will definitely be ordering for my “Lovegirl.” Her name is Makena (means Happy One) and she is all of 2 years old. Currently I use the Suave Bodywash for Kids. I was turned on to the Suave line by you and one day noticed that their Bodywash has a bathing princess on the package – and you can choose the black princess OR the blonde princess. Love it! Her dolls are all black and either Cabbage Patch or rag dolls that I find at Wal Mart for 4 or 5 dollars each. I don’t forsee ever letting her play with Bratz or any semblance therof. Her favorite book is Shanna’s Show – which is a filler “show” on the Disney network. In this particular book, Shanna is pretending to be a doctor. I also found the cutest little “paper” doll for her at Target this past Christmas season. She’s made of pressed wood with a thin plastic/magnetic overlay and she loves changing her shoes and clothes. Her other favorite toy . . . an empty oatmeal box – so, she’s not really choosy. Anyhoo, thanks much for this information, I’m heading to the site NOW. Afrobella, you really are awesome!
Aww, Dominique is so beautiful. What a lovely face.
My little afrobella means the world to me. She is my only daughter and since the day is was born I wanted her to know she was special. I named her partially after myself and Tyra Banks. Her name is Shatyra. Just like her name, she has grown to be a creative, artistic, inspiring and enterprising young lady. She loves designing houses on the computer, and drawing fashions. She wanted to come early into the world! She was almost pre-mature but by the advice of my doctor, I needed to take it easy from work and have maternity bedrest. After that she was born close to her due date. Currently, she is natural and I use Curls, also Shea Butter on her 3b-c ringlets. There is at-school pressure to straighten but I lovingly encourage her to embrace what God gave her.
The little Afrobella in my life is named Giselle and she will be three in June and she is a hot pickle!I would love to use these products on her.
Pronounced (SHA-Tie-Ra)I know some may wonder, what did she do that to that child for? I thought it was pretty.
The little Afrobella in my life is my cousin Mika. She is eight years old going on 16. She is very intelligent and athletic. She has been a cheerleader for almost three years now and is getting better every time I see here. I love her drive for this sport and I hope she continues. I want her to always remember how beautiful she is and that skin color and hair texture doesn’t determine beauty. Great post Bella!
Little afrobella Dominique is beautiful!! This post is right on time. Jamila’s gift set will make the perfect gift for the little afrobellas/flower girls in my wedding. I hope you will do another review when Jamila launches the hair products. Thanks Bella!
The Afrobella in my life is my beautiful daughter Damaris who is five years old. I currently only use grease on her hair becuase all of the supposedly kid friendly moisturizers i have tried on her hair leave it looking dry and dull. She has a very thick head of hair that easily gets tangled and i try to wash it as much as possible because it is much easier to comb when it is wet. My daughter’s favorite doll is Dora the Explorer so I don’t complain at least she isn’t as pale as barbie. She loves to read any book you put in front of her but here favorite book is Cinderella she reads it almost everyday.
My little afrobella is Emani. She’s my cousin. She’s four years old and she is so intelligent and cute. She likes to talk on the telephone and have her nails painted pink. Right now Dora the Explorer is her favorite doll. I can’t wait to introduce my little bella to J.Blossom products. I haven’t seen this kind of afirmation for little afrobellas. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Linda! There are some great alternatives to grease, and I’d advise you check out Curly Q or Miss Jessie’s Baby Buttercreme. The ingredients are healthier than mineral oil and petrolatum are.
Jacquie, I will definitely review the hair products as soon as I can!
I love hearing about all of the little afrobellas in your families! I know I pressured my family to relax my hair really early. I’m glad to know so many of you are keeping the natural hair faith and persuading your little ones to keep it curly .
The little afrobella in my life is my soon-to-be-four year old daughter, Sarai. She is the love of my life. I try to teach her love for herself and for others and respect for herself and for others. She is brilliant, intelligent, kind and compassionate in ways that bring me to tears. She loves with everything in her tiny body. She listens and answers with such wisdom and thought – as my grandmother says, “She’s been here before!” She just has an old soul. I am proud and privileged to mother her.
I’m soooo happy to read about this product. My little afrobella is 2 years old. Her name is Danae which means “God is my judge”. She is definitely a diva in the making. She can’t go anywhere without her lip gloss (chapstick), sunglasses, and a purse. I have been having so much fun learning what to do with her hair which is very different from mine. My goal for her is to love herself the way God created her and for her to have a very happy and innocent childhood. I can’t wait to get some of Jamila’s products for her. Thank you so much for this review.
P.S. Dominique is too cute!
My afrobella is an afrobello(?) He’s my nephew, Izaiah, and he’s 14 months old. His favorite toy is anything he can get his hands on that he probably shouldn’t have. He gets into any and everything and has an affinity for shiny objects. Since he’s biracial I’m always on the lookout for things for his hair. It’s mostly curly but not all the same texture. I do my best to avoid mineral oil, but it’s difficult. I found one conditioner that smells like coconut that I like to use on him…I’m a little hesitant about it though, because it has lanolin in it. On the plus side, I already have him used to(and eager for) lip balm. I use Blistex Complete Moisture, we both love the taste and I love how your lips feel immediately more moist.
A child smiling at you is such a gift, immediately perks up my day. Thanks for sharing that photo. What a beautiful, happy, obviously loved and cared for child. Sending this link to my sister because her daughter is my Afrobella. My niece Lena who is almost 2 years old. She has loads of personality and also a beautiful smile, and is very pretty
Awww she is such a cutie.
The youngest afrobella in my family is my 9 year old sister. She’s the only one besides me who does not have relaxed hair and thanks to me pressuring my mom she won’t any time soon. She just started a new school in the suburbs and is the only black girl in the class so she’s having issues adjusting. Not to mention the fact that they seem to think something is wrong with her because she still loves Dora the Explorer. I think she’s just being a kid and Dora is one of the closest cartoon characters that look like her. I’m really worried about my baby sister losing her self esteem now that she is in this new environment and always seems to be the old girl out. It’s tough enough being the new kid but it’s even harder when you’re the minority in the situation. Especially when she’s behind since her previous school wasn’t as advanced. She loves reading now but even the books that are geared towards her age range don’t have very many black characters in them, I’m searching for little chapter books for her with girls that look like her and the subject manner isn’t inappropriate.
Re: dolls
Afrobella, look no further. We just ordered my 18-month niece a doll that looks exactly like her from We submitted a recent photo of my niece with a big grin on her face and they created a doll to match her hair, skin tone and facial features. It just arrived this morning and the girls in the office are amazed about how it looks like my niece.
Seriously, its a great gift and i can’t wait to give it to her. I may just order one for myself…
I want to tell you about my Little Afrobell, Remy. She’s my niece, she’s four, rotten and my road dawg!! We kinda grew up together and what I mean is that I was in my early twenties when she came along, fresh out of college lost and had just moved back home becuase that great job that college was supposed to provide was no where to be found. So, Remy and I spent many a day, night, weekend (you get the picture) with Grandma and Grandpa. But I loved every minute of it and this is why I think we are so close.
Favorite toys currently are this floppy/squishy old dog an ex-boyfriend gave me and the elmo that went to college with me. She doesn’t have any favorite books that I know of but she loves to be read too. There are all kinds of books around the house so some days she’ll just grab one and demand to be read too!!! But reading isn’t just reading with her because we pick out familar objects in the pictures and try to place them in her real life. Like if a character has red shoes she’ll tell me, “Tattie, I have red shoes too.) I love that she loves books becuase I’m a book junkie myself.
I’m starting over with my hair and having a hard time of it and the two of us like to explore my natural roots. :0) Now she tells me, “You have hair like me.” so, I think these products would be good for her. I hope that she will grow to like her natural hair. And I hope that I am able to help with that.
Also, let me add that I found your website about a few weeks ago and I keep reading any and everything to help with this transition back to natural hair. I’m so grateful my best friend is my hair dresser because now the two of us sit and look through here trying to find things to help us help me!!!
I think I just wrote a novel…. but I do love your site!!!!
The little Afrobellas in my life are my nieces; one is 7 and one is 4. They are both the cutest and most energetic little things in my life! I would love for my nieces,particularly the older one, to have this product in their life because I know that my sister is struggling to do their hair all the time and convince them that it is beautiful they way it is. The eldest doesnt go to school with too many kids who look like her and she is beginning to notice it. I think that this product will begin to show her that there is nothing wrong with the way she looks or the way her hair is. In seeing a beautiful brown face on the label of what may become her favorite product, she may begin to feel more comfortable in her own skin and thus instill that in her younger sister. I am also impressed with the affirmations which would not only improve her reading skills but her self-confidence!
I’m so thrilled to have found your blog. I absolutely love it! A plethora of beautiful things, like J. Blossom!
The brand-new little Afrobella in my life is Danisha, my new “little sister” ( She’s 7; we’ve had 2 outings so far. A beautiful spirit–she lives with her great-aunt (her mom died; don’t know about the dad) and older and younger brothers.
On Saturday, we made lunch and sat at the table eating; she was barely eating anything so I asked why. “I don’t want to get fat,” she said (she’s in no way heavy), and it just about broke my heart. I’ve entered her life to be a positive influence, and I’d love to win something to remind her how beautiful she already is (especially since I can’t see her this week)!
The brand-new little Afrobella in my life is Danisha, my new “little sister” ( She’s 7; we’ve had 2 outings so far. A beautiful spirit–she lives with her great-aunt (her mom died; don’t know about the dad) and older and younger brothers.
On Saturday, we made lunch and sat at the table eating; she was barely eating anything so I asked why. “I don’t want to get fat,” she said (she’s in no way heavy), and it just about broke my heart.
I don’t know her very well yet, so I don’t know her favorites (other than the colors pink and purple). I’ve entered her life to be a positive influence, and I’d love to win something to remind her how beautiful she already is (especially since I can’t see her this week)!
I am so happy to see these wonderful products available for our afrobellas. My little afrobella is 10 years old and has been with me for 2 years.
Everyday, I work hard to nuture her in every way. She came to me with hair damaged from chemicals and impatient hands. Her elbows, knees and feet were rough and calloused from lack of care. I am still teaching her how to clean and care for her body and skin which has gone from being a daily struggle to an occasional reminder.
Every day I see how she is blossoming into the beautiful, delicate yet resilient flower she was meant to be.
I want to thank Ms. White for developing the J. Blossom line and I thank you for introducing me to it. I will definately purchase these products for my little one.
My toddler loves the JBlossom products. She thinks the picture on the front is her! I love the products because they are affirming and natural.
I don’t have a little afro bella…well not yet. 🙂 But I have to say SHE IS SOOO ADORABLE!!!!
My name is Tarra, I have two beautiful daughters Reyna and Bailynn. I love the packaging and hope that I can be picked as a winner to your sweepstake of products of J. Blossoms products. Finding the appropriate imaging and innocence is what I have been searching for. I want my little girls to be confident and beautiful without the “Bratz” attitude or image. Both of my girls are real girlie girls, but are conscience in not wanting to show their bodys and shun the whole sexy portrayals that abound everywhere. I love your blog, it’s the best.
I have a gorgeous 14 month old afrobella in my life. It’s so funny, I’m a new reader and I just came in from a long stressful day, just put the baby to sleep after a nice long bath (her, not me unfrotunately) and then I’m delighted to read your blog today about litte afrobella beauty products, and I just washed her hair with a motowngirl hair rinse today!
Today was stressful because my daughter was in the hospital. This has been one of several. She was born 3 months premature at 2lb. 4 oz. I remember the day I walked into the NICU for the first time, scared out of my mind, an English nurse came up to me and asked who my baby was. I told her Kaya (which in our language means peace after the storm) and when she went over she looked at her and said to me” You have nothing to worry about, she is a girl and she’s black, statistically they have, above all preemies, the highest rate of survival.” I’ll never forget that because it got me through some hard times to follow.
She currently has a trach which is a tube in her throat which allows her to breathe. She had some scarring when she was on the ventilator in the NICU. We are currently in the process of having that trach removed after a year of having it and it’s getting a little bumpy because the scarring is coming back. Despite it all this girl is strong and is definitely my peace after all this storm.
Anyway, to get to the questions you asked, she currently uses mimosa hair honey and hair milk by Carol’s. She has a full head of hair (did at birth). As for bath, she is prone to extra dry skin and eczema so we use dove sensitive skin prescribed by her doctor. For moisturizer, I picked up this organic shea butter cream by “sheaterra organics,” flavor is coconut milk pineapple. It’s so rich without being greasy, and sweet but not overwhelming. Books: “Watch me Dance” by Andrea and Brian Pinkney (they also wrote “Pretty Brown Face”) and “Peter’s Chair” by Ezra Jack Keats whcih I remember reading as a child (he’s a black male author.)
I can talk about my afrobaby forever. Thanks soooo much for putting this on your blog, it’s hard to find products for me, let alone my little afrobella, so it’s good to know there are some products emerging and informative people like you sharing.
p.s. Very interested in getting any j. blossom products you have to offer. =)
hey bella, i checked out and typed in african-american dolls. They had like 3 pages worth( alot of bratz dolls, boo!) but they had some really cute black cabbage patch dolls and they can ship within 1 to 2 days, some are called Scentsational and have a cool smell, they had a clearance sale for like $12 and a cool Hasbro doll which is a little more pricey. Good luck! maybe try too!
**WOW!** Afrobella and all the blog readers, thanks so much for your comments and orders! I am really feeling the love. I’m so grateful that there is a space like the — we NEED this! Big ups to the Head Bella in Charge. Big ole hug to the big Afrobellas and especially to all the littlest Afrobellas.
For everyone looking for dolls, check out Dolls of all races; educational dolls and toys; dolls for boys as well as girls; even Black puppets.
Hey Afrobella! *waving*
Lil Dominique is a doll! Wow. My little Afrobella is now 17 but I wish this product were around when she was younger. I still may try it anyway for myself haha!
I’m a 1st generation Ethiopian immigrant with many afro (and afro-less) bellas in my family. Although I am still young (I’ve recently turned 20), I feel a tremendous pressure to educate my young, 2nd generation cousins (aged 4-14) about their culture, and isolate them from the negative aspects of our society. I’m not a psychologist, nor have I ever been a parent- but I feel that the best approach towards this goal is to encourage acceptance of self, while exposing them to representations of women that uplift our culture; representations such as this one of our legendary Makeda, Queen of Sheba. I hope my efforts will ultimately be successful, but who knows what the future has in store for us.
I’m very sorry the link in my previous comment doesn’t work, I’m new to blogging, and I’m not quite sure how things work yet. Hopefully, this one will work.
Our little Afrobella’s name is Nadiyah! She is 5 years old and a definite natural beauty! We are sooo proud of our Nadiyah because she is very intelligent despite her young age and has a confidence that is way beyond her years. Having NEVER had her hair processed in any way, she wears her afro proudly on most days, or afro puffs and braids on other days. Once we were out and another little girl (Caucasian)made a comment about her hair, as if it was a negative thing. Nadiyah proudly and calmly replied, “My hair is this way because I am BLACK.It is not like yours.” Then she asked the girl if she wanted to touch it. She is the only African American child in her Kindergarten class and the only African American in her dance class, yet her unshakeable belief in herself and in her own special beauty protects her self-esteem in a world were beauty is not defined by her dark chocolate skin and nappy hair.
In her spare time, she loves to read. Buy her a book for a gift and she is happy. She also loves to dance, peforms publicly (always smiling at the audience!) and has a goal of being a “Pride Girl”- a top dancer at the studio she attends. She can’t audition until she is 13 years old so she works very hard at this and also choreographs her own routines to her favorite music. We feel sooo blessed to have her as our daughter and I cannot believe how amazing she is. I know God has great plans for her life. I’m not saying she is this perfect child who never does anything wrong (Lord, NO!), but what she does right never ceases to amaze me and we try to focus on those things. She is a light for the future and a true little Afrobella!
Greetings. My six year old daughter Tori absolutely LOVES J. Blossom’s products. I am so thrilled to have natural skin care products with affirmations for my little mocha drop. She loves it so much she passes out flyers to kids at school and tells all her friends about it. She even carried a flyer in her lunch box for awhile. This is a great product to help build up our young girls. Thanks again.
I love reading everybody’s stories about their Baby Bellas and little Afrobella is so adorable.
This is my first time leaving a comment. This is the first time I have heard of the product you mentioned. I am truly interested in learning more. There are not enough prdoucts that represent us.
Your lil’ afrobella is too cute. My lil’ afrobella is Jordan. She’s 15 months and so full of joy. Jordan’s favorite doll is Dora, and her favorite book is Good night Moon. I am currently using design oil on her hair( she has a lil’ mo-hawk :)) I am looking for other products to use.
I purchase the JBlossom line for my 11 y.o. step-daughter and she absolutely loves it! And I love it for being all natural and so positive for young girls. If more companies and small businesses would stand up and take the position that Jamila has, maybe we can turn our girls off of BET and on to positivity. It’s time! Thanks JBlossom!
I just love your blog. I love all things about us. Dominique is too cutte!! MY little Afrobella is 4 years old and her name is Zuri(which means beautiful in Swailli). Zuri is all girl and loves to play dress up, she loves make-up(which is funny since it use to be a make-up line called Zuri). She loves to dance and draw. She loves Barbie and dolls that look brown like her. She likes for me to read Dora the Explorer and she really likes the book “Nappy Hair” the pictures are beautiful and lets Zuri know it is OK to have Kinky Hair because it is beautiful. Zuri has alot of energy and very confident. I can’t wait to try j.blossom’s products, I am also looking for good natural products and I like the fact they uplift our black children. Well Done!!
I will definitely be purchasing this for my friends’ daughters…what a fantastic product!
Little Afrobella is simply adorable. My daughter is 2 years old and loves to sing and have us read to her. She was 2 mths premature (4 lbs) and spent 6 weeks in NICU, but is robust (34 lbs) and healthy now. When my 5 year-old son first saw her in the NICU, he held out his arms and demanded that the nurse “give me my sister.” She opened her eyes and stared at him as if she knew him. She loves chasing balls, rearranging the cutlery and cooking utensils in the kitchen, and stealing her brother’s action figures. Other favorite activities are watching football with my husband (she runs over when she hears the theme music) and tackling him, so that he “falls” on the floor. She is not particularly girly, but likes pretty shoes (walks around with her head down admiring them). Her dad and brother adore her.
This is exactly what I expected to find out after reading the title For The Little Afrobella In Your Life. Thanks for informative article
I was surfing the internet Monday afternoon during my break, and found your blog by searching MSN for dresser grow box. This is a topic I have great interest in, and follow it closely. I liked your insight on For The Little Afrobella In Your Life very much, and it made for good reading. Keep up the good work…
Someone earlier posted about Just wanted to reiterate that that’s a wonderful site w/ great products. Two of my favs for kids under 3 are the Nighty Night Dolls and Barbara. I love them b/c they’re soft/plush dolls that have no potentially lose parts (i.e., choking hazards) and they’re machine washable (great if your child has allergies or if your child takes a special liking to the doll and you need to wash it b/c it was dropped in the mud or something!) Both of those products can be found at By the way, you can get 5% OFF EVERY ORDER when you enter this promo code at checkout: VSMITHC
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Greetings Afrobella Common-unity,
The J Blossom products are truly well needed and overdue Must Haves!!
I have 3 daughters aged 8/9 and 11 and they all use the J Blossom range of bodycare products.
I am also a stockist for J Blossom in the UK. I am based in London England.
You can visit my site NUBIAN GIFTS to find other Unique Nubian Inspired Gifts and Products.
Hello soror I love your packaging / produts for little girls. I posted my profile on Wilberforcr Univ. page with my hobbie of making bath products (for adults)as gifts,giving them to friends and Satira Streeter (DST)beta chapter, told me to stop by your website. Do you have any pointers for me(DST beta also) on how to start, brand, pkg. market. Thanking you in advance.
S. Pierre
My little Afrobella’s name is Dream.She is 1 years old,and her fave toy is her dolls,doll was her first word also.She has really good hair but it is always so dry and no matter what i put on it it goes back dry by the end of the day.
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