I’ll probably always be buying and trying new curly hair products, but I’ve found my Holy Grail for now. My hair absolutely craves Curls Milkshake.
It leaves my tresses more moisturized and perfectly defined than any other product. After I reviewed a batch of Curls products, I became hooked. Now I’m dying to try the rest of the line. Many of their products sound like dreamy desserts – Coconut Sublime Moisture Max, Whipped Cream, Curl Souffle, yum! My love for the Milkshake drove me to learn more about the brilliant woman behind this amazing stuff.
Bellas, meet Mahisha Dellinger, the super-clever afrobella who founded Curls.
Like many of us, Mahisha had a crazy hair journey. Back when she was growing up, there were no readily available products to nurture and style her out-of-control mane. And the products that were available were chock full o’ chemicals.
“Do you know that I used to use grease and water on my hair? Grease was the main stay on all ethnic aisles. I didn’t know any better! And the white owned hair care companies that marketed to us surely didn’t care of the long term affects of synthetic oils, they were all about the mighty dollar!” Mahisha declares.
It took the exhortations of a bona fide afrobella to bring Mahisha around to natural hair care.
“It wasn’t until my high school years that I discovered pure oils and natural remedies. A good friend of mine was 100% natural — a purist if you will — and she sparked my interest. I am 100% naturally curly…now. However, I died and fried my hair in junior high and high school! I had every hair color you can imagine, AND I used hairspray daily!” Man, that brought back my own high school memories.
I got my first set of highlights when I was thirteen and I thought I was so bad ass. If I could talk to my high school self, I’d beg myself to leave the dye alone — hot pink, orange, and midnight blue streaks were not a good look for me. But of course, that conversation would probably go along the lines of Cartman’s conversations with his past self on that awesome time-travel episode of South Park. Which is to say, I’d tell my future self to mind her own business. “Whatever, I do what I want!”
Many of Curls’ products are coconut based, which appeals mightily to this Caribbean girl. Coconut oil works wonders for my hair. There are lots of other natural ingredients that Mahisha thinks are key to her products’ success.
In the eleven Curls products and 7 Curly Q products currently available, Mahisha loves to include super-moisturizing certified organic aloe leaf juice, vitamin rich organic sunflower oil, Chinese Hu Wu Shu extract, Japanese green tea extract, calendula, coconut milk, mango and shea butter. No wonder my hair drinks this stuff up so fast — it all sounds like a concoction I could possibly drink as is!
Mahisha shared the products that work best for her, and I’m thinking of changing up my hair care routine with the seasons like she does.
“I have so many favorites; it truly depends on the occasion, time of year, and my current hair care needs. For example, in the summer months I cannot live without Curls Goddess Glaze for frizz free curls with all day holding power. When my curls are just not quite up to par and are in need of instant recovery, I reach for our deep treatment, Curl Ecstasy, and my microhaircap! However I use, one product on a daily basis… Quenched Curls Moisturizer. It is indeed my foundational product, “underwear for my hair.†It refreshes, revives, and protects curls. It’s now formulated with sunscreen, so it is the perfect curl protector,” she gushed.
For those of you who have specific hair concerns, Curls also offers custom regime kits, just for you Transitioning Divas who need to do some one-stop-shopping.
Curls products smell absolutely heavenly, and now Mahisha’s offering Body By Curls, vanilla and brown sugar body wash and frosting that sounds beyond delicious. Six new Curls products are getting ready to hit the shelves, and I’m so curious to find out what they are!
I’ve been planning to write about Mahisha and Curls for a long time now, but this particular interview became especially timely due to the recent New York Times article by Randal C. Archibold, “I Have Taken on My Daughter’s Hair and Won.”
Mr. Archibold’s beautifully written piece evoked memories of my own dad struggling with my troublesome locks and incessant wriggling as a child. It’s definitely a sign of the times that Mr. Archibold considers the politics of black hair as much as he does:
“With some limitations, we give Lyla a say in her hairstyle. One braid? Two, three, four? Part in the middle or on the side? Sometimes she prefers to let it all hang out, curly, frizzy and wild. When we eventually braid it again, fretting over those knots and dirt accumulating in the thicket, I wonder if we are then crimping her style, making a political statement?
Who knew hair could be this complicated?”
Um, my hand’s raised. And I don’t recall getting a say in how I wanted my hair combed, either (feel free to add a comment, familia). At that age, what with my Diana Ross aspirations, I’d have voted to wear my hair in a big bushy free form style every day. I would have gladly been a mini-Chaka Khan, strutting across my school’s playing field.
I checked out Mr. Archibold’s list of hair essentials for his little afrobella, and it’s here that I must speak up. From jump, this is a bad list for parents of naturally curly kids. TCB Naturals has nothing natural about it. Mineral oil and petrolatum are the first two ingredients, and they are notoriously bad and unhealthy ingredients. In fact, petrolatum has been banned in European Union beauty products because of its carcinogenic properties. Mr. Archibold could learn quite a bit from Mahisha Dellinger. She’s got an awesome children’s product line, Curly Q’s for Kids, and she works closely with adopted families and biracial kids.
Mahisha has brilliant advice for any parent of a black child. This goes out especially to the Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies who adopt children with naturally curly hair that is the opposite of their own.
“DO NOT SHAMPOO YOUR CHILD’S HAIR DAILY! DO NOT RELAX YOUR CHILD’S HAIR WHEN SHE IS STILL A TODDLER! I cannot believe how many stories I hear about parents doing this. I also get questions after the fact, “how do I repair the damage I have done?†Seek out quality products, and advice, PERIOD!” she asserts.
I had to ask her, how early should parents start styling their little afrobellas’ hair? Apparently, my niece Dominique needs this stuff like, yesterday.
“As soon as their curls turn from naturally silky to somewhat dry, that is when you know it is time to add a Curly Q styler to their regime. For my son, his curls turned at about 9 months,” says Mahisha.
Besides admiring her product line, I also admire Mahisha as a business woman. She took a commonplace problem among black and mixed race women, and turned her solution into a successful business enterprise. She offers great advice to other aspiring businesswomen. Basically, her watchwords are “due diligence.”
“It is important to know your business inside and out. Start out researching your industry. Join a professional association in that industry. Seek out a mentor,” she suggests.
Mahisha’s business acumen is truly to be admired, and her products are absolutely to die for if you ask me. Curls Milkshake definitely works wonders for my hair texture — all these glowing reviews definitely aren’t wrong! And at $17 for an 8 oz tub, it won’t break the bank. I think it’s a must have for every afrobella.
Congratulations, Mahisha! You’re Afrobella of the Week!

Funny that you would review her line of products. I have used them in the past with great success. I see that now she has changed the formula of many of them and now they do not work as well not sure what is going on with her but her products do not work well for my thick curly hair no more. She is great as to advice and marketing her products but not sure as to the changing of the ingredients all the time. Glad that they are working for you.
I’ve used her products once, and needless to say, they really didn’t work well on my hair. First, the products are way to heavy and weighs down my curls and leaves alot of build-up in the hair. I do recommend products from http://www.mixedchicks.com. Their leave in conditioner is great and coupled with an anti-frizz gel (frieda) really does my hair great.
I had a chance to meet her a year ago at a hair expo, and I really was thrown off at the fact that she wears a Curly Weave, but yet markets the products for ‘natural’ hair.
sorry that was supposed to be http://www.mixchicks.net 🙂
http://www.mixedchicks.net (my fingers/brain are not awake yet!)
Hey Anon,
i just did a review and giveaway from Mixed Chicks. When you say “she wears a curly weave,” did you mean Mahisha? I’m pretty sure that’s her hair. I’d love to hear her perspective on this. Mahisha, where you at?
Bella… You make it sound so good. Maybe I will dust off my jar of Curls Milkshake and give it another try. Can you tell me how and with what other products you used it with that gave you such great results?? Maybe I wasn’t using it right.
Hey Peajai!
With any product that contains aloe extract, I’ve noticed that having oil on my hair makes the product not work, creates flakes, and just doesn’t have a positive effect on the overall look. So I wash my hair (with Creme of Nature or the Curlicious Cleansing Creme), and then I deep condition and comb it through in the shower (I’ve been using Matrix Biolage or that Organix Vanilla Silk). Then when my hair is damp, I slick on Curls Milkshake and I’m good to go!
But OF COURSE, not everything is for everybody. Curls certainly feels like my HG, but it may not be so for you. What were your results like?
I would really love it if these companies sold sample packages with one of everything, I would be willing to pay for that instead of a full sized product that just sits on my shelf when it does nothing for my beautiful napps.
I vowed never to use TCB products again when the relaxer (before I decided to go natural) I used last year left me completely bald in the back and the rest of my hair falling out for several months until I finally had to get it cut very short. That should have been my sign to stop relaxing then, but unfortunately the light bulb didn’t go off until a year later.
I just ordered my second jar of curls milkshake, and i love it!! its light and provides just enough hold and gives wonderful definition. I’ve tried to curls souffle, but i ended up giving it away. it was way to thick and heavy. it just sat in my hair. i didn’t like it at all. i think i’m going to try the glazed goddess next.
I just ordered the curls milkshake about two weeks ago but I haven’t used it yet. My hair is very course,thick and long so I have my fingers crossed that this works. I haven’t really found a product in the three years that I’ve been natural that has made me shout to the roof tops. So I’m still searching…
Hola, Afrobellas!
I have been “tender-headed” as far back as I can remember. Even to this day, I cringe at a rough-handed stylist working my 21-year-old scalp. When I was little, I would run and hide from my granny when she would bust out the Blue Magic grease! I would say, “Granny, are you going to use the brush or the comb?” to determine my impending doom.
I made the decision to stop chemically abusing my hair over a year ago. After relaxing my hair, little sores and scabs would form throughout my scalp, along with other burns or irritations. This made combing, styling, and brushing a delicate and painful event. One day, I asked myself why I was doing this to myself. I realized that accepting injuries for beauty just wasn’t natural or acceptable. And, I liked the way my hair looked natural, I was just afraid of what my co-workers/friends/straight-haired counterparts would say if I went natural. Well, bellas, I’m not apologizing for my hair anymore!
I absolutely love this site and the other links that have helped me to learn about my hair all over again!
it is too bad that black women must hate on one another, what hatred!
she must be a friend of theirs…our products are created for all hair textures, and do not weigh the hair down. we have products for fine, medium and thick curly hair.
Oh, i must add…i was not at a hair expo last year. I just attended my first hair show yesterday.
anon is lying…
can we remove her post? she MUST be affliated with mxc.
I truly love the Curls Whipped Cream. It keeps my twists so silky and moisturized. I can’t wait to try the Curls Milkshake. Thank you so much, Mahisha Dellinger, you are truly a life/hair saver!!!!!!
it’s ok Mahisha, mediocrity always attacks excellence.
Coffy Says: March 26th, 2007 at 12:27 pm
it’s ok Mahisha, mediocrity always attacks excellence.
thanks coffy!
Thanks for your input! Feel free to email me at mdellinger@curls.biz. I would love to know what you tried…what products worked and which ones did not.
FYI – all of the changes we made, are final. We made the changes for the following reaons.
1. to improve the performance of products, based on customer input (e.g. Whipped Cream used to leave a dull cast…we reformulated to get rid of this…it now leaves a great sheen. See Mo’s comment above.)
2. to add more certifited organic ingredients and exotic extracts for hair strengthening.
3. to include the correct techinical terms for our ingredient declaration. now that we are offered in many more countries, and are expanding into even more foreign countries, we had to do this to register the ingredients in the import database.
I too read all the glowing reviews. The one that motivated me to purchase was by motowngirl. She used it as a styling product and it worked for her. So I tried it after a conditioner wash, I put it on as I would a styling product and used no other products. I thought it was alright while it was still damp. It was warm that day so I let it air dry. Once my hair had dried, it was dry, flaky, frizzy, little curl definition and no hold. Basically a mess. I’ve tried it again, using it before or after applying my curl activator aloe vera gel. Using it before aloe vera gel, it seems to repel the gel and lessen the curl definition I get from the gel. After aloe vera gel, one day it seemed to hold moisture in and the next time I used it, it didn’t seem to do anything. I was disappointed that I could not use this as a styling product because that’s what it seemed to be marketed as. The oils in it seem to just sit on top of my hair rather than moisturize. I have had it since October and have only used it maybe 5 times.
On a side note, I saw that Organix Vanilla Silk Conditioner at my local Target and I was thinking about trying it out. Do you like it better than the Garnier Fructis 3 minute mask?
Humm good to know why the ingredients changed, maybe I will give it a shot as to the milkshake and whipped cream again. I also Love the Asian Condsh for deep condish it leave my hair so soft. I have a hair journal at fotki and I had a girl tell me that using that condish has a cone in it that causes build up, I did not see it. But it works for me. So who knows what works for one may not work for another, I just love MAHISHA’s hair and she is helpful as to the advice. Good luck to all.
BTW, I tried the mixed chicks and it is a DUD. I received a sample of this before I brought the curls stuff and it made my hair hard as brick and the smell was horrible. I would not recommend this to no one. At least the curls stuff was not hard, very moisturizing products that did not make my hair hard as a brick !!!
I’m so happy to see you on here Mahisha! Afrobella,I love that you gave Mahisha and CURLS such a glowing review ,her and her company really deserve it!
When it comes to hair products for my coils, I’m truly a novice. For the ladies that tried the CURLS line and loved it, what is your hair type? I’m a 4A/B with a LOT of shrinkage, and I’m curious if this line was effective for anyone with hair similar to mine???
And for the record, this is a WONDERFUL site! I’ve just recently learned to fully embrace my BAA, and I’m glad to see that there are so many other women that have been doing the same!
to combat hair loss – use E45 cream rubbed into bald area daily, take 1 Vit E capsule daily..it worked for me
Hi Mahisha
I am just wondering why do you copy ALL the other curly hair product names and formulas? Is that why your products are always changing.
All these products came out before yours did.
Qhment Honeybush Hair Tea – Estacy Hair Tea
Blended Cutie – Curlie Cutie
Jessicurl Rockin Ringlets – Radiant Ringlets
Kinky-Curly Curling Custard – Curly Q Custard
Why do you constantly request for comments to be removed when we are on a public forum?
we do have Free speech right?
Why do you think that someone posting a comment about mixedchicks is one of their friends?
Is that what you do?………
have your friends/nanny post positive comments about your products
Why did you get kicked off of naturally curly?
This is not bashing I am asking questions to Mahisha
I met her at the hair expo last year too.
I was tripping that she was wearing this weave and selling stuff for naturally curly hair. I was like WTF!!!!
I recently tried the whipped cream and it was just so-so but I also tried the leave in conditioner from mixedchicks.net and it is a keeper. I love this stuff. my frizz was gone and the curls were defined.
I am NOT a friend of mixedchicks just someone who likes their products……such a shame that soon you wont be able to believe anything you read on these boards anymore…companies having their friends and nanny post reviews….I remember that scandal …quite pathetic
Wow…ok. so Bella does a review of something that worked for her. Some others said it also worked for them, some said they did not have good luck with it. Others well others came spoilin’ for a fight with Curls. You lost any credibility right there.
I dont like for my hair Curls Milkshake, but I adore Curls Souffle …my hair my experience. I also use 8 other brands in my rotation. I am happy that I have so much choice. You who come to fight Curls should consider the choices you have. Isn’t it wonderful we can pick from so many and find what works best.
Right on for :
Blended Beauty
Kinky Curly Custard
Mixed chicks
Carol’s Daughter
Curl junkie
and all the others who give us choices…
wanted to add I guess it doesnt matter if she wears a weave since Beyonce does and sells Loreal hair products, Titi and Miko of Miss Jessies have texturizers/silkeners and they sell products that are supposed to turn your kinks to curls and Shelly Campbell of Kinky-Curly.com is funded by all that child support that she gets cuz she is Terrence Howard’s baby momma …..take a real good look at her child’s picture on the home page http://www.kinky-curly.com the kid has the same green eyes that terrance howard does. look at Terrence’s hair what do you think he uses to get it all slicked back and curly and stuff…the Curling Custard ! and I guess he should as he is part owner of the company.
Wow…It really amazes me that so many people can be so negative!! You have a choice…Either you can choose to use Curls products or not…There is no need to be negative towards Mahisha…
In response to Just a beginner, I have 4A/B hair and the Curls Whipped Cream works wonders for my twists!!
Wow. I had no idea that there was so much hateraid to go around. First off, let me just say that this kind of thing isn’t encouraged on my site. Jacquelin, Claudette, Anon… Mahisha says she wasn’t at a hair show last year, and I have had nothing but great communication with her. I believe her. And ALSO, what the readers don’t get to see… I have three names and two IP addresses here. So two of you are sharing the same computer and posting negative comments. Please stop. I haven’t started deleting comments yet and I won’t so long as you keep things civil.
I don’t care about how the products get made or who names them or WHATEVER, all I care about is the fact that there are myriad products for curly haired women out there. I found something that works for me. And as AndSoThen so kindly pointed out, there’s so many other options! The point of this site is to give props where there are due, and to celebrate the talents and beauty of afrobellas everywhere. So please, I ask for positivity and constructive criticism only, not false accusations and grudge matches.
Thank you.
I am very happy with the Curls customer service. She gets the orders out very quickly. I do like the Curl Glaze and the Curls Milkshake. I bought the Curls Ecstasy Tea conditioner and probably won’t buy it again. I’m not spending $18 again on conditioner anytime soon.
Whew! Thanks for centering me, Mo. Justabeginner, I’m also a 4a with some 3c and 4b scattered around just for fun… but I don’t get a lot of shrinkage from Curls. I just like how moisturized the milkshake makes my hair. What products are you currently using?
I’m something of a natural hair newbie (and am dependent on my stylist for hair care), and would like to be more hair self-sufficient. Can anyone reccomend where to start? I’ve been on nappturality but it’s *so* big, it’s confusing (though everyone there was nice). How can I find out what grade hair I have, and just a basic routine? If blowdrying is okay? What styles are most professional (and how to deal with work/natural hair), etc.?
Love the site and all the information. Thanks!
This site is WONDERFUL!! We need to keep it positive.
you are right afrobella! claudette is plain ignorant and i will not waste my time with such haters.
to accuse me of STEALING FORMULAS! all of our ingredients, for the list of companies she named, are COMPLETELY different. anyone can go to all of our sites and see that.
our testers started naming our products for us. i don’t watch small companies…they aren’t who i aspire to be like. i look up to the redken’s, paul mitchell’s and kera care’s!
FYI – i ended the relationship with NC.com…with good ready. I will not address that here.
Please…move on, strive to be positive and stop hating…it isn’t a good look!
Oh, and let’s afrobella stated that she found 2 IP addresses, and 3 names.
Whose credibility is questionable here?
I would love to hear the name of the hair show that i was NEVER at.
too funny!
With all due respect to Ms. Dellinger and her line, the issue that many (like me) have with products of this sort is that they are often geared toward women with slightly “looser” curls. “Fine, medium and thick curly hair” isn’t exactly the full spectrum.
The the biggest hole in the market always was, and still is, the availability of products for those of us who have extremely course hair with a much tighter curl pattern. I’ve been diligent in my attempts to support businesses like Carol’s Daughter, Sheago, Miss Jessie’s (and possibly, one day, Curls) but I am consistently disappointed. I often run into either a lack of moisture or a lot of unnecessary heavy grease/oil.
In terms of shampoo and conditioner I’m totally in love with Kiehl’s Olive Fruit Oil line. But when it comes to leave-ins and oils, I’m batting zeros. Maybe its time to start making my own products 🙂
In response to Jamala: I have very thick, tightly curled hair (4A/4B) hair that is extremely dry (I can not use oils in my hair. Oils just sit on top of my hair) Well, that problem was solved when I started using Curls Whipped Cream for my twists. Have you tried any of the Curls products yet??
First of all, I can’t believe all of the drama in here.
Bella, you are MUCH nicer than I am girlfriend – I would have deleted ALL of that negative garbage – including the comments from the businesswoman. She certainly has the right to defend her self and her company – but she seemed equally as negative and the tone of her responses have made me hesitant to try her products.
@ Jamala – I completely agree with you. Lack of moisture (even with many of the great products that you named) was a major factor in my decision to go back to wearing braids. Lately, I’ve been having success with a leave-in called Cantu. I mix a very small amount of it with a bit of oil and carefully apply it on my scalp and lightly on my braids and I have shine and moisture. I don’t think I’ll go back to the twists again because it is too much work.
Nichelle, I can attest to using Cantu leave-in conditioner. I am a product junkie, but this has been a staple in my hair care products for the past couple of months. I use it on both my 4a/4b hair, and on my daughter’s 3c/4a hair. It works wonders for both of us. In my experience, it usually works better on damp hair, it retains the moisture very well. And the price is not bad too, I paid $5.49 for it at my local Walmart!
I understand your concern…this is why we expanded our line a while ago. Curls Milkshake and Curls Whipped Cream were created for your hair texture and are very popular. You can always email me a photo and we can create a custom regime for you.
I agree…it is getting really ugly here. I did not anticipate such hatred. However, the person on this forum has been bad mouthing me and my company for some time now. Excuse me for defending myself here. I have worked hard to create CURLS from the bottom up. I sure you would understand…if you were in my shoes.
While we would love to have you as a customer, I am not here to sell CURLS products to you. You have many choices to choose from now, thank God. So if my actions of defending my name has turned your stomach…so be it.
To all of the posters with the warm words, thank you…for being rational, reasonable, and supportive.
The fact that women of color prefer to bash a cuccessful sister says a lot about where we are…as a people.
I am signing off now. I am on my way to do a hair symposium for the Tavis Smiley Road to Health conference.
Nichelle — I was shocked at how many posts I got about this. Shocked! And I was out sick from work yesterday, so I left a comment, took a nap, and by the time I got up for the day and struggled over to the computer all of this BS was popping off. And it was like a dialogue of hateration too, so I didn’t know where to begin deleting stuff. But I want this to be an honest exchange, and although it isn’t pretty, it gave Mahisha a chance to defend herself against false accusations. Best believe if I see any more negativity I’ll delete it right away.
It makes me so much happier and prouder to see sisters getting along and supporting one another.
Jamala, I feel you. I’m always looking for THE product, and my curls are loose so this works well for me. But if you’re wanting to try making your own products, definitely check out Motown Girl’s site for recipes! And please let me know what works best for your texture.
Hahahahaaa! Reading all the drama was SO hilarious! I can’t believe they said Mahisha was wearing a weave and all that mess about Terrence Howard’s baby?! hahahahaa!! OMG. I have to tell you, I was in such a bad mood today, but reading those crazy posts made me crack up, oh, Mahisha, the stuff a successful black woman has to put up with! hahahaha! See, now you know how Oprah feels! (^_^)
Anyways, I have no earthly idea what my hair type is. I’m trying to figure it out, but I can not tell which one mine is. Mahisha, Bella, do you think you could post more pictures of the hair types… like close-ups??
Also, for the folks that complained about the heaviness of the product; fatty lipids will weigh down hair especially after using a shampoo high in laureth sulfate and phosphates that break the important disulfide bonds in our hair and therefore strip it of sebum all the way down to the scalp. If you don’t wanna spend a butt-load of cash;
use baby shampoo
(or a little baking soda [2 Tbsp], squeeze of lemon, and warm water[1-2 cups] in jet spray bottle in the shower to break up build-up).
Aloe extract? Bella it appears that you have the new formula and I have the old formula of Curls Milkshake. I see from the website that the new formula has Purified water, certified organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice as the first two ingredients and I have Coconut Milk and Sweet Almond Milk as the first two of mine. No water, no aloe leaf juice at all. My hair really responds to aloe vera so this new formula probably would have worked better for me. Oh well.
I don’t know if anyone has mentioned him as yet but I absolutely adore Gary Dourdan on CSI:Las Vegas. He plays Warrick Brown on the show. His free form curls are hot. That brother is so fine!
Oops bella wrong topic. lol!
I have 4A hair with some 4B. Its really hard to deal with sometimes. I have a few renegade straight hairs that are on the top of my head and the back of my head. I have never used heat of any kind on my hair. I guess its just genetics. None the less I determined my hair type by visiting this site: http://www.naturallycurly.com/curl411/types.php
I live by jojoba oil and the leave in shea moisturizer from sheamoisture.com. It smells great and leaves my hair soooo soft.
Also thanks bella for stepping in and outing the fire. I don’t have many black female friends and that is a part of the reason why i love this site. I wish everyone peace and happiness. I also wish Ms. Mahisha prosperity. I got a facebook hair group to add you as one of their top sites about black hair!! Keep up the good work Trini!
Can anyone please help? I have type 4B hair and I am wearing braids now because my hair is just simply not manageable! In order to workout I have to have braids otherwise I would be “hot combing” my hair everyday. I can’t go back to the perm because no matter which perm I use or person I go to my scale is always getting burned! I am now ready to just shave it all off because I am tired of it. However, i really can’t do that because of the office enviroment I work in. I saw this young lady come into our office one day and her hair was so AWESOME! I ask if she had a perm and she said no and said her hair is all natural and her stylist flat irons it. So I tried to do this at home and ya’ll….I looked like “chucky”. I live in Atlanta. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!
what is type 4b hair ???
I do not know about mandhisa’s product , but i will look for and try .
But phyto products work great for me .. a little expensive but the de frizz stuff, and that conditioner in the blue round pot,is off the chain!!! luv it .
i like your site afrobella . I think u can’t get upset with the comments . People are allowed to say what they want , if u don’t like what they say , just ban them , there is absolutely NO REASON FOR YOU TO ANSWER THEM BACK. Its the internet baby , crazy’s are everywhere!
I was terribly disappointed when I read the comments trashing Curls. I personally haven’t tried her products, but if she’s in business then obviously she’s has some good enough products to stay in business. Everything doesn’t work for everyone-that’s why there’s a variety. This makes me question what this company Mixed Chicks is all about. I have seen people go out of business because of internet trash talk. And you would think that our own people would be a better support to each other. Regardless, Mixed Chicks may have been living down this product review that I read on another blog.
But, even though, this reviewer didn’t have a positive experience with this person, she still managed to give one of her products a decent review, later.
It’s problems like this that makes me want to refrain from launching my product line. I feel that there is room for everyone, and this backstabbing is unneccessary.
Respect the Positive,
I just had to go out and get some Curls products right? !! Just had to go see what all the fuss was about ………right!! I’ve tried Coconut Sublime Moisture max Curlicious Curl Cleansing cream (veyry good) my hair pretty much sucked up all the product. Also bought but havent tried Milkshake and Curl Euphoria Elixir. The two products I tried so far have made my hair extremely soft and manageable. I’ve been transitioning for about a year now and tried numerous products as I am a product junkie, will attempt to try and find what will work best for my hair. Curls work fine on my mixture of “everything!” hair. =)
@ RJ–
I agree with you 100%. I’ve stopped using shampoos containing SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) and my hair is doing wonderfully. I have sisterlocks, so I can’t try any of the wonderful moisturizing products listed here (yet), so the only way to keep my hair in some sort of order is to forgo the cheap, harsh, cleaning ingredients.
Ladies– READ YOUR INGREDIENTS LIST. If SLS or SLES is listed in the top 5 ingredients, run like the wind!! Personally (I’m no expert), i think that a shampoo can have all of the moisturizng/botanical/aloe/ylang ylang/dead sea minerals/asian frou-frou/expensive ingredients it wants. If it cleans by srtipping (SLS, SLES), then waht’s the point???
Bellas….who are questioning their type of hair, what to do, need help…I am telling you go to the internet..do your research, stop using the harsh shampoos, like sunsail said, read your ingredients list, there are so many hair sites out there ..take a little from each. Hair blogs…Fotki.com, has pictures..you can find your hair twin there…email that bella and ask her for help with your situation…share dolls share so the God blessed tresses we have can be loved. Our hair has been drama for so many years..I am dealing with alopecia but still I am loving my nappy, curly head for real. I love how it shrinks and gets longer and the different spirals and curls and frizzy bits. I see my mom and my dad and a tiny bit of my big pop all up in there. I have to love it..its me.
I don’t really have any comments on the Curls product line but I wanted to address Emily.
Emily, I strongly encourage you to visit http://www.nappturality.com to get you started on working with your natural hair in its natural state. If you’re trying to manage your hair the way you did when it was straight, you’re going to have problems because that methodology doesn’t work for our hair (I’m mostly 4b too). Also while you’re there, you’ll meet a LOT of naturals who wear their hair natural in all kinds of work environments. The notion that we can’t wear our hair “out” is a MYTH, as is the notion that it’s unmanageable without heat and/or chemicals. Good luck…hope to see you there…
I think a lot of the discussion here is pretty silly. Not all products work for all hair types, despite what the makers of those products claim. Mahisha shouldn’t take offense to someone suggesting an alternate product for that very reason. I have very kinky hair and I choose products based on ingredients, price and good ol’ fashioned trial and error. If someone recommends a product, I may try it out. If it turns out to be a waste of money, so be it. That’s the risk of trying new products.
I have very little to do today at the office, and I’ve actually had time to read through most of these comments. Overall, there is a lot of helpful information that came out, despite a few people’s attempts to bash a product line. I appreciate all the feedback you bellas were willing to offer about shampoos and other links for assistance. I’m most definitely going to make use of the info I grabbed off of here. I wear my hair natural a lot, but I like alternating styles and go straight (hot-comb or curling iron) from time to time as well. This results in my hair drying out,and causes breakage—so much so that I recently had to cut my hair, which was at mid-back in length, and currently wear a sholder lenght hairdo. I’m guessing this has happened to me from the style extremes and different oils/conditioners I juggle between to keep up each style. In regards to the products that afrobella was spotlighting, if the product works great for you girl, I’m willing to give it a try, but I’ll keep my options open, because like someone else already pointed out, there’s so much variety–I might give mixed chicks a try too, I like having so much to choose from. That being said I don’t understand the point of product bashing in a case like this—nor do I really understand the purpose of going “toe to toe” with people who bash your product. Something about it just doesn’t present a rational and professional image. I guess I would expect a business person to have enough confidence in their product to let it speak for itself, and since she pointed out that she didn’t need to “copy” or look to small companies for ideas, because she was aspiring to be like the “heavy hitters” of the industry, then in same interest, what since does it make to go after “small minded” comments that bash your product? Many people out here still enjoy having their own opinion, so if they want to try your product they will, just keep doing what you do and don’t sweat the small stuff.
P.S.-Afobella, BTW, I love your spirit and your site!
Phew! Talk about drama!! First of all Afrobella, thank you for the Dellinger/Curls write up, and for allowing all the comments to stand. It amazes me that people who are more than willing to put money in the pockets of huge corporations with questionable products and practices will come down hard and harsh on small business entrepreneurs with excellent intentions and well-formulated products. I am not just talking about Mahisha Dellinger either. This is a phenomenon I have seen 2 or three times in the curly hair world. It is always ugly. I wish these people would save their vitriol for campaigns against “ethnic” companies who use total junk or even harmful but FDA-approved ingredients in their products and market it to the hugely lucrative black hair care market as good stuff. But this is the Internet; Ms. Dellinger should be pleased her product is getting so much blog play.
I am a religous user of Curls/CurlyQ Milkshake (I use them interchangeably). That’s it. I use nothing else from the Curls hair line, although I have tried most of the other products. Milkshake is what works for my hair and it works fabulously. The only protest I feel the need to make is TO NOT BUY WHAT DOES NOT WORK FOR ME. It is absolutely the most powerful move a consumer can make.
I used Milkshake both before and after the product reformulation and have to say I like the new formula slightly better — just slightly because the difference is so minimal. I hated Milkshake when I first tried a sample purchased from http://www.sistasplace.biz. But I picked it up a second time, used it a little differently, and loved it. It is a constant repurchase for me, as is the Body by Curls Vanilla and Brown Sugar frosting.
I agree that it is pointless to argue about what did not work and what worked and dispute this and that and so on and so on…POINT IS THIS: Everything does NOT work for EVERYBODY!! Women, we are all as different from each other as the shape of our bodies. So, look, stop bashing other products. You have options…if it does not work…MOVE ON to the next thing. Women we are always trying new & different things until we find what works so, do that.
We should spread our money around to all of these niche companies. There is room for all of them to flourish.
Well, I am a white gal, that has RINGLETTS!!!!! UGH…they go frizzy, stand out when the Santa Ana Winds blow here in So. CA. I have fought my curls my whole life. I even straightened my hair….just wanted ONCE to know what it was like to have perfectly STRAIGHT hair and NOT worry about damn “mist” sprayers…..or watering my plants and the spray hitting my hair!! I finally found a product called Ouidad. She has a site you can go to….for ALL nationalities!! http://www.Ouidad.com even if you don’t want her products she tells you everything you have just explained about ppl with curly hair!! DO NOT WASH EVERYDAY!!!!! IF you feel you need to wet your hair, just use your conditioner. Leave a LITTLE bit in your hair to help protect!! Anyway, THANK YOU for this SITE. I think I might try some of the products you have recommended. You do need to change hair care products every now and then. Its GREAT to go NATURAL!!! If God gave it to you…..its for YOU!!!
Thanks again for the site!!!
Hi again……Afrobella, if you give me your name…I would be more than happy to use you as the person that sent me to the site!!! Or if you use that name with them I will just use that! BTW, the Ouidad products are not very expensive. You dont need to use a lot of the product. But, like I said, I am still trying to find a product for when our horrible Santa Ana winds blow. They are VERY dry. In the summer its a hot wind (up to last summer was 110!), in the winter it is usually a cold wind. But ALWAYS drying!!
Thanks Brooke
All this talking trash makes me want to TRY IT!
I would just like to comment on Mahisha’s weave.
This is a life long battle for Mahisha. What you’re doing is nothing new and it’s only inspiring her to keep doing better and better and better while you’re sitting on this forum just to hate on her next move. Go watch Kat Williams, Pimp Chronicle on the hating section and learn from that. Girls always peep behind her to see if she has tracks-it’s HILARIOUS! She does not wear a WEAVE. I know it’s very hard for you haters to believe that, just trust me on this one. Embrace, acknowledge, and accept another beautiful and successful women-afterall, she is the same color as you.
I’m a bit late here, almost 2 years lol but have just started using Curls products within the last few months. I have been natural for a couple of years but was getting my hair straigtenend and made a conscious decision to stop around this time last year. But, I LOVE Curls products. They smell wonderful, moisturize my hair, and provide hold WITHOUT making it hard. Many other products such as Kinky Curly Curling Custard give definition but leave the hair hard, which is a look/feel I don’t appreciate. My hair is a mixture of 3C,4A, and 4B. My hair is schizoprenic lol but anyhoo, I think the products are great. I have most of the products in the Curls line and use them all.
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