Back in October, I interviewed Dr. Dionne Patricia Stephens, Associate Professor of Psychology at Florida International University’s Department of Psychology. She was presenting a Culture in the City lecture with the intriguing title, “Hip-Hop Honeys or Video Hos.â€
Needless to say, I was very interested in what she had to say. Dionne, or should I say Dr. Stephens, turned out to be a fascinating, fun interview and she made sure to let me know right off the bat: “I grew up with hip-hop. This is not an anti hip-hop thing.†Because that’s the first thing people think when you raise a legit beef with the music, the first accusation is “you’re a hater.†Like me, Dr. Stephens is a hip-hop lover. But her research on the portrayal of African American young adult women’s sexuality in music videos reveals some scary truths.
Dr. Stephen’s presentation examined images of women in hip-hop, or what she calls “sexual scripts.†“There’s a lot of psychological research out there right now that shows these images are affecting African American female sexual behaviours, how African American men view these women, and how others view them as well. I’ve done a lot of research on this material, and the lecture looks at all these stereotypes. People say oh, it’s just videos. But we know that these videos have a huge impact on behavioural outcome,†she explained.
Maybe that explains why teenage girls seem to think it’s cool to dress and act like little hoes in training these days, and why they’ve got no respect for their elders. Seriously, you try to talk to some of these girls and they are quick to give you attitude and get in your face. It’s sad. I know I wasn’t acting like that at 15. But then, I had some positive musical role models.
I grew up watching Queen Latifah talk about Ladies First and ask “Who you calling a bitch?†Salt ‘N Pepa were talking about sex and encouraging everyone to “Express Yourself†and Mc Lyte was “Lyte as a Rock.†Now none of those women have had a hit song in years, although I was happy and proud to see Lyte looking gorgeous and rapping with fury at this year’s Hip-Hop Honors.
These women were all strong and confident, sexy without being slutty.
When I interviewed Dr. Stephens, I had to stop and think – who are the iconic women in hip-hop right now?
Trina? Khia? Lil Kim, still?
“We’re in the bling bling phase where it’s really about commodification. Within that, women aren’t empowered. Take for example Lil Kim. People might say she’s empowered, but really she’s just recreating male fantasies by getting her nose and her boobs surgically altered. Lil Kim isn’t even known so much for her songs as she is for her hypersexual persona. It’s not like she can wear sweatpants and guys will go crazy over her. A man can be sexy in sweatpants, but not a woman,†says Dr. Stephens.
I beg to differ on the sweatpants issue – peep Ciara’s video for Promise – that’s my jam! She’s sexy in sweatpants, but still definitely catering to male fantasies. Just watch her work that mike stand.
However, the research shows that these images that have become commonplace are problematic. The same videos that all the teens are screeching for on 106 and Park are creating negative stereotypes in Latin American and African American women, especially when it comes to the relationship between skin color and beauty.
Dr. Stephens brought up some recent studies done at Emory that recently revealed that African American women who absorb these hypersexed images have higher rates of STD’s, and desires to engage in negative behaviors. And judging from what I see on the tv and on the bookshelves, thanks to women like Superhead and Lil Kim, being percieved as a ho and a golddigger isn’t a big deal anymore. In fact, it can lead to a lucrative career as an author, reality television star, and rapper.
Even when hip hop hoes try to redeem themselves, there are issues. Take for example, Trina’s Diamond Doll Foundation to empower young women. (Fresh went ahead and quoted some of Trina’s lyrics, to put that irony into perspective).
I brought the Diamond Doll Foundation up to Dr. Stephens and she came right back at me with a valid point. “I think it’s great that Trina is making an effort, but what did she do to get to that point? To get there, she had to portray herself in a certain way. That’s what the problem is. Even when these female rappers claim to be empowered, they’re not really in an empowered position.â€
In her research, Dr. Stephens has identified sexual images that the women in hip hop all conform to. These same sexual scripts and issues also are prevalent in reggae and dancehall music.
“Freak, gold digger, diva, dyke, sister saviour, earth mother, and baby mama. Dyke isn’t used as a sexual term – I’m not talking about women who love women. This is really about women who are rejecting men; that’s how it’s framed. Because if you have sex with a woman and a man can enjoy it, then you’re a freak. But you become a dyke if you don’t fit into that. We label Queen Latifah and Missy Elliott dykes whether or not they’re having sex with women. We label them dykes because they don’t fit into male-defined sexuality. These are two women who are highly empowered in hip-hop. They’re producers, they run companies, and they’re outside of male desires.â€
And that’s something that has annoyed me in the past. I read the comments on many black gossip sites, and people get hung up on those labels. No matter how successful or talented these women might be, the conversation always comes back to their sexuality.
Despite Missy’s lyrical perpetuations of a hypersexual image, (don’t I look like I got Beyonce hips? Don’t I look like a Halle Berry poster? It’s like she’s begging us to see her as beautiful and making light of her looks at the same time) people still say she’s a lesbian and make remarkably mean-spirited comments about her appearance.
Despite Queen Latifah’s metamorphosis from African pride mother figure to glamorous A list actress and beauty icon, a character she played a decade ago continues to define her sexuality in the public’s perception.
Dr. Stephens explains: “With Queen Latifah, people say oh, she was in that movie Set It Off as a lesbian. But people forget that Will Smith played a gay man in Six Degrees of Separation. Nobody’s calling him gay. It’s different for women. We have these sexual scripts that also inform behaviours.â€
So I ask you ladies, what are your feelings about hip hop today? Have you seen any contemporary female rappers who deserve to have a light shone on them? Any slept-on talents who aren’t getting into regular rotation on BET because their clothes aren’t revealing enough?
I’ve been looking, but I haven’t found more than a handful of chicks who are worth mentioning. And I’ll be writing about them in the upcoming weeks. This is the beginning of a new little series, Hip-Hop Heroines. I’m looking for women in hip-hop and dancehall reggae who shun the stereotypes, who are worth looking up to.

Well, I don’t like hip hop anymore and have stopped listening to that commericalize mess years ago(I’m 20 y/o and I can remember good rap before corporate America got involved). I remember reading about Jean Grae in Essence a few years ago, so I downloaded some of songs and loved what I was hearing. However, she’s underground rap and speak about POSITIVE MESSAGES and NOT TNA, so she won’t be on BET anytime soon.
I’m going to allow my 13 year old daughter to read today’s post…uncensored…I think it’s important for her to recognize the insanity in today’s music lyrics and stage appearance. Thank you Afrobella for this post..I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned reading your post daily. It’s amazing. I’m trying to protect my childs innocence as long as I possibly can but this world will teach her things that I can’t always control so I’m so grateful for sound boards such as yours because you keep it clean and real without harsh language and vulgarity. You add just enough to keep it all in good taste without crossing the line. You’re a very talented individual.
great post! thought provoking…
i hadn’t put a lot of thought behind the reason i had a problem with khia being on janet’s newly released song from her album 20 y/o (new age freak body collabbing with a classic r&b icon?) not a bad song, but it’s almost like an endorsement… samuel l. in an alcohol ad? hate it! also, i concur with you on the ciara comment. love ciara’s promise song, but the video is rubbing me the wrong way. why are female r&b artists turning into cats, prowling and sprawling around on the floor? humping and what not? how many times have you heard “I’ma do it like Beyonce'” or “how they do it snoops video?” LOL that may be more of a confession, but yes, videos play on your mental and i find myself screening more and more of my 11 year old sister’s tv.
your post made me revisit these random ideas floating in my head.
Well I always tought HipHop was the bomb and I really liked 50 cent, until I clicked on your intelligent entertainment section and went to the site :
On the site was a videoclip about Hiphop and aldo the video and the lyrics were a bit disturbing and shocking it changed my outlook on the whole Hip Hop scene and I realise theres more to life then just shaking your booty as so many of the hiphop clips promote .
Man, I just keep on loving this site. I still listen to hip-hop but so much of it is just pure b.s. As O.C. said back in like ’94, “Non-conceptual/everything is either crime-related or sexual.” There are a lot of women in hip-hop doing their thing with looking like they’re about to go on the ho stroll but they don’t get the exposure and respect they deserve: Ms. Dynamite, M.I.A., Jean Grae, Kid Sister, then of course there’s Lauryn Hill. She needs to come back already. I almost screamed when I saw her in Dave Chappelle’s Block Party. It’s a shame though that so many young men and women are growing up with these truly degrading images of women these days. It makes me fear for where male-female relationships are headed in the next few years…
Thank you so much for this post. I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I truly feel empowered and generally better about myself and my choices as a minority woman. My husband and I are raising a daughter and I am TRULY afraid of how our community is continually degrading women in general. Grant it, my daughter is only 2 and half years old, but it still scares me. I grew up respecting my elders and respecting MYSELF, but things have changed and are getting worse. I don’t even really listen to hophop anymore because there is not true substance. Instead I find myself digging up my old R&B CD’s. It’ s shame because I want to support our new artists, but I will not perpetuate this nasty cycle of downgrading our women. My husband and I will do our damnest to raise our child to be a self-respecting citizen, but it’s HARD when you are constantly bombarded with negative images of women. You keep right on posting these positive topics. It helps.
well there were so many females in the past that actually had talent such as J.J. Fad, The Lady Of Rage, Lady Bug(Digable Planets), Monie Love,and Ms. Melodie. Today we have Lady Sovereign, Da Brat, Heather B, Ms. Dynamite, and Eve. i don’t watch BET at all. Caucasian women have major magazines to give them low self worth, and Latin, Afican and Asian women have music videos.
Thanks, Von! I make a real effort NOT to curse on this site (you might catch the occasional b or s word, but my mom and mom-in-law read this! So I don’t curse as much as I do in general conversation) and I am proud that younger girls will be reading my words. And Lalita, ain’t nothing wrong with shaking your booty every now and then… my issues are with the women who are ONLY known for being booty shakers. And the rappers who stay putting those images in their video. I swear, it’s like a rerun on BET and MTV Jamz. Same ish, different video.
I really enjoyed this post, and even the comments. It’s good to see that I’m not the only person to feel that way about hiphop. I’m not a big hiphop fan. The last rap album I bought was some time in the 90’s. I don’t even bother to watch BET anymore, because all of the videos consist of essentially the same themes of material wealth and scantily clad women.
I honestly cannot think of any contemporary, mainstream Hiphop heroines. If you think about it, there probably won’t be any coming out any time soon either. Back in the day, we had several empowered female rappers but I think that’s only because rap was new. It was uncharted territory, it was almost like an experiment. No one was getting super rich in the rap game. MTV wasn’t even playing our videos back then. I think that gave artists the freedom to speak freely, because the huge corporations really weren’t paying attention.
Today, HipHop is a billion dollar industry, and the people who run it are men. Even with the smaller record labels, it’s still a man at top. Rap is still a mans game, and they have more power over it now than they did back then. I find it extremely hard to believe that an empowered female rapper will ever be able to make it in this game. Men don’t want to hear that! Especially not rappers! So, I’m not expecting any change any time soon.
Ms. Dynamite, M.I.A., Jean Grae, Kid Sister
these ladies are great
on the reggae tip check out tanya stephens, sister carol
it’s bigger then hiphop. this thing is starting to take over black culture. these characterizations are starting to be applied to all black women, by both blacks and nonblacks.
i agree that a female rapper has a hard time as many men don’t want to hear a female rap about the real. if it’s not about sex, females have no lace to many of these men.
It’s just a shame that all these people can’t realize that it is just a front by most of these rappers.
i’m interested to see what you come up with this series. i like the idea. i can’t think of anyone as well who is positive, not acting like super slut, and is a woman.
the point the dr. made about queen and missy are so on point. i think that summed it up quite well. i always found it hard to understand and crude the way people talk about missy’s looks and queen because of the one role. i also think both women are sexy. missy has some pretty sexy lyrics, well the older ones, if you really listen. and queen is so beautiful it is just crazy. she is sexy but not just slutted-out with it.
i will have to disagree with her comments about mr. smith though. he has been questioned about his sexuality before even in magazines. (s2s mag)
Lauryn Hill…I miss her! “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” was the one album of its time that I listened to over and over again from start to finish. I wish she would make more music…
Insanity is correct. Rappers use hip hop to display the worst about the culture. At this point, it’s not fit to listen too. If you have to bleep out every other word on the radio, it’s not fit to play over the air.
Speaking on this topic, I was just alerted to a very interesting video that is somewhat relevant to what we’re talking about. Only it goes beyond gender and just critizes what our rappers and hiphop celebrities are doing in general. FYI, you might want to turn down your volume because it’s a little profane. It was banned from YouTube in less than 48 hours, with over 6K hits.
^^^^ In my post im talking about the same video . I can’t stand the fact that this got bannend on Youtube when there are things that are much more worse being tolerated.
I agree with the sentiment, but I think just blaming these women artists is wrong. I think the record companies, radio stations, and video stations carry the brunt of the problem. I truly believe, mainstream music is bad beacuse of big business,( Clear channel, BET, MTV etc…) and a lot of these stereotypes we see in the industry stem from big business decisions.
^^ I agree that big business does share the blame, but the whole cycle would fall apart if there weren’t artists willing to perpetuate the stereotypes.
What about floetry, would they be considered HipHop Heroines? I mean, they got a little rap going on.
That’s a good point, Gavin – the system is set up to encourage a certain kind of artist. Clear Channel and Viacom shove the same crap down our throats and we swallow with nary a complaint. But here’s an opportunity to highlight some unsung heroes, and hopefully spark some change (or record sales, which is what propels the industry). Marisa, I wouldn’t call Floetry rap, and I think spoken word artists consider their art pretty separate from rap. But I LOVE Marsha’s voice, and those chicks are definitely down with the Afrobella aesthetic. Good suggestion!
I agree that big business, in particluar Big Marketing, has a whole lot to do with this. I have no doubt that Trina’s “Diamond Doll Foundation” is just something dreamed up by her publicist.
I agree that big business has a lot to do with this, but we also need to blame ourselves. You have to understand that big business is about one thing and that is the bottomline. Obviously what they are doing is working because we continue to support these artists that we complain about. Sometimes you have to understand that your purse is more powerful than your mouth. When we stop supporting these artists financially will change finally take place. We all must admit that we all are guilty of listening to music and dancing to it because it has a tight beat and we never take the time to listen to the lyrics, but God help you when finally listen to those lyrics. We must demand better through a financial boycott and maybe then will these big corporations take us seriously.
Oh and could Lauryn Hill please come out with an album already!
Its all a vicious cycle. Women think the only way they can get ahead in the entertainment (male dominated) industry is to flaunt their stuff or play on sexual inuendos and that’s sad. Sad because the industry encourages this type of behavior from women in general. To be seen, not heard; To be a trophy and be treated like property. I think if the women are willing to put themselves out there like that to get ahead, then the wheel will continue to turn as it has…..BACKWARDS!
Two women in Hip-Hop who don’t fit the hypersexualized image are Jean Grae and Psalm One. Both are on independent labels which probably has something to do with not conforming. These ladies are first and foremost lyricists with good flows..
Check out their Myspace pages:
Jean Grae
Psalm One
MC LYTE! Light as a rock. never had to take off her clothes, gyrate her hips or pose in front of a man for attention.
She is still the BEST female emcee/rapper of all time. That’s my girl.
^^ Plus she’s my soror!! LOL, sorry I couldn’t hold it in. But I’ve always loved MC Lyte. I don’t know if there is a solution to the current problem with Hip Hop, especially now that it’s mainstream. We can all boycott their records and concerts, but there are millions of others who will continue to give them money. Maybe we can increase our support of indipendent labels, and artists like the above mentioned Jean Grae and Psalm One? Yay! A musical revolution started on an Afrobella comments section!
boycotting is great, but black people aren’t the number one record or movie buyer.
black people need to be like everyone else and be protective of their image. not enough people place importance in the black image, especially not the black woman’s; any way some black people can make money is good. but if your going to sell your soul, sell it for something of value, not fool’s gold. it’s amazing to me how so many people have a problem with someone like Oprah, yet give these simpletons room.
when puffy made that statement regarding Asian females in his song, which had Asian females in the video, he had to apologize due to the Asian community requiring it. that would never work for black women since not enough black people think enough of the black female image to protest
@ shauna you aint telling nothing but the truth.
Ah, there’s so much to say on this topic…there’s an interesting discussion and response from the maker of the “Y’all Should All Get Lynched” video at
Also, there’s a great article, “The Height of Disrespect,” by Thulani Davis from the Village Voice that I can’t get out of my mind about the perception of black women among African American youth. The quote that stands out: “Black females are valued by no one.”,davis,51847,1.html
Afrobella you should read!!!Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture
by Ariel Levy it’s speaks exactly about that!
This is a great post and topic Bella! Rap is in such a sorry state. I just shake my head at the hedonism and raunchiness of it all. Most of the new commercial female rappers don’t even attempt to creat their own image, their image is created by men. I give Missy credit for remaining true to herself. She is one of the few women currently in the game that has done so. Can I nominate one of my favorite female MC’s Bahamadia for Afrobella of the Week? She’s a natural sista and a supreme lyricist.
If you haven’t already, read Joan Morgan’s book on the same subject:
I checked out of hip-hop years ago (early 90s). For some that’s been tantamount to checking out of the black community. I still go back and forth on which influences which. As I tell my students, there’s plenty of room to spread the blame…and fortunately there’s plenty of ways to effect a solution.
I am a female rapper and since we are sort of extinct I was just looking at all the sites that contain anything about female rappers and I would like to here some comments about my rap stlye and the beats I make. i f anyone would like you can check me out at: Listen to SOLO TIP 1-4. There are also songs with my rap and life mate Dane. Check us out. And please leave a comment.-Peace
I’m a fan of our female MCs of today, though this article really put things in perspective for me. However, it also got me thinking it’s no longer just the african american female community that’s fallen victim to this, but just about any other race as well. Granted, the black feMC’s appear to be the most vulgar (Trina’s “Da Baddest Bitch” and Lil’ Kim’s “How Many Licks” are proof of this, especially the first,) but it’s also anything in the entertainment business. Do we honestly believe half of these actresses would have the oppurtunity for the emmy and oscar nominations if it hadn’t been for the sexed up image they portray 24/7? Look at the beauty Charlize Theron, very talented actress, but half the appeal watching her in movies like Monster and North Country is because she’s so sexy that it was shocking to see her otherwise.
Also, look to the popularity of Wild Things, a highly sexual movie. This film garnered millions of fans based on the several sex scenes, and of course Deniese Richars being topless and making out with fellow actress Neve Campbell. Sex sells in this business, so it’s no wonder that female rappers are being obscenely vulgar with it, because look at how their depicted in MALE rappers videos.
Overall, my point is that a lot of these girls with TALENT wouldn’t get to where they are without their sex appeal. I mean would Reese have been offered the part of June Cash (who, might I add with no intention of offending, was never viewed as a sex symbol,) had she not been the blonde beauty in the magazines and at the time been married to the equally sexy Ryan Phillippe? I really don’t think so, it would have been given to another atractive actress.
Still, I see what you are saying about the situation of female hip-hop divas. Though, I don’t see why people are defending Missy. I was reading a review for her album “This Is Not a Test” and they hit a bulls eye when they stated when she lost all that weight, her a lot of her originality went too. This is evident in her newer work, where she now sports moe sexed up explicit lyrics. She’s lost the garbage bag suit that made her original and put on short shorts and started booty dancing (take a look on YouTube for “Pass That Dutch”.)
Now, I don’t hate on Trina, Kim, Foxy, or anyone for doing their thing. They all work hard at what they do, and at the end of the day they are just trying to get money like the rest of the world and sex works. Still, in their defence, it’s also clear to see that all of those listed above have been kicking sex further to the side. Only a few songs were sex-related on Kim’s Naked Truth album, which was fantastic and showed that Kim’s also a pretty sharp lyricist. And Foxy only does a few XXX-rated songs here and there, the last I remember off the top of my head was “Candy” feat. Kelis way back in 2001 I believe (with the chorus stating “I taste just like candy/ So dance with me.) And Trina, even though theirs still quite a bit of sex in her Still Da Baddest record, she’s not shooting as high as she used to when it comes to be slutty. Instead of debut solo single “Da Baddest Bitch” where she was being boderline trashy (“See if I had the chance to be a virgin again/ I’d be ****in’ by the time I’m 10”) to being somewhat more gentle (“I’m single again/ Back on the prowl/ I thought he was perfect/ I don’t know how” and “I got a thang for ya baby you know/ Don’t wanna take it slow/ I wanna get to know ya.”) While it’s still not where we would like it to be, you can’t deny that it’s taking effect. Naked Truth was the first female album to get 5 mic’s in Source Magazine, and Trina’s Still Da Baddest charted at #1 on the rap charts, #6 on Top 200, and recieved generally positive reviews (highest peaking on the charts, and a switch from the usual sour reviews previous records recieved.) All we can do is hope progress continues.
Still it is sad; having no positive female MC’s getting air play. Even M.I.A. and Lady Soveriegn, who have seen moderate success, will never get the recognition that Kim gets at this rate. However, like I state afore, I also have started to see a change in the pace of rap. While degrading women and sexy hip hop video vixens are around no doubt, the established feMC’s (and I’m talking about the girls who’s albums actualy chart and get spins on 106 and Park,) are pushing sex further to the side. So who knows, HOPEFULY we’ll see a hip-hop scene where female rappers are taken seriously, and not just as ho’s, bitches, dykes, gold diggers, sluts, and every other vile word that’s been created for females.
Lastly, and I apologize for writing SO MUCH I am just a real big hip-hop fan, women need to stop hating on EACH OTHER. It’s worse enough african american women are fighting so hard to get an ounce of repsect in the music industry, but ontop of that to have girls beefing over being “Queen of the South” or “Brooklyn’s Best Female MC”. If Trina, Khia, Jacki-O and whoever else put as much effort as they do to cutting one another down in order to “win the title of Queen of The South” into garnering women some respect, then things might be different. This applies to to the Kim vs. Foxy vs. Remy Ma battle as well, enough is simply enough. I wish they could see they are aleady hated and degraded on, so the more they attack one another the less credibility female rappers recieve in general. Once again, like I said I’m a fan of today sexed up hip hop girls, but things DO have to change. I’m not saying hide your body, that they should all start wearing sweat pants again and all; but change the flow up girls! We don’t need another female rapper talking about wear to shove it, lick it, stick it, flip it, whatever; the worlds looking for strong women to lead us and make a difference in the stereotypes placed before everyone. And if they don’t continue their evolution in kicking raunchy lyrics and ho-like outfits and attitudes, then there’s really no hope.
women in the endustry are a discrase!!!!!
such as trina she is a whore who i wouldnt be suprised on bit if she had to fuck everyone in the industry to get where she is…..
BEyonce is only where she is because of the sexiness she puts out lil kim screams nonthing but whore megan good,Super head and every other women in the hip hop industry are sluts and give us other black women a rong name that we do not deserve!
The guy gets all the glory the more he can score and the girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore. I noticed you guys only have a problem with hypersexualized women and not with hypersexualized women. We think exactly like back in the day (and still today in some underdeveloped, sexist countries) where a man could have as many wives as he wanted but women were stoned to death for showing their ankles.
People like you killed my sex worker sister.
Do you mysogynists even no where those words you’re using are coming from?
And you call yourselves women. Google the words “slut shaming” and read the feminist blogs. Maybe that’ll wake you up. There is nothing wrong with a women who likes being sexual and doesn’t care what other people think.
*hypersexualized men
very good article,thans for your sharing
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