I think I cracked the code to making a successful product for the African American hair care market. Y’all ready? Name your product “African Magical Miracle Organic Super Gro Oil” and it will fly off the shelves.
The contents don’t matter. You can just mix together a bunch of chemicals that don’t do your hair any favors, like cones and alcohol – just make sure you include an ingredient that causes scalp tingling, so your customers “know it’s working.” Or repackage the same old greasy hair dressing and repackage it with a snazzy new bottle. Even better, you can sell creamy crack and claim that it’ll help your hair grow longer. Judging from the products I’ve been seeing on the store shelves, it seems that all you need are those key words. I learned from the pros.
The first time I saw the Dr. Miracle commercial on a random Saturday afternoon on BET, I was like… WTF? Oh how I wish their commercial was on You Tube so I could share it with all of you. It’s high-larious.
Even their Website is crazy. Dr. Miracle’s products contain the “Feel IT Formula,” which promises a tingling sensation, and many products also include the “Thermalceutialâ„¢ complex”, which is purported to penetrate scalp, healing dryness, flaking and itching.Sounds great, right? Almost too good to be true, no? The Dr. Miracle site doesn’t break down the ingredients, but check out this link to Dr. Miracle’s Hot Gro. The first ingredient is Petrolatum, the third is Mineral Oil. I haven’t tried Dr. Miracle, but judging from what I know about those ingredients, their claims of miraculous hair growth are dubious at best.
Same goes for Amazing Length Triple Gro. Same bad-for-you ingredients, same fancy explanation using diagrams to demonstrate “how our products work”. Again, I haven’t tried this stuff, so I can’t say uncategorically that it sucks. But I can speak from experience, and I will say this. There is no way you can get me to believe that any hair relaxer – even one that calls itself “Grolaxer” can make my hair grow.
I slathered that creamy crack on for years, and I tried every brand on the market. All it does it weaken your hair and burn your scalp.
Anyone who’s tried “grolaxer” and experienced hair growth, feel free to dispute what I say.
I made a solemn vow to myself some years ago – if the hairdresser needs rubber gloves to protect her hands from the product she’s slathering on my scalp, I don’t need to use it.
I too have fallen into the “Gro” trap, and I’ve actually purchased quite a few of these products. I think my first was the ever-popular African Pride Magical Gro.
You know, “The Original”. Ahem, not to be confused with African Royal Super G.R.O or Africa’s Best Super Gro, although I bet all of these products are more or less the same. After all, they’re all “enriched with African herbs and vitamins!” And we don’t need to know what those are, exactly.
I never had much of a problem with African Pride, but having used almost all of their “Gro Products” I can tell you honestly that they didn’t make my hair grow so much as one inch. But they have a mild and pleasant scent that reminds me of combing my hair as a child (I guess the first time we bought any African Pride stuff was when I was maybe 8. I distinctly remember a jar of Miracle Creme on my mother’s dresser).
I don’t see their products in local stores anymore, which is a shame. If I saw African Pride for sale, I probably would buy a jar just for sentimental value. It would be like buying a jar of T.C.B. Just to remind you of how far black hair care products have come.
I’ve tried Doo Gro and Wild Growth Oil, too. The Wild Growth Website cracks me up! “You can wear a wig, weave, or extensions or… pour yourself a whole new head of hair with Wild Growth Oil!” Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa! I was especially amused by the testimonials from people only identified by their initials. I bought the bottle a while back, but I do recall that Wild Growth Oil had an um, distinctive odor. I wouldn’t repurchase, and I didn’t notice significant results.
The chemical straightener noticeably truncated my hair growth. Finally, four years into going completely natural, I am starting to really notice healthy hair growth. I don’t believe any magical oil on the market made it happen for me. I think following honest hair growth tips, like those on Motown Girl’s site helped. Most importantly, I treat my hair gently and with love, like I would treat an antique silk kimono. I am not rough in my combing or styling, I try to use the gentlest and most nurturing products on the market, and I know that no one remedy will result in Crystal Gayle hair.
Like with weight loss, there is no miracle pill that can guarantee hair growth; although a healthy lifestyle and drinking water seems to help with both goals.

Those Dr. Miracle adds are re-damn-diculous!! I was like WTF when I frist saw them
I am 4 almost 5 months into transitoning and I refuse to go back to the creamy crack. I have one of my gay male freinds asked me if I was gonna get a relaxer after I take out my braids cuz my head was gonna look a mess. I said hell no! Going natural is not bad! Its probably the best thing I could do for my hair and my pocketbook (getting a relaxer aint cheap especially for a college student)!
This was honestly a fantastic article. And I know a thing or two about “tearing up” hair, because I’ve certainly done it. In the last couple years I’ve (my hair’s) been coming around though. I found out a few years ago that petrolatum on your hair, or your scalp was not as beneficial as we once thought, just as you said. I do still get a relaxer, although I only go 4 times a year, and a few folks I know who also still use the “creamy crack” are dumbfounded at that! Some of them do it every 3 weeks!
I am certainly going to pass this article (and your blog) on to my friends and to a certain cousin in particular who still uses “ISOPLUS” hair grease on her hair… it DOES work because it TINGLES, right! Right.
Hello Afrobella!
I love your site..I came across it by the way of “I Like Her Style!” Your commentary is hilarious yet informative.
I’m a “need a relaxer to comb my hair, weave wearing, when I have a little mad money and throw a drawstring ponytail on, when I’m in a rush but gotta look good” kinda gal but desparately thinking of going natural. Aside from all the drama I give to my poor strands, I love the fierce look of a natural that’s taken care of. So I’ve been doing my research, which translates to looking for great pics of what I would like my hair to look like, I’m a very visual person, happened across a website, http://www.missjessies.com/ourstory.htm
I read it along with viewing the amazing pics of transitional hair styling and found that it gave me hope. I’m a little apprehensive about cutting my hair off… I do have about 2 inches of new growth under my fab weave, should I let it grow longer? Or should I just bit the bullet and handle it like the ripping of the band-aid?
Thanks for any advice!
HA HA HAAAAA!! Not creamy crack!! You are too much! I have used wild growth oil and the smell is sulfur…it’s not bad. I usually cut it with a leave in and make my own little concoction. The only way I got any growth out of my hair was by cutting out the heat. Last April after my birthday, I decided to stop using heat (GASP!). I wore my hair natural and in buns and protective styles for 6 months. I babied my hair…and I got about 3-4 inches for my trouble. Now I just try to wrap it up at night and use as little heat as possible.
This is my first time visiting and posting on your site. Thanks for putting this together and being so candid.
Yes, I have fallen into the temptation of the false “magical miracle herbal spiritual” gro products. It’s so easy, almost like they prey on the things that appeal to us as african-americans.
Anywho, the following things have worked in making my shoulder-length relaxed hair grow:
1) I broke off all ties with my former stylist. He was too scissor-happy for me.
2) I keep my hair trimmed regularly and break up the heaviness by adding some pretty dramatic layers. Thanks to Val @ Bubbles in Bowie!!!
3) I wash and set my hair every 9 or 10 days.
4) I try to avoid applying heat to my hair.
5) I wrap my hair nightly and sleep in a scarf. It keeps the moisture in there.
6) I use a quality shampoo and conditioner.
That’s what works for me. I wish everyone the best in finding their own hair regimes!
dr. miracle’s is miraculous alright…it’s a miracle i didn’t scratch my scalp off after using it! it made my scalp tingle for a few minutes which was followed by 5 friggin days of itchy and flaky scalp. what a miracle!
thanks for nothing dr. miracle. the next time i need flakes on my shirt and an itch scalp, i’ll be sure to use your products.
More people should take the time to learn about true hair care — instead of believing these ads featuring models with hair pieces.
Stop and think — why are you putting petroleum and mineral oil in your hair????
Dr. Miracles is some straight up mess!
My mother thought I’d go back to relaxing a few months after trying out the natural side of things. 2 years later… no lye has touched my head. Just can’t do it, man.
LOL. Too funny. Raising my hand slowly…..I actually purchased Dr. Miracles hair growth. I was desperate. Yes, it is creamy crack but my hair IS actually responding. However, I must admit that I have used my own concoction. My edges were thinning really bad. I think from over processing. It irrates the heck out of me when you try to bring things to the attention of your stylist how they do not listen. I picked up Dr. Miracles along with Paul Mitchell’s Tea Tree shampoo and a good deep conditioner (which I can not think of the name right now) seems to be working. I decided to try Tea tree because I was told that tea tree truly indeed is the miracle medicine for the skin. Anyone?
I bought dr.miracle’s nape and temple something?-it did nothing for my sides and nape area. I had to cut these areas off and start over, and both areas grew back very nicely. Take care of your hair and it will take care of you.
I wish I would purchase Dr. Miracle. Have you seen his commercials??
this is my first comment but i have been reading for a couple of months now.
anyway. I have to agree. none of those products make your hair amazingly grow. And it doesn’t really matter if your ends are shot and everything else you do to your hair is the wrong thing, you won’t keep the length. I stopped applying growth aides to my scalp about 8 months ago. Prior to that I had been trying everything mentioned on the hair boards and it only stunted my growth along with the wrong methods for my hair. In 8 months I have grown and retained 3 inches. May not be much to many but it is alot to me.
On a whim, I tried the nape and temple stuff and it actually helped! I was surprised because of the ingredients, but in the end the hair around my temple grew more and thicker. HOWEVER, I haven’t gone back it, because the ingredients alone did scare me everytime I DABBED a little on my hair. In the end, hair grows from proper, daily, and healthy maintence and some Vaseline and oil in a jar is not the appropriate step to take to achieve it. If anything, since three years ago when I started embracing natural hair,my hair had grown stronger and longer sans chemicals.
I love to see my sistahs natural hair. I’ve been natural pratically all my life. I happen to to have a fab beautican. Back in the mid 80’s I started the creamy crack (just for me) to wear the style of the moment wrap. I would cracked it up maybe 4x a yr. I did that for a couple of years and went back to natural. I not one to toot my own horn but I loved my hair natural, it look so healthy and I would get lots of compliments from men and women on how pretty my hair was. I been rolling my hair since I was 14yrs old, I refuse to hot curl my hair everyday. I really don’t think that there is a product that can make your hair grow either you have growing hair or you don’t. However any hair is good hair as long as you take care of your hair. But one thing I know for sure perming,coloring and curling is a quick way to loose what you have! Happy Being Natural!!!
I used African Pride products back in the day until I realized 2 things: it was owned by a white company AND the fragrance used is watermelon.
Give me a break!
I use wild growth and it is awesome. you can’t use too much or to little. but my hair has grown 4 inches in a month… i don’t know about anyone else but i love it and will continue my use! great sharing!
I went natural a couple of years ago. Now after some trial and error I know what works for me. Redken All soft range is fantastic and I would recommend it to everyone with afro hair. My hair has never been so soft and smooth.
A product that I use, which I can testify works to grow hair, is young’s amazing gro. I have never seen my hair grow so fast. The only problem is that it is not easy to find, at least where I live anyway. The funny thing is that it contains the usual ingredients: petrolatum, mineral oil, caster oil and vitamin oil amongst others. Nevertheless, this scalp cream works really well. Trust me I have tried nearly all the black hair growing products out there.
i am so glag with this comments abour dr miracle. i was searching about some information on the products. thanks for it. I was also wondering is dr. miracle a black man?
Nia from Holland, the netherlands
i have been using wildgrowth for the last six months, but to be honest that the only thing works for me. My hair before couldn’t pass my ear but now my hair have pass shoulder…. it works really good for me….. But the most thing that work for me is i do eat healthy and drink water regularly. Then taking care of my hair is like going to a job interview….. i got these tricks from http://www.afrohairgrowlong.com. Wildgrowth works
oops sorry is growafrohairlong.com… the best website on how to take care of our hair
African American women can grow long hair, whether we choose to wear it natural or relaxed. As a 57 year old grandmother, I’ve always had short, brittle, dry hair after cutting it at age 15, and I’ve tried everything anybody told me would make my hair grow, including the myth that “clipping my ends” would make it happen…I’ve clipped enough hair over the years to have Crystal Gayle’s length. Today, I can honestly say that I’ve discovered a multi-vitamin (about $50 monthly per bottle) along with an Omega 3 product (about $25 monthly per bottle) that have my hair now at shoulder length and I honestly get that 1/2″ of new hair growth each month, because my body is now healthy, which produces healthy hair. Because of their quality, the products I use (manufactured by a 49 year old company) are a bit more expensive than the ones you pick up at the local drug or discount store, but the results are amazing. Lastly, I use a moisturizer created by an African American owned manufacturing company. I use this daily to work along with the products I take internally…LASTING HAIR GROWTH COMES FROM THE INSIDE OF OUR BODIES, NOT FROM WHAT WE PUT ON OUR HEADS! I’ll gladly share my hair growth system with anyone who is willing to invest the money and time into their hairgrowth and stick with the system for one year, after all, we’re having to reverse much of the damage done over the years, and this takes time…FOR BEST RESULTS, YOU MUST STAY ON THE PRODUCTS and YOU MUST MOISTURIZE 2 TO 3 TIMES WEEKLY…Added bonus, Omega 3 is good for our heart, brain and joints, you’ll thank yourself for this farther down the road…contacts me at: bjpm123@comcast.net…thanks, BJ
I really like Dr. Miracle’s hot gro solution. It works very well! I strongly feel that it makes your hair grow in thicker and slightly longer
Hello Sistas, just read all the post,thanks Afrobella for getting this started. I do have long hair, mid back length. I’ve cut it from time to time and had difficulty growing it back. What I’ve found to help are those placenta packs, if you condition with those once every/everyother week. Vitamins are important Silica,Gelatine,Protein,Vit B,E,K,C and Zinc. Also Tea Tree, Jojoba, primrose,ginsing, alpha lipoic acid are good herbs for the hair. Almost all shampoo and conditioners have bad stuff and drying ingrediants, but as long as it has some positive ingrediants like above it should help. You must cleanse from the inside out. This will also help the skin. Even if you use regular mayonaise and or cholesterol conditioner it should help. You do need to give the heat a rest for awhile. Jasons offers shampoos and conditioners without those cocamide and sulfer, amonia and mineral oil ingredients that will dry out our hair. Alot of the companies pretend to be black but are not. Or just don’t care. It is also not true that all white folks have long hair either, look at some of the children with short hair cuts! Its hard to find products without all those things.But at least it will be a start and you can work on health and your hair will be softer and shinier. We have naturally curly hair and it can be worn adornably. Who has the ability to multi style their hair. We do, we can go from curly,wavy,straight or fro. All this without relaxing. This is beautiful! Hope this helps.
Good luck.
I ran across this article while trying to find the ingredients of the Dr. Miracles Temple & Nape Gro Balm, that I had just put in my hair. Funny right! I am about 9 or 10 months into transitioning but my hair has thinned out at the temple and in spots in the center of my head. I have been researching and buying natural products but haven’t found anything yet for those specific problems (maybe I have but just don’t know that they will help). My hair is growing everywhere except those spots. Do you have any suggestion on what I can use for my “thin spots”. I am starting to think I won’t be able to rock the natural look with these problems. HELP-I’m losing hope.
Garbage in is garbage out. Healthy hair starts from within. It means eating healthy and drinking plenty of water. Too many different products are not good. Stick to one that works for you no matter how many people bash it. I love Barbara’s comment(April 27th, 2007 at 9:06 am) it says it all
honestlt, if u think about it, it makes sense. Hair is basically dead from ur root up. If u want to change anything about the way it looks, it should come from where its made. So keeping healthy results in healthy hair.
About one month ago I was at Sally’s and debated about using Dr. Miracle’s product as I’ve been through a slew of black hair products and many of them had an adverse reaction with my hair. I’ve even tried natural products (ie Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, etc.) and actually had those things fry my hair too.
My hair, unlike many on this site, is processed (with a curl) and is pretty much dry all the time. Anyway, after two applications of Dr. Miracle’s Anti-Breakage Strengthening Creme I noticed a complete turn around with my hair. I just had my hair processed and it was “snapping” off at the ends. What I’ve always been taught was that if its snapping, it basically needs a good trim. After using this product (without the trim I thought I needed) and sleeping in a satin cap, my end breakage reduced drastically! Which is contrary to what you would think happen. Also, my hair gained strength.
The reason I decided to buy Dr. Miracle’s was due to the ingredients. Not all of it is bad… ie (Aqua, methol, menthone, glycerin acetal, carthamus, tinctorius (safflower seed oil), hydrolyzed soy protein, hydrolyzed wheat protein, sweet almond oil, castor oil, jojoba seed oil, lanolin… etc. The glycerin is a bummer being at the top of the list, but the bulk in the middle constitutes some very good moisturizing oils and wheat protein to help attract moisture and to build strength to the hair with omega 3,6,9 fats. This product is probably the best you’re going to see in Sally’s as far as quality goes. Many African American products stick with the castor, glycerin, and water, with some fragrance sprinkled in. I was hesitant to try this product due to my past experience with plain jojoba oils, but I guess what makes a formula good is the ratio/balance between ingredients.
I will probably always use this line till I find something else that works great for my hair. Also, some of the bad ingredients in hair products are a necessary evil to help lock in the moisture, unfortunately a lot of black hair products don’t have great ingredients as far as moisture balance and strengthening goes… Dr. Miracle’s has a good balance between the two.
My sister has gone somewhat natural. She wears a wig, but has kept her hair braided underneath for a few years because her hair was falling out from relaxing. Her hair is pretty much long since she’s done that. As long as you’re not placing your strands of hair under stress (styling, tugging, combing) your hair will always respond well. Because of black hair being coarse and brittle due to the type of collagen strand we have in our hair which is different than other ethnic groups, we have to keep our hair moisturized and fortified. Depending on how our hair is or is not processed some hair needs more B-vitamins to strengthen it, other needs more moisture, some need a delicate balance of both.
In general we need to moisturize first, then lock in the moisture with a heavier pomade which will allow for our hair to breathe at the same time.
Anyway, long story short, don’t completely knock Dr. Miracle’s as it has worked a miracle for my hair and has far better ingredients than 80- 90% of black hair products out there.
Dab, just saw your post. And I just wanted to add that I’ve been recently reviewing Dr. Miracle, and it isn’t quite the snake oil I assumed it would be! Keep your eyes peeled for a big review soon.
My daughter purchased for me large gift pack of all Dr. Miracle products for mother’s day. (I never use straighteners or weaves and I never go to a hairdresser.) What I can say is that I am used to a few compliments about my natural hair, but NEVER have I received so many compliments from so many men (and a few women too), as I did when I used the various products. They have a slightly strong minty smell though.
I was reading the Dr. Miracle’s Testimonials page and I’m highly offended at the “fake” (I hope they’re fake) emails received and posted on the website. All the submitted emails have spelling errors, poor grammar, and pretty much everyone sounds really ignorant. Are they hoping that we will be as “dumb” as the people submitting testimonials? Oh wow she sounds black like me so let me buy this garbage? Good Lord have mercy.
i was just reading all of the previous comments about the hair products and i just wanted to add some of the tips that helped my hair grow.
about three years ago my hair started breaking because i wasn’t taking care of it properly…so i’ve been wearing my hair in braids ever since. i took my hair out about two months ago and used some straighteners in it (baring in mind this set of hair straighteners wasnt updated so it didnt really do that much for my hair) but my hair was actually past my shoulder so i was in shock for a few hours lol – unfortunately my hair started to break again because i’m hard headed and always choose the learn the hard way but its been growin back quickly within the last month since i started using a triple gro product 😀
but anyway i just wanted to say even though the hair care products used are important remember the two most important hair growing factors –
1) take ur vitamins daily (especially C)
2) always drink water!!
3) braiding is healthy for it too (but not tight!)
p.s i also find that for those who reside in colder countries like the u.k , tend to have dry hair alot since our hair grows better in heat so take a vacation to a really hot place – you’d be surprised the difference that makes too as crazy as it sounds lol
keep growin ladies and always try to appreciate what the lord has blessed you with no matter what happens
On Sunday June 22, 2008 I use Dr. Miracles Stimulating Gro Oil. It dripped down the sides of my face and neck as most oils will do if you apply them to your hair. The only difference is that this product was so strong that it burned the skin on my face, ears and neck. I awoke on Monday morning to go to work and was shocked followed bya mad dash to the doctor. I have been home for a week recovering.
I will never use this product again.
I’m 19 yrs old and my hair is permed.My hair was shoulder length,full and healthy.For some reason i decided to get long curly box braids and after i took it out my hair was so thin and my edges are thinned out too.I havent perm my hair since and i decided to take hair,skin and nail vitamins and i bought wild growth oil.The wild growth oil in conjuction with the vitamins is really helping.I try not to use too much oil(2-3 times a week)and i dont drown my hair in it.The oil does have an odor but it doesnt bother me much.I’m debating keeping a perm or going natural.I want to go natural because i know perming the hair weakens it but i dont know how to make that transition and what ways i can style my hair that is stylish for someone of my age.
I take hair,skin and nail vitamins as well…I also use Wild Growth and it works really well on my hair.Its expensive but to me its worth it
Have any of you tried Curls products? ( website curls.biz )I’ve been using them for about a month & like them very well. they’re made for multiethnic women with all types of curly hair,including kinkycurly. I have an Innovations curly perm & am having to find other products to use on it because it’s originator,Herman Allen , is ill & dying & when he dies,the perm dies. I can’t get the products from my salon & they’ll only be doing the perm til the end of the year.
I stumbled upon Curls thru a websearch. Theproducts are very good,make your hair nice & soft,bring out the curls & also smell good. No silcones mineral oil,petrolatum; just natural ingredients. No “creamy crack” (LOL!!) as you folks call it. I gave up that stuff many years ago.They have sample packs you can order & when you order you can get free samples of other products you want to try. Curls was started by a black women with naturally curly hair who got sick of not being able to find good products. They even have a line for children & babies.
My hair’s almost shoulder length & since I’ve been using Curls,my hair’s in great condition & even the inch of new growth is nice & soft & I’m not shedding from where new growth meets permed hair.
BlueCornMoon… i just began getting the innovation curl less than a year ago. What products do you use for your hair now that the product is being discontined
The most beatiful hair is natural hair and some of us have been brain washed into believing that our hair needs to be straightened so we can look like or fit in with somebody else. Do you know that those other somebodies desire to look like you???? if lamb’s wool hair was so bad, Jesus wouldn’t have it, and guess what? they won’t even paint or show pictures of him with his natural hair either. So if they hate it, it must be a good thing. How could you not like hair that stays up without hair spray, whereever you put it, it stays right there? it is time to stop putting chemicals in your hair and appreciate your natural beautiful hair. Good hair (as some people call it) runs in my family and the hair is way down the back, very wavy and beautiful, but two of my sisters put perm in their hair and one sister has permed all the waves out, and the other one finally stopped using perm and her hair is beautiful again like baby hair. Your natural hair is so unique, so don’t be fooled into thinking that you should perm it because straight is the right way. Natural is not only the right way, but is also the best way, and our way. Unique like us.
I love Dr.Miracle’s tingling sensation fron his “Feel it formula”.Although I was disappointed to learn that most of these products ethier contain petrolatum or mineral oil or the two combined! Not to metion these products left my scalp incredibly itchy.The main reason why I purchased this product was to help my hair growth,because I’m 6 months natural and I wear braids.But, I don’t understand how these products are suppose to help promote growth with pore clogging, growth stunting ingredients?You decide for yourself,but I won’t continue to purchase these products.
Hey, does anyone know where to buy Innovation Curl? I don’t think I’ve seen this at the Beauty Supply places.
i tried the doogro products a while back and the efects were terrible. my then shoulder length hair thinned and became so brittle i had to cut it.
i want to try dr. miracle but i am too afraid..
I used Dr. Miracle’s hair care products and I must say I was impressed by them. My hair did grow about 5-6 inches within a months time. So i never had a issue with thiis product.Right now I am trying Wild Growth Oil so I will see how that goes. I’ve heard the great reviews(some negative but most positive). But my hair has been beautiful for my Dr. Miracle’s every since.
I use my own homemade hair oil for my family.
Hello there, I’ve been following your current web site for couple of weeks and I discover it unique. How can i join it?
Super Stuff!!
I have not seen the Dr. Miracle ads… but I will say I use the product and I’m happy with the results.
I guess if we didn’t have actresses and models that looked like us willing to go there, the company would not be able to exploit the pain of natural hair to sell product.
I would just like to know where are you getting the Innovations curl done. I wasn’t aware that Herman Allen was sick but I knew I couldn’t locate him. I live in Michigan and I used to come to Ohio to get the curl for years and want to find anyone who knows how to do this process? Please send me an e-mail if you can help me. Thanks.
I’ve always wondered what ever happened to HERMAN ALLEN and his line of INNOVATIONS products.
I had the INNOVATIONS curly perm in the early 90’s. I gave it up because there was only ONE SALON in my area using it, and they had a very difficult time getting the products from the supplier. . . .
Does the INNOVATIONS product line still exist? Where could I find it? Whenever I “google” HERMAN ALLEN, I always come up empty.
You can email me at AiryCanary@aol.com
Did you get a reply… I think I found a place on 9545 Midwest Ave 216-587-9124…I know a place called Tony’s Shoe repair on Lee Rd sold Herman’s Product… My sister use to be his model..
I know I am late..I don’t normally comment on anything but I had to ask about some of you ladies’ five inch hair growth in a month!!Because that is just wow (and kinda ridiculous lol). I normally rubbish cream’s claims but if people have actually said it, that makes it valid for me. However, I also think it was some of your other efforts that actually did this rather than just the treatment. So can any of you ladies tell me exactly which creams of Dr. Miracle’s you used? Please please please!!
FOur inches in a month! That is amazing for somebody with afro texture hair. I would love to know the name of this product.
Your website is just what was looking for. You have no clue how long
I have been pondering the same thing! I am so happy that I am no longer alone.
Marvelous, what a website it is! This website provides valuable data to us, keep it up.