The New York Times published an excellent article about mineral powders this week, that somewhat related to my earlier post. I am primarily a cosmetics cheapskate, and I try to abstain from Sephora, simply because I always blow at least $100 when I go there. But Southpaw’s glowing reviews of Bare Escentuals (left in the comments page) combined with the opinions expressed on Makeup Alley, led me to ask for a sample of their stuff when I attended the Carol’s Daughter event on Thursday. In fact, even Lisa Price (the creator of the ethnic beauty product line) told me that she used their Mineral Veil to prevent shine. That could have made all the difference in MJB’s pics, and mine which I will post later. The sample I got was small, but the effects were noticeable. I wore it out last night, and sat outside drinking mojitos in a still Miami summer night. I definitely perspired a fair amount, but my makeup lasted till morning. Also, I want to note that I have enlarged pores and I think the powder minimizes their appearance. Careful application and a good moisturizer base is key. I will eventually have to make a decision. Should I buy Bare Essentials Mineral Veil ($19, not bad) or Philosophy’s The Supernatural Airbrushed Canvas for $35? I absolutely adore Philosophy, so I’m actually leaning towards spending more. I’m looking for a mineral powder with a sunscreen that will let my skin breathe while making it look matte and blemish free. Any reader feedback would be much appreciated!

aww bella thanks! lol i have to say the mineral veil is the shiznit compared to the philosophy “eqvivalent”. keep in mind i’m a hard core bare essentials fan hehe. all i know is that the veil will last me a whole year ’cause i only need a small amount.
I actually tried bare essentials, and i looked like a walking corpse. I got the darkest shade and everything, but I guess I needed to buy a “good moisturizer base.”
What exactly is a “moisturizer base?” I feel dumb. lol
I’m gonna have to do a post on moisturizer. I should rephrase what I said, because there’s no such product CALLED moisturizer base. I’m referring to a light, hopefully matte lotion with SPF that you wear under your makeup as a base for whatever pore-clogging stuff you’re going to put on your face (like foundation or mineral powder). I alternate between three products these days: Kiehls’ Abyssine Lotion with SPF 15, Neutrogena Visibly Even, and (I will be doing a post on this later this week, trust me!) Ambi Even & Clear moisturizer with SPF 30.
My advice with the bare essentials (or with any mineral powder, bronzer, whatever) is to apply your makeup under natural light. I open my shutters wide and try to get as much light on my face as possible. It gives you a good idea of how you would look when you’re outside. Less is definitely more when it comes to mineral powder, though. The lady at Sephora made sure to tell me to tap out my powder brush before applying (to make sure there isn’t too much powder on the brush), then sweep it onto my face in wide, gentle circles. Like Bob Ross painting his happy little clouds.
I’ve tried the bare essentials and because my skin is so oily, it started turning dark and darker and darker. It got wierd. I went to Ultra and the sales person who worked there said she new that was going to happen because it happened to her. Everything isn’t for everybody.
Hi Sizzle! Thanks for reading and commenting. Yikes, it sounds like mineral powder didn’t work for you. What do you use instead? I want to try several different foundations/powders and do a big compare and contrast review sometime soon. I’m thinking about trying that Cover Girl stuff Queen Latifah’s been shilling for recently. But the liquid stuff makes me look like I applied slowly melting clay to my face. You are damn right – everything isn’t for everybody! I’d love visitors to post suggestions for other products here.
I’ve heard great things about the mineral powders and was thinking of trying them….I’ll post again after I’ve tried them. I generally stick to MAC….I love the colors and their StudioFix powder matches my skin perfectly, but I do get the “sliding off” effect after the day goes on. I would like to find something that stays on all day. My daughter tried the Queen Latifah line and she looked embalmed but maybe the color was wrong. I like Iman makeup products too…when I can find them.
i use the philosophy stuff and i LOVE it. i have tried the bare escentuals products and although i like them, i prefer the philosophy product.
Can anybody please tell me a good product to use to cover scars and stretch marks? I HATE wearing pantyhose but don’t feel confident because of a burn mark on my calf and some stretch marks. I’ve tried self tanners but they don’t come out evenly, and I don’t want to use anything that will rub off on my clothes (or my man!) HELP ME PLEASE!
Kyd, I am leaning towards Philosophy. Just based on the quality of the other products that I’ve tried, I have a feeling that that’s the one.
Hi Nakia! When I was seven, my mom got second degree burns all over her legs. The hair never grew back and she was left with discoloration. I remember she slathered on cocoa butter every day, and I will call Trinidad and ask her what she used as a cover-up just for you! I know she is very fond of Dermablend products for hiding marks. Have you ever tried Sally Hansen Airbrush legs? Click here and check them out. I can’t personally vouch for them not rubbing off on you (in my experience just about all makeup does eventually rub off somewhere), but I have had success with Sally Hansen’s other products. Good luck, and please let me know if they work for you!
Thank you thank you! I JUST found this site and I am soooo glad i did. I’m a magazine junkie but i get tired of looking at makeup and products that aren’t made for me.
After you talk to your mom (and give her a big THX! from me) feel free to email me, otherwise i’ll DEFINATELY be back to check.
Bare Escentuals is GREAT !:) But I’m not brand loyal, I’m still on the lookout for a better mineral makeup brand out there. Why not take your chance with Everyday Minerals? They give out free samples, just pay for the shipping 🙂 🙂 I also have a mineral makeup blog, I hope you’d link me up! 🙂 Ciao bella! 🙂
Bare Escentuals works great for me and the foundation has a sunscreen. I have not had any problems at all with this makeup line and get compliments all of the time on how good my complexion is. Oh and Julia_Claudine_Deveraux I am not sure if it is available where you live but I saw Iman cosmetics at Walgreens and Walmart. It is cheaper at Walmart.
great blog, keep it comming.
I love Philosophy too..and Bare Escentuals…..we have a lot in common!!!
I love bare minerals!! The key to using this make up is moderation ladies. swirl tap and buff. it makes a huge difference in the application process. I have been using it for like 3 years now and i always get compliments on my skin. It looks natural and not too cakey. I love it!